
By Wazzuupppp_

503K 11.4K 4.7K

Fifteen year old Isabella Delgado is living her best life (kinda) - until she's pulled into a police station... More

Before We Start.....
Characters <3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 pt.1
Chapter 35 pt.2
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 pt.1
Chapter 37 pt.2
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
BONUS (100k!!)

Chapter 8

11.4K 286 128
By Wazzuupppp_

A/N - release date for umbrella academy S3 just came out and idk how to act

Enjoyyy <3


The huge-ass leather chair, the huge-ass desk, the giant family portrait - take a guess on where I was right now.

"I understand you wanted to talk to me Isabella?", Zane gestured to the sofa and I sank into it cautiously as he steepled his fingers on his desk, "everything okay?".

"It's gonna sound stupid but I'm gonna say it anyway", I started off, "don't you think I'm gonna be a burden when we're meeting Talon?". He analysed my face in silence for what felt like an eternity before he leaned forwards.

"What makes you ask that?".

"This is like a huge milestone for Xander right? I've been here for what, five minutes? I feel like I'm intruding Zane", I found sudden interest in the arm of the sofa and fixed my gaze on it steadily.

"Look at me", he ordered and I obliged, didn't have to tell me twice, "I understand. But I won't let you feel like that, not when your arrival to this family so late was down to me; I get that missing out on so much has made you feel that being here for the memorable parts isn't right - but you are not a burden or an intruder Isabella, don't ever think that".

"Knew I was being stupid", I muttered and his mouth twitched into a smirk.

"Speaking about your feelings isn't stupid", he said and I nodded, "you talk to me when you're feeling anything. Now, I think it's time we met Alexander's boyfriend, don't you?".   


I was trying my hardest not to laugh right now - all of my brothers who were present had their poker faces on, attempting to look intimidating. Huge emphasis on attempting.

"You guys look so stupid", I muttered, "you think he's gonna be scared? You'd be better off putting guns instead of cutlery". Caleb pulled his hands out of his lap and placed two guns on either side of his plate - what the fuck?

"Caleb!", Scott exclaimed as I stared at him with wide eyes; he just had those the whole time?

"I didn't know she was joking!", he tried to defend himself as he grabbed them and tucked them away again, "lo siento princesa".

"You guys just....have guns like that?", I asked and Zane cleared his throat.

"For protection", he stated, "I don't know why Caleb has been so irresponsible to bring them to the dinner table". Caleb removed his cap and scratched his head sheepishly, what an idiot.

"We're here!", everyone straightened up and I snorted, lunatics.

"In here!", Xav called out and Caleb rolled his eyes.

"I think he got that idiot".

"What, like you got her joke about the guns?", he raised an eyebrow and I smirked, he sure knew how to make a comeback. Caleb didn't get a chance to reply because our brother and his boyfriend were now in the room - yeah they looked like an amazing couple.

Talon was a little shorter than my brother and had messy blonde hair, a ton of freckles and a pair of glasses perched on his nose; he was wearing some flared jeans with a black jumper as well as his nails being painted black too - his nails matched Xander's entire outfit.

"What's up?", Xander kept his hand in Talon's as he addressed the table, "guys this is my boyfriend Talon". God I was smiling so much right now and I wasn't the only one; all of their facades had broken down within five seconds of meeting him.

Zane stood first, navigating around the table until he was stood in front of the pair - fucking hell he towered over Talon.

"Zane. Nice to meet you", he held out a hand and Talon looked up at him with a small smile, he shook his hand and I noticed him squeeze Xander's with his other one.

I'm pretty sure Zane made it his job to intimidate everyone the first time they met him; it worked on me.

"You too", he adjusted his glasses after releasing Zane's hand, "your house looks amazing".

"Thank you", Zane nodded, I swear this guy couldn't smile, "come on, sit down". Xander took the seat opposite me and to the left of Caleb, Talon sat to his left opposite Xav who was on my right.

"Are we introducing ourselves or?...", Xav asked and Xander closed his eyes with a sigh.

"Go ahead", he waved a hand and Xav wiggled in his seat.

"Well you already know who I am, I'm Xav, and yeah - glad you're finally meeting the family", he bounced a leg under the table while he spoke with a huge grin on his face, he was more excited about this than Xander was by the looks of it.

"I'm Izzy, nice to meet you", I gave a small wave and bit my lip when I saw Talon's eyes widen a little as his cheeks reddened- yeah this was awkward for me too considering the first time I'd seen him he wasn't exactly...clothed.

"I'm Scott", he nodded before yawning and then sneezing, "sorry".

"Bless you", I said quietly, leaning towards him to my left; he turned to me and gave a quick wink.

"Caleb", he leaned forwards and nodded his head at Talon, "ever seen a gun?". I cupped a hand over my mouth as Xav snorted and looked away.

"Caleb", Zane warned as Xander clenched his jaw harshly and closed his eyes momentarily.

"Don't take the piss", he said with a sigh, "okay, what are we eating?". I'm almost 99% certain if Talon wasn't here that would've been enough to initiate a screaming match between Caleb and Xander.

"We are ordering whatever Talon would like to eat", Zane answered and we all turned to him which made him chuckle nervously.

"Uh, I don't mind honestly", he shrugged, "although I do love pizza". I think I'd be sick of pizza after living here for another few months.

"Then pizza it is", Zane pulled his phone out of his pocket and cleared his throat, "I'll just order one of everything". Imagine saying that like it was nothing...


Food was here, plates were stacked, stomach was fucking growling - oh, and brothers were arguing.

"I really think you were dropped as a kid", Xav said to Caleb who gave him the middle finger, "did you see that Zane?".

"You snitch", Caleb scoffed, "what? I'm not allowed to ask questions to the person who's dating our brother?".

"The person who's dating our brother is sat two seats away from you", I told him, "you don't ask shit like that".

"Language Isabella", Zane interrupted and I rolled my eyes, "attitude".

"You don't tell them off when they give you attitude Zane", I leaned back in my chair, "all I'm saying is what he said sucks, he's our guest for god's sake". I don't know why I was so defensive right now, or why I was so goddamn angry; I'm probably due.

"And what do you know Isabella, you've been here five minutes", Caleb snapped and my heart stopped; this is exactly what I was insecure about, "shit, I didn't mean that, I-".

"I'm going to see the twins", I muttered, standing up and leaving the table, the kitchen, and the fucking house - what a prick.


"You stormed out? God you're gonna die when you get back", Amelia shook her head at me and poured us each another shot of vodka, I think this was my sixth, "what even happened?".

"Caleb's a dick", I started.

"Well no fucking shit", she snorted, "what did he do this time?".

"We were having dinner, meeting Xander's boyfriend Talon-", I began and she screeched.

"Boyfriend!", she grabbed my wrist, "why didn't you tell me this shit? I've been crushing on him the most Izzy".

"I only found out recently!", I swatted her away, "and now you've got the knowledge that he doesn't swing for your team - and you're crushing on my brothers. Ew.".

"I've seen the looks you give Theo", she narrowed her eyes at me and I scoffed, having nothing to say to that, "anyway, what did Caleb do?".

"Okay so we had just got the food - which I didn't even get to eat any of by the way - and Talon was being quizzed, y'know, stuff like grades and what he likes doing; and that idiot started asking shit like 'are your parents homophobic?' 'are your parents alive?' 'how do we know our brother is safe with you?'", I rambled, "safe? If you saw the guy you'd laugh - he's like Atlas".

"Oh please", she snorted, "he's trying to get a reaction, he's always been like that- kinda: it's not my place to say but he went through something a couple years back and I'm pretty sure that's why he's a dick now". Well whatever he went through must've been something big because god he was something else sometimes.

"And then when I tried to defend Talon, Zane got mad at me for my attitude and Caleb was all 'you've been here for five minutes - what do you know?' So I left", I shrugged and she nodded.

"As you should", she raised her shot glass and we clinked them, "you want food? Gray ordered pizza". More pizza?

"Can never say no to pizza", I grinned.

"We're gonna get along just fine", she stared at me for a minute and I rolled my eyes, "okay come on, you still look upset and you will not be leaving this house like that". To be honest I think Amelia was right; we were gonna get along just fine...


"Have you been drinking?", I spun around as Amelia turned down the speakers and gasped, tripping over literally nothing, "Isabella".

"So what if I have?", I extended my arms lazily, "I'm having a good time, more than I can say for what happened at dinner".

"Yeah I'm pissed too", Xander stepped forwards, "but turning to alcohol might not have been the best choice, Zane's gonna kill you".

"Of course he is", I nodded, stumbling a little and holding onto the arm of a sofa, "it's obvious he still sees me as a kid".

"You are a kid", he leaned down and placed a hand on my shoulder, "we're all worried sick back home".

"I'm not a kid Xander", I shook my head and burped, "a kid doesn't watch their mum die slowly, plan her entire funeral and then live alone for two years with practically no assistance". He froze and glanced up to where Amelia was standing- and now I'm oversharing.

"I know, I know", he sighed, "come on, we're getting you home".

"I don't want you all to be mad at me", I admitted and his mouth twitched into a smirk.

"Nobody's mad at you Bella", he replied, "they're mad at Caleb".

"Told you", Amelia interrupted and I chuckled, "he's right though Izzy, you should go back and get it over with".

"Okay", I sighed, "was the pizza nice?".

"I wouldn't know", he shrugged and I frowned, "Talon and I left shortly after you did". I laughed at that and shook my head, so dinner was a flop.

"Great", I muttered, "okay, I'm ready to go - I'll see you on Monday Amelia".

"Later Izzy", she yawned, switching off the tv, "I'm going to bed".

"Sleep on your side 'Lia", Xander told her as we approached the front door, she nodded and gave a thumbs up as she stumbled up the stairs, "let's get you home".

Xander drove with every window down for the entire journey in an attempt to sober me up a little, it worked I guess. But I was also fucking shivering now, so when we pulled up at the house and climbed out of his matte black Mercedes I was kinda glad.

"Have you been drinking?", Xav asked the exact same question his twin had asked me when he first laid his eyes upon me, "and I missed it?". I chuckled and wiped my eyes as three different sets of footsteps came closer; I knew the fast ones belonged to Scott when he ran at me and wrapped his arms around me, and the slowest ones were from Caleb who was hesitant to approach me.

I hugged Scott for a good few seconds before spotting Zane behind him and averting my gaze instantly - why was he so fucking tall?

"You okay?", Scott looked down at me in concern and I nodded, "you're swaying bebita".

"Am I?", I frowned before standing up straight and shrugging, "nah, I'm all good". He narrowed his eyes at me and hummed, yeah they were like walking lie detectors in here.

"I smell vodka", Xav commented and I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off, leave her alone", Xander snapped, "can you blame her? Today was a fucking shitshow, and you- you're just fucking stood there analysing the situation, fucking say something!". Zane took one step forwards, his eyes not leaving Xander once.

"Go to your room - now", he ordered and Xander laughed.

"That's new, sending me away whenever I overstep huh?", he scoffed, "I mean fucking hell Zane, am I that bad? You can't even look me in the eyes or have a civil conversation?". Little ironic coming from him.

"The only one stopping a civil conversation from happening is you Alexander", he crossed his arms and stared at him, now was the perfect time to slip away, "Isabella you will stay put". Shit.

"Can't we do this in the morning?", I pleaded, "you're clearly not angry at me so I don't see why the lecture can't wait till the morning".

"Way to throw me under the bus Bella", Xander muttered and I apologised, "she's right, let her sleep, you've clearly only got a problem with me".

"Go on", Scott gently pushed me towards the stairs when Zane didn't speak, "sleep on your side please bebita".

"You got it", I gave a thumbs up as I headed up the stairs, brushing past Caleb who had been hovering there the whole time; fucking hell.


"So you still haven't gone downstairs?", I gave my brother a 'seriously?' look and he chuckled, "look Izzy, quicker you get it over with the better - Zane doesn't like to wait".

"I don't care what Zane likes Chase", I groaned and he raised his eyebrows, "sorry, I've been in a pissy mood for a couple days now".

"Don't worry", he chuckled, "now get your ass down there before I jump through the screen".

"A few more minutes?", I pleaded and he uttered a 'fine', "how's university?".

"College is going great", he replied, "although I have a shit ton of work that may just push me to the edge".

"Sums up education as a whole", I snorted, "you didn't come home for Cay's birthday".

"I know, he told me not to", he shrugged, "he doesn't like birthdays, said there was no point in me coming if we weren't doing anything".

"Makes sense I suppose", I nodded, "so when will I next see you in person, not on this tiny screen?".

"Scott's birthday", he chuckled, "December 8th".

"It's September 16th Chase!", I whined.

"I'm aware", he adjusted his glasses, "okay, time's up - get down there, report back to me later - love you".

"Love you too", I sighed, ending the call and turning off my phone - I was gonna die today.


The smell of bacon lifted my spirits a bit and I actually picked up my pace walking into the kitchen, Xander and Zane were in there; the former cooking with music in and the latter typing away on a computer with a mug of coffee beside him.

I didn't say a word as I turned on the coffee machine and placed a mug under it, I slapped Xander on the shoulder and he turned to me with a frown, smirking when he realised it was me.

"Isabella", I turned to my eldest brother who was just staring as usual.

"Zane", I moved over to the breakfast bar where he was sitting and sighed, "are you mad at me?".

"I wouldn't say mad", he intertwined his fingers and rested his chin on them, "do I understand where you were coming from with your behaviour? I do. Do you understand where I was coming from with mine?".

"Kinda", I shrugged and he hummed.

"Elaborate", he closed his laptop and returned to his previous position.

"I don't get why you told me off for my attitude and language when they all swear like it's the only words they know, not to mention how Caleb was acting yesterday", I explained and he nodded once, "I get I might have been a little out of line but shouldn't we all be disciplined equally?".

"To an extent", he replied, "there are various circumstances in which I must deal with our brothers in a different manner", couldn't he speak English?, "for example, I will usually let Alexander's......profanities slide as they stem from factors mainly out of his control". I eyed the back of Xander, he couldn't hear a thing with his music blasting.

"Right", I nodded, "so I just blew everything out of proportion?".

"Not everything", he declined, "you defending Talon was justified, I've had a strong discussion with Caleb about his behaviour and if he has any sense in that hollow head of his he will apologise to you as well as Alexander and his boyfriend".

Taking that as Zane's idea of banter I laughed before my stomach growled, he bit back a smirk and reached for a tea towel beside him; he scrunched it up and threw it at Xander's back.

"What?", he pulled the headphones off his head and turned around.

"Your sister is hungry, speed up the cooking", he ordered as he stood up and grabbed his laptop, "I'm in a meeting until 6, save me dinner". In a few long strides he was almost out of the room, well until I called him back and he turned on his heel.

"Are we okay?", I asked apprehensively and one side of his mouth lifted into a smile.

"We were always okay Isabella", was all he said for disappearing. Well then.


A/N - someone acc kill me my law exams tomorrow 😃

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