//Punishing Gray Raven\\

By KochoTurin

51K 1K 464

My First PGR fanfic The Punishing Virus has managed to destroy most of Mankind durings its first eruption in... More

Chapter 1 : Commandant Raiden
Chapter 2 : Field Test Completed
Chapter 3 : Skoll And Hati
Chapter 4 : Vast
Chapter 5 : Crimson Abyss
Chapter 6 : Babylonia
Chapter 7 : Frozen Darkness
Chapter 8 : Cyberangel
Chapter 9 : Arts Sand
Christmas Special
Chapter 10 : Strike Of The Hawk
Chapter 11 : Golden Star
Author Note
Chapter 12 : Roseleaf
Chapter 13 : Fallen Stars
Chapter 14 : Eternal Engine
Chapter 15 : The Nighter
Chater 16 : Ouroboros
Chapter 17 : Kowloong
Chapter 18 : Vermillion
Chapter 19 : Lucia
EX Chapter 20 : Ocean Tides
EX Chapter 21 : Venus Vacation
Ex Chapter 22 : Firn
EX Chapter 23 : Firm Grasp
Ex Chapter 24 : Qu
Ex Chapter 25 : Luna
Chapter 26 - Ascension
Chapter 27 - La Luna Sangre
Chapter 28 : Frontiers
Chapter 28.5 : Scarlet
Chapter 29 : Gateway to Sight
Chapter 30 : Imprisoned
Chapter 31 : Mother
Chapter 32 : Previous Era
Chapter 33 : Rising

Chapter 4.5 : White Red And Gray

1.8K 41 20
By KochoTurin

We follow Raiden who was beside some other people but specially he was beside the girl and the elderly man he followed moments ago

The White/Grayed haired Girl then began speaking... She wore a gray fur coat that reached her hips with a dark blue undershirt with a belt on her pants that reached and covered her legs... She also seems to be wearing fur boots

???:"What made you follow us?Ragged looking child the same age as me"

Raiden scratched his neck as he was questioned by the girl

Raiden:"Got lost..."

He embarrassingly said... The girl laughed a bit

Elder:"Rosetta! Do not laugh at someone!"

The Elder scolded the young girl who apologized... She did get a pat from the old man after that... Raiden then spoke

Raiden:"Say Elder?"

The Elder man looked at Raiden with a curious gaze

Raiden:"Can you tell me... Where we are?"

The Man coughed and Rosetta the one who understood that faced Raiden and spoke

Rosetta:"Well... We're in the Artic... You know cold and desolate land where no sun shines?"

Raiden:"didn't seem cold and i got some sunshine"

Rosetta then became intrigued

Rosetta:"Wait Really?"

Raiden was confused by this

Raiden:"You've never been into Nagazora or the parts far from that?"

Rosetta then thought of something in her head...

Rosetta:"Your not from around here are you?"

Raiden nodded

Rosetta:"Ah I see...i guess your here by a rescue op?"

Raiden:"... Something like that"

Rosetta sighed before speaking again

Rosetta:"We're in an Artic route Of a place called the Union...We're currently working with a Group called Babylonia"

Raiden lifted an eyebrow at her to display his confusion

Rosetta:"...The Big ship in the sky? The floating spaceship? Humanity's safest place? None of that stuff?"

Raiden blinked in return which made Rosetta ran a tear down her head

Rosetta:"Your Hopeless"

Raiden once again blinked at her with confusion... Which earned a groan from the girl


???:"Announcement! Children will be taken into a separate zone away from the adults for their safety! Do not worry! For there are guards that will accompany them towards a safer region of the Union!"

A man standing on a highest place with a megaphone said

The Elderly man then spoke

Elder:"Go my dear Rosetta..."

Rosetta:"But Grandpa... What about you?"

Elder:"Do not worry about us... We'll also arrive there don't worry"

Rosetta sadly nodded at the elderly man... The man thought of an idea

Elder:"Hey Raiden boy"

Hearing his name... Raiden turned towards the Man and went towards him

Raiden:"What is it Mister?"

He asked

Elder:"Please... Stay close to Rosetta can you do that my child?"

Raiden then looked at the kids who were walking towards the guards

Raiden:"I'll try my best"

Raiden gave the elder his word

Elder:"Just be careful about her my child... She's quite the trouble maker"

Raiden nodded... But Rosetta was quick to claim that she wasn't a troublemaker

Raiden then gently grabbed her hand and the two made their way as Rosetta waved goodbye to the old man


The two arrived with other kids towards a section of the area as the guards did some routine inspections on the area before children are permitted to get on the truck carrying them to a safer place

Rosetta and Raiden made their way to one...

Raiden:"You got your supplies?"

Rosetta nodded as she showed him the bag she carried... They opened it to reveal clothes and some food in their

Raiden:"Okay... Cool"

Raiden closed the bag and the went up into the truck... He then let his hand out to Rosetta

Raiden:"Come on"

Rosetta nodded and grabbed his hand before getting on herself towards the Truck... Both took a seat to the left side with Raiden on the very back... Yeah like he can have a first view seat of the surroundings... Forgot to mention they were still holding each others hand

Rosetta:"Don't you feel a bit cold?"

Raiden turned towards her and shaked his head no

Rosetta:"Ah... I... I see"

She said... Stuttering a few words... Raiden looked at the outside world as their truck was full... The engine started and they ran off

Rosetta:"Oh Oh!"

She said unconsciously tightening her grip towards Raiden's hand...



She apologized and untightened her grip... But she still did a little scoot closer while hiding her face by putting a hood over her head

Raiden meanwhile focused his gaze on the distance... Wondering about what's gonna happen next


Its been a good few hours and Raiden was still gazing into the night of day and out into the world... Except this time seemingly everyone in the truck fell asleep... Except him

Also add the fact that Rosetta had her head over his shoulder... But a good thing is that his free to move his hand and put a hand over her other shoulder and rubbed it gently before getting his hand off...

Raiden:"Well she's seems to be fast asleep..."

Raiden then got his bag open and looked through its content... He got the small chest he got from the School he explored... Three small books... Two from Gabriel and one from his mother
Opening it the small chest to see the Butterfly Jewel... Shining a blue color this time for an unknown reason...

Raiden:"Weird... This didn't happen at the School... It was dull colored"

Seeing that its a bit sus for the jewel to glow he immediately put it back in the small chest... After that he closed his bag again

Raiden coughed a bit for bit before sneezing... He covered his nose before doing that don't worry

Raiden:"That was something..."

Rosetta who was asleep unconsciously puts her hand out and hugged the thing closest to her... Which was him


Raiden had a small red tint present in his cheeks... Raiden tried to get her hands off but that didn't work... Instead it made it worse... Rosetta tightened her grip

Raiden:"......This girl"

He thought... Deciding that he was not gonna win this... He merely stayed in place in order to not disturb Rosetta's sleep

Raiden lowered his head and put his hand over Rosetta's shoulder while his other hand he placed into one of his coats pockets...

He then closed his eyes and drifted into the abyss we know as sleep

Union Province Port
Raiden was awoken up by the sound machinery and other things he looked around and saw that the Truck had stopped along with the other trucks...

Raiden stretched his arms and looked towards their own truck to see everyone was waking up... He then looked down and saw Rosetta had somehow fallen into his lap


He then gently shook her awake... which worked after a couple of tries

Rosetta:"... Are we there... Yet?"

Rosetta yawned

Raiden:"We're here"

Rosetta then noticed where her head was... She then had a red tint covering her face before jolting up... Wide awake

Rosetta:"I'm... I'm sorry about that"

She said... Clearly embarrassed

Rosetta:"Ummm... We should go?"

Rosetta intertwined her fingers as she looked at Raiden... Who was just getting off the Truck

Rosetta:"Oi wait for me!"

Raiden got her hand out towards her which she took and jumped down

Raiden:"Hold my hand and don't let go... Its better to stay close than get lost"

Rosetta nodded and they both went with the other children...


During that the guards explained to them all that they will hand out pillow and blankets for them and be assigned a Tent in one of the area... Covering from the building towards the trees nearby

Raiden and Rosetta got their pillow and blanket aswell as a tent designation... Nb 14

Raiden:"It seems our tent is at the tree area's... Nice"

Rosetta nodded as both then went towards the Tree tent areas along with their blanket and pillow
Once they reached it... They had a good view... Some tress their and a higher elevation than the others that looked onwards the sea

Raiden:"Nice view"

Rosetta got their belongings on one side of each other... In the tent
Raiden then took a deep breath outside... Completely clearing his mind of anything

After a while... Raiden went inside the tent to see Rosetta tying the small jewel butterfly shaped with a small metal rod and connecting it

Raiden:"What you doing Rosetta?"

Rosetta yelped a bit before coughing lightly

Rosetta:"Oh I'm sorry about getting something from your bag..."

She said... She also had some red tint on her face for an unknown reason

Raiden merely raised an eyebrow and looked at what Rosetta did with the Butterfly Jewel

Rosetta then handed it over to him embarrassingly... Raiden gently grabbed it and marveled at Rosetta's ability

Raiden:"Thanks Rosetta..."

Rosetta shaked her head

Rosetta:"It's nothing... I just felt like doing it... Afterall Grandpa taught me to be kind to others"

Raiden then put the now Necklaced Jewel back in the box... He then sat down as Rosetta looked at him



Both looked at each other and their eyes are focused on each other... As if they were waiting for something...

*Sound of something plastic*

Rosetta raised an eyebrow... And looked around... She looked down and saw Raiden having a chocolate bar open... She eyed it as it went into Raiden's mouth


Raiden noticed and offered some
Rosetta proceeded to snatch it and crunch on the bar down like a rabid animal...

Raiden blinked at what utter something he had just seen

Rosetta finished the entire chocolate bar on her own and wiped her mouth with her coats tips


Rosetta burped... Rosetta grew embarrassed and immediately took the pillow and smashed her face into it... All while a tear ran Raiden's head

Then something began to play into one of the sound systems

*Can youuuuu feeeeeel the love tonight~*

*Dammit Ryan that's the 3rd time this week!*

*Fuck off Alex you single lovelife prick!*

*Say that again mothafuc-*

The sound was cut off as everyone just wondered what that was all about

Rosetta:"*Degenerated thoughts intensifies*"

Raiden:"What the..."

Rosetta:".... I'm hungry..."

*Hello Everyone this is David and i would like to announce to the Children that Breakfast is ready! You'll notice us in the hall! Take care!*

*Ryan get your hands off the Mic! Your singing capabilities are shit!*


Raiden nodded and went outside to grab some... Leaving Rosetta alone

Rosetta removed her head into the pillow and looked at Raiden's opened bag...She then gazed around with her eyes


Raiden then went back and got him and Rosetta some food from the hall

Raiden:"Rosetta am comin in!"

Hearing that Rosetta was messing around the tent most likely to arrange it a little and be a bit more comfortable

Once he went in he saw Rosetta sitting properly in the tent... Raiden then layed the food for them both into the floor... Rosetta then began eating... When she looked at Raiden... She saw him praying before doing the sign of the cross and eating

Rosetta:"What was that all about?"

She thought... Before continuing to eat
A Year later

Raiden and Rosetta along with the Grandpa of Rosetta got a bit closer during there time together... They sometimes look at the moonlight together and even shared stories here and there... Mostly Rosetta and Raiden
They also grew a bit... Rosetta had her hair much more developed... Raiden grew a bit taller but still just shy from Rosetta's height

Rosetta told mostly Artic legends while Raiden told the Stories Gabriel told him until his passing

Rosetta:"I like the Wendigo! Cause they protect and attack! Which is do cool! I also like the Centaur one they seem to be pretty cool"

Rosetta said as Raiden merely listened... Rosetta and Raiden also did some necklace building gathering some shard of glass on Rosetta's bag

While the Old Man smiled at the two who were focusing on doing their own necklaces

Rosetta:"Oh wow... A heart"


The two looked and saw that they only had enough to create a piece of a heart... So both decided to create a necklace that when combined creates a full one

Rosetta:"Great idea..."

Raiden nodded at Rosetta... As the sun shined and the wind blew past by


Later that Night

Rosetta and Raiden are looking at the Moon during the night

Rosetta:"Hey... What do you want to do when you grow up?"

Raiden:"... Dunno... What about you?"

Rosetta seemed hesitant at first but she faced Raiden and said

Rosetta:"....I wanna protect people..."

She said clutching her piece of the heart...

Rosetta:"... So that no one will be forced to see a tragedy befall a family like what happened with mine"

Raiden:"Good one I hope you succeed"

Rosetta:"Guess so..."


Some few more days later

*Announcement! To those that will proceed to the Construct building please go to Section A and The Mission towards The City outside of the Artic... Please prepare to leave and be at sea at 4 hours*

Rosetta and Raiden along with the old man... Went towards the Construct facility section... As they got towards the entrance... Raiden stopped prompting Rosetta and the Old man to stop aswell

Raiden:"This is where we part ways Rosetta..."

Rosetta was shooked to core with that one... She finally made a new friend and now fate takes him away from her again

Rosetta went to face him holding his hand with both of hers

Rosetta:"Your not coming with us?"

Raiden nodded sadly


She said as a tear escaped her eyes...

Raiden:"I need to go... I made a promise to someone dear to me... To continue something he started"

Rosetta shooked her head a bit at what her friend is doing

Rosetta:"B-But... But"

Raiden wiped a few tears away from her face...

Raiden:"Don't cry... Remember this?"

He said pointing at the heart necklace piece they have

Raiden:"Its a promise that someday i will return to fill your broken heart"

Rosetta did a slight smile and wiped her tear away

Rosetta:"Hmm... You always had a way with words... I accept"

Even tho she knew him deep down... She also knew that if one day they get separated she would have to let go...

Rosetta:"You are always quite the adventurer... Hey Raiden"


Rosetta:"Promise me something?"

Raiden:".... Ofcourse..."

Rosetta:"You'll return right?"

Raiden smiled and nodded at her... The two then hugged each other for the last time... Raiden also then hugged the old man who hugged back

Raiden:"Thanks old man... For being there"

Elder:"Glad to be so... Raiden"

Raiden broke the hug and then looked at Rosetta

Raiden:"Till we meet again..."

Rosetta smiled and nodded... She along with her Grandpa went towards Sector A and disappeared within the people

Raiden looked at them one last time before turning back and heading towards the ship... He then grabbed ahold of the book Gabriel handed him on his last moments...

Raiden:"I Promise... To Find Kolosten for you...Father Gabriel"

As he entered the Ship... Prepared to what the future holds

Unknown Part somewhere

???:"What do we do with her?"

???:"Find her..."

???:"I see..."


City Block

The sun shone the group that wanted to explore outside the artic... They were here to have and find some supplies and what not...

Raiden went out from the group and explored the ruined buildings...He sometimes heard the sounds of fighting and gunshots that didn't last for a full 5 minutes

He also wore the two Necklaces that Rosetta created with the Missing heart piece and the Butterfly jewel

Raiden:"The Soldiers must be having there Sweet time..."

Raiden then began exploring more and more of the area... Until

Raiden was on the corner looking at someone with a business suit aswell as some soldiers dressed in pure white holding guns....


As he looked at them holding digging up some small pod... With some machines...he looked closely and saw that it was a Girl with a Red Scarf

He then started to leave that area... With what he has seen... He turned around but felt a presence behind him

???:"Don't move..."

A cold stoic voice said... We can see that a Knife was right inbetween his neck... A soldier was behind him

Soldier:"Who are you Kid? What are you doing here?"

The Soldier asked... Raiden didn't answer... Making the soldier get irritated

Soldier:"I'll ask again who are y-"

He was cut off when an explosion was heard prompting him to remove the knife and look back... Raiden immediately bolted away from the area and away from the Soldier

Raiden escaped the Soldier as he humped himself in the nearby wall breathing heavily before breathing slowly to stabalize himself...


He sighed with relief as he was away from danger... He then saw the Pod earlier flying upwards before getting shot down back into the ground...

He then immediately went towards that direction... Seeing that there was girl supposed to be there


After running for a while he can see the Pod have its glass broken... And seeing the unconscious girl there... He then immediately tried to help

He was then infront of the pod and saw that the girl was still unconscious


The girl didn't respond

Raiden:"... Right... Unconsious"

He then pulled the girl out of the pod and carried her... He used one of the girls arms and put it over his shoulder and held the girl tightly as they both walked into one of the destroyed buildings



The Girl opened her eyes to reveal a red color... She looked around and saw that she was laying into the ground inside a building... She then began to stand up

Looking around she saw Raiden humped into the corner of the building writing something...

Raiden:"No mension... Of that place here... Looks like I was wrong"

He said putting a hand on his head and shaking his head


???:"... Hello?..."

Raiden turned around and saw the girl from earlier standing up

Raiden:"Oh hey"

He went towards her and helped her steady her feet to the ground

Raiden:"You are supposed to be in a pod but that crashed and your now here"

???:"Where are we?"

Raiden:"In an Abandoned building"

???:"I see"

She then took her broken blade... Seeing that it was useless... She thre it away

Raiden:"Your name?"

???:"... I'd rather not..."

Raiden:"...oh well mines Raiden"

The girl nodded

???:"... Call me what you want..."

Raiden then thought of something with his head

Raiden:"....Alpha? Is that good?"

The girl just merely smiled a little before nodding

Alpha:"Alpha it is then"

Raiden then looked at the blade in the ground... He then put his book from earlier back into his back

Raiden:"Well should we g-"

They were cut off when the sounds of explosions erupted from far away

Alpha:"What was that?"

Raiden:"... What direction was that?"

Alpha then closed her eyes... Before opening them

Alpha:"... Somewhere in the northern part"

Raiden wide eyed... He then began running towards that direction prompting Alpha to be shocked but followed him...

Both are seen running

Raiden:"Why are you following Alpha? Don't you have a squad to attend to?"

Alpha:".... There gone..."

She said before grabbing a blade from one of the dead constructs on the way

Raiden:"Sorry to hear that..."






The two arrived and saw someone decimating the corrupted... The Unknown man was throwing something before shooting it causing an explosion

Alpha:"That's a Construct... Why is it attacking?"

The two hid behind a car

???:"Bring out that Construct! And no one gets hurt!"

Raiden then looked at Alpha... He noticed she had some Mechanical hand

Raiden:"His looking for you..."

Alpha:"I guess so..."

The unknown man was about to throw but Alpha immediately went in and slashed at the unknown man



The two then began to fight with Alpha using all her might and barely standing up to the Unknown Man

Alpha went for a side slash that the Man completely blocked with his massive looking kukri

The Soldiers on the other hand began to retreat... Raiden then looked at the Soldiers and Alpha...

On one hand he can return to the Artic safely and leave Alpha behind and possibly dying

Or try to help Alpha... Possibly dying or severe injuries


He chose the latter option... He rushed towards Alpha who was about to fall... He threw a rock which struck the Construct in the head prompting him to look and saw no one...

Another Rock hit him again which pissed him off looking around... He then shot his gun at random directions

Another one hit him again... This time he grew more angry and agitated...

Then he got slashed in the chest before getting thrown towards the rubble

???:"Son of a!!!"

He jumped up and looked around... He saw no one... He then screamed at the sky... Knowing he failed

Cut to see Both a Alpha carrying Raiden... He had a wound in his stomach... Left side

Alpha:"You could have just left me... You know?"

Raiden:"Old man said i should help those who need it... Ofcourse I'll chose the latter"

Alpha:"But doing that you just left the home you had..."

Raiden sadly looked down

Raiden:"I don't have one..."

After a while... Alpha and Raiden are currently on an abandoned car... Alpha tried everything she could to stop the blood from his left side stomach

Raiden:"Its no use..."

Alpha:"Don't you dare... Die on me"

Raiden chuckled a bit...

Raiden:"Not gonna die ok?"

Alpha merely chuckled

Alpha:"You have the Audacity... To joke at a time like this..."

*Helicopter Noices*

*Helicopter Engines*

Alpha:"What timing..."

Raiden then sensed a three presence behind them a few feet away... He knew they have been found out
Raiden then took the heart piece necklace he had...


Alpha looked and saw him handing out the Necklace

Alpha:"What for?"

Alpha questioned...

Raiden:"The ones who want you are near..."

Alpha widened her eyes and was about to take the Blade... Raiden stopped her

Raiden:"Don't... There's too many of them... You'll merely get overwhelmed"

Alpha:"... Is this... What i think it is?"

Raiden nodded

Raiden:"You'll have to leave here... Take this Necklace with you...please?"

Alpha:"But aren't these yours?"

Raiden:"... They are made by someone dear to me and his grandpa... Its special...take it"

Alpha gently took the necklace from his hand

Alpha:"... Why?"

Raiden:"Your special aswell..."

Alpha:"... But we just met..."

Raiden:"That's exactly why... We met... But unlike me who's normal... You on the other hand... Is special"

Alpha was out of words as she silently took the necklace and placed it around her neck with her scarf

Raiden:"I can tell those presence don't have business with me... I'll be fine"

Alpha nodded

Alpha:"Don't you dare die out here..."

She said before taking her blade and leaving... Before that she took one last glance at Raiden

Alpha:"Promise me... We'll meet again?"

Raiden did a thumbs up... As Alpha left the area... Raiden closed his eyes after a while...

Then three figures passed by

???:"What do we do with him?"

???:"Leave him"


??? Was about to touch Raiden's head with a finger before

???:"Don't touch him... He won't survive if you do..."

??? reverted his hand and went back to the other three who left towards the direction Alpha took


A blue glow erupted from the Butterfly Necklace... Which died down after a few moments...

The injury was no more...




???:"YES SIR!"

A soldier then carried Raiden

???:"Go men! We have to leave! Now!"


Let's proceed back to Chapter 5 shall we?

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