Death's Dance

By ArabellaMurklins

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This is the work in progress version of my first book that I plan on publishing. This is only the first book... More

Chapter 1: I'm Alive
Chapter 2: Something's in the Woods
Chapter 3: The Prince's Palace
Chapter 4: Dinner At The Palace
Chapter 5: Breakfast in Bed
Chapter 6: The White Woods
Chapter 7: New Faces
Chapter 8: From Different Worlds
Chapter 9: And You Are?
Chapter 10: It Follows Us All
Chapter 11: It's Official
Chapter 12: Gone But Not Forgotten
Chapter 14: Something Old
Chapter 15: The Solstice Ball
Chapter 16: In the Silence
Chapter 17: Between Us
Chapter 18: To New Beginnings

Chapter 13: She Knows

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By ArabellaMurklins

      When I get back to my room Letti is plopped down in a chair while Ximena is in her usual place and Lieve and Yeona tidy up.

      "So, what did the Queen call of you out there for?" Letti asks turning to me.

      "Drazhan and Kallistê are to be officially engaged. The Queen wanted us to know first."

      They all look back and forth between each other.

      "What do we have for lunch?" I change the subject as to not have to lie to my friends about my engagement and where I was before coming back to eat.

      "Pickled cucumbers, ham, cheese, bread, butter, salad, and tomato soup," Lieve answers pointing to each item as she says it.

      It all sounds quite good, but I don't have much of an appetite. I begin to nibble away at my food when Ximena opens the door.

      "You may leave us," Kallistê orders nodding to the girls.

      They all swiftly exit through the panel in the wall.

      "May I help you?"

      I gesture to a seat, but Kallistê does not sit down.

      "You and my brother—"

      "So, he told you."

      The Queen specifically told us not to tell anyone!

      "He did not need to tell me."

      So, he did not go against the Queen's wishes.

      "Siblings know each other's thoughts and twins are twofold."

      "You're twins."

      War must have aged Laurent. Did it age Drazhan as well?

      "Yes, we are twins. Your brother did not tell you?"

      This lie about my brother being in that war has gotten a little out of hand, but it is to late to go back now.

      "No, my brother did not have time."

      "I am sorry for your loss." She looks uncomfortable and turns to leave before adding,"Enjoy your lunch."

      Kallistê is not as heart felt in her condolences, as if she does not understand the weight of it, however, I believe her to be genuine.

      "You and Laurent," Lettie pops her head through the hidden door. "That stuck up Cristmas tree," Lettie slips in and takes a seat, "Him? Mr. look at all these medals I won them all by myself; more like ornaments if you ask me. I bet he did really even earn them."

      "Lettie don't let me ever hear you talk like that about Laurent again."

      I did not mean to snap at her. It was just the way she talked about Laurent's medals. I don't know if I will get over what he called the Garren, but I genuinely believe that he did earn those medals and does not wear them to show off.

      "I'm sorry, Lettie, I didn't mean to be so harsh."

      "It's alright. I understand I shouldn't talk down to someone who makes you have doe eyes. I shouldn't have thought that I can speak freely. I shouldn't think of you as my real friend because you let me call you by your name instead of your title. How could a servant think they could be friends with a Queen," Lettie all but shouted as she left almost slamming the door behind her.

      Her words were harsh, but I did deserve them. I new she was teasing me about Laurent. I shouldn't have been so harsh. It is that I just couldn't let what she said about his medals go.

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