Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw...

By RaddyMaddy

125K 2.2K 424

During the summer in Texas, a girl name Maddy, & her parents were driving to Florida when their red pick up t... More

Chapter 1 ~ Stuck In The Middle Of Nowhere
Chapter 2 ~ Dinner With The Hewitt's
Chapter 3 ~ Friendship To Last
Chapter 4 ~ 13 Years Later
Chapter 5 ~ Old Friends
Chapter 6 ~ Horrible Memories in Flordia
Chapter 8 ~ Place in the Family
Chapter 9 ~ New Bond
Chapter 10 ~ The Sawyers
Chapter 11 ~ Alone Time
Chapter 12 ~ That Specail Moment You Won't Forget
Chapter 13 ~ The Wedding
Chapter 14 ~ Thomas' New Face
Chapter 15 ~ Dance the Night Away
Art Work
Chapter 16 ~ Announcement
Chapter 17 ~ Miscarriage
Chapter 18 ~ The Flu
FanFiction Award 2018
Chapter 19 ~ That Was Too Close

Chapter 7 ~ Cannible

7K 129 35
By RaddyMaddy

Thomas Hewitt

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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Thomas' POV.

Later that night I was in the attic, digging through boxes after boxes of stuff Mama would keep up there. When I was a kid I would go play up here when it would rain outside. Dusty, cobwebs, mice, & old boxes of distance memories were the only things that were up here.

After I was about to give up I finally found it. It was small wooden box that was once used for jewels. I smiled widely as I stood up, & made my way down the ladder. Everyone was asleep by now expect for I of course because I had butterflies in my stomach. I was too excited to sleep. Quietly I tip-toed to her room, I knew that she would be deep asleep by now so I quietly opened the door to be welcomed by darkness as it surrounded me. A soft, warm breeze filled the room as well as the sweet fragments that wrapped around my nose.

I looked over to the bed to see Maddy sound asleep. The shape beneath the bed sheet featured every part of her body that looked so heavenly crafted, like God took extra time into creating such a beautiful creature that laid before me. I felt the heat rose up to my cheeks, I shook my head, & walked toward her nightstand, carefully placed it. I looked down at her one last time, gently ran my fingers on her cheeks. She didn't stir, but leaned toward my fingers as I felt her cheek warm up too. Her cheeks were soft to the touch. A smile rose on my face behind my mask as I quietly walked out of her room, gently shut the door closed.

Making my way to my room as I plopped onto my bed, staring endlessly at the creaked ceiling. My eyes grew heavy as I shut them closed completely.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Maddy's POV.

Last night I couldn't quit fall asleep so easily, it felt...kinda weird being back here with the Hewitt's. Sure I'm happy that they're nice to me, but something deep down inside of me is saying that something has changed.

As I flipped over, facing the window as it's milk moon slipped into the bedroom, & on to the sheets, showing off my figure shape. I looked down at my arm, saw that I was wearing an over size plade long-sleeve shirt. I leaned my face into it as I took a sniff at it. Blood, sweat, & iron is what filled my entire nose. It soothed me as I kept sniffing the shirt, taken in it's sweet fragments, intoxicated with it as I slowly began drifting away.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened, quietly. I tried to look like I was asleep, but peeked my eyes above the sheets. A large dark figure was walking toward the bed, but stopped dead in it's tracks. I could tell that it was Thomas. I mean...he's the tallest & largest out of the Hewitt's.

I laid still under the sheet with my eyes peeking over the sheets; I couldn't tell if he knew that I was still awake, but I guess he didn't because he walked over to the bed, set someone on my nightstand.

I held my breathe for a moment, not knowing what he was gonna do next. Then he stood up, looked down at me, reached out his very large hands to my face. I shut my eyes tight, but then I felt a very rough yet soft hand on my cheek. The heat rising up to my face as I leaned closer to his hand, rubbing it. His touch was the most comfortable feeling in the world as it send shivers down my spins.

His scent filled my nose, intoxicating me. Blood, sweat, &...iron.

Once I felt his warm hand leave my face, I squinted my eyes open to see his large figure walking out, quietly shutting the door. I sat up from the bed, lifted the sleeve up to my nose, & inhaled it. "It's the same scent!" I thought to myself. My whole face was burning, on fire. "Oh GOSH!!! This shirt...i-it's...T-Thomas'..." Again my face burned even hotter, but my thought ran back to the small box that laid on the nightstand.

Reaching over I grabbed the box, turned on the little lamp. The box was old, & dusty; when I opened it, it was filled with photographs. Old ones. I picked one up, exam it. A little girl sitting next to a boy with their arms linked around their shoulders. They seemed so happy, but my eyes darted back to the boy who wore a leather mask. "That's me...& Thomas when we were little?" I thought to myself as bits of tears were streaming down my face. My heart leaped for joy as a smile spread across my face. Memories flooded my brain as I went through all the photos all night long.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

The sound of birds chirping outside forced my eyes to open as the door opened too. Luda Mae was walking in with a big warm motherly smile on her face. "Morning flower."

"Morning." I said, sitting up in my bed, rubbing my eyes.

"Breakfast is ready. Come on down before your food gets cold."

"Okay." I said as Luda Mae walked out of my room. I climbed out of the bed, went into the bedroom bathroom, brushed my hair that was wrapped in perfect curls, tied it up in a messy bun. Did my make-up, but not too much, don't wanna look like a prostitute, grabbed a pair of dark blue shorts, kept Thomas' plade shirt, a pair of my black sneakers.

Once I made it down the stairs into the kitchen, everyone was staring at me, but gave me warm smiles all around. "M-Morning." I greeted everyone. I looked around to see everyone...except Thomas. "Where's Thomas Luda Mae?" I asked, Luda Mae turned around.

"He...already ate & is...working."

"What does Thomas do at work?" I asked again.

"He butchers, that's what he does. Huh, I think that's what he's only good for." Hoyt said as Luda Mae slapped him behind the head. I tried to hold in the giggle inside of me. Luda Mae set a plate in front of me, laid some eggs, bacon, & some smoked sausage. My mouth began to water, my stomach growled as we said our Grace.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

After breakfast Hoyt went on his patrol, Uncle Monty wheeled back into the living room watching his favorite TV show, & Luda Mae was getting ready to leave for the gas station.

"Now flower, if you need anything Uncle Monty will be in the living room. If you need to call for something..." She paused as she scribbled something a piece of paper, & handed it to me. "Here's my number for the gas station, & there's Hoyt's."

"What about Thomas?" I said.

"He' the basement &...doesn't like to be distributed while he works."

"Oh...okay." I said. I was little bit sad inside, I wanted to have a moment with him to make up the 13 years that I was away, but oh well I'll respect his privacy.

As soon as Luda Mae left I walked up stairs to make my bed cause I think it's rude to NOT make the bed when you're over at someone else's house so I did.

After I was done I looked around to see that the floor was a bit dusty & dirty too so I walked back down to the kitchen, opened the closet to where the mop & brooms were kept, & started cleaning. I thought it would be nice to clean the entire house for them since they took me in & I became apart of their family so to show may thanks I decided to clean the entire house from top to bottom.

Scrubbing all the bathrooms, moping the dark brown wooden floors that turned out to be a light brown once they were all mopped up.

Uncle Monty was outside to read his book while I was outside doing laundry when I felt a presence, like someone was watching me. As I turned around I saw no one, but Uncle Monty on the porch half asleep. I giggle escaped from my lips as I continued with the laundry.

After that I brought the sheets in, made all the beds, put in fresh cut wild flowers in small cups, opened all the windows for some fresh air, went downstairs & made myself a snack when I felt my eyes grew heavy. Then later I felt myself drift away into slumber.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Thomas' POV.

After hours of slaving over the work table, chopping up bodies, brought the remaining meat upstairs. Once I walked into the kitchen I saw sweet Maddy sleeping on the table. I walked very quietly to the freezer, placed the meat in there, washed all the blood off of my hands, hanged my bloody apron on the hook next to the screen door, & walked over to her. Looking at her sleeping brings a smile to my face. Oh Lord how beautiful she's grown since the last time I saw her. That once sweet, kind, & gentle 9 year old girl that became my first friend turned into a breath taken woman who has a face of an angel, as if God took his time sculpting her.

Carefully I picked her up from her spot, carried her to the living room. Uncle Monty was wheeling his way to the front porch for a smoke. Sat myself on the couch with Maddy laying in my arms. I looked at the time to see that 1:40 in the afternoon, Mama & Uncle Hoyt won't be home for a couple more hours; it's a good time for a quick nap before Maddy wakes-up. As I felt myself drifting away by sleep I looked down at Maddy's limped down, snuggling deeper into my chest.

"Thomas..." Maddy said in her sleep. My face was burning. "She's talking in her sleep?! Is she REALLY dreaming about me?" I told myself as my face grew even hotter, but sleep took me out by surprised as I rested my head against the arm of the couch.

Suddenly I felt something shaking my shoulders, I opened my eyes to see Mama smiling at me, gently waking me up. "Did you have a good nap, baby?" She said as I sleepy rubbed my eyes & nodded my head. Mama smiled again, gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Go upstairs & wash up for supper, I'll wake Maddy up in a few minutes." I did what Mama told me, slowly & carefully rose up from the couch, gently laid Maddy's head against the pillows, & walked upstairs to the bathroom.

I turned on the sink, gently removed the strings of my mask, laid it beside the sink. Filled the water in my very large, dirt stained hands, & splashed the cool water on my face, waking me up a bit more. I did it a couple more times as I looked at myself in the mirror that revealed my face. My...hideous face that's hidden beneath this mask made out of leather. I remembered when I was little before I made that mask, before meeting Maddy kids would pick on me, dare other kids to touch my face. Other parents would give me the cool shoulder or that icy stare that made me wanna crawl into a hole & hide forever.

Shaking my head I put back my mask on, tied the strings together, & walked to my room.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Luda Mae's POV.

It had been a long day at the gas station, no fresh meat had come by, just some of my regular drunk bikers that would come & gone. But I was happy to be at home at last & spend some time with my family.

When I drove the truck up to the house, Hoyt had just drove up beside me just in time. "Hey Mama, how was work?" Hoyt said.

"Same as usual. Did you caught anything today?" I asked as we both walked up the porch where Monty was sitting in his wheel chair, smoking his pipe.

"Nothing, all day, & nothing showed up."

"Well, maybe tomorrow then, but there's something that we need to discussed." Hoyt looked at me before we opened the door. "She needs to know."


"Maddy! She needs to know since she's staying with us for now on." I sighed heavily while whipping the sweat on my forehead. "How is she gonna react to all of this?" Hoyt stared at me for a while, then Monty wheeled over to us.

"Don't worry Luda Mae, she'll understand. You know what that poor girl back in Florida with her horrible foster parents; that's much worse than what we're doing. I promise you that's she'll understand." Monty said as he took my hand & gave it a squeeze; I smiled down at him, then entered the house.

Once we got into the house, my heart leaped into my throat out of pure joy. The house was sparkling clean. "My God..." Hoyt said, "I've never seen this house so...clean in my lifetime." He was speechless & so was I.

"Maddy cleaned the house the whole day from top to bottom." Monty said as he wheeled into the kitchen for a glass of ice tea. I could feel the tears ready to spill out from my eyes, but I held them in, & walked into the kitchen ready to prepare supper when I stumbled into the living. There I saw that would make a grown woman heart melt. Both Thomas & Maddy were sleeping together on the couch like they used to 13 years ago.

I shook Thomas' shoulder as he opened his big brown eyes to me. "Did you have a good nap, baby?" I said with a smile on my face. He nodded his head sleepy while rubbing his eyes too. It was still adorable when he does that as I gave him a kiss on the forehead, & said. "Go upstairs & wash up for supper, I'll wake Maddy up in a few minutes." He did what I told him without waking Maddy up & walked up the stairs. I walked back to the kitchen & laid out some of the food for supper, then went back to the living room.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Maddy's POV.

During my sleep I was dreaming of Thomas & I when were kids, playing out in the yard, catching fireflies late at night. Good times, but then I felt someone shaking my shoulders. I opened my eyes to see Luda Mae standing above me, giving me a warm smile. "Wake-up, dearie."

"What time is it?" I said sleepy rubbing my eyes. Luda Mae checked her watch on her wrist, & said.

"5:59. Could u help me with supper?"

"Sure, Luda Mae." I said as we both walked into the kitchen where Uncle Monty was reading the newspaper while drinking a glass of ice tea, Sheriff Hoyt took out a small tin container filled with some brown dried up leaves.

"Wanna chew some tobacco?" He said handing me the tin can, but I shook my head.

"No thanks, Sheriff." Luda Mae handed me some plates as I set the table; the smell of dinner rolls in the oven, cooked veggies, & stew made my mouth water. "Smells good Mama, is it done yet?"

"Almost, Maddy could you be a dear & get Thomas. He should be upstairs in his room." Luda Mae asked, I nodded my head & headed up the stairs. I looked through all the rooms, but Thomas was nowhere to be found. "Thomas?" My voice softly called out. "Thomas?" I moved past the rooms. "Thoma-" *GASP* Someone touched my shoulder & I quickly turned around; my wide eyes softened as I saw Thomas, letting out a breath as my hand held my chest. "Oh there you are, Thomas. You startled me I came to tell that supper is ready." He stared at me then grabs my hand very gently, & dragged me to the kitchen. His hand felt rough, but in a good way. I giggled to myself as I remembered the first time we've met, he was about to walk away, but then I grabbed his hand, & at the moment I knew that we gonna be best friends forever.

As we both walked into the kitchen I saw Luda Mae holding a pot of stew. "There you guys are, Maddy could you please grab the rolls & veggies for me, & bring them into the dinning room? That would be helpful."

"Yes, ma'am." I said as Thomas let go of my hand & took his spot at the table. I grabbed the food & followed her back into the dinning room. I stood in front of my seat next to Thomas as we were about to say Grace. Luda Mae grabbed my left hand while Thomas grabbed my right, bowed our heads, & listened as Luda Mae said Grace.

During the Grace I had blanketed out in my thoughts as I glanced at Thomas. He was very tall about 7 feet tall to be precise. "Geezz..." I thought to myself. "He grew taller than the last time I saw him. And strong too." I could tell from his grip he had on my hand. He had a little gut, but I couldn't see much if it weren't for the rest of his pure muscles. I shivered thinking about it, but before I could indulge in my fantasies I heard everyone say.

"Amen." And I knew Grace was over.

The rest of the meal was great, we've got to tell funny stories. Sheriff Hoyt told me a story of the one time he saw a chupacacbra when he was out hunting. Luda Mae think it was bull crap to her, but then Luda Mae told me some embarrassing stories of Thomas when he was little. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw Thomas' face turn bright red & hang his head low to his lap.

"How did you like the food, Maddy?" Hoyt said.

"The food is amazing, I just wanted to ask what kind of meat you use to make it?" I asked. The question made the awkward silence, even more thick than it already was. "Is it something I said?" I asked again.

"No no, child it's just..." She paused, almost as if the words were caught in her throat. She took in a deep breath, & said. "You know child this town used to be filled with people. We had a meat factory that supplied everyone with food. Thomas used to work there. That is until it went outta business, & we are a family. We take care of one another & we had no other choice so..."

Luda Mae tried to explain to me, but she made me even more confused. "I-I don't understand what you are tal-" Then it hit me. Hit me like a full speed train. I looked at the food I had been eating & I remembered the bodies in the basement, Tiffany being chopped up alive. "" Was the words that spilled out of my mouth that tasted bitter.

The family I knew since I was 9 years old, that been so kind to my dead parents, that I've grown to love for so many years were cannibals.

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