"You are my one and only" Tro...

By Ilovemovie1

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Y/n was just an average 16 year old who has lived for over a century (or more perhaps?...) with many siblings... More

Becoming pt. 2
Wherefore art thou, Trollhunter?
Gnome your enemy
Waka Chaka!
Win lose or Draal
To catch a Changeling
Adventures in Trollsitting
Bittersweet sixteen
Young Atlas
Recipe for disaster
Claire, Y/n, and present danger
The Battle of Two Bridges
Return of the Trollhunters
Roaming Fees May Apply
Blinky's Day Out


820 9 15
By Ilovemovie1

??? POV
"Yield Bular" Kanjigar says "give me the amulets or die" Bular says he try's to attack me but I dodge and run to the underside of the canal and I see my partner turned to stone as I look up to jump up as he follows me and I climb on top of the metal as I keep my stance then suddenly as I back up Bular hits me in the side I fly and hit the metal with my back Bular picks me up and throws me down near the sun he pushes me into the sun and I yell he goes to slash at me but I grab his hand and I pull it into the sun Bular yells and then backs up and pulls out his sword as he says "it's me or the sun either way, you're doomed." I say "no the amulets will find champions who will stop you and your master and avenge me and my Trollhuntress..." then I walk back into the sun cross my arms on my chest as I fall back and turn to stone...

Y/n's POV

I hear my alarm beep as it says "wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Your dad has underwear on his head!" I laugh a little and then I get dressed in a sleeveless shirt that has a neck part that covers half my neck and some jeggings then I head downstairs make my dads breakfast then after I eat my breakfast I make my lunch and his dinner then I grab a cup of orange juice and my dads breakfast and quietly open the door with my foot, set the food on his nightstand and put a note on his dinner that says "I hope you have a great day at work dad, I love you." then I quietly get out of my dads room with my food and close the door quietly then I go downstairs and I hear a knock on the door I open it to see my friend F/n as she says "let's get to school girl! we're gonna be late!" "okay okay! I'll go get my stuff!" Then I go grab my bag and then I get bike out of the garage and we get on our bikes and I have a flashback from when Merlin taught me how to control my magic with douxie... (flashback time!!!) :

Merlin is teaching me and douxie how to summon magical weapons and I'm having a hard time summoning any of my weapons then I exclaim "Master Merlin I can't do this my magic won't listen to me!" Then Merlin walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders as he exclaims "Y/n listen to me you are as fast a any animal in our kingdom, you are the most agile archer and hunter we have ever had, you have the voice of a siren, and you are the most skilled potion maker I know, you can make your magic listen because-" then I interrupt him and exclaim "because I have to make it listen I know, I know." Then Merlin exclaims "No Y/n you don't have to make it listen, you don't need to tell it to listen to you, what you need to do is believe that you can make your weapons because you are more powerful than me, more powerful than douxie. No offense douxie." Douxie exclaims "none taken Master Merlin." Then Merlin takes his hands off my shoulders and exclaims "try again Y/n... Believe you can and you can use your magic to protect those you love and the innocent people of this world" then I believe I can summon any of my magical weapons and I summon a scythe and I leap for joy as I exclaim "Master Merlin it worked! It worked!" Then Merlin exclaims "good my third apprentice."...

then I shake my head as I exclaim "Oh Merlin if only you saw what me and doux have accomplished since centuries past I even have a crush on Jim lake..." Then I look to see F/n got ahead of me and she yells "Come on slowpoke! last one to school is a rotten egg!" Then we start going down the road when I hear something call "Y/n L/n... Y/n...Y/n L/n..." I was just about to go over the canal when I see a purple glow coming from a pile of rocks I look over to my friend to see they are almost to the school then I look back at the pile of rocks and see that the strange purple glow keeps exclaiming "Y/n L/n...Y/n..." then I thought "Could it be?" then I went down to the pile of rocks to see two amulets one is blue the other purple but when I look at them both I hear the purple one call "Y/n L/n..." I thought "It is! But why would it?..." then I pick it up and then I hear someone exclaim "come on Tobes!" then I put the amulet in my bag and peddle my bike up the side of the canal and and head to school as I look back down the canal I see my crush...Jim lake jr. standing near the pile of rocks then I look in front of me and see I'm near the school as I head towards it and lock up my bike I head to my locker but just as I reach it I hear "tell me again dweeb-face tell me about the creatures and maybe I'll let you out!" I look over and see Eli get pushed into a locker with Steve holding it closed I walk over and exclaim with a growl in my voice "let him out Steve it would be nice too do that" Eli exclaims from inside the locker "oh hey Y/n!" Steve turns and bangs the locker then looks back at me and smirks as he exclaims "oh Y/n, are you here to become my girlfriend?" Then I exclaim disgusted "no I would never be with someone like you, you pussy!" he ignores what I said about him and exclaims "so where were we umm— yeah okay we were talking about the monsters you saw this morning, with fangs and— what was it again?" As he bangs in the door for Eli to tell him what it was and Eli says "Stone for skin! in the canals!" My eyes widen as I thought "No it can't be if there are trolls then I have to find Merlin but how? I'll just have to lay low for a while but not right now I have to protect Eli from Steve" as Steve says "Stone for skin? Man, Eli, you've got some imagination." As he chuckles I threaten "let him out Steve or will I have to beat you?"  As I look at him with a menacing look enough to scare a bear then I get pulled back by Jim with Toby standing near us by a pole as Jim stands in front of me as Steve says "you asking for a beating Y/n?" As he looks at me with anger then Jim says "let him out Steve" then Steve looks at Jim and picks him up by the collar and Steve says  "or you'll do what?" He says as he lifts his fist ready to hit Jim, I gasp as Jim says "Okay do it. punch me." Steve says "you... your asking for a beating too?" As Toby gasps as he walks through the crowd as Jim then says "yeah, just go crazy! But In 20 years, your gonna be fat and bald and you'll be working in a muffler shop, while Eli will have a career in software and he'll be a billionaire." Then Eli says on the side of the locker "I do like computers!" Then Toby starts chanting "let him out. Let him out! Let him out! Let him out!" Then everyone starts chanting "let him out!"then Steve looks around at everyone gathered around then suddenly when Steve is about to punch Jim, that's when coach Lawrence bursts through a door and says "Palchuk, what's going on here?" Then Steve let's go of Jim as I grin and he says in a nervous tone  "uh, nothing, sir." Then coach Lawrence says "why aren't you at practice?" Then Steve says "I was helping Eli, here." Then he opens the locker door and Eli says "Hey, guys!" Then Steve says "He was stuck" then coach Lawrence says "on the double! Now!" Then Steve looks at me and Jim with an angry expression and whispers "Friday, at noon. You two and me. Tick-tock. Tick." As he walks away with a sinister grin on his face as every one walks away as I walk over to Jim as he opens the locker and Eli sprawls out and says to both of us "thank you" Jim says "your welcome" then I say "be carful around Steve next time ok Eli?" Eli says "ok thank you Jim and Y/n" and then as Eli walks away I say "Jim are you okay?" He looks at me and says "yeah I'm fine but now we both have to worry about Steve on Friday" then I chuckle and say "well he can't make us come plus if we do go you and I will just pack a punch at him!" Then I playfully shove his shoulder as I smile at him and I see him blush as I look away then I say "see you tomorrow Jim!" Then as I walk away and head to the auditorium for The Romeo and Juliet play as I hear him say with a grin on his face "see you tomorrow Y/n" then as I walked to my locker accidentally I bump into a girl and I say "oh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that!" Then I hear the girl say as I help her up "it's okay it's not your fault I wasn't looking where I was going anyways my names Claire what's yours?" Then I gasp as I say "my names Y/n, I hear your popular in this school hehe" i smile at her and she smiles back and says "are you looking to audition? If so you would be perfect for Juliet but could you help me get more boys to join the play?" I say "sure I could give you suggestions" she says "who are they?" I say "Jim, Eli, and...Steve" then I see Claire's face turn bright pink just at the mention of his name and I gasp as I say "wait do you like steve?" Claire's face turns redder as she says "What no!" But it's written all over her face and I say "don't worry my lips are sealed" as I pretend to zip my mouth closed and she smiles as she says "thank you y/n but please keep this between us for now" I say "I will besides it's the end of the day so who do I need to tell? I'm not a snitch so your secrets safe with me" then I lean on my locker and say "come try out in the play with me Claire it's gonna be fun!" Then Claire says "oh aliright but let me get my costume first!" then Claire walks over to her locker opens it and grabs her costume closes her locker and comes back to me and says "do you want to be my friend Y/n?" I say "sure do you want to give each other our numbers?" She says "sure after the play 's auditions!" (Your dress looks like this:

(Claire's dress looks like this:

Then we head to auditions I put on my dress and so does Claire in the dressing room and then I walk backstage to see the girl on stage is done saying her part then our math teacher says "next for auditioning as Juliet is Y/n L/n" then I walk out on stage with my costume on and I say "destiny is a word... but what does one word mean to the world we live in what does one word do to stand against those who would hurt it, then when does thy life matter when thy world is suffering at the hands of evil who would spread and hurt thy heart and soul, as destiny is only a word that lifts us to greater heights so don't think, believe you can do what you want to do because the precursor to fear is a better part of valor..." then when I'm finished speaking I hear claps from all around the room as I exit to the back of the stage then when just as I'm about to open the door to the changing room Jim says "you did great out there" I turn towards him and look at him as I say "and so will you, lake" then I hear Claire start to speak her part and i say "I should change so I can watch Claire finish her part anyways" then I say "knock 'em dead Jim! I'll see you later!" Then I turn and go in and close the door and then I change and I hear Claire say her last parts as I open the door then our math teacher says "next is Jim Lake" then I look for Claire and I say "you were awesome out there Claire!" Then she says "thanks for your inspiration Y/n" I say "no problem" then I pull out my phone and she does to we give each other our phones and put in our numbers and give them back then as we hear that auditions are done and as me and Claire head to our lockers and grab our backpacks for home I notice Jim looking at me and smile a bit while he walks away to get his bike with Toby and they bike away out of my line of sight and then me and Claire give our Phones back to each other and I walk over to unlock my bike from the holder and bike home as I say "see you Tomorrow Claire!" And she says "see you tomorrow Y/n!" Then I head home but what I didn't notice is that Jim smiles at me from a distance as I bike away...

Jim's POV

I grab all my homework put it in my bag and then as me and Toby walk to get our bikes I look at    Y/n and smile as she notices me and then as I walk away she turns back to what she was doing with her phone I see she is with Claire and I thought "I guess my crush is a friend of Claire's...wait Claire! Now I'm going to be more nervous to ask her out now that she's friends with Claire!" Then my face goes pink as I look away from Y/n unlock my bike from the holder and ride away and then when I'm at a far enough distance I glance back at Y/n and see she is biking away and I smile then as me and Toby go down the road I hear him say "That was awesome, man. Did you see how I did that chant?'Let him out. Let him out'." He chuckles as I side glance at him as he says "I mean, you probably won't live past Friday, but it was awesome." We hear a car horn honk and I look back in front of us to see my moms car as Toby says "good thing your mom's a doctor." as we reach my moms car she says "hey boys." I say "hey mom" and Toby says "looking sharp, Dr. Lake" as he grunts and my mom says "thank you, toby. So are you" then toby says "oh! Does it show?" Then I say "you're going to be out all night?" My mom sighs as she says "Dr. Gilbert is out with bursitis, and Dr. Lena has a wedding out of town this weekend." "Okay well don"t forget to bring your—" my mom interrupts me and grabs a bag as she says "-dinner. Thank you." I then say "right. And try to find an oven to reheat it in instead of nuking. It takes all the nutrients and flavor away." She says "Jim, there must be a million things you'd rather be doing than looking after me." "Can't think of one." I say then she says "Love you, honey" and she rolls up the window and starts to drive away as I say "bye, mom." Then Toby says "you 'mother' your mother a lot." I laugh a bit as I say "see you tomorrow Tobes. Hey by the way don't use Mayo on the sandwich, it the wrong note" then as I bike away to my house I see Y/n say bye to her dad and I see her smile as she hugs him through the door I smile then put my bike in the garage and put my helmet with it then head inside throw my backpack on the couch and sit down as I turn on the TV as I hear the TV say stuff I open my bag up and I take out the amulet and I examine it and tap it with my first finger then I hear my phone go off with toby's ringtone saying "I am gun robot pick your phone-" then I pick it up answer the call and say "hey Tobes." I hear him say "did it talk again? Did it do anything interesting?" I say "nope" then I hear in the back round from Toby's side "Toby pie! Dinner!" And I pull my phone from my ear and when I hear Toby I put the phone to my ear again as he says "in a minute nana!  I've got to go. Text me if it does Anything cool." Then I end the call and set my phone down and turn the TV channel to another one and then out of the corner of my eye I see the amulet glow and fade and I say "Hi. How you doing? I'm Jim. But then, you knew that because you spoke my name, which is... weird. I begin to examine it again and I say "Hello? Anybody in there?" Then I look up at the ceiling and back down at the amulet as I say "and now I'm talking to an inanimate object. Come on! Talk again, or your going up on eBay." Then I stop talking as I hear loud clattering I set the amulet down and go to open my basement door and when I do I hear more clattering and I say "raccoons!" Then I grab a broom and head downstairs and I look around as I hear footsteps retreat to somewhere down here then I start down the rest of the stairs holding my broom like a weapon looking around my basement. (Meanwhile the amulet start glowing more brightly and ticks) I walk to the middle of the room and reach for the over head lights and turn them on and I look around as I walk sideways and I accidentally screamed and when I looked at what it was it was mirrors and then I breath out and relax a bit as I continue to look around the room broom in hand like a weapon still when suddenly the lights behind me turn off and I yell then as I breath out then as I continue to look around the stuff in front of me I jump when I hear someone say "Master Jim!" I scream as I fall to the ground and back away and hit my head on a pole behind me and I grab the back of my head as I see the thing in front of me say "master Jim we have found you! I am known as blinky" then as I hack away from the thing in front of me I feel something behind me I look up and scream as the thing behind me says "hi" I then get up and away from the thing as I scream "ahhhhhhhh" then the big green thing says "it's 'arrrggghhh' with three R's" as I back into the furnace as the short blue troll walks towards me and burn my butt as I back into the big green one and fall to the ground on my knees with my hands on my head and I look up to see the big green one say "mmm he says 'ah' a lot"  then the thing called blinky says "it more of a Yelp I believe, a greeting perhaps" they both look at each other then look back at me and smile as they  scream at me and I scream back and try to back away but the thing called arrrggghhh grabs me with one hand as blinky says "Master Jim, you have been chosen." Then aarrrggghhh says "hmm, blinky, he looks scared. I Yelp then blinky says "uh, aarrrggghhh, my good fellow, would you mind? This is a moment of some solemnity." Aarrrggghhh says "hmm? 'Solembily'?" Blinky then says "it means serious and dignified" then aarrrggghhh says "hmm. 'Dig-oo-nified.'" I stammer with my hands over my face saying "p-p-put me down, please?" Then I hear arrrggghhh say "oh" I scream as I get out down and get patted on the head then blinky says "thank you. Now, where was I?" then arrrggghhh says "uh. 'Master Jim...found you..." as I see he names then off on his fingers as I look as blinky who says "thank you." I groan repeatedly as I try to run every way I can but I am met by hands as I stop and back up to the front of the big green thing behind me as I see and hear blinky say "Master Jim, you have been chosen along with a significant other that hasn't been seen in a millennium" as he looks at me he continues to say as I Yelp again "The amulet of Daylight challenges you to ascend the most sacred of offices." Then arrrggghhh says "orifices? What orifices?" Then blinky says "offices. It means responsibility" then he says to me as he looks at me and I look back "unbeknownst to your kind, there is a secret world, a vast civilization of trolls lurking beneath your very feet, hidden from view.  Then I say "tro... tr-trolls?" Blinky then says "trolls. Yes, trolls. And it is now your charge to protect them. For you, master Jim, are the Trollhunter and your significant other is the Trollhuntress." I Yelp and then the arrrggghhh behind me also says "Trollhunter and Trollhuntress." Then blinky says "this honor is your to accept. So what say you?" I then fall to the floor as I faint and pass out. Then I faintly hear arrrggghhh say "is that a yes?" As they both look at each other... then I wake up and call the two people who think I should tell about the two trolls in my house tonight, Y/n and Toby but when I tried calling Y/n "pick up, pick up." But when she didn't I thought she might be in trouble and run to what I think is her house and knock.

Y/n's POV

After I made sure my dad had all his things and dinner I then went into the garage and put my bike and helmet away and then went inside to do my homework and as soon as I'm done I hear a knock on my door on instinct I grab a knife from the knife holder and walk towards the door as I hear another knock but when I look through the window in the door I see it's Jim and I open the door and say "Jim are you okay what wrong?" As he walks in and I close the door then he grabs my hands and says "Y/n I need to tell you something that I think will shock you" my face feels warm as I blush and look at our hands and back and Jim's face as he finally realizes what he just did and pulls back as I say "what do you mea-" but before I could finish my sentence I hear loud clattering and I say "god dammit you raccoons!" Then I go grab a knife for Jim to hold as I give him the Handel he nods and takes it with a face of determination that I find cute and in my thoughts I say "oh wow the determination on his face is cute wait why am I saying he's cute! Stop thinking that Y/n snap out of it!" Then my face turn red as I look back at the basement door. But what I didn't notice is that Jim was blushing to and saw I was as well so with my knife in my hand held like a dagger with the sharp side pointed out and less sharp side pointed towards my lower arm I walk to the door and say "Jim what do you need to tell me before I open this door?" Jim then says "for some reason these things came into my basement and said they were trolls and that I'm the Trollhunter and that my significant other is the Trollhuntress with an amulet like mine" then he holds it out to me and my eyes go wide as I say "Jim I have an amulet as well but it-" then Jim interrupts me and says "you are the Trollhuntress! Oh my god I can't believe it. I thought it would be someone less beautiful than you-" "yeah I know it's cool to have you as a partner for this but...wait did you just call me beautiful?" I interrupt and my face goes red as I look at him he realizes and his face goes red too and then I take the amulet out of my pocket "could you come over to my house I have something important to tell you" I say "sure give me one minute and I will be over" then I end the call and I see armor come from mist and attach to me then the mist clears and I float down to the ground then I drop to my knees because the armor is so heavy then it magically turns to my size and I gasp and then I hear another loud clatter and I put the amulet on the coffee table then I see I still have a knife in my other hand for protection and I open the door then I walk down the stairs then I start looking around since the light is on and then it suddenly goes out I turn rapidly since I felt a presence behind me and put the knife to their what I believe is their throat and I look to see it was a troll and it says "OH MY Mistress Y/n please put the knife down" I then accidentally yell in trollish but I didn't know that and I put the knife down and the blue troll says "I am known as blinky, Mistress Y/n and my companion here is aarrrggghhh the big green troll behind you and might I say that your trollish is very impressive" I look behind me and see a giant troll that has green fur on him as I ask in a calm voice "what do you mean trollish my Father told me that it was a type of Spanish language" Blinky then says "well you father is wrong Mistress Y/n for you are speaking in troll tongue" then Blinky says "Mistress Y/n, we have found you, the Amulet of Moonlight challenges you to ascend the most sacred of offices, unbeknownst to your kind, is a secret world, a vast civilization of trolls lurking beneath your very feet, hidden from view." then I speak trollish to see if it sounds like Spanish and I say "holy crap you're right it doesn't sound like Spanish so all this time my father was teaching me trollish not Spanish" then Blinky says "you are correct Mistress Y/n" then he says " and now it is yours and your significant others charge to protect them. For you, Mistress Y/n, are the Trollhuntress the first in a millennium since we have seen the last" my eyes go wide then he says "this honor is for you to accept if you so wish to so what say you Mistress Y/n?" Then I say "yes but I only will to protect those in need and stop evil like I did in New York." Blinky smiles I smile back then I say "but first let's head over to Jim's house since he has something important to tell me" blinky says "our young Trollhunter didn't take it as calmly as you did Mistress Y/n" I say shocked "wait Jim's the Trollhunter? Oh my god he's going to be freaking out like I am right now internally anyways let's go to Jim's" then Blinky says "perhaps tomorrow we may have scared Master Jim, Mistress Y/n and we must leave before the sun turns us to stone" then I say "nonsense if I'm with you then he will listen and understand what you want us to do Blinky but yes when you see a little bit of sun then go back to your home" Blinky says "very well Mistress Y/n" then I open the door and walk out of it with Blinky and aarrrggghhh following I knock on the door and say "Jim it's me! Y/n!" Then Jim opens the door and pulls me in and says "did they follow you?" he calls Toby and I hear Toby say "hey Jim." Then Jim says "Tobes you're never going to believe what happened last night." Then Toby says "yeah, I'm kind of in the middle of something Jimbo." "I am freaking out here! Seriously freaking I need to talk to somebody." Then I hear Toby say as I cross my arms across my chest with one hand on my forehead "chillax. What's going on?" Then Jim says "okay , last night, I heard something in my basement I thought it was raccoons, but then—" Toby then says "yeah, hang on a second—" then I hear him scream as he says "Sorry Jim. I'll have to call you back." Then he screams again and hear Jim say "No, not that one!" Then he hangs up and then his eyes go wide as I say "oh crap! School!" Then I go grab my stuff for school from my house and grab my bike and helmet and say "blinky! Aarrrggghhh! Run back to your home!" Then I hear no answer as I open the door to the garage to see Jim grab his stuff as I look down the road to see Aarrrggghhh and Blinky running back to their home then Jim bikes over to me and turns my attention to him as he says "we need to head to school or we will get detention Y/n" then I say "okay! okay! Let's get going!" Then we fly down the road on our bikes with my amulet in my bag as Jim says "I will talk tell you about what I saw later!" Then I say "okay then!" Then as we reach the school and I lock my bike up and head to my locker to get my stuff for school...

Jim's POV

I reach the school with Y/n and lock up my bike with hers and I say "we need to tell Strickler about what we saw" Y/n says "okay but we need to be careful of what we say since we don't know if he's good or not Jim" I say "okay then we'll be careful how we approach him about this situation then" she nods and we head to Mr. Stricklers office I open the door, Y/n and I see him sitting at his desk he looks up and says "Ah, hello, Jim and Y/n. What can I do for you?" I say "uh, do you have a minute?" He says "are you two alright? You both look peaked."  He presses a button on his music and it stops as he says "here, sit both of you" we walk in and sit down I exhale as I put up a seat and say "okay, we don't really know how to says this,-" but Y/n says "but last night something incredible happened." Then I say "Actually, unbelievable. Completely unbelievable." Then Y/n says "As in, you won't believe us, but we're telling you it's true" then I say "we promise you it's true." Then Strickler says "All right. Just calm down. I'll believe you both" then I say "Uh, okay. Last night, two, um, things showed up at me and Y/n's house." Strickler says "things?" Y/n says "You know, things. Guys. But really weird." I stammer as I say "o-one had these eyes and the other one was h-huge and hairy and they said that they were tro..." "tro?" Strickler says then Y/n says "Tr...Trainers! Trainers, who want to train us in...ch...uh...chess." Jim chuckles softly as he grab a chess piece from the board near the window as Strickler says "and why would that have you both perturbed?" I say "they really weirded us out" I chuckle as I looked out the window and I see Steve kick a ball out in the school yard really far as he looks back and mouths "tick-tock. Tick-tock." I look back at the chess piece in my hand and I hear Strickler say "Now I think I know what has you so distraught, Y/n and Jim." "You do?" Both me and Y/n say then Strickler says "It's like I told you both yesterday, you both have a lot on your shoulders. Too much, in my opinion for someone your age and I think this opportunity...-" "chess" I say as he then continues saying "I think it's causing you both anxiety. I know you both want to be there for your mother, and your father but it's as a great poet once wrote, 'do what's good for you or you're not good for anybody.'" We all hear the bell ring and then Y/n and I pick up our bags and Y/n says "thank you for the advice Mr. Strickler" then I say "we like talking to you." Then as we head out Strickler says "Always." Then as we turn he looks at our backs and see our amulets in our bags then his eyes go wide then we continue our rest of the day I bike home with Toby and I head inside my house and start to cook when I see my amulet in my bag start to glow then I grab my bag and walk to the back door of the house walk down the steps and into the yard and I pull out my amulet as I hear a woman yells "Parker! Parker, come here, bud!" Then I examine the amulet and see it's spinning then it glows some words inscribed on the amulet and  I read what says out loud "For The Glory Of Merlin Daylight Is Mine To Command." Then all of a sudden these little lights come out of the amulet and float. Around me a few times then the wind picks up speed and I'm then picked up and floating in the air and then armor magically comes to me and puts itself on my body it's heavy and huge then I thought "this stuff is heavy" then suddenly like it knew what I was thinking and it shrunk to my body's size my eyes go wide as I say "This is so freaking cool!" I stand proudly and then I thought "maybe I should call Y/n and Toby and show them this awesome armor" then I look down as I see those little lights again and they float to my hand and go inside my hand then magically my hand glows and pulses as a sword appears in my hand, it's huge then when  I pick it up it shrinks to a size I can handle and I do fighting poses and then as I fling the sword around I accidentally get it stuck in a rock then I grunt as I try to pull it out but I fall back then I get up and run grab the sword and yank it back after 3 tries but then it gets stuck in another rock.

Strickler's POV

I pull up my car to the canal and take out my keys  then I push the car door open and then close it as I get out then walk down the side of the canal I walk over to Kanjigar's remains and pick two pieces up with amulet indent in them as I say "they've been taken. You failed. You let Them go. Your father will be displeased." as I feel Bular come up behind me he roars then says "whoever holds the Amulets of Merlin, I shall destroy him and her, just as I have done with every single one of them." Then I say "Worry not, you brute. I know where to find Them." As my eyes start to turn troll as I walk away from the pile of Kanjigar's remains...

Y/n's POV

When I get inside I start cooking dinner for my dad and me then I turn my head to look at my amulet and see it's glowing brightly then I turn my head back to cooking dinner as I thought "I'll see what the amulet wants after I'm done cooking." Then when I'm done I grab the amulet head to my backyard go down the steps
"I believe the Amulets have found their champions..."  then I see that the amulet has words on them then the amulet moves around like a clock more than five times then I see the words enshrined on it as I say "For The Glory Of Merlin Moonlight Is Mine To Command." Then I see little purplish white lights float out of my amulet my eyes go wide as I see them float to my chest and then to my right shoulder then go in my body, all of a sudden I start to float and then magically appear then it attaches itself to my body then I float back to the ground as I thought "woah this is awesome my nigga but it's heavy as shit" then like it knew what I was thinking it shrunk to my body's size fit my chest plate Nicely and I gasp as I exclaim "I need to tell Jim and Toby about this!!" Then I hear my phone ring I walk inside and see it's Jim...

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