Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw...

By RaddyMaddy

125K 2.2K 424

During the summer in Texas, a girl name Maddy, & her parents were driving to Florida when their red pick up t... More

Chapter 1 ~ Stuck In The Middle Of Nowhere
Chapter 2 ~ Dinner With The Hewitt's
Chapter 3 ~ Friendship To Last
Chapter 4 ~ 13 Years Later
Chapter 5 ~ Old Friends
Chapter 6 ~ Horrible Memories in Flordia
Chapter 7 ~ Cannible
Chapter 8 ~ Place in the Family
Chapter 9 ~ New Bond
Chapter 10 ~ The Sawyers
Chapter 11 ~ Alone Time
Chapter 12 ~ That Specail Moment You Won't Forget
Chapter 13 ~ The Wedding
Chapter 14 ~ Thomas' New Face
Chapter 15 ~ Dance the Night Away
Art Work
Chapter 16 ~ Announcement
Chapter 17 ~ Miscarriage
FanFiction Award 2018
Chapter 19 ~ That Was Too Close

Chapter 18 ~ The Flu

2.5K 40 13
By RaddyMaddy

Thomas Hewitt

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

Dedicate @Canztarella

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Maddy's POV.

Just another average day. It was the beginning of April, thick blankets covered the sky in dark angry clouds. Rain began to pour over the dry countryside of Texas. Everyone was sitting in the living room, Luda Mae sat in her rocking chair, knitting away the sweater she was going to give to her grandchild...before my...tragic miscarriage. Uncle Hoyte and Uncle Monty were sprawled over the couch, their snoring echoed throughout the quiet house. Thomas sat on the ground while I sat on his lap, watching a movie on the small tv. It was the old fashion Cowboys and Indian movies that Thomas really enjoyed as he snuggled closer to me. Feeling his strong jawline against the nape of my neck, causing me to giggle. I noticed the look in Luda Mae's eye. She was relieved to see us happy again. I am too.

In the middle of the movie, I had the urge to eat something. "I'm going to make something to eat, hun," I said, Thomas nodded his head, letting go of me as I walked herself in the kitchen. I wore a white sweater with black stripes underneath a light washed denim jean overall.

Opening up the fridge, I reached over for the orange juice, but I was not craving orange juice. My eyes traveled down to the leftover "chicken" (not really chicken) we ate last night. My stomach growled as I felt a pool saliva in my mouth. I grabbed the chicken wrapped in tinfoil along with the jar of peanut butter.

Walking over to the stove, I began cooking the chicken as it sizzled against the burning frying pan. As the smell of cooked chicken enters my nose I grabbed a spoon full of peanut butter and shoved it into my mouth, taking in the sweet, creamy flavor. After the chicken was done, I brought it over to the kitchen, sat done and began to devoured the food. I had need been this hungry in my life. I don't know why I suddenly became so hungry, but after I was about to start on my third chicken I stopped.

Feeling an unpleasant motion in my stomach, but without warning, I could feel it coming up my throat as I ran to the bathroom upstairs. Pushing the door hard, falling onto my hands and knees, I placed my face inside the bowl of the toilet. Throwing up the chicken. After relieving of myself I pressed my forehead against the edge of the seat of the toilet. Breathing heavily as sweat fell down my bare neck. I heard the creak of the bathroom door open; turning my head over to find Thomas standing in the doorway with a concerned look on his face. "Don't...come in here," I said, flushing away the mess down the drain. I still pressed my forehead on the seat, Thomas walked over, kneeling on the ground, and rubbed my back. "I don't want you to see me like this," Thomas grunted. "Must be the chicken or the flu."

Thomas placed his hand on my forehead, she was burning. Scooping me up with his strong arms and carried me all the way to our bed. Laying me ever so carefully on the soft mattress.


He did not leave my side. Holding my hand, brushing pieces of my curly hair away from my face. I smiled back at him, thanking him as I slipped away from conscience.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Thomas' POV.

My poor wife was sick and I did not know what to do. Seconds later, Mama came into the room with the Tea Lady. "Tea Lady was a nurse, so she's gonna take a look at Maddy, to see what is wrong with her." Nodding my head, I gave Maddy a kiss on the cheek, quietly felt the room so Mama and Tea Lady could do their job.

As I walked down the steps I walked to the kitchen, sat at the table, waiting nervously. Twirling my thumbs around and around, my feet tapped on the old wooden floor, chewing my bottom lip. I was worried about Maddy. What is going to happen to her? Looking back at the clock, it had only been 20 minutes. It felt like an hour. Just when I was about to head down to the basement I heard Mama and Tea Lady walking down the stairs. There was a big smile on both of their faces. I didn't know why they were smiling.

Before they could anything I ran up the stairs to our bedroom. Maddy was laying on the bed, her hands were moving around her stomach. She gazed up at me as I slowly walked over to the bed. "Oh Thomas." She said. "Help me up to the bathroom." I helped her off the bed, guiding her to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet as I knelt down beside her. She looked...nervous. "Luda Mae and Tea Lady said I should take a...test. It should explain why I am sick." A test? What sort of test was she talking about?

Maddy grabbed a long white stick from the counter, covering it with her hand. Taking a deep breathe while I held her hand, she uncovered the stick and gasped aloud.

There were two pink lines on the stick. Maddy was in complete shock, staring deeply at the stick. Turning her head toward me as I looked at her. Tears were streaming down her face. I whimpered, whipping away the tears. "I'm not crying because I'm sad, Thomas. I'm crying because I'm happy." I still did not know why she was happy? "This." She held the stick in front of me. "This is a pregnancy test that Luda Mae and Tea Lady wanted me to take. This explains why I am sick. It was morning sickness because I'm pregnant." I was in a state of shock that I didn't know what to say or what to do.

Maddy. My Maddy was pregnant. I was going to be a father! I scooped Maddy into my arms, swung her around in a circle as we both laughed in excitment. After I sat her back on the bed, Mama came in and took a picture.


"There were go. Something to remember about." Mama said we both couldn't help ourselves as we laughed. Maddy laughed and cried at the same time. We couldn't be any happier.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Narrator's POV.

The months began to pass. Thomas watched in awe as Maddy's stomach began to grow. He was both amazed and terrified at the same time. How much bigger was the baby going to get? Was it hurting Maddy?

Maddy, on the other hand, had no complaints. She loved the thought of hers and Thomas' baby growing inside her. She hadn't felt any movement inside her yet. Every once in a while when she was alone, she would always raise her shirt up and whisper to the baby. Maddy would tell the baby how much she and Thomas love it and how excited they were to see it.

Rocking on the porch swing as Maddy caressed her small round belly. Five months pregnant and she looked beautiful. She had her hair tied back with a navy blue headband with white dazy and a long navy blue summer dress that went down to her ankles.

Thomas sat himself sat himself next to Maddy, wrapping his arm around her. Burning his face into her curls. Thomas was unsure about it. The baby was sure to be scared of him. Why would it like his pictures? He shook his head letting Maddy know what he was thinking. She raised her hand and ran her fingers across his mask.

"Sweetheart, the baby will take after both of us. Westin will be just like his father." Thomas shook his head. He didn't want the baby to be like him. He didn't want the baby to be a freak like him. What if the baby got the same skin disease he had. Other people would bully him forever. He was pulled out of his thoughts as Maddy began gasping. "Thomas..."

Her hand immediately went to her stomach as she sat back down. Thomas started panicking. What was wrong with Maddy? Was the baby coming already? "Oh my god," Maddy gasped. "Thomas, give me your hand."

He quickly held her hand in his. He was scared. Was the baby coming? Was he going to watch it be born? Thomas' worry turned to confusion as Maddy put his hand on her belly. What did she want him to do? Out of nowhere, he felt a soft flutter against his hand. Thomas pulled away frightened. What just happened? Was there something wrong with the baby?

"Thomas, don't be afraid," Maddy softly said. She took his hand in hers. "The baby's moving!" she said excitedly. Thomas looked at her stomach curiously. Was that a good thing? He put his hand back on her belly. At first, nothing happened. Thomas frowned. Was the baby already scared of him? "Wait for it," Maddy said. "Give it a minute." Thomas closed his eyes hoping the baby would move again. His eyes opened as he felt a tiny bump on his hand. "Did you feel that? He kicked!" She put her hand over his. "Westin's saying hello to his mama and papa."

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Before Maddy and Thomas knew it, nine months had passed. Maddy's belly had grown to the size of a watermelon. Thomas continued to fear for his wife and their baby. He saw the size of Maddy's stomach. How was the baby going to get out if it was that big? How was it going to come out? Was he even going to be allowed to watch? In the months Maddy's pregnancy progressed, not once did he leave her side. Except of course for "work".

Maddy was exhausted. Her back ached and her feet were swollen from all the walking she did. She was anxious for the baby to arrive. Not only so her body could return to normal, but so she and Thomas could finally have their own family with their own child. They had the baby's room set up. Thomas helped painting the walls with his favorite animals like dogs, cows, pigs and goats. There was his old crib brought up from the basement all cleaned up and ready for the baby.

Maddy woke up feeling uncomfortable. She felt energized even, which was strange because she was always tired. She smiled as she looked at Thomas who was asleep. "Thomas," Maddy said kissing his cheek. "Time to get up, honey."

Thomas yawned as he nodded. He sat up and stretched before turning to Maddy. Because of her round belly, she had trouble getting up and sitting down. Thomas took her hands and helped her to her feet. "I'm going to get some breakfast," Maddy said. "You go ahead and get ready for work. I'll come up when I'm done."

He nodded as he took her hand to help her down the stairs. They found Luda Mae already in the kitchen cooking. "Morning you two!" she said. "How's my grandbaby today?"

"Same as before," Maddy said. "I feel well-rested for some reason today. I feel up for anything!"

"Honey, stay calm and relax until the baby comes."

"I will. Is breakfast ready yet? I'm starving!"

"You came just in time for the eggs!" Luda Mae chuckled.

She set a plate of eggs in front of Maddy, which she started gobbling down. Maddy stopped as she grabbed her stomach. "Ow..." Luda Mae and Thomas knelt by her side worried and excited.

"Are you alright? Is it the baby?"

"No," she said shaking her head. "It feels more like indigestion. I'll be ok. " Maddy looked at Thomas and held out her hands. He was not convinced. "Really! I'm fine!"

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