Is it love..? ✓

By iambellissima_nishaz

56.6K 761 42

"Get on your knees." he huskily said. But I was not easy to bend on rules. I hate to submit and that's why I... More

Hello my lovely readers!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
The End..?

Chapter 20

846 12 0
By iambellissima_nishaz

Damn why every building I see is well build and so tall. Vin is going to be very happy to see me. I can’t wait to see him. God I miss him so much.

I entered the building and went towards the reception area and asked, “Hello, I am Isabella Taylor. I am here to meet Mr. Vincent Luca.”

She was looking at me up and down like I was some sort of dirt beneath her feet. So I did the same as her. Looked up and down like she is a shit. Like every girl on the reception have to bitch.

And damn. She is literally made of plastic. I know you have money but is it really necessary to modified into plastic. You doesn’t need to show us that you have so much fucking money. Use it wisely dammit.

You are already beautiful in your natural beauty. No need to enhance it more so it looked like more fake than natural.

God if you are hearing me right now please listen to me. You really need to bring not bitch type of girls on earth. I fucking hate to deal with them.

“Do you have an appointment?” She said boringly. I already wanted to choke her with my bare hands.

“Mr. Luca asked me to give this file to his son and he said to give him specifically. If you don’t want me to go, that’s fine. I’ll tell Mr. Luca that.” Showing a big black file which I brought along with me which contains my fucking drawings and I was going to leave more like pretending. I already decided how to enter this building. I had planned very carefully. Because I did know that they won’t let me see him that easily.

“Oh no no. You don’t have to do that. You can go.” She was believing me. How stupid this people could be. Without seeing my ID, she let me go.

But fuck it. It’s in my favour so why should I compliant it? I mentally danced in my head as small smile came on my lips.

After giving directions to his floor she left. Of course like any other owner, his office was on the top floor. I waited for the elevator which was taking so long to reach his floor. Finally counting down to 100 I reached there. Yeah I definitely counted 100 because I didn’t have anything to do. And I was already tired but here was I, desperately waiting for to meet him. He better my tiredness worth.

His assistant was doing her work but after hearing elevator ding, she looked up and furrowed her brows. I had to act like before.

“Hello, I am Isabella Taylor. I am here to give Mr. Luca the file his father sent me to give him. He said it is important and I should only give it to him.”

She smiled at me while nodding, “Hello, I am Mr. Luca's assistant and sorry but you have to wait for a while because sir is in a meeting.” Last past she said while she had a disgusted look on her face.

I being a good actress said, “Oh it’s okay. When this meeting of his going to end?”

“Maybe in a few minutes. You can wait here. Would you like to drink something?”

She was kind enough to ask me that. I already liked this girl.

“A water is fine, thank you.”

She nodded and took few paper. “I’ll be right back.”

I nodded and smiled at her.

She went towards the elevator and left. I was alone with Vin in his office. Why not take a walk around here until his meeting end.

I walked further and saw a door. Maybe it was his office. The voices was coming from in. I came closer. The door was slightly ajar to hear their voices. I didn’t want to eavesdrop so I left. But before I left, I heard my name.

What in the hell?

Curiosity got me. I slowly came closer to door without making any noise. I looked inside and my heart dropped in my stomach.

Vin was there sitting in his chair while a woman was sitting in his lap. His hands was on her waist. Her face was towards him so I couldn’t see her face.

“How dumb that poor girl thinking you like her and want to be with you. I am sure that girl just wants your money not you V.” She said to her.

V? Where that voice I heard? Think Issie. Think. Why the fuck my brain not working when I need him so damn much. Fucking work brain otherwise I will kill you but that does mean to kill me. No. That’s not gonna happen.

Yes, I remember her. Oh my fucking god. She was the woman who said come to bed V when I talked to him on the phone.

What the fuck? He was lying all this days. Fuck I can’t believe this.

Betrayal. That was what I feel right now. But she said once again in her too chirpy voice.

“Don’t you agree with me V. Maybe I am your ex but we still fit perfect each other. She is nowhere near me. But I am impressed that you fooled her believing her that you want her. But in reality you just want to fuck her. So when you are going to leave her because I want you by myself only.”


Before I processed her words she kissed him and worst part was he let her do it.

His ex? Which ex? Because he had so many? Being a man whore he is.

“Ma’am, here is your water you asked for.” The voice said behind me. But didn’t turn around to reply her. I was giving my total and utter concentration to both love birds which were mouth fucking each other.

Due to her voice, Vin stopped kissing her and looked in my direction. His eyes went wide, shocked to see me here. So how did you feel Mr. Vincent Luca that your plan to play me failed? Can I say miserably failed? Yeah, that can be right.

No Issie. Do not ever show that he succeeded. But damn that tears. Tears formed in my eyes. He quickly dropped that woman. He had the audacity to fucking act like it. Fucking prick motherfucker.

Once again No Issie. Do not dare to cry in front of that fucker. Show him how strong you are. You have survived so much worse than this situation. Stay strong. Take a deep breath.

And I did it. I wiped my eyes. Relaxed my shoulder, stood straight, head high like a power woman and opened the door and said mockingly with small smile, “Well, what a pleasant surprise Mr. Luca. They say about you is not wrong after all. So have you enjoyed playing with my emotions like that? But sorry for your loss that you didn’t get a chance to get in my pants.”

Damn. He is a good actor showing his regretful face. I’ll be damned to be fooled by him. Again.

Bel…” But I cut him. “Shh…” and narrowed my eyes at him, “Do not ever say bella to me. Ever might I say. That fucking name I hate from my core right now.” Then I said to just a add fuel to fire. “Thank the goodness I haven’t let you fuck me. And here I was feeling miserable about Nick fucked me. But I am kind of glad he did not you.”

Before his eyes where sad but mentioning Nick fucked me, his eyes get hard with anger. “What did you just say?”

He dare to fucking get angry. How ironic?

I smirked at him. So my fire actually did a fire.

“Goodbye Mr. Luca.” And I left smirking to the way.

But internally I am crushing.

More like ran towards the elevator. I could hear someone running behind me. I quickly rushed inside the elevator and without looking behind to see Vin it closed.

How can he do that to me? I fucking knew it. It was so good to be real. He played me according to him and silly me thought he wants me.

So it was all fake when he cared for me when I had an accident.

He did say he love honesty and what about now? So now he love dishonesty?

How am I so dumb to think that he wants me? How I let him do this to me? The signs were in front of me but I was so busy to ignored and said it was nothing.

The way he always said he has a meeting, when he suddenly went after coming to London saying it was an important meeting, he was always saying about meetings and all and I believed him. Because? I don’t know. Maybe I thought he was different. But all mens are same. Except him.

He dared to impress my parents, they also believed him. I can tell he is expert in acting and all faking. How am I going to say to my parents that once again someone broke their daughter’s heart?

Nope, I don’t wanna tell them. They genuinely liked Vin and I don’t wanna break their heart too.

I didn’t even know how I was walking on streets which were unknown to me. After all this is a new city. I stopped walking and looked at my surroundings. His company was no where to see so that means I had come far away from it.

I looked for cab but suddenly familiar looking jacket got my attention. But his face was on the other side. His back was towards me.

I remembered him by seeing this guy. He looked like him. Tattoos, biker, jacket, ripped jeans. He was same too. But that guy didn’t him. Milo.

I looked at him tried to remember who he was but couldn’t pin point him. He seemed familiar though. I tried to recall but failed miserably.

I didn’t know I was seeing him that long like a creep but he turned around and saw me, widened his eyes and smiled showing his perfect teeth.

B. He is here. Really. I walked towards him so he. He quickly came near me and literally hugged me to death while saying, “Oh my gosh sweetness. I can’t believe that you are really here. In front of me. It’s been like what 5 years.” I hugged him back and started crying.

He is Brody who was always with me along side him. Brody was close to him. More like a brother. Brody and I were clicked like a crazy and we shared a crazy bond.

I said in between sobbing. “I miss him B. So fucking much.”

“I know sweetness. I know. We all miss him badly. It’s not same without him. And without you. You were suddenly disappeared. At least fucking told us that you are gonna leave us too.” He was patting my head and back to relax me.

I wiped my tears. “I am sorry. It’s just that without him that place looked so lost. I couldn’t stand there one single second. It’s like he left with taking that place’s liveliness. And I was so lost.” Again tears rolled down to my cheeks. He wiped it.

“Come. Let’s talk there.” Showing a small cafe. I nodded and went with him. His hands were protectively wrapped around my shoulders.

We didn’t have anything sexual. He was more like a brother to me and I was more like a sister to him which he never had. B was 10 years older than me. They all were older than me though. B was always so over protective of me even if he was with me. B always said to him, “You fucking harm a single hair on her head, I fucking murder you in very harsh way.” Then he laughed at B's threat and kissed my forehead while saying, “She is my light in my darkness how can I hurt this light which brings so much brightness in my life without asking for it.” And I was always melted right then and there.

He was always good with his words. Always. He was a fighter too. And damn I loved to see him fighting. It was my favourite thing to do. It always brought a jolt of happiness whenever he was around me. Indeed he was a darkness but I was his fucking light. And I was proud to be.

Light is easy to love but I always said show me your darkness. And he did. Fucking he did. Not intentionally but accidently actually. He didn’t want me to know his dark past but somehow it fucking showed on his doorstep so how could he stop it to seeing me when I was with him there.

He always kept his word no matter what but he didn’t kept his word with me. To live with me forever. I fucking hate him for that. But how can I hate him because my love for him was nowhere near hate.

They say is true though, There is a fine line between Love and Hate.

And indeed it fucking true.

We entered the cafe and sat at the corner. Sat besides each other. He ordered coffee and my favourite tiramisu.

“You still remember my favourite?” with a smile on my face.

He looked at me after ordering and put his hands on my hair lovingly. “How can I forget my sweetness? You are very hard to forget.”

I hugged him and mumbled how sorry I was to leave without saying anything.

“Shh now sweetness. You know he hates to see you cry.” He was shushing me while running his hand on my hairs like I was a baby. Maybe I was a baby but only with him.

“It’s just fucking don’t stop B. I tried it but it’s not happening. How can he leave me?” I was a crying mess at that time.

I didn’t care the people about looking at me weirdly.

“Life is not always shine like a rainbows and sunshines. It was his time and you do know how it was painful for him to take his last few days.” I didn’t know I wanted his support that much. I was buried all this deep in my heart without telling anyone anything. And when I saw B it was like all of my strong act vanished away.

I didn’t even tell to my friends and family about him. It was like a secret relationship. They only knew that something was up but didn’t know anything. It’s not like I was ashamed to be with him. No, it’s not like that. It’s just I don’t know actually.

He was 44 years old that time and I was 18 years old. I didn’t care about his age nor did he. He was well build in his age. He didn’t even look like 44 years old. He had a wife but she left him for another fucking biker. According to her, Milo was not rich and not enough to satisfy her. That was a worst lie I had ever heard.

Because my Milo…he was so good in bed. He cared about others pleasure than him. Because he gave me so fucking pleasure without wanting anything in return but how could I not please the man who gave me my best orgasm. He was the one who fucking satisfied all my needs and I kept all this buried in my chest. When I was acting like a horny teenager, he said, "Amor, sometimes I think you are fucking 15 years old the way you are always horny like a dog in heat.”

I still remember how we met at first.

Flashback :

I am going to cafe because that motherfucking principle and I have fight. That principle is hell bent on always scolding me without me doing anything just because the schools famous girl whose dad is providing a big fund to this school is always complained about me to him. She is just jealous because I am always good than her. I am fuming with so much anger that I don’t notice that someone bumped into me hard.

Fucking hell. Why today god is punishing me like this?

“Fucking watch where you are going? Now move.” Without looking at whoever bumped me.

“Fucking hel…” but words are stop coming from my eyes when I see who has bumped me.

He is so big, more like a hulk. Rings in his fingers. Tattoos covered every part of his hands and neck. Hair neatly tucked back. White shirt with front few buttons open without tucking in his black jeans. Shoes. In a way he is looking undeniably hot. Looks truly gentleman but his aura says otherwise like a bad guy type.

Motherfucking god.

When I look into his eyes, oh my goodness. They are perfect shade of brown and yellow and they are already looking at me. Amusement showing in his face. I think he got me staring at him moments ago. I quickly gain my posture.

I open my mouth to say something but words don’t come out of it. I try it one more time but damn my mouth don’t want to move at all.

“Cat got your tongue Amor?”

Jesus motherfucking Christ. His voice is deep and rough and hoarse due to constant smoking. But damn I like it the way he talk. I wanna hear him all day. I come to senses that he say something to me.

“I..umm…am…i…” Oh god. I am embarrassing myself again in front of me.

He chuckles and damn my body shiver.

“I am sorry for bumping into you but if I recall correctly it was you who bumped into me, ?”

Is he Spanish? I have never seen him in this area ever and fuck his accent send shivers down my spine. I think my pussy might burst out of my panties.

My cheeks has redden by his remark. He is true I am not seeing where I was going. It is all because of that asshole principle.

I forgot that he is waiting for my answer. “I am genuinely so sorry Mr…”


Wow. Sexy name for sexy man.

“Milo. Yeah. I am genuinely so sorry Mr. Milo about that.”

“Just Milo is fine. Mr. Milo feel me more old than I already am.” Then smiled at me.

How old is he? He doesn’t look that old. Maybe in his thirties. He looks still well maintained. Broad shoulders way to broad that I can fit easily in between them. Plump perfect red lips which I can not wait to kiss. Beard that add extra hotness in his face. Sharp jawline. Tanned skin. His shirt clinging like a second skin to his body the way it fit him. But it do nothing to hide his physique.

I trailed down to his jeans. Fucking hell. I don’t see anyone look that sexy in just simple shirt and pants.

His fingers. They are so long and so thick with rings around them.

“Done checking me out Amor?” He chuckle again.


“I…m…I gotta go.” And like a fucking thief I run.

Flashback end.

“... are you?”

Shit I blacked again.

I sheepishly smiled at him and he knew I didn’t pay attention to him. “You are still same sweetness. Nothing changed other than you look more like a woman now. He would have love to see you now.”

I nodded my head. After seeing B, everything came back like it happened yesterday not like five years ago.

“Earth to sweetness.” He angrily said but it was all act to make me smile.

I smiled at him then he pinched my cheeks. “Here your smile.”

I pulled away from him to stop pinching my cheeks. “Stop it B. You do know I hate it right?”

They both loved to pinch my cheeks always they get chance. First it was Milo but layer B started to do it too.

He laughed and pinched last time.

“How have you been B? How is everyone?” I said while playing with his rings. I was my habit to play with rings like I did with Milo. He fucking loved it.

“Same old and same old everyone. What are you doing here?”

“I came here because our company going to launch new project. But what are you doing here? Last I remember you were in London.”

“I have some work here and am going tonight back where I belong.”

I nodded at him. He continued.

“At least visit us some day. Everyone misses you like crazy. They are going to be so happy when I will tell them about our encounter.” He had a devilish smirk on his face. I knew he was going to make them more jealous by adding more drama.

“I will B some day.” I promised him. And I fucking mean it.

“Gimme your number so that you won’t ghost on us again.” I laughed and gave him my number.

It was already darkness around. My phone was started to buzz in my pocket but I ignored it again.

“Let me drive you to your hotel. You don’t know anything here might ghost us for real.”

Oh my god. My belly hurts by laughing so damn much.

“Stop it now. My mouth hurts by laughing so much. I don’t know when I have laughed this much.”

He put his hands on my shoulder and bringing me towards his car. “Good to know that I am the one who can make you laugh this much.”

“Yeah you are the only one B. I love you dumby.” And hugged him again.

“I love you too sweetness and you know that. You are my sister.”

I nodded then he opened his car door for me to get. Then after seating behind wheels he went towards the hotel where everyone was.

During the while ride my phone was constantly buzzed in my pocket but like the stubborn I was, I ignored it. No one can disturb us.

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