re zero:nexus

بواسطة bloodedge_alter_god

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jason emilia bloodedge was the son of ragna the bloodedge and emilia the eft after give his life to stop the... المزيد

prologe the call for help
chapter 1 an spirits request and an new ally
chapter 2 new experiences and new faces
chapter 3 interrogatation and test
chapter 5 first team mission

Chapter 4 The Team And Meeting Of Fate

182 3 62
بواسطة bloodedge_alter_god

Jason was walking with Luka as he was guide him to his team

Jason:I can't believe I been leader of my platoon


Jason:well the thing is I not the leader type I mean I give assist to others but give others I never do such thing soo I have no idea

Luka:don't worry i sure you fine for someone of you calibur

Jason:Luka one thing is fight alone as you only worried about youseft and another is fight with an team I have more worrieds

Luka:I sure you be fine besides you can ask seto and kyoka I sure they can help you with that


They arrive to the door as they open and enter and see an group of girls

Luka:I find you team memeber and leader

The girls turn to duo

???:wait really?

???2:hey is that guy who have the new world record

???3:why you coldsplay?

???4:i think he looks cool

??? 5:nice sword


Luka:let's that with the introductions first all right girls you first

Yuuki:I yuuki konno nice to meet you*bright smile*

Jason:oh Thanks(of all names why yuuki!?)

Yui:(is because terumi's first name right?)

Yoruka:(since Jason you have to hold the urge of shiver and hold you anger)

Jason:(yeah I realise that as well)

Yuuki:hey you okay you have an unpleasant face

Jason:sorry I just you have the first name of an bastard deepy hate

Yuuki:oh sorry about that

Jason:is okay I can still call you yuuki

Yuuki smile as Jason blush

Kiana:I kiana kaslana I hope we get along

Jason:thanks hey you have diferent eye colors just like me

Kiana:yeah i realise as well with yours

Jason:jejeje I get from my dad

Kiana:I see(he is kinda childlish but he is nice)

Yae:I yae sakura I kiana's best friend

Jason:nice to meet you I hope we can been the same

Yae:if you have skill you bet

Jason:jejej that just test me is it


Kiana:you get use to her

Jason:olso thoses ears are real?

Yae:nah they are fake*show the fake ears*see


Yui:(papa remeber this not like you world beastskin don't exist)

Yoruka:(and why if people with super powers exist why not people with animal trails?)

Yui:(again diferent world)

Chen:hey there the name is chen

Jason:that is one awesone katana you have there

Chen:jaja you bet and more what I can do with this beauty

Jason:yeah... (hey yoruka)

Yoruka:(already did with they weapon trough you have to figure out how to use it)


Jason look an the final girl who have blue hair

Azura:I azura I hope we can work together

Jason:o oh yeah(hey I just me o she have the same voice as the lake)

Yoruka:(i realise it as well yui can you dig up about azura?)

Yui:(i try)

Luka:well i leave you alone to introduce later you will tag with another platoon for an pratol

Jason:how much time

Luka:10 minutes

He walk away as Jason look back an the girls


Kiana:you okay you look nervous

Jason:well i never been an platoon and there is... Uhh

Chen:the what?

Jason:you realise I am the only boy of the group right soo you know...

The girls realise it

Yuuki:nah is okay is not big deal

Jason:something tells me that is gonnad be an big deal

Yae:now how about show our powers to know better

Jason:yeah that work who start

Yuuki:me my power is photon kinesis I can control light and energy

She cover her sword an purple energy

Yuuki:I olso good an sword fight I even win an tournament

Jason:oh you must be zekken

Yuuki:you hear about me

Jason:yeah i curious about that

Yuuki:if you like I can tell you more

Kiana:later yuuki now my power is hyper velocity

She move fast an appear behild Jason


And she move back to her place

Kiana:I have my two guns who have high firepower*show her dual pistols*

Jason:lazers o bullets?


Jason:that is soo freaking cool(I try thoses first)

Yae:my Power is aerokinesis along with photon kinesis together it allow to make long energy slashes and move fast and do this

She un sheath and sheath the katana and mutiple pink slashes appear and dissappear

Jason:that is soo awesone

Yuuki:I know right I try to do that as well

Jason:(yoruka add that move to the moveset list)


Chen:well my power is like yae but I use umbral kinesis along with aerokinesis together and have this

She summor an red dragon who move aorud her

Jason:that is just awesone

He touch the dragon as the later groan

Jason:soo cool

Chen:jejej thanks

She make the dragon dissappear

Azura:my power is hydrokinesis I can summor and control water

She summor water rain aroud the group

Jason:is beatiful

Azura blush

Jason:I I mean the power

Yuuki:ehh you frirt with the most cute girl an the platoon


The rest giggle


Jason pout hard

Azura:anyways I can create weapon and just as strong as iron and create powerful water attacks

Jason:by any chance you can control the blood

Azura:no water and blood is diferent

Jason:I see

Yuuki:soo what is you Power

Jason:I have an few

Jason open his palms as one was cover adn ice and wind while the other have light on it

Jason:I can use light, wind and ice


Yae:guess we are not the only ones


Jason:well this is just haft of what I can do


Jason was cover an darkness and have his dark mode on as not one hand have fire an darkness and the other have earth

Jason:an my dark form I can use fire,earth and darkness as well


Kiana:hold on you have to switch to use thoses powers?!

Jason:yeah and each one is strong an his own condition my light mode is strong when I an light areas while my dark mode is opositve as it get strong an dark areas

Yae:wow you have an lot of abilities

Jason:jejeje yeah

Yuuki:and what about you weapons

Jason:oh I have an few

He grab his aramasa

Jason:this is my aramasa is an sword witch csn turn into an scythe*turn into an scythe*olso can steal people life force and trasfer to me

Yuuki:ehhh?! Like an real reaper that is soo cool!

Chen:gonnad admint that thing looks cool

Jason:yeah and I have more

The aramasa turn into beowoft

Jason:I have thoses beauties call beowoft this allow to kick and slashes some asess

Yae:eh? You weapon can take other forms?!

Jason:yeah this two of four I have these*turn reinhard*this my spear reinhard

Yuuki:why that name?

Jason:oh to an honor an legendary hero I hear from an story I see an a book it was the strongest hero and it was know as the sword saint

Azura:interesting(must be someone from his mother universe)

Jason:and the last weapon*turn into buster edge*I have buster edge perfect to make an hell of damage with few swings

Chen:wow you can lift that giant blade with one hand?!

Kiana:how strong you are?!

Jason:I think I strong enough to lift and lauch an big ihter who is about 3 sizes above me


Jason:yeah i did once but it was an the test soo I not sure if is posible an the real one

Kiana:w wow

Yuuki:wow you weapons are awesone

Jason:and here the best part depend of the mode I have now it have diferent effect like I have dark mode my weapon can create flames, darkness and the strikes can make the ground shake and I can gather the energy of the earth to increase more power

Chen:w wow now I see you are the leader with thoses powers

Yuuki:not to metion you weapons are cool

Jason:jejeje yeah*whisper*oh if only they knew about the shape swift copycat and weapon creation



Azura:you say about copy and shapeshifter what you mean

Jason:well i have this other ability I show it

He turn buster edge into Chen katana

Chen:t that is*look her weapon*how you


Yuuki:how you do that?

Jason:well my weapon as you can say it have the special ability to change other weapons of others by see the first time

Kiana:every weapon?!

Jason:depend's how complex is the weapon and how much I know about it soo it doesn't make an perfect copy but make something close

Yui:(i have info of they weapons I can pass it to you)

Jason:(you are the best yui)

Yui:(thanks papa)

Kiana:okay how about the creation part

Jason:well i can create light o dark version of the weapons I see

Kiana:okay try my pistols

Jason does that as he create dark versions of kiana's pistols

Yuuki:oh try my sword!

He create an light version of yuuki sword!

Yuuki:wow is like my own but diferent

Chen:how many you can create?

Jason:never know the maximum I reach for the moment are 15 but I can increase more

Azura:soo you are walking arsenal

???:that is an unique

The group turn to see seto with his platoon among then there is yuito and nagi

Jason:oh seto guess they are you group

Seto:yeah and I sure you know the two members of my team

Jason:yep hey yuito and nagi

Yuito:hey never trough we see you here

Nagi:yeah olso about thw weapon thing is that true!?


Seto:soo you can create and swift you weapon into others weapons that is neat trick

Jason:jejej yeah


Jason:yes uhhh

Hanabi:names hanabi

Jason:ok hanabi what is you question

Hanabi:you say you create and copy weapons you see.. Soo how many you see and copy

Jason think for the moment

Jason:I think until now I see and copy o create 7777 weapons

Everyone jawdrop

Tsugumi:t t t t that many?!

Kagero:wow and all is 7 the lucky number

Yuuki:yeah i sure you are super lucky

Jason:well most of the time yeah but not all the time

Nagi:wow i wish to have you luck

Seto:yeah soo Jason did Luka inform about the mission

Jason:oh yeah tag along with you an patrol but never said the details

Seto:I tell we goin to Kikuchiba for the mission

Jason:oh I been that area before

Seto:you did and why you were there

Jason:well i was lost and have no map soo I trough I can find one an the city

Seto:is that soo you could check the psynet for that

Jason:yeah.. I forgot about that

The rest sweatdrop

Seto:I see.. Well we meet an the entrace you have some free time before go

Jason:okay*take deep breath*


Jason:yeah never work as team leader I mosty go alone with my instint

Yuito:I sure you fine I mean you beat an buch of others and summor you ice knights for that

Jason platoon girls:wait you can do that?!


Kiana:and why you never tell us that!?

Jason:oh well i forgot tee hee


The girls have an anime fall for the silly response

Chen:guess he is unique


Nagi:yeah but I have cool powers and more with the wings


Jason:oh theses

He summor the wings

Yuuki:wow i trough I wqw the only one!

Jason:wait what?!

Yuuki summor light wings

Yuuki:I can fly with thoses but for short time

Jason:that is cool

Kiana:wow you have wings

Jason:yeah and olso it change depend of the mode I have

He turn into dark mode as the wings are cristal red with an purple aura

Hanabi:wow it looks great


Chen:really Jason what else you can do

Yuito:oh he can fly like an witch by use an bloom


Jason:yeah i can

He summor an bloom as he sit on and it start to levitate high to the air

Yae:oh my god

Kiana:ja I told you witchs exist!

Jason:*sweatdrop*I still don't get how is an big deal an this world with super human being

He flt back down

Hanabi:hey can I give an try

Jason:oh sure just focus and think an the action

Hanabi sit on and think as she start to levitate

Hanabi:wow tus is great!

Yuito:yeah i want to try

Hanabi:yeah and...

Jason:uhh hanabi

She look down and realise the bloom was the ground and she was an the air

Hanabi:oh oh

She start to fall but yuito catch and princess carry style

Yuito:hanabi you okay?

Hanabi:yeah but.. *blush*yuito


He realise the position as he blush and out hanabi

Yuito:I I sorry

Hanabi:is is okay*whisper*I don't mild if is you


Hamabu look to see jason with an smug look

Hanabi turn red as Jason act like nothing happens and turn toward seto

Jason:soo seto who are the rest

Seto:oh I let then do the introduction

Kagero:I kagero nice to meet you

Jason:kagero.... By any chance you are pervert womanizer

Kagero:what?! No!!! Why you ask that

Jason:s sorry is just I mean someone with an similar name witch was kagura and well he was that.. Less to say he always end up beat up

Kagero:I I see don't worry i not like that

Tsugumi:I tsugumi I hear you make the top score and short time

Jason:jeje yeah I wish it last longer trough

Seto:for you seems like you have fun for an intense battle

Jason:well it was an simulation soo I can have fun without worry jejeje

Seto:I see(seems like Is more childlish and relax and want to have fun)

Jason:okay soo we have to go to Kikuchiba

Seto:yeah we see you there o olso you have to go with Luka it have something for you

Jason:oh I see*look the girls*we meet an the point

Azura:we will been there

Jason walk off


Jason was look an the cables on him

Jason:soo this bias should upgrade my power

Luka:an theory yes you been select among an few to test

Jason:how safe is this

Luka:that depend if the user

Jason:okay soo how I active it?

Luka:it should be working now

The calbels grow orange

Jason:hmm I don't feel anything I feel the....?

He see the cables quiciky turn blue

Luka:how what happen

But then jason turn into light mode without reason as the cables glow gold

Jason:hey what is goin on?!

And then turn into dawk mode as the cables glow dark red


Luka:I not sure how you feel

Jason:I feel diferent but I don't know how(yui)

Yui:(the azure grimore us change the bias code to adapt to you)

Yoruka:(an simple other worlds the azure grimore is alter the bias to work better with you)

And that moment the cables change as they were blue and red

Luka:that was weird

Jason:(this is like my overdrive I wonder)

He use light and dark as he manage to create Both by It was weak

Jason: interesting

Luka:what is it?

Jason:I can use the powers of both light and dark mode together but it end weak

Luka:make sense since Both must cancel becasue they are diferent


He turn into light and mode and test the powers

Jason:wow i feel stronger now

Luka:seems like bias have an good result

Yui:(jason the azure grimore complety remove the original code if bias and replace it with his own)


Yoruka:(the bias is now part of you azure grimore o an extend of his power)

Jason:(awesone!) well i give an test k gotta go

Luka:good luck an you mission

Jason nod and run off

With azura

Azura as an the lake and see the reflection witch turn to show Jason

Azura:jason Emilia bloodedge I have high hopes you can save this world... And you been ready to see the dangers you have to go

What is the conection between azura and jason and does Jason can pass the events will come?

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