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By cryf4iryy

93.5K 3.2K 1K

"our relationship is fucking ruined, because of you entering his life!" -โ€ข๐ŸŒป In which; Huang Renjun needs mon... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five


3.5K 148 62
By cryf4iryy

explaining why i love you,
is like explaining the taste of water.


Cold air filling the hospital room, along with the beeping sounds. Renjun was napping on the couch, while his brother was reading a book. Both of the boys were startled of hearing a knock on the door.

"Hm, Jisung said that he was going to get groceries for his mother today morning." Renjun said fixing his clothes while standing up. "Maybe he finished early gege" Chenle replied, closing his book.

"Maybe." The older chinese walked to the door, opening it slowly... "Donghyuck?"


"So, which of these clients are you going to hire? A lot of them have unexpectedly good profiles." Mark asked holding a file "Kim Doah." He mumbled. The boy read the client's profile but scrunched his nose when he saw how bad it is. "Damn miss girl got fired 3 times a row in a week." Mark said, throwing the paper back on Jeno's table before launching himself on the seat beside it.

"So far I have two wanting to hire in mind." Jeno said, holding two files that Mark immediately snached from him. "Huang Renjun and Seo Aein?" The older said reading both of the clients' files.

"The two of them are great, but I suggest you hiring Renjun." Mark suggested giving bach the files to the CEO. "Yeah, Jaemin said that too." Jeno replied loosing his tie a bit.

"Speaking of Jaemin, where is he?" Mark asked turning his head around the room. "I let him stay home, he had a rough night." The CEO proudly said making his brother scrunch his face in disgust "I didn't need to know that, disgusting."

"How about Donghyuck, where is he? I haven't seen him in awhile." Jeno asked back "He's visiting a friend." The older blonde replied. Jeno nodded eyeing the two files in his hands, "I think I have decided on who to hire."


"Donghyuck?" Renjun surprisingly said. The chinese was shocked to see his friend here. "Hi" A brown haired boy with tan skin greeted. "Oh please, come in. I'm sure lele will flip if he sees you." Renjun opened the door widely not forgetting to hug Donghyuck, the tanned boy hugged back, missing his bestfriend.

The two of them broke the hug with huge smiles on their faces "How have you been?" The older asked walking beside Donghyuck to Chenle's hospital bed "Oh I'm doing great! How about you guys I'm sure there are a lot of bills to pay and I was just thinking that maybe i could hel- "DONGHYUCK HYUNG!" The tanned boy was cut off by a loud baby dolphin screaming his name.

"Hi lele!" Donghyuck immediately ran to Chenle's bed booping his nose with the younger, "How are you feeling?" The older asked caressing the younger's hair.

"I'm doing alright hyung, I'm a strong dolphin!" Chenle cheered but was received by a strong cough coming from his mouth. Renjun immediately handed a bottle of water to the poor boy.

"Thats right lele, you're a strong dolphin." Donghyuck said softly, gently caressing the younger's back. Renjun looked at them with a small smile forming his lips.

A few moment later, Chenle fell asleep with his arm entangled with Donghyuck's. As expected silence invaded the room, Donghyuck was playing with Chenle's big hands, comparing the size of the Chinese's hand with his hand.

"How have you been hyuck? Any relationships?" Renjun asked wiggling his eyebrows which made Donghyuck chuckle quietly. "Well yes, I am married." Donghyuck bought his head down, the color of light pink decorating his tanned cheeks.

"Oh wow" Renjun had his eyes wide, jaw dropping on the white tiled floor. "I s-swear I tried inviting you to our wedding celebration! I went to yours and Chenle's apartment room but the lady said that you guys left. I was indeed surprised, I tried calling you too but I can't reach your phone. Luckily I met Jisung today and asked him if he knows where you are, And here I am." Donghyuck explained.

The older sighed ruffling his already messy hair, "Yes, we did leave, After hearing that Chenle has cancer, I eventually need to keep an eye on him and I ended up sleeping on that couch every night. I sold my phone too so that I can save money for Chenle's expenses, I also have Jisung here helping me and Chenle." Renjun said puffing his cheeks after.

"To whom are you married to Donghyuck?" Renjun asked his eyes glinting with excitement that made Donghyuck melt, "Mark, Mark Lee."


"Thank you so much for visiting Donghyuck-ah! You're always free to visit anytime." Renjun said, hugging his friend. "Of course, I might visit on Friday again, and bring Mark with me. If thats okay with you and Chenle" Donghyuck replied, with a shy smile on his face.

"Of course, its ok with me! I have to ask Chenle if its okay with him too though." Renjun giggled. "Its a shame that I can't say goodbye to Chenle." Donghyuck pouted looking at the younger male's sleeping figure.

"Its okay, I'm sure he'll undererstand" Renjun gave Donghyuck a small smile, escorting the younger to the hospital room door.

"Oh and Renjun, whenever if you need help, don't hesitate to text me okay?" Donghyuck smiled at the older. Before Renjun could even decline the offer Donghyuck already spoke "I insist, hyung"

The tanned male held the older's shoulder, pleading with his eyes "Please? I want to help" Donghyuck asked once again a pout forming on his lips. "Alright, alright" Once the older finally agreed, Donghyuck launched himself on Renjun.

"Thank you Renjun! Here's my number." Donghyuck gave Renjun a small, white card with his number on it. The older nodded shooing a chuckling Donghyuck away, jokingly. The boy kept the card on his pocket going back inside Chenle's hospital room.

He laid his body down on the couch and was about to take a small nap but was disturbed by a ring on his phone. Renjun groaned getting his phone from his pocket. "This can't be Donghyuck, I didn't give him my phone number." The chinese male mumbled before sitting up to answer the phone call.

"Uhm Hello?" Renjun greeted, slightly getting nervous. "Hi! This is Mark Lee, Lee Jeno's brother and I am here to declare that you are hired as his personal secretary. You'll be starting on Monday, before 7am. Have a good day! Thank you." Then the caller ended the call.

"Holy shit." Renjun was stunned to know that he got the Job, He didn't even notice that the guy he was talking to was Donghyuck's husband.

Renjun got accepted woo-hoo! but will he be able to impress both of the CEOS of the company? Or will he fail as a secretary.


- Our Story -

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