The Tigers of Chi-Ha-Tan ReRi...

By Nazzum11

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Miho and her Tigress Corps push forward in their dream to do the impossible, yet before even a cannon is fire... More

For We Follow The Nishizumi Style
Our Time is Now, Yours is Ending
Roar your names to the sky
First Round Report
The Little Wolf Pups First Steps
Our Bond is More Than About Sensha-do
For you are a Nishizumi Part 2
The Howls Of The Coming Night
To A Team Of Oddballs
The Fated Two
The Calm Before The Storm
All Quiet On The Front
Chi-Ha-Tan Vs Oaria Alliance Part 1
Chi-Ha-Tan Vs Oaria Alliance Part 2
Chi-Ha-Tan Vs Oaria Alliance Part 3
Chi-Ha-Tan Vs Oaria Alliance Part 4
Chi-Ha-Tan Vs Oaria Alliance Part 5
Chi-Ha-Tan Vs Ooaria Alliance Part 6
Chi-Ha-Tan Vs Ooaria Alliance Part 7
An Ode To Us

The Pack Is Stronger Together

169 3 0
By Nazzum11

Author Thought: 

Keeping this short, want to thank all the readers on Wattpad for joining in on this series I've crafted, with even some who've been rereading this huge story that I never thought would become something that even I didn't expect but have enjoyed the ride as much as you. 

So let's get to reading, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support! 


Another beautiful day on the California coast was setting, the golden reddish sun now touching the sea. The waves were soft and inviting, the air still warm, and the scenery breathtaking for the few people still wanting not to go home and to just enjoy this gorgeous sundown.

Out on the ocean some ways from the sandy shore, 3 young girls wearing their variety of swimsuits were such people enjoying the last rays of light out on this calming sea and resting on their surfboards, after surfing much of the afternoon away with delight, yet now all three of them were at the end of their ropes and ready for home at their academy, though their 4th friend seem energize enough to go till night and probably much longer after that.

A sigh escape one of the girls watching her friend surf like there was no tomorrow, she was of African-American descent with her long black wavy hair still wet, which went well with her large and captivating brown eyes and light brown skin, Her name was Jasmine Fitzgerald just pushing 16 years of age, with a very athletic build that had been a product of her long years of track running at a national level, but had given that dream up for tankery now.

"She really has too much energy," Jasmine said, with a weary smile

"Can you blame her Jasmine? We been training like crazy for all these months since our academy started up and finally get some time to ourselves," Another of the trio of girls spoke up, she was of Caucasian descent, quite tall for her age with long flowing blonde hair that went well with her blue eyes with pale skin, her body was very thin and tone, a testament to her hard work in the fitness regime their academy require of their members, her name was Ellie Cunningham also 16.

"I know Ellie, but she's been antsy lately. Like something been pushing her to drive past her limits, what do you think Morena?" Jasmine ask the last member in their group.

Morena Garcia also 16, the last girl in question was of Latin descent, with short brown hair that just reach her shoulders, while it shine with the setting sun along with her rich tan skin, with light greyish brown eyes. She was the shortest of the bunch having a very curvy build. "I think it's the Japan High School Sensha-do tournament that's been going on, is what's got her so antsy."

"You think?" Ellie ask.

Morena nodded, as she continue to watch her friend surf into a wave tunnel. "She's itching like the rest of us to get in on the action. Miss Nishizumi has been training us like crazy, but I'm tired as the rest of the girls of just shooting at each other."

That Nishizumi was Konomi Nishizumi, their overall instructor for Wolverton Girls Academy, an experimental academy that was practicing the art of Sensha-do, that had form in secret thanks to the efforts of Konomi, along with Director Johnson Fitzgerald, Jasmine's father and decorated veteran tank commander of the Gulf War. These two figures had fought for years to get the US Government to approve of this academy, and after much legal hoop-jumping, now it was up and running, though they needed some way to prove it was worth all the money being funded into them, hopefully, that chance came soon.

"You're just saying that because I been beating you in our tank duels," Ellie said with a teasing smirk.

"You have not! niña rica malcriada," Morena said.

Jasmine laugh at her friends. "Stop teasing her Ellie, you know she reverts to Spanish when you make her angry."

Reaching over, Ellie decided to not take her friends request and push Morena off her board and into the cold water, which cause more spanish cursing to come her way as the poor latin girl flail in the sea for a moment, then sank into the water leaving only bubbles rising to the surface.

Panic grip Ellie. "Morena!"

The tall girl now paddle her board over to the spot and was about to jump into the water to save what she thought was her drowning friend, till suddenly her board flip over sending her now flailing into the ocean water. Coming up from playing possum to trick her friend was Morena, who wasn't done as she put a hold on Ellie to tickle her for payback.

Jasmine just shook her head at her friend's antics. The two were always competitive, though they had gained a close friendship with one another overtime at the academy, Ellie being a girl from a well off family whose father knew Johnson Fitzgerald as they both serve in the Gulf War and approve of Ellie's request to join the first-ever Sensha-do team for America, though Ellie's mom had reservations about the hazards of her only daughter being put into such a dangerous sport, however, Ellie convince her she would take care of herself while taking on this challenge that few girls her age would want to take, which left her mom unable to fight her daughter's determined look.

While Morena being from an immigrant family that had scraped a decent life for themselves in the golden state. Morena had been recruited from her high school by Konomi who had been visiting local California schools to find worthy candidates, which Morena instantly signed up for, as something appeal to her about being in command of a tank and the fact it was a girls-only sport, though Morena thought that couldn't last long. Yet she was one of few girls to step forward, as fighting in tanks didn't quite appeal with many other young girls that was also to be the case at other schools Konami visited, leading to a lack of members for Wolverton Academy so far.

Yet these two could care less about where they came from in society as there was one thing in this world that brought them closer, and that was their love for tanks they had gain and the love for Wolverton Academy they now called home.

" made your point," Ellie said between giggles while staying afloat.

"Bueno, Eres demasiado juguetona a veces," Morena said hotly.

"Lo que," Ellie said back, as she climb back onto her board, her spanish was decent, thanks to learning from Morena.

Once she was settled on her surfboard, Ellie then reach down to help her pouting friend, but pull her up to her own board and wrap her arms around Morena to hold her tightly.

"Hey! I got my own board!" Morena argue as Ellie held on to her from behind.

"Yea, but I'm cold here, so keep me warm while we wait for her to finish," Ellie said, as she watch her friend continue to surf the waves, grateful for her smaller friend's warmth with the waning light of the day.

"Well nothing to do about that now," Jasmine said, then turn to look at Ellie. "How are you coming along with your M36B2? That thing is a real monster to handle, I don't envy you."

"She is running like a beauty model down a runway, precise and powerful," Ellie spoke with confidence, still holding onto Morena.

"That sounds so stupid," Morena said in a bored tone.

"Oh?" Ellie said with a smirk, then place her friend in a playful chokehold. "I'm sorry I didn't hear that. Care to repeat for the class?"

Morena began to tap her friend's arm in surrender. "I give...I give... ¡Lo siento!... ¡Lo siento!"

"Bueno," Ellie said, then let her go, yet held Morena close again to her body, then turn back to Jasmine. "The 90mm gun on it gives me chills every time we fire, a real tank destroyer. The added armor vision blocks to the slight openings in the turret cover is a little difficult to handle since it stunts our vision, I can see why they left it an open-top tank with the M36 original design, luckily the added periscopes to the top of the hatch gives me 360 vision without having to stand tall all the time."

"That was pretty expensive for our academy to get that fix on there and to get that model, but they have to keep your crew's safety in mind while also making sure it will pass the Sensha-do's regulations for close hatch tanks. Guess you're lucky since it's the only one we have for now anyway," Jasmine added in.

"Yea no kidding, but I plan to make our academy proud, show them making me its commander was the right decision. How's that classic M4 Sherman treating you?" Ellie said.

"Things a real beauty, I can see why my grandfather always love telling me stories about the one he fought in during WW2, even with the 75mm gun on it. I tell you, maintenance on it is so easy, while my crew has already picked up the ins and outs of it in the first weeks of training, I already feel confident we can make an impact when we finally go into action. How's your tank doing Morena?" Jasmine ask.

"My M18 Hellcat, or better known as The Honey Badger, don't forget that, is performing perfecto. The turret roof modifications are still pretty spacey, speed is no joke I tell you, and got the 76mm gun making it a real tank killer. Though I'm spending most of my time watching these ones back," Morena said, gesturing to Ellie.

"Well know I feel safer with you at my back, because I know you'll stand up to any threat trying to flank me no matter the size, just like a honey badger, completely fearless," Ellie said affectionately.

Jasmine smiled at the two, then turn back just in time to see a certain someone paddling back to them. "Well, it's about time."

Paddling up close to the girls was the last member of this group of close friends. She was of Japanese and American descent. With long dark brown-yellowish hair that reach down past her shoulders, a product of both her mom and dad's genes, while she kept her father's greyish eyes. She was only pushing 15, the youngest of the group and the most energetic of the bunch, yet also the skinniest of the group, but time in the fitness regime of the academy would fix that in no time.

"Hey, you guys! We're not done, let's keep going!" She yell excitedly at her friends.

The trio smiled at her as this was just like her, Jasmine spoke up first. "Fukushu, we been at this for like 3 hours and the sun's setting. Let's call it a day."

"Wah, we finally get an afternoon off from all that training and you want to go home now?" Fukushu whine.

"You only got this much energy because you got knocked out first in the mock battle yesterday," Ellie tease, yet that was the truth.

"Eh! That's because you all ganged up on me!" the girl yelp, causing the other three to chuckle.

"Hey chica, you challenge us to a fight thinking you could win, plus you had to go and piss off our instructor too," Morena said, leaning back against Ellie now.

Fukushu scoff at the thought of her tough instructor. "well if Linda wasn't such a bi-."

"No cussing," Jasmine cut in, acting like the big sister not wanting her younger one to pick up bad habits.

"Well, she is, all she does is yell from sun up to sundown," Fukushu said at first, then turn to Jasmine with apologetic eyes, "sorry."

Jasmine rub her head in frustration. "Just don't cuss alright. You're a lady so act like one, please. Yet you're not wrong, that Linda girl is a real terror sometimes."

"Heard she came from Saunders after she graduated. Was their commander at the time, but fail to produce results for their club in last year's Sensha-do tournament," Ellie said, equally annoyed by their drill instructor.

"Well, Miss Nishizumi thinks it's the right call for Linda to train us. I admit she is rough, but sometimes you need that to put together a rookie team like this," Morena said with a shrug.

"I'm all for yelling, but she seem pretty peeve today. I think it cause her old school lost in the first round," Jasmine said.

"Yea, they lost to her," Fukushu said, her hands gripping her board so tight they went white.

That her, was Miho Nishizumi, of the famous tankery family Nishizumi that was the pinnacle of Sensha-do for its long years of successful ladies that fought with its style. They were the queens of the sport, with everyone speaking their name with fear and respect in Japan.

The match of Chi-Ha-Tan Vs Saunders 1st day of battle had started late in the day which by California time was already late into the night and their academy had a strict time for lights out by 10 pm which would have been 3 pm in Japan. Luckily the 2nd day of the match took place at 7 am which was 2 pm for them.

With the afternoon off and before going out to surf, the 4 watch the match on the Sensha-do Battle network that was broadcasting all matches live for the first time ever, while in past years only the Final match was ever broadcast. The network was also generous enough to broadcast matches to all countries that wanted to watch, in line with the idea to spread Sensha-do to the world since there was to be a world cup in a few years, though unfortunately, it was only in Japanese, so only Fukushu understood what they were saying.

Throughout the match Fukushu's eyes never left Chi-Ha-Tan's leader Miho, fighting in a Tiger 1 with deadly efficiency and precision, which made Fukushu's blood boil wanting desperately to fight her. Though she had to acknowledge Miho's evident skill while commanding the Tiger 1, even making some insane sniper shot through a barn to take Saunders Firefly out of the match that made Jasmine, Ellie, and Morena cheer like crazy.

Though her friends understood that Konomi and Fukushu share the last name of the famous Nishizumi, they both lie that they were nothing but distant relatives of theirs, and they hadn't ever met them in person, though Konomi had a dark history with the family, while Fukushu had only met Konami who was once part of the Nishizumi family.

While her friends were all glued to the screen with amazement for the youngest Nishizum, while all Fukushu felt for her and her family was unbridle anger because they had....

"It was really a close match, can't believe those Japanese tanks really put up a scrap," Jasmine said, dragging her friend's angry thoughts from her head.

"Yea, we have to make sure to rewatch it, since Saunders uses American tanks like us, could get some useful data for our team," Ellie said excitedly.

"Oh, since were on subjects of tanks. Even though you got a beat down yesterday, how you liking your M4A3E8?" Jasmine ask.

Fukushu grimace a bit. "It's great, however, I'm still having trouble mastering it."

That was the truth so far for young Fukushu, as she inherited the schools only M4A3E8, or better known by its nickname of "Easy 8," after she show great initial promise in the testing for the academy. She was made a tank commander and assign the Easy 8, but so far she hadn't live up to the promise, struggling to lead her tank in practice drills and mock combat. Because of this underwhelming performance, Linda was now her constant shadow to sort out the issue, which only made Fukushu sweat more as the pressure to live up to her promise was becoming harder and harder.

"no te preocupes por las cosas pequeñas. You got potential hermanita, just need to shove it in Linda's face," Morena said with a smirk.

"Yea, don't worry if you can't handle everything, remember you aren't alone out there on the hunt. You got a wolf pack behind you," Ellie said, raising her fist in the air, but unfortunately the sudden thrust made her and Morena shake on the board.

"You dumm-," Morena tried to say, before both girls were flip over into the water again, which cause her to again go after Ellie while playfully trying to drown her this time.

Jasmine just shook her head, then turn to Fukushu. "Take heart you will get better. If you were just great off the bat, you might never grow. Isn't like any of us came into this being great, take a look at me. I had a grandfather who serve in the 761st tank battalion in WW2, my father was a decorated tank officer in the Gulf War and is now our academies director, so everyone just assumes I will be great, but I got a long way to go to live up to their examples even if this is just a sport."

It is almost like they were a reflection of themselves, though Jasmine's family actually fought in wars, while Fukushu's just honor a tradition of great tankery in Sensha-do. Yet Fukushu couldn't really say she was part of that family even though she share the last name, she was just a bastard child. They most likely never even look at her in the same light as family, they most likely never wanted anything to do with her just like Konomi said, while they were the ones who humila...

"Ok, for real, let's paddle back to shore. If we're not back at the academy before 6, Linda is going be having us scrub tanks out till dusk tomorrow," Jasmine said, again dragging Fukushu from her thoughts.

As Ellie got back on her board. "Hey, you think the Kuromorimine vs Bellwall match still going on?"

Jasmine scoff at the prestigious school name. "Probably, but I don't think I ever want to watch that Kuromorimine school that dominates just because they have better tanks than everyone else."

"Wow ella está meada, but I get it. That school is way overpowered, only that Russian base school Pravda can match them tank for tank," Morena said, as she got back on her board as well.

"Their also led by that Maho Nishizumi," Fukushu said, equally angry at the eldest daughter of the family.

"Is there some reason you don't like them? Every time we bring them up you get this scowl on your face," Ellie question.

"Yea, I thought you said you were distant relatives you never met like Miss Konomi," Morena said equally puzzle.

Fukushu remember Konomi didn't want to reveal their family ties, at least not yet to their other members. "No, no, I just hate that they get to compete in the sport, while I'm here just watching from a distance while they cover themselves in glory."

"Really?" Ellie said, not convince.

Yet before any more inquires could be made, Jasmine cut in. "Alright enough hounding the poor girl, leave her alone, and let's get back to the shore."

Fukushu nodded in thanks to Jasmine's save, though the older girl was just as equally curious about her friend and their head instructor's ties to the famous tankery family, that didn't seem to be just simple distant relatives.

Maybe dad knows something about this

Jasmine let the thought run through her mind, resolve to figure this out in due time, but for now, they had to get back to their academy.

Together the 4 girls paddle back to shore, ready for home and a warm meal before bed. For tomorrow was going to be another a day fill with studies and then tank drills, though the latter half was what all the girls wanted to do, as there was no better place to be in their minds than driving a tank with their crews, firing shells, and relishing in the fact that they were going to be the first American Sensha-do team.

As they reach the shore and began to walk to the showers, Morena eye an older women wearing a business suit waiting to meet them some way from the shoreline. "Is that who I think it is?"

Fukushu didn't need to take a closer look to know who it was, as she drop her surfboard in the sand and ran to the women. The woman in question was just pulling her shades off her large brown eyes, coupled with her long black hair tie into a long ponytail. She was of Japanese descent and a real beauty too, with some men walking by who ogled at her shamelessly.

"Hey the-," the older woman didn't get a chance to reply as she was playfully tackle by Fukushu and the two went down in a tangle of flesh.

"Konomi!" Fukushu said, now straddling the older woman with a bright grin.

"Ugh, Fuku don't you know I'm a maturing lady. I might throw a hip if you keep tackling me like that and you got me wet as well," Konomi said, using the pet name for the young girl she love dearly.

"Pfft, you got the strength of ten men on ya and you can join us in the water if you like, I'm raring to go back out," Fukushu said happily.

Leaning up a bit on her elbows now staring up at the energetic girl with a smile, Konomi spoke. "You know that makes me sounds pretty scary when you say it like that and I'm not going in my underwear alright, now let me up."

Fukushu obey the command as she got off, just as her three other friends walk up, Konomi took the sight of them in as she brush some sand off her clothes. Jasmine, Ellie, and Morena were the top of the class so far for Wolverton Girls Academy, which was why Ellie and Morena were given the two rare tanks, while the rest of the academy were stuck with the surplus of M4 Sherman's provided by their secret financial backer, Chiyo Shimada, a rival of Shiho Nishizumi of Japan, who was one of the main reason Wolverton Girls Academy was able to finally get to the experimental phase and put Konomi on the path to gain back her lost honor to her famous cousin.

If my plans for revenge are to be accomplish, I can't waste the opportunity provided to me by Chiyo Shimada, I need them to perform. Hopefully Linda can get what I need out of them while I'm gone for a bit.

The thought passed Konomi's head, then spoke to the girls. "Hope Fuku hasn't been causing you too much trouble."

"Hey!" Fukushu whine next to her.

"Not trouble per se, Miss Nishizumi, though I fear I got gray hairs coming in from all the stress she provides me," Jasmine said with a teasing grin.

"Wah!" Fukushu whine some more.

"I think she is giving me wrinkles," Ellie added, matching Jasmine's expression.

"Stop you guys!" Fukushu whine even more.

"Yet, she does give me some easy tank kills to up my score on the leaderboard," Morena boasted.

"You all are the worse!" Fukushu said dejectedly.

"Ah, don't be a poor sport. Remember you're the youngest here, so being prey for your big tankery sisters is part of the job, now come here and I will make you feel better," Morena said, as she ran over to bear hug Fukushu, while rubbing her face against hers that cause more whining.

Konomi just shook her head with amusement, then turn back to Jasmine and Ellie, "How are you girls doing?"

"Fine ma'am, though been itching to get some real action soon," Ellie said, her eyes lit up with determination.

"I have to concur with her, Linda is pushing everyone to their limits and we need to take it out on someone other than ourselves," Jasmine said, equally boiling for a fight.

Good, good, just as I wanted

Konomi smile in thought then spoke. "I'm glad you feel that way. So how about I give you a chance to beat on the very girl who's been pushing you so hard."

A gasp escape Fukushu's mouth, while still being held by Morena. "You mean we get to give that bi-."

"No cussing!" Both Konomi and Jasmine said together, like a mother and an older sister.

"Eh!" Fukushu said, fearful of these two's wrath.

After shaking her head, Konomi spoke. "Yes, it will be a practice match with Jasmine as a platoon leader, using live regulation Sensha-do ammunition and white kill flags if you're taken out, so be mindful that your tanks will get wreck if you're not careful. You'll take her on and three other instructors, so you can fight an even 4 vs 4."

"Oh cool! We're so going to make her eat our shells," Fukushu said, now bear hugging Morena who whine at her younger friend now rubbing her face against hers.

"She won't even hear my 90mm gun till it hits her," Ellie said excitedly.

"She won't ever question my leadership skills again," Jasmine said with resolve.

"And she will find out why The Honey Badger is the baddest tank in the world when I'm commanding it," Morena said with a grin.

Konomi smile at their enthusiasm. "Alright, you girls go get wash up. Oh, but Fukushu stay a moment, we need to talk."

"Ma'am!" The girls said in unison, line up neatly while snapping off smart salutes, which look comical to onlookers to see these girls in bikinis acting like they were on a parade ground, yet these onlookers didn't know these were future Sensha-do members.

Konomi sigh, while rubbing her head. "You don't need to be saluting me."

"Sorry Miss Nishizumi, but no can do. I was just some pamper girl in my family, but here I learn the values of self-work and being part of a team that comes from all walks of life, that I would never experience if you never help me back up after those rough first days at Wolverton," Ellie said with a affectionate smile.

"You're the one who work tirelessly for years with my father to open this academy, we want to honor the women who gave us a chance to challenge the Sensha-do world," Jasmine said.

"My mama sleeps well at night knowing her su hija is getting a good education, that way I can get a good job and help my family out. While also getting to explore my new love for tanks," Morena said too.

"You're the one who gave me a chance to fulfill my dream of participating in Sensha-do," Fukushu said.

I may have dreams to avenge my own humiliation, yet I got bigger dreams to see these girls rise high as well as the academy I work so hard to form

The pleasant thought ran through Konomi's head, then spoke. "Thank you all for your words. You girls have the tankery spirit that will need to burn bright across the Sensha-do world one day and I will do my best to get you there with all my strength. The pack is stronger together."

"The pack is stronger together!" The girls cry out, their team's motto.

Soon Jasmine, Ellie, and Morena left to the showers, while Fukushu stay with Konomi, though the younger Nishizumi was nervous as she felt she might get a lecture from her mentor and now adoptive mom.

"I see you're still having some trouble with your tank, care to explain?" Konomi ask in a gentle tone.

Fukushu couldn't stop staring at the ground, feeling embarrassed she was letting her mentor down. "I will sort it out, I promise."

A sigh escape Konomi's lips. "Look, I'm not like that Nishizumi family in Japan that berates and scolds their daughters over simple mistakes. I've seen what it does too many daughters that once held the name Nishizumi main or branch family."

"They hurt you, they humiliated you, and I'll never forgive them," Fukushu said, her hands again clinch so tight they turn white.

"That was a long time ago, though it did scar me," Konomi said, turning to stare at the setting sun kissing the sea, which was further receding the rays of light.

"That's why they need to pay," Fukushu said looking up at her mentor.

A smile came across Konomi's mouth. "Yes, they must pay, for the wrongs they did too many like me. Yet because of the pain, I was left with, I became stronger."

"You were always strong mo-," Fukushu said.

"Fukushu, how many times do I have to say it? Don't call me your mother. We may share the last name, but I didn't bring you into this world," Konomi scolded, though she hated to always remind the young girl about that as much as she loved her, but didn't feel it was right to let their relationship reach that point.

"I don't care! You were the only one to hold their hand to me when I wanted to do Sensha-do, unlike my father! While my real mother never wanted me in her life, so your the one who has the right to be my parent!" Fukushu said, her anger and sadness coming to full display, causing some passersby to look at them.

Konomi could care less for other's reactions, as she smile at Fukushu. "Alright, fine I can't stop you. But getting back on point, I was not strong in Sensha-do, at least I didn't start off that way. I work my way to where I believe my skills were adamant."

Fukushu said nothing, as she now watch her mentors face as she continue to speak.

"More than anything I love the sport, even with all the work, my families demanding nature as well, all I care about was having fun. Then one day, that was all taken from me. I was humiliated and then I was out casted from my family for my shame."

Hi, my name is Konomi, I've always looked up to you cousin, I hope we become closer, win or lose this match

Those were the words of a naive girl that Konomi had been at the time and for that naiveté, she suffer greatly, almost to the point of wanting to end her own life, as her family cast her aside for the humiliation that she brought on them for such a poor showing in the Panzer Kettō, while her cousin seem to care little for Konomi's wellbeing afterward.

Fukushu felt her face contort like she wanted to show off her nonexistent fangs, speaking the name of the woman who she had learned last year had done such things to Konomi. "Shiho Nishizumi."

"Yes, she was the one to take my love for tankery away for a long time. Yet I found that love for tankery once more and working alongside Mister Fitzgerald to make America give us a shot to show them the strength of Sensha-do, yet something even better came out of all of this," Konomi said with a smile.

"What?" Fukushu said in wonderment.

"I found you," the older women said, while looking down at her most precious treasure in the world.

Tears came to Fukushu's eyes. ""

Feeling her heart unable to fight back, she leans down to take Fukushu into a hug. "Fine, I can't fight no more with you...daughter."

That final word was to make Fukushu begin to bawl her eyes out. She had only know Konomi since last year when she ran away from home, away from him and his stifling nature.

At the time, she was hoping to find someway get to Japan and hope the famous Sensha-do family whose name she share and knew she had some kind of family ties to, would welcome her with open arms, a naive thought for sure. She didn't get far, as she was rob at a bus station and almost taken advantage of, if not for the timely arrival of Konomi, who beat the thugs down.

Afterwards Konomi had told her she had been looking for her, as she was also a Nishizumi. However when Fukushu told her she was trying to get to Japan to meet their famous family, Konomi told her about the dark past and darker deeds of the family, which had led Konami to her exile. It was then Fukushu made a solemn promise to avenge Konomi, while the older women took Fukushu in and brought her to the academy being set up in California.

Even with this horrifying revelation of her once well-thought-of family to the young girl, Konomi had still indulged in Fukushu's love and want to be in tankery.

Fukushu still remember meeting a girl name Fumiya Koizumi, or by her tankery name Vancouver from Maple High School last year, as well as their commander of their Sensha-do team when they came to America to make port in San Diego, before continuing their journey to Canada that was their main stop.

It had been a chance meeting, were Fukushu had seen her and her team at a local diner while Konomi and she were out shopping. Fukushu had snuck away from Konami to meet with this blonde hair commander. Vancouver was openly friendly with Fukushu along with the rest of the team, who decided to take this energetic girl, which was rare for an American girl to have shown interest in tankery, to their school carrier to show off their tanks, which gave Fukushu no end of delight to be so near them.

As they left the carrier, Konomi found them and then proceeded to scold Fukushu for running off, with Vancouver trying her best to take some blame for taking her onboard without permission. Konomi then apologize to the Maple commander for Fukushu taking up their time and left. Fukushu wonder why she was so angry about her meeting with a Sensha-do team, to which Konomi had told her she didn't want them to be revealed to their Japan family just yet, that also went for their academy they needed to keep secret.

Konomi already had a tough time keeping the academy secret, so she also wanted Fukushu to act like she knew they were distant relatives that had never had any contact with the famous Nishizumi family, so word wouldn't spread about America's secret academy being formed up to take on Japan.

"I love you," Fukushu said, clinging to her adoptive mother.

"And I love you," Konomi said with deep affection.

Konomi stood back up now, then became curious. "I'm still surprised you wanted to legally change your name to Fukushu when I was granted by the courts to be your full-time guardian." That was only possible because of Director Fitzgerald's legal team who made that happen without a fuss.

"This name is for the one I love, to strike vengeance into her enemies and to also do away with my name my dad gave me, because he hated Sensha-do so much," Fukushu said, resolution in her eyes.

I didn't plan things this way, yet fate has toss me a bone, and if what I'm hearing from Miss Shimada about Shiho's current problems with her daughters is true, then I might finally get to put these demons to bed and pave my own way back to Sensha-do.

The thought passed through Konomi's head, then spoke with the same resolute eyes to her adoptive daughter. "Yes we will have vengeance you and I, and when we're done, only the Nishizumi's of America will be left."

"Yea!" Fukushu said excitedly.

"Alright, I have to let you know that I will be gone for a bit," Konomi said, knowing the whining from her adoptive daughter was coming on.

"Wah! For how long?!" Fukushu said, on cue for the whining.

"Not long, I have to head off to Japan to meet with a certain someone. Also one of my sources said your dad went back to Japan recently, probably gave up trying to convince the courts to have us hand you over to him. If I see him by chance, do you want me to say any final words to him?" Konami said.

Fukushu look away with anger in her eyes. "No, and I don't ever want to talk about him ever again."

A shrug from Konomi follow the irritated statement. "You got it, don't worry if things are playing out as I hope, I might have a special surprise for you in a week or so."

"Really what is it?!" Fukushu ask excitedly.

"Are you really asking me to reveal?" Konomi said with a smug look.

"You're no fun!" Fukushu said annoyed.

The young girl then took off to the showers happy and cheerful for the future, while Konomi watch after her equally excited for the future. Then she now turns to look back west across the sea, thinking about the land of the rising sun, the land she once call home. The home was supposed to have been fill with laughs, love, and family. Now all of it was just a nightmare of a place she had no want to return to, but she had a job to do to see justice done for her and give Fukushu a chance to shine bright in the world of Sensha-do.

With the feeling of confidence that things were heading in the right direction for her, Konomi thought back to how much she struggled to get to this point.

After she was humiliated in the Panzer Kettō against Shiho, she had been outcast by her family with no place to go, but luckily her brother Jotaro gave her enough money to fly to America and build a new life. Yet what was a girl supposed to do all alone in a foreign land? Konomi decided to join the US Army as a mechanic where she work on M-1 Abrams mostly with some other armor vehicles and found some relative peace being near tanks again while making many friends.

One of these friends had been Johnson Fitzgerald, an officer in the US Armor Corps, who came to her asking if she was from the famous Nishizumi family in Japan, as he had a great deal of respect for the sport, even though America didn't participate in it. Konomi had replied with a yes and that she was also a tank commander back then, but told him of the humiliating reason she was here now, to which Johnson told her he would help her gain back her honor.

From then on the two became close as Johnson wanted to find a way to bring Sensha-do to America, and with his considerable influence with some retired army friends who had gone into politics, that became a slow reality as they got approval.

The next part was getting funding and working tanks. That part came when Chiyo Shimada had a lucrative offer to help fund their academy start while providing working M4 Sherman's while bringing other American tanks in slowly over time. Konomi was skeptical at first since they had kept everything secret. Yet Johnson had told her that it was he who had reached out to the Shimada family for help, knowing Konomi had no like for the Nishizumi's that was match by Miss Shimada's equal distaste for the family.

Even if at one time Shiho and Chiyo had been close, their relationship had sour over the years, making the head of Shimada style want to find a way to bring Shiho down by whatever means possible.

Then last year, Konomi was given a surprise when Chiyo inform her of an illegitimate child had by Shiho's former husband Tsuneo and gave Konami an address to reach them in the state of Utah, Chiyo was more than the head member of this great Sensha-do family, she also had a great network of informants at her disposal. Chiyo thought the child might be a real dagger into Shiho if she is the one to take down the Nishizumi style for good, to which Konami agree.

It had to be some weird work of fate being the only way Konomi could describe it, as she found the child not at her father's home in Utah, but at a bus station that Konomi had parked by to get some rest on her long journey. She had just caught sight of the poor girl being assaulted, to which Konomi went into action to save her from the thugs. Afterwards, Konomi learn that she had run away from home and had been trying to get to Japan to meet Shiho and her family, but Konami stop her in her tracks by telling her of the dark past.

From that point forward, the girl legally change her name to Fukushu with some help from Mister Fitzgerald's legal team and took her into the academy, where the two now work hand in hand to one day take down Shiho and make sure only the American Nishizumi's were left in the wake of their path for revenge. Though the role of mentor and apprentice was gone, and mother and daughter had replaced it.

A sudden buzzing from her phone got her attention, looking at the caller ID, she smile as she pick it up. "Hello Miss Shimada, I will be boarding a plane very soon to come and meet you, though I'm guessing there's a reason for this call?"

"I look forward to the pleasure of your company, and yes there is a reason for this call, as I have some exciting news, my dear," Chiyo Shimada said, with a calm, yet excited tone.

"Oh, do tell," Konomi said.

"An informant of mine has heard of a proposal from Mister Tsuji that has come to my attention, that if its approve by Director Kodama, will mean you will need to be ready to have a personal meeting with the Director, some days after you arrive in Japan by my best guess," Chiyo said.

"Really and what's this proposal?" Konomi said.

"A chance to show your academies worth," Chiyo said being vague.

Konomi grin widely. "Well, I like the sound of that."

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