Silver Bells (The Santa Claus...

By InvaderTrollFalls

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Selene Calvin (nicknamed Silver), is a 16-year-old girl who went to live with her father, Scott Calvin, after... More

A/N: Information
The Worst Time of the Year
Dinner at Denny's
The North Pole
Was It All a Dream?
Keeping This a Secret


592 10 4
By InvaderTrollFalls

(A/N: A big shoutout and thank you to Stilinski24rulz for the suggestion of who should be Selene/Silver's actor. I like your choice and I appreciate your help.

Selene/Silver Actor: Kaitlyn Ashley Maher

 Enjoy the chapter.)


The 3 kids ran over to Scott's room and tried to wake him up. "Dad. Dad", Selene whispered as shook him a bit.

"What?" Scott said sleepily.

"We heard a clatter" Charlie tried to explain.

"What, Charlie?"

"He means we heard a noise", Selene said more specifically.

"Yeah, and it sounds like it came outside", Willa backs them up.

"Guys, it's just the wind or something", Scott tells them.

"Dad, we know what we heard. That wasn't the wind", Selene tries to convince him.

Scott sighs, "Come on, you three. Go back to sleep".

"Dad, this isn't a--"

A loud thump interrupted Selene and all four of them looked up. "Somebody's on the roof", Scott says.

"We told you!" Selene crosses her arms.

"Maybe it's Santa" Charlie guesses.

"Or a robber", Willa assumes.

"It doesn't matter because either way I need all of you to stay right here", Scott tells them. "Silver, get the phone and call 9-1-1 just in case". He runs out the door to go check out what was going on.

Selene then stands up and turns to Charlie and Willa. "Willa, watch Charlie. Dad forgot I don't follow rules very well".

Willa nodded and Selene ran to grab her jacket. The minute she walked outside, Scott was barely down the steps and he turned around once he noticed his daughter had followed him outside. He frustratingly gestured for her to go back inside but she ignored him and went to look at the roof.

Scott went after her and the two saw a man dressed like Santa standing on the top of their house. "Hey you!" Scott calls out to him.

This startled the man and he seemed to have lost his balance. He began falling off the roof and fell flat on the ground with snow coming up as he did so. Both Scott and Selene froze in fear until Selene broke the silence after a few seconds.

"Dad, I think he's dead." She said, seeing that the man wasn't moving as her dad started to walk towards him as she followed closely behind.

"Selene, stay back." Scott told her, holding his hand out as he looked back at the guy. "Woo hoo?" He asked waving his hand as he kicked the man in his shoe "Hey, buddy." Nothing happened. "All right. You should just stay still. Perfect." He joked as Selene rolled her eyes.

"Mock the dead, why don't you?", Selene complains. "This is nowhere near funny, dad!" She told him as the front door opened.

"You got him!" Charlie called out as he and Willa ran to them.

"Charlie, Willa, stay where you are", Scott said as he was ignored again. "Why doesn't anyone listen to me? I told you to stay up there!"

"It is Santa!" Charlie said as he looked at the fallen man.

"Did you guys kill him?!" Willa asked.

"We did not! And he's not Santa". Scott says.

"Well, he was", Charlie said.

"Maybe he's got some ID on him". Selene suggested.

"Yeah, I bet", Scott went to search the man. "Fella, if you can hear me, I'm just looking for your identification. Once we figure out who you are, I'll give you a lift back to the mall." He told the man before pulling out a card. They all curiously take look at it.

Seeing how it read Santa Claus, Scott flipped it over. "If something should happen to me, put on my suit. The reindeer will know what to do", Willa reads it out loud.

"Yeah right", Scott shrugs it off. Jingle bells were then heard as all three of them looked up.

And Selene was intrigued "I'm gonna check it out." She gets up and runs to the sound.

"No! Silver, get back here!" Scott yelled as he and the others run after her. They head towards the street and look up to see reindeer and a sleigh on the roof.

"Whoa", Charlie says in awe.

"Are you guys having the same dream as I am?" Willa says, feeling nostalgia-like emotion.

She and Selene then look back down at the man, only to see they he has disappeared. "What the what?" Selene mutters.

Charlie noticed next and tapped on his dad's hand. "Dad". He and the girls run to where the man was and Scott follows them.

"He disappeared," Charlie says.

"I swear if he's naked somewhere..." Willa recoils in disgust.

"You gonna put on the suit like the card said?" Charlie asked.

"No, no". Scott told him.

"Dad, come on you got to. We want to go too." Selene tells him as he turned to his kids.

"Stop it, you two. We're not going anywhere."

"You killed the guy, so why not?"

"Because I said so"

"You never do what we wanna do!" Charlie yells.

"Would you guys please be quiet for a minute so I can figure this out?!" Scott angrily asked.

The kids sigh while Willa jumps a bit from their dad's anger. Scott walks around a bit and tries to figure out the situation. Selene meanwhile walks over to the suit and tries on the hat. If her dad wasn't going to put on the suit, she could at least try the hat.

"Hey guys, check this out", she messes around a bit as Willa and Charlie giggle a bit at her antics. She then stops as she bumps her head into something in front of her. Scott then turns around and does the same thing.

They both look up to see a ladder that has seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "Where the hell this come from?" Scott asked as Charlie began to climb.

"Look here, guys", Charlie points to writing on the ladder. "The Rose Suchak Ladder Company".

"Huh?" Selene says confused.

"Out by the roof, there's a Rose Suchak ladder. Just like the poem", Charlie explains to his sister.

"Huh. Just like the poem?... Was I reading it wrong this whole time?!" Willa asks herself in surprise. She knew what Charlie was talking about and now wondered if the story was written wrong.

Charlie continued climbing up the ladder and the girls followed him as Scott yelled at them to come back down. Once they reached the top of the roof, things were even more insane. "Dad, you need to get up here and see this!" Selene yelled walking towards the sleigh.

"None of you touch anything." Their dad told them.

"It's great!" Willa stated as one of the reindeer nudged her a bit.

"I think they like you," Charlie added, laughing. Willa has always been a bit of an animal person.

"I'm just gonna call the police. I'll carry this stuff up there. Let them deal with it, okay?" Scott tells them as he inspects the clothes lying on the floor. He was shocked by how big they were. The guy who wore them must've been huge.

"Dad, isn't this neat?" Charlie asked him as he began climbing up.

"Charlie, Selene, Willa, stay away from those things. They're reindeer. You don't know where they've been. They all look like they've got key lime disease." Scott says as Selene rolled her eyes and climbed into the sleigh holding the reigns.

One of the reindeer then farts near Scott as he scrunches his face in disgust. "Oof. Easy, Rudolph".

The reindeer then grunts at him upsettingly. "His name is Comet", Willa corrects him as he sighs in annoyance.

"Dad, check out Santa's sleigh!" Charlie exclaims as he hopped in next to his sister.

"I call dibs on driving!" Willa rushes to them.

"No, I'm driving. I'm wearing the Santa hat", Selene points to her head.

"But dad has the suit", Charlie reminds her.

"No one is driving. There's no such thing as Santa's sleigh." Scott walks over to them.

"Sure there is. You said you believed in Santa." Charlie tells him.

"No. Selene said that", Scott reminds him.

"So, you don't believe in him?" Charlie asks.

"I do", Scott answers quickly.

"What about the reindeer? These are Santa's reindeer, aren't they?" Charlie asked as Willa looks at him.

"I hope they are," she says.

"Well, I hope not". Scott inspects the reindeer, trying to think of a more 'realistic' reason for this. "These are, uh... a gift. Probably from the cable company. We're getting the Disney Channel now".

The kids look at him unamused except for Willa. "Hey, at least they have great cartoons", she says.

"Exactly. Merry Christmas. Now, all of you, hop out of there, please", Scott orders the kids.

"What? No! We don't wanna go!" Selene exclaims. "This is the most interesting thing that has happened all night. And it totally makes up for everything else".

Scott climbed in the sled, being so fed up that he missed the smirk on Selene's face. "Listen Selene, I'm not kidding. LET'S GO!" Her dad yelled as the reindeer groaned and began taking off. The kids grabbed on tightly to the reigns as Scott fell headfirst into the back.

"Yeah, let's go!" Charlie cheered. Scott looked up and started screaming as they began heading off the roof.

"I change my mind! I change my mind!" Willa yelled, now in fear.

"Selene!" Scott yelled as they headed off. "Hold on, guys!" He and Willa started screaming as the sled landed on the regular road, and they were going down main street.

"I gonna puke!" Willa yelled as they began passing a regular driver who looked at them confused.

"Come on, get up here!" Selene said as Scott finally got to the front sitting with them. She then turns to the driver next to them "Sir, if we go straight on this road and we hit I-94--" She asked the man before being interrupted by Scott.

"Selene, no!" He tried to tell her as the reindeer began going faster.

They started flying into the sky and this caused both Scott and Willa to scream louder. They began to slow down as they were reaching another house and landed on its roof.

Willa got out of the sled as fast as she could and puked off the roof of the house. She wiped her mouth and made her way back to the Calvin family. "I haven't been that scared to my stomach since I went bungee jumping".

"Well, at least we made good time. Now what do we do?" Scott asked.

"Get the bag of toys." Charlie and Selene told him.

"And do what?" He asked them as his daughter turned to him with a 'seriously' face.

"What else do you think?" She asked him. "Go down the chimney".

"You want me to take the toys down the chimney into a strange house in my underwear?" He asked again as Selene raises her brows.

"No, dad. I don't." She sarcastically. "Because you have the suit put it on. The less fuss you make the quicker it'll all be over." She informed him as Charlie and Willa nodded.

"You know what we're gonna do, is we're gonna get out of here because this whole thing is stupid." He told them, beginning to walk away.

"I'm always trying to defend you when it comes to Charlie, Neil and Mom! Why when I need you, or Charlie wants to do something with you, we get put down?!" Selene stands up in anger. "This is why I rely on Willa more than you".

Scott turns around at his daughter's words. He looks between the 3 kids and sighs frustratingly. He knew for a fact that she wasn't wrong, so he soon decided to start taking off his coat and began putting the suit on as he mumbled things under his breath.

"How do I look? Nice?" He asked as the kids looked at him.

"Hmm, you forgot the sash," Willa told him.

"You're right. This completes the ensemble." Scott said, tying it as he sat down. "All right, got my boots. Now I've got the suit on. How am I supposed to know what to leave?" He asked.

"Maybe there's a list". Charlie told him.

"A list. How silly of me. Of course there's a list". His dad was saying as he grabbed the present bag, which started floating into the air. The kids looked at Scott as he began floating and panicking.

"Careful, dad!" Charlie said.

"I guess it's magic and the bag just knows." Willa states.

"I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay." Scott said as he went over the chimney.

"Look! Your flying!" Charlie stated as his dad waved to them.

"It's okay. I'm used to it. I lived through the '60s." He told them as Selene rolled her eyes. But they got even more surprised as Scott went through the chimney.

They then sat in the sled, waiting for Scott to return for a few minutes when they suddenly heard an alarm begin to sound and a dog barking loudly. "What did he do?!" Selene panicked a bit for her dad. And soon he came right back out.

"Woah! How'd you do that? What'd it feel like dad?" Charlie asked.

"It felt like America's most wanted," Scott answered while flying towards the sleigh. "Now pull me in, quick! We gotta get outta here." He added on as Selene and Willa helped pull him in. "Thanks. We gotta go home. How do you start this thing?" He asked.

Selene moved the reigns and they quickly took off. "Just like that!" Scott yelled as Selene started to laugh.

"Not again!" Willa freaked out again, but all they did was go to the next house across the street.

"Whoa. This could be a really long night." Scott said as the reindeer's grunted while Willa looked at her friend.

"If that's the case, all I want for Christmas is a doggy bag". She holds her stomach.

"Okay, so then let's stop hanging around and start handing out presents," Selene told her dad.

"I can't. That thing's empty", He informed her, picking up the bag.

As he did so, the reindeer grunted looking towards them. "There's nothing in the bag." He told the reindeer, who then growled at him. "Even if there was, didn't you notice there's no chimney? Where there's no chimney, there's no fireplace." Scott explained as the reindeer growls again.

"Mr. Calvin, I think he's upset", Willa informed him.

"Oh, so reindeer has feelings now?" He asked.

"Anything that's alive has feelings", She tells him.

"Really? What about trees?" Scott tries to outsmart her. The reindeer continues growling at him. "Look, Comet, like I said, there is nothing left..." He was telling him as he pulled the bag back up and noticed it was full again. "That's so weird because I know when I did that..." He was cut off as he began flying into the air again.

"No, no, no, no!" He complained "Hold it! There's no chimney here! Can you hear me? No chimney, all right?"

"Looking good dad." Charlie cheers him on as he went hovering over the pipe on the roof.

"You have got to be kidding! Come on! Look at the size of this thing!" Scott then turned liquid-ish and went right through the pipe and into the house.

"Jeez," Willa said. "So that's how he gets in the houses with no chimneys. This night is just giving me answers and a new view on Christmas... Or maybe even on life".

Selene placed her hand on her friend's shoulder. "Okay, maybe not life. We aren't in that deep yet".

And soon, once Scott returned, they were off once more as Selene grabbed onto the reigns. All of them (but mostly Scott) were delivering presents for the rest of the night.

A/N: This chapter is a little longer because it's to make up for the time when I wasn't working on the story. So thank you to those who stuck around patiently.

Anyway, please comment and tell me what you think of the chapter.

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