young royals || dnf

By _bappo

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based off the netflix series, young royals #13 for gay lovers More

episode 1
episode 2
chapter 3
episode 4
episode 5
episode 5.5
thank you

episode 6

440 10 22
By _bappo




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Did you mean.. L'manburg Crown Prince scandal

*1 video*
754k 👍  51k 💭 149k ⤴️


How will the monarchy ever survive this?

Finally something exciting happens around here

Poor boys. I pity them.

So clumsy to get caught on film

I know where he lives!!

Class traitor!

Love for the boys!

Sexiest video ever


Tick, tick, tick

He lay staring at the ceiling for minutes, hours, days. Who knew how long.

Tick, tick, tick

The only thing he did other than sleeping was check the ever-increasing numbers on the video.

Tick, tick, tick

100k, 200k, 300k...

It never stopped.

Tick, tic-

With one swift movement, Clay smashed the small clock by his bed with his fist.

He screamed into his pillow. He had to get up, his mother was visiting today.

He watched from his cracked open window as his mother was helped out of a car, with an umbrella over her head in the rough rain. He liked it though. He could hear a faint conversation echo off the ancient architecture as the Headmistress greeted the Queen.

"Your Majesty, there are no words for how sorry I am that something like this could happen at our school. We are going to issue a statement-"

"You're not condemning anything until we tell you so." His mother stated firmly, and walked ahead without her.

Clay still hadn't gotten out of bed, he just couldn't bring himself to. His mother entered the room and crouched down beside him, running a comforting hand through his hair. His eyes were vacant and it took him a moment to acknowledge her presence. He melted into the warm touch, feeling like a small child again.


George did not want to see how many views the video had. He did not want to read any comments. He never wanted to hear about it again.

It was his face that was on full display in the tape. His eyes rolled back and his mouth gasping and his half naked body. All there was on the other was just a tall, blonde, white boy on top of him with his hand down George's pants, his hair covering his face and concealing his identity. Only those at Kinoko knew for sure that it was Clay's room.

George needed some normalcy back in his life, so he opted to go to the grocery store instead of his mom.

He was finishing up, just grabbing a carton of milk, when he felt eyes on him. An old lady with a young child were whispering, looking his way. His quickly grabbed what he needed and sped towards checkout. He couldn't tell if he was being paranoid, but he felt as if the whole store had their eyes on him at one point or another.

When he reached checkout, the magazine rack caught his eye as he was waiting in line.


Scoffing, he grabbed one and placed it face down on the belt, wondering what sort of lies they managed to spin from such little information.

As he walked home, he fished it out of the bag and flipped through, finding the right page.


George quickly slammed it shut, wondering how they had gotten that picture of him that was in the article.


"You realize that this will have consequences?" His mom asked him.

No shit.

He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Mom." He couldn't look her in the eyes.

She sat down next to him on his bed. "It looks like we can't cover this up. We have to address the matter.. But we can still deny that it is you in the video." His head shot up. "You can't really see that it's you." She continued. "So this is what we'll do. We'll come and pick you up on Saturday. We'll let Rosa handle the interview, and we'll give her exclusive rights to the entire statement. We can trust her." She paused. "I don't want you to see George for the time being. It will only set off new rumors. We have to solve this first."

She doesn't really expect him to just abandon George like that, does she? It's bad enough he can't be around him, but he has to just completely isolate him in this chaos?

"No," he thought. "I won't do it. I can't do it. They can't make me."


George entered his house and kicked his shoes off.

"Hey, hun, how'd it go?" His mom asked.

He sighed. "Fine, Mom. I am capable of going to the store on my own." He went to his room and pulled the magazine out again. He looked at Clay's picture on the front cover, missing him.

"George." He quickly shove the magazine under his jacket as his mom walked in. "We should really file a police report."

"Mhm." He grunted.

She sat down next to him and started rubbing his back. "I don't think you should go back to that school. And I think it'd be best if none of you did. I'll call your old school and see if we can change back."

Hannah, who overheard from the hallway, joined the conversation. "But, Mom, I don't want to stop going to Kinoko." They both looked up at her as she walked into her brother's room.

"Think about everything he's done for you." Their mother said sternly, in their native tongue.

"Like meeting Dad behind my back? Are you going to ruin my life just because he's ruining his-"

"Can you stop being so fucking stubborn and try to understand my situation?" George stepped in. "The whole fucking world has seen me in that video!"

Hannah turned and left the room.


"I wonder how they're gonna find an heir." Alyssa said. "I mean, they can't have kids."

"I guess they'll have to find a surrogate mother." Cara pondered.

"They'd need to find a super blue-blooded surrogate. No one would take that offer."

"Well, you definitely would."

"Hey, seriously stop it." Minx cut in over their laughter. They were on the floor in the library, supposed to be studying. "He's just been outed."

"Yeah, but, there's a lot of people who don't even believe it's him in the video." Alyssa said.

"Yeah, it's only us students who know that it's Clayton's room on the video." Cara said.


Schlatt was in the dining hall listening to the boys chatter about the infamous video.

"Remember what we saw during the movie night?" Henry asked. "When they say next to each other?"

"That's right!" Tommy said, remembering.

"Yeah, remember they, like, held hands before Clay bolted."

"Everyone knows it's his room." Zack said.

"Was someone outside his window then?" Tommy asked.

"Well, probably."

"Yeah, but who?"

"I mean, it could be anyone." Luke said. "It's so fucking stupid, leaving your curtains open."

"I wonder if it was that tall guy, Ranboo.."

Schlatt listened to the discussion in silence, composed, but worried about Hannah.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

George groaned at whoever was incessantly ringing the doorbell, making him get up.

"Alright, I'm coming!" He unlocked the door to an unfamiliar face. Some random man on his doorstep who looked excited.

"Hello! George, right? I'm from Today's News and I'm writing an article and would like-"

George's eyes widened. He shut the door. "No, no, no!"

The man appeared at his window. "George, I'm a real reporter."

"No! I don't wanna talk to you!"

"I'm on your side!"

"I'm calling the cops if you don't leave!"

"I'm giving you a chance to give your version of the story!"

He retreated to his room.

"My version? Nothing happened! I fucked a guy and some pervert recorded it and shared it with the world! What do you want from me?" George fumed, internally.


Hannah walked into the library to meet Minx and the others.


"How are you? How's George? He must be totally devastated."

"Yeah, he feels terrible. He's staying home today. My mom wants us to change schools."

"What?" All three girls said.

"She doesn't want us to continue after everything that's happened."

"Well hold on," Mind said. "When?"

"As soon as the term is over." Hannah shrugged.

Minx frowned, but they all got distracted by a firm tone.

"This is the computer." A man said.

"Hey, look." Minx whispered. They all turned their heads. A group of men in suits were examining a computer in the back of the library.

Hannah gasped as she realized. It's the computer.

"It is turned on?" Another man asked.

"Those guys are not from the tech support." Alyssa said.

"They must be here because of the video." Cara said.

"We'll have to take it with us." The first man said, unplugging the computer.

"Have you ever even seen anyone use that one?" Minx asked. "That's so weird, it's way in the back."


Knock, knock, knock.

George was laying on his side, trying to get some rest, but apparently that was too much to ask for. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping they'd go away.

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.

His aggression matched the same as the knocking as he jumped out of bed and stormed over to his window. "Seriously? What the fuck is your problem?" He yelled, pulling his curtain back. He froze when he was met with Niki's and Fundy's faces.

"Woah," Fundy said. "Uh, we tried calling you, bro. You gonna let us in?"

George took in a shaky breath. "Yeah." He said quietly.

He was on his bed with Fundy, and Niki on his gaming chair. "It's just total chaos." He said, after explaining everything to them.

"It's all they talk about at school." Fundy said with a frown.

"Yeah, but they're just hyping it up because someone from Snow Chester is famous." Niki said.

George looked at her. "Famous?" He deadpanned. She shrugged with an apologetic smile.

"Don't worry about, man." Fundy said. "It'll die down, it's just a video."

"Just a video?" George repeated again.

"Famous people make videos like that." He shrugged. "Well, not on purpose. They 'accidentally' leak the video.. like Kim K. She's doing fine now."

"Have you seen it?" Niki raised in eyebrow.

"Which one? You mean his or.."

"Come on, Kim K."

"Yeah, 100%." Fundy scoffed. "Haven't you seen it?"

"I haven't seen it!"

George laughed a little at their antics. Their pep talk kind of sucked, but apparently it was working because he was feeling better.

"George. You must have seen it." Fundy said.

He cover his face with his hands. "..Yes." He groaned.

"You've both seen it?" Niki was astonished.

"I mean, not together, but we've seen it." Fundy laughed.

She rolled her eyes. "Let's get back to George. What did Clay say? Did you talk to him?"

George bit his lip.

"Tell us." Fundy egged on.

"No.. I turned off my phone. I can't take it anymore."

"I get it. So, what are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna have to quit." George said.

"Just like that?"

"Start at our school?" Niki asked.


"Ayy!" Fundy cheered and fist bumped him. "The gang's back together!"

"I would love for you to come back with us, but why should you take the blame for what they have done?" Niki asked. Of course she missed George, but she also knew how much he wanted to do something with his life. She didn't want his dreams to be crushed by someone else who won't even show themselves. "Are you going to let them go on with their bullshit?"

"Exactly." Fundy cued in.

"If you quit-"

"Fuck them, man."

"-you're the one paying for it."

"What she said."

"You can't give up now."

"No, definitely not. Preach!"

George sat silently, thinking over what they said.


Clay walked his mother to her car and said goodbye.

"Well, we'll see you this weekend." She said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He gave a small smile. "Take care, darling." He nodded silently. She got in the car, followed by her entourage of body guards. He watched them drive away.

When he got back to his room, he decided to text George.

Please come to school tmrw. We need to talk

He waited a few minutes before getting a reply.

Idk if I can handle it
Who did it?
It must be someone at school

Clay put his headphones on and wrapped his arms around himself, a poor attempt at comfort.

It's so fucking sick
Please come
We're in this together

A sudden knocking at his door shocked the prince out of his stupor.

He pulled his headphones off and sat up. "Yes?"

The door opened, and Schlatt walked in with a small tray of food.

"I told the housemaster that I'd bring you dinner." His cousin said. He set it down on his desk, straightening out the crooked silverware. "You do know you don't have to hide?" Clay didn't say anything as he stared at the floor. "And if anyone gives you a hard time, you know, just tell me and I'll take care of it."

As he walked towards the door, Clay spoke. "Hey, Schlatt, um.." His cousin let go of the door handle and walked back over. "I'd like to apologize for that thing with the Society.. I shouldn't have told anyone about your money problem." Schlatt put his hands in his pockets, looking surprised. When Clay spoke again, his voice cracked as he held back tears. "I-I know that you're only trying to help me. I know that I let you down."

"It's all good, okay?" Schlatt reassured him, sighing. "Thank you. And thank you for helping me with my tuition fees-"

"I wish that Wilbur was here." Clay burst out. "He'd tell me what to do." He was gently crying now. "I don't know. W-what am I supposed to do? I'm..."

"I think that Wilbur would have wanted you to be yourself." He spoke carefully. "Follow your heart." With that, he turned and left the room.


When he returned to school, everyone tried to act normal. He appreciated the sentiment, but he knew that they all knew.

"Hey." Minx gave him a smile as he walked to his desk.

"Good morning." He quickly walked by. He could hear a couple girls whispering behind him.

"Hey." Tommy said, as he sat down next to him.

"Hi." He kept his eyes on his desk.

"Did you, uh, watch the game last night?"

"No." He answered, dryly.

"Okay." Tommy dropped it, getting the hint.

Heads turned as George entered the classroom.


George had decided to go back to school that morning. He hopped out of the car with Hannah and slowly started walking.

"Come on." She said. "It's just school."

"Thanks, Hannah." He said sarcastically, with a roll of his eyes.

When he got to his first period, he felt people staring at him. He figured this class would be pretty rough, given that Clay was in it too. He wasn't sure if that was a better or worse thing, him being there. On one hand, there would be extra attention as people would watch to see how they'd interact, or if they're ignoring each other. But, on the other hand, at least he'd have someone to go through it with. He wasn't completely alone.

He felt Clay's eyes on him and quickly looked away. He texted him, saying to meet in the locker room after class.


He sat down on a bench against the lockers and Clay slowly made his way over. George avoided eye contact and the other crossed his arms and sighed, taking a seat on the bench across from George.

They both said nothing, but Clay hooked his ankles around George's, connecting them. George leaned forward and held out his hands, Clay immediately taking them. His hands were warm and comforting, unlike George's that were chronically cold.

He squeezed his hands and sighed. "What the hell are we going to do?" His head dropped onto their connected fingers, rubbing his thumbs over the back of Clay's knuckles. He stood up and sat down on the other bench, so he could be next to his lover. Clay took his right hand in both of his, holding him tight, as George rested his head on his shoulder. The prince could feel his soft curls tickling him.

Clay finally spoke. "They have asked me to deny that it was me in the video."


"They want me to make a statement at the castle on Saturday."

George sat up, lifting his head off his shoulders. "But you're not gonna do it, right?"

Clay looked away. "I.. I don't want to say anything."

George bit his lip. "But, Clay, everyone can see that it's me in that video. What am I supposed to do?"

Clay groaned and put his head in his hands, running his fingers through his hair.

George shook his head. "But no matter what, they can't dictate what you say." He pointed out. He paused. "We haven't done anything wrong." He said quietly.


Clay's heart broke just little with that defeated sentence.

"No. We haven't." Now it was him who rested his head on the others shoulder. George wrapped his arm around him, squeezing him tightly. "You're right. We're doing this together."

They sat there a little longer, just holding each other. George softly played with his hair.

He silently made his decision. Clay would not abandon George.


"Hannah, I'm going to kidnap you if you leave this school." Minx said. Hannah just laughed. "I swear to god, if you go to Snow Chester, I'm gonna.."

Minx's voice slowly faded out when Hannah saw Schlatt across the courtyard. He turned his head and they made eye contact. She shivered at the threatening look he held.


He grabbed his jacket out of his closet, getting ready to head out, when there was a knock on his door. He paused, wondering who it could be, then answered it.

Shit. It was Hannah.

"Hi." He tried to act normal.

"May I come in?" She said.

"What do you want?"

"I know that it was you who uploaded the video."

He quickly pulled her inside. "Come in." He looked at her expectantly.

"The police took the computer that you used the night the video was uploaded. The video came from that computer."

"So, you thought that you'd start spreading false rumors without having any proof?" A little gaslighting couldn't hurt.

"Okay, so you won't mind if I tell Clayton? That I saw you using that computer on that day?"

"Go for it." He kept a poker face.

"Okay." She shrugged.

Damn, she was good.

"No, wait!" He stopped her from leaving. She didn't look surprised.

"Why did you do it?"

"I-I don't even know myself. It just happened."

"I thought you and Clayton were friends."

"Yeah.. true." He was stumped there.

"Yeah? So why?" She pressed.

"Because Clayton has everything!" He burst. "And he just spits on it. I've tried to help him several times, but- I mean, Wilbur took his role seriously. Clay? He just doesn't care! He's an embarrassment to the whole damn Royal Family!"

"That doesn't give you the right!" Hannah said. "And what about George? He's completely destroyed!"

He collected himself. "So, what do you want? You're still here so obviously you must want something. So, what do you want?" He walked closer to her. She looked down. "Huh? You can have whatever the hell you want. What's your biggest dream?"

"To be like you." She said quietly. "To live at Kinoko. Have a life here."

He smiled, a devilish grin, really. "You mean that you.. oh? That's not too hard to arrange. I can get you into the Manor House. The housemaster and I are this close." He says, holding up his crossed fingers. "You can even skip the line."

She shook her head. "I can't afford it."

"People like you get grants. That means everything's free." He walked closer to her. "I'll even help you apply. And in return, you won't tell anyone. Okay?" She looked up at him, his height towering over her.

She stood up straight and kissed him. He blinked, shocked. She kissed him again, this time, him kissing back. She stopped and took a step back. He grinned and put a finger under her chin, lifting her head up. He kissed her now, putting one hand in her hair and the other down her body. He lifted her up and sat her on his desk behind her, slowly laying her down on it.


George was with his mom on the couch eating dinner and watching TV.

"Hannah, dinners ready!" His mom called for her, the second time, something seemed to be holding her up.

She came out wearing a black and red dress. "What? Are we eating in here?"


"Why can't we sit at the dinner table?"

"It's more comfortable over here." Her mom smiled.

She sighed and sat down while her mom handed her a plate and a paper napkin. "Can't we buy real napkins?" She said, folding the paper one on her lap.

George rolled his eyes and exchanged a look with his mom. He was growing tired of her entitled attitude she seemed to have gained at Kinoko. "Someone has really been inspired by all the posh girls at the Manor House." He smirked.

"What's so wrong with that?" She said defensively.

"Nothing, you look pretty." Their mom said. "But why are you all dressed up? Is it a special occasion?"

"It's just nice to make an effort and dress up for dinner."

"I better go get my suit." George joked, his mom laughing with him.

"I'm applying for a grant at Kinoko." Hannah stated. "So I can become a real resident there. You'll be rid of me."

"What?" Her mom was confused.

"At least I won't be a burden to anyone." She picked up her plate and started walking to the kitchen. "And at least I won't have to stay in this crappy house."

"What the hell are you saying? Chill out!" George said, fed up. His mom started to get up to follow her, but he put his arm out. "Hold on. I'll handle this." He walked to the kitchen where his sister was sitting at the table. "Have you lost it completely?" He hissed. "She's done everything for us and you just piss on her like that!"



"No, if she had done everything for us, she would have protected us from Dad! And his booze and his drugs!"

George took a step back, baffled. "That's what she tried to do."

"Trying is not enough, George! She should've divorced him as soon as everything started."

"Then we would have been homeless! You really have to give people a chance."

"George! You can't always just give everybody a chance!" She said getting up. "That's your biggest problem! You're just always trying to help everybody! First, you tried to help Dad, then me, and now Clayton. You keep letting people piss on you."

He sat down, speechless. After a moment, he spoke. "At least I don't piss on my family, Hannah." He looked at her. "And I'm not trying to be someone I'm not."

Hannah looked down and shook her head. "Nobody likes me when I'm myself." She said quietly, her voice shaking.

"I like you when you are yourself!"

"Now you're doing it again. You're trying to take care of me."

"I'm trying to be your friend again because I need you!"

Hannah wiped away a tear running down her face. "Whatever. Fine." She sat back down at the table.

He thought for a moment. "So what am I supposed to wear?"

"Stop it." She said, but there was a ghost of a smile on her face.

"I can't be dressed like this if you're dressed like that."

"I just look stupid."

"No, you don't. I'm the one who looks stupid."

She shook her head, still looking at the table. "You're beautiful."

"So are you."


"Stop playing detective. Let's watch a movie instead." Alyssa groaned.

Minx was on her laptop, playing back the leaked video, frame by frame, trying to find some sort of clue as to who did it. There had to be something, she knew it.

"I'm just trying to find something. Anything at all. Whatever might help them catch the one who did it."

"Why?" Alyssa asked, walking out of the bathroom.

"Because, if everything calms down, then Hannah might not have to change schools. And I really want to help Clayton."

Alyssa looked up from the tarot cards spread across her bed. "The police will figure it out."


I'm going home tmrw, will u come say goodbye?

Ofc <3

He smiled and shut off his phone.


He was laying down with his head in George's lap, as his lover played with his hair.

"Do they want you to stop seeing me?"

"Yeah, I'm sure they do." Clay said. He felt George's hand freeze. "But I don't want to." He ran his finger over George's hand.

"Will you tell them that?"

"I will. I want to be with you." He promised. "You're right. They can't force me to make a statement. I'm gonna talk to my mom. She has to understand.." Speaking of his mom, he just remembered she'll be here soon. "Fuck, they'll be here any minute." He jumped up from George's lap and started getting dressed.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel like I'm gonna throw up." He admitted. "I'll call you later."

George stood up and walked over to him. "You'll do just fine." He assured. He put a hand on his shoulder. "You're brave." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. When he pulled away, Clay pulled him in for a tight hug. "Thank you for not letting me go through this alone."

When Clay stepped out of his dorm, his mother was waiting. "Oh, hi, I thought that-"

"I wanted us to have a few minutes alone." She said.

Clay turned his head when George came out of the door behind him.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh, how do you do?" He looked nervous.

The Queen stepped forward and extended her hand. "Pleasure."

George swallowed and shook her hand. "Your, um.. Majesty." He did an awkward attempt at a bow. He turned to Clay. "Um, see ya. Goodbye." He started walking home.

Clay sat in the car with his mom, in silence. She had a look on her face. "What?" He asked. "What if.. why can't I just have a relationship with him? And not say anything." She looked at him with wide eyes. "Just live a normal life."

"You're the Crown Prince." She stated. "And that's a privilege, not a punishment."

"Yes, but I didn't ask for this!"

"Well, nobody has ever asked for this! You are the only one who can take over the throne after Wilbur. Don't you understand that?"

He understood all too well.


Clay sat in his room, bouncing a ball against his wall, thinking about what he would do. Two very different options with two very different outcomes. He could deny it was him, please his family, maintain a perfect image, and get off scott free. But he'd probably lose George. Or, he could confirm that, yes, in fact, it was him in the video and he could still be with George. But his family would never forgive him. He already lost his brother, he can't afford to lose anymore family. He basically had to choose between George and his family.

He thought about what his mother told him in the car.


"You're so young." She said. "When you're young, love feels like the most important thing in the world. When I was your age, I too had an unfortunate romance. That was before I met your father."

He thought about that word. Unfortunate. Nothing about George was unfortunate, only their situation was. George was the best thing that has ever happened to him. He'd never use such a word to describe him. He was perfect.

She sighed. "What I mean is, is it worth it?"

"Yes," he thought to himself. "He is worth everything."

She continued. "If you feel that the attention you've been getting so far is unacceptable, it's nothing compared to what you will endure for the rest of your life." She let that sink in. "We have a chance to cover this up. I urge you to take that chance. You may not get another."


He caught the ball in his hand and held it there. He didn't like it, but he made his choice. For good this time.


George was at home with his family and Fundy. They were in the living room, laughing, playing a card game. For a moment, he almost forgot about all the chaos in his life.

They cheered as Fundy won the game, and his mom called for a rematch. Their laughter and playful banter was cut short.

"Oh shit." Fundy said, looking at his phone.

"What's up?" George asked, dealing their hands.

"The Crown Prince says, 'That's not me in the video.'"

"What?" George shook his head and looked at his friends phone. Clay wouldn't do that, they agreed, they would do this together.

Fundy continued. "Um, 'The Royal Court denies the rumors that the Crown Prince appears in the video that has gone viral this past week. "I started at Kinoko to focus on my studies and have therefore chosen not to get involved in any emotional relationships." Says Crown Prince. "Everyone should be allowed to live as gay or straight or whatever they want." The Prince states. "They also have..."'

He continued, but George wasn't listening anymore. Tears welled up in his eyes. He abandoned him. He actually abandoned him. What was going on? They had an agreement. They were supposed to be.. together.


George, please answer!
I can explain

He ignored the messages and just lay on his bed.

"My love," his mom came in and sat next to him. "Do you need anything? Cookies, juice, soda? Anything at all, sweetie." She rubbed his shoulder.

He gave a small smile. "No, thank you."

"Are you sure?" He nodded. "You're strong, George. Everything's gonna be alright."


Clay packed up his things in his room and prepared to go back to school the following week.

He decided to text George.

Can I come by to see u?

I don't know if I want to see you.

I'm almost there
I need to talk to you

He pulled into George's driveway, with Jackson following a few feet behind him. George stepped out of his house, putting a jacket on.

"Hi." Clay said. George didn't answer. "Um, could we.." He motioned to walk further away from his bodyguard so they could talk privately. George stood a good three feet away from him, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry. B-but it was, like, the only way.." He didn't really know what to say, whatever words he had planned beforehand had left his mind. "But.. this doesn't have to change anything between us. We are still us. I-it's just that we can't be seen together.." Now that he thinks about it, it didn't sound as good as he thought, but he was grasping at straws.

George sighed. "If I'm someone that you have to hide-"

"Don't you realize the shitstorm that follows if I come out? How can you ask me to do that?" He didn't notice, but he had started to raise his voice.

George scoffed. "I'm not asking you to do that. You just expect everything to be on your terms. You.. you need to figure out what you want." The hurt on George's face broke Clay's heart. He sounded like he needed to cry. "And you can take all the time you need. And I respect that..." He took a deep breath. "But you have to do it by yourself."

Clay felt tears pricking at his eyes and he blinked them away.

"I don't want to be anyone's secret." George said.

Tears were now falling down the prince's face, but he didn't bother trying to hide them.

He stood, helpless, as George walked back into his house, out of his reach once again.


"Do you have any plans for the Christmas holidays?" Alyssa asked. "Wanna visit me in Las Nevadas?"

Minx didn't answer.


She was still on her laptop, looking for clues.


She froze. Slowly, she zoomed in.

"Oh my god." She said. "I know who did it."


She quickly left her room and headed straight for the prince's.

"Excuse me, where's Clayton's room?" She asked a boy walking by.

"Uh, number 15."

"Thanks." She rushed down the hall.

Tentatively, she knocked on the door. Getting no answer, she knocked again.

"Who is it?"

God, he sounds rough. "It's Minx, can we talk?"

She heard him sigh. "Now is really not a good time."

"Please. It's really important." She insisted. She heard footsteps coming towards the door. It opened, showing a disheveled looking prince. His eyes looked tired and sad, and his hair was in desperate need of a brush, but now was not the time.

"Hi." She said.

"What is it?" He sighed.

She shut the door behind her. "I know who did it."

"Huh?" Something clearly wasn't registering in his mind.

Ugh, boys.

"I know who made the video."

His eyes widened and she pulled out her phone. She showed a screenshot of what appeared to just be George with someone on top of him, but then she zoomed in.

"Do you see them? The dead pixels." Sure enough, right on George's shoulder, there were a few scattered pixels that were blacked out. "And.." She opened a new tab on her phone. "These are from Schlatt's Instagram." She zoomed in on a picture of him at the gym. In the same spot, there were several dead pixels. "See, same here. He dropped his phone, and must have damaged the camera." She showed another picture. "Here too. Well, it's the same in every single picture."


He was in his bed, trying to sleep away his troubles, when there was an urgent knock on his door. He tried ignoring it, but it was persistent.

"Who is it?" He groaned.

"It's Minx. Can we talk?"

"Seriously? Right now? What could she possibly want?" He sighed. "Now is really not a good time." He crossed his fingers hoping she'd leave.

"Please. It's really important."

He rolled his eyes. "Oh my god, does she not realize I'm sort of in a crisis right now? I do not need visitors."

He dragged his feet to the door, hoping he wasn't too rough to look at.

"Hi." She said.

"What is it?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

He stepped back as she waltzed right in, shutting the door behind her. "I know who did it."

Well that's ominous, she's going to have to be more specific than that. He didn't have the brain power to decipher what she was getting at so just went, "Huh?"

He saw her roll her eyes a bit as she pulled out her phone. She showed him a screenshot of George in the video, with him on top of him. His head was angled back and his mouth was open, honestly it was kind of hot- not the time. Why was she showing him the video? He gets it, everyone has seen it- is she really zooming in right now??

"Do you see them? The dead pixels." She said.

He leaned in. Sure enough, right on George's shoulder, there were a few scattered pixels that were blacked out.

"And.." She opened a new tab on her phone. "These are from Schlatt's Instagram." She zoomed in on a picture of him at the gym. In the same spot, there were several dead pixels. "See, same here. He dropped his phone, and must have damaged the camera." She scrolled through his page. "Here too. Well, it's the same in every single picture."

He froze. Schlatt. Schlatt. That son of a bitch.

After quickly getting Minx out of his room, he paced around. His fucking cousin did this to him.

He sat down and pulled out his phone, examining every one of his Instagram photos. He couldn't believe it. He need to see him. Now.


Clay went where his cousin always was. The gym. He stormed in, glad to see it was empty otherwise.

Schlatt saw him and slowed his workout to a stop. The idiot pulled out his AirPods and had the audacity to ask, "Sup?"

Clay's breath was ragged and he was practically shaking with rage. "I trusted you." He almost whispered.

"W-what're you talking about?" Schlatt asked with a nervous smile, knowing damn well what he was talking about. He must've thought playing innocent was worth a shot.

"I trusted you." He said a bit louder. "Why?" He yelled, the unanswered question echoing off the gym walls.

He didn't try to hide it anymore, looking down at his hands, Schlatt stood up. Clay looked at him expectantly. After a long silence, he spoke. "I'm sorry."

The prince almost laughed at the audacious confession. "You're sorry?" He spit.

Schlatt got nervous. "What do you want me to say? I'm sorry!" He threw his hands in the air.


"Please, calm down-"

"IF I HAD A PROBLEM, YOU WERE THE ONE! YOU SAID THAT I WAS 'AMONG MY PEERS'!" Clay let the words tear out of him as silent tears of betrayal streamed down his face. Schlatt looked at the ground. "YOU WERE THE ONE I WAS SUPPOSED TO TRUST!" He watched as the other said nothing. He stepped back, in disgust. "You're no longer a part of my family." He stated. Finally, Schlatt met his eyes, and he was almost glad to see the hurt that coated them. He couldn't bear to look at him anymore and walked away.

He stormed out of the gym into the cool night air and pulled out his phone. With shaky hands, he managed to dial his mother. Listening to the line ring, he anxiously ran his hands through his hair.

"Hi, darling."

"Mom, it was Schlatt."

There was a silence. What was taking her so damn long to-

"I know that."

"W-what do you mean you know?" His voice shook. "How long have you known?"

"A couple of days."

"Have you-"


"Have you known all this time? You knew! Why didn't you tell me?" A second wave of betrayal hit him like a bus. How much could one person take?

"Because I knew how you would react. We gain nothing by going public. Now we have said it's not you in the video and we're sticking to that."

"He should be punished! He god damn ruined my fucking life! How the hell can you protect him?!"

"I'm protecting you. And I'm protecting our family, and I'm protecting the Royal Family, and our legacy! That's the only thing that can give Wilbur's death any kind of mean-"

He hung up on her and clicked his phone shut. He truly was alone now.


The school had an assembly for the choir to sing before Christmas break. He tried so hard not to look at George, but when he began his solo, it was impossible. It was his voice that first drew him in, after all. If only he had known. It was like a siren's song. But if he had known, would he really not have gone through with it anyways? Was even just a small bit of this worth it?

Shit, he's looking at me.

Clay quickly looked down when his gaze fell upon him. He stared at the ground for the rest of the assembly.

When it was over, the students filed out of the church, into the courtyard. As he passed Schlatt, he tried not to kill him with his eyes. George was talking with a group of people and Clay walked by, hoping George would get the message.

He did, and broke off from the group to talk to him.

"Hi." The prince said. "That was beautiful." His heart stuttered when a small smile appeared on George's face.

"Thanks." He said softly.

Clay stepped forward and pulled him into a tight hug, which was hesitantly returned. He buried his face into where his neck and shoulder met. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I'm so, so sorry." George's hands gently rubbed his back.

"I love you." The prince confessed, quietly.

He stepped back from the hug, and looked at him.

George's face was unreadable. He looked at the ground, then at the sky, then at the people around them, anywhere, until they finally landed on him. He shook his head.

"Have a nice break, Clayton."

His heart shattered. He felt as if a knife plunged and twisted into it. His world was collapsing around him. "Thank you, George." He barely choked out. The boy turned on his heels and left as if nothing had happened. As if he hadn't just ruined him beyond repair.

He could only watch as his universe walked away.

And just as quickly as he came, he was gone.

To be continued...

6982 words


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