Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw...

By RaddyMaddy

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During the summer in Texas, a girl name Maddy, & her parents were driving to Florida when their red pick up t... More

Chapter 1 ~ Stuck In The Middle Of Nowhere
Chapter 2 ~ Dinner With The Hewitt's
Chapter 3 ~ Friendship To Last
Chapter 5 ~ Old Friends
Chapter 6 ~ Horrible Memories in Flordia
Chapter 7 ~ Cannible
Chapter 8 ~ Place in the Family
Chapter 9 ~ New Bond
Chapter 10 ~ The Sawyers
Chapter 11 ~ Alone Time
Chapter 12 ~ That Specail Moment You Won't Forget
Chapter 13 ~ The Wedding
Chapter 14 ~ Thomas' New Face
Chapter 15 ~ Dance the Night Away
Art Work
Chapter 16 ~ Announcement
Chapter 17 ~ Miscarriage
Chapter 18 ~ The Flu
FanFiction Award 2018
Chapter 19 ~ That Was Too Close

Chapter 4 ~ 13 Years Later

6.3K 140 23
By RaddyMaddy

Thomas Hewitt

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy

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Maddy's POV.

"Maddy's Journal Entry. June 5, 2015.

FINALLY!!!! Summers here. I've been slaving over at the college & already done with my 4 year degree. I'm 22 & I still don't know what to do next now that I'm done with college. My friend , Tiffany thinks it's a good idea to go on a road trip to Arizona for the summer. I think it's a good idea; I haven't traveled anywhere since....well that doesn't matter at the moment.

My foster parents could care less about little old me since they don't like me at. They never liked me since they "great fully" took me under their wings when no one wanted me because of my records. To me I think the reason why they took me in was that they get PAID to "love" me. So who gives two shits about them I'm going. Tiffany thinks I "over pack" things, but the truth is I don't know how long the trip will be & I might not ever come back to Florida since no one wants me anyone & I wanted a fresh start in Arizona.

Mama would always say, "Home isn't where a place is found, but where the heart is. There is where home is." And I go by that rule.

I hope Mama is right about that."

13 years had passed. I had a hard life growing up in Florida, but that was about to change. My high school friend, Tiffany asked me to come along with her & her group on a road trip to Arizona. So what the Hell, I'm going.

I was walking down the stairs with my 5 bags of my belongs. When I reached the front door I see both Bernie & his wife Genie were in the living room smoking their cigarettes while watching TV. "I'm going now." I said, but neither of them answered. "I'll be gone for a long time." Still no answer. "I might come back?" Again no answer. "I'm gonna go live in a creak house & sell creak for a living?" Bernie grunted, blowing a puff of smoke out of his mouth. I glared at them in disgust. "Well screw you all!!!" I yelled, grabbed my bags, walked out the door, slamming it from behind me.

Tears were about to come out, but I tried my best to suck it up. "MADDY!!!" I heard Tiffany cry out to me as she drove her van on the drive way. I waved over to her.

"Hey Tiff. Give me a second to grab my bags." I was struggling getting my 5 bags when a hear a voice behind me. "Hey do you need help?" I turned around to see a tall, slender, well built boy about my age came up to me. "Here let me help you with that." His hair was a shin shiny blond, & his eyes were a shiny sky blue.

"O-Oh...t-thanks." I stuttered.

"My pleasure. By the way I'm Max." Max said as he took 3 of my bags in his medium size buff arms.

"Nice to meet you Max. I'm Maddy."

"Nice to meet you too, Maddy." Max said giving a smile. Once Max & I got my stuff in the trunk I sat in the back with Tiffany's other friends, Becky & her boyfriend Jimmy who was more of one of those high school football jocks. And lastly Lance. Lance gave me the creeps the most because the way he kept staring at me.

"ALRIGHT!!! Let's get this show on the road!!!" And with that Tiffany drove away Bernie & Genie.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

My eyes opened when I felt something touch my thighs. When I opened to meet face to face with. You guessed it, Lance, touching my thighs, & kept traveling up. I screamed while slapping his hands.

"LANCE GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME!!!" I smacked him right in the face. Lance fell back onto Tiffany & Jimmy making out while Becky was gone to pee. I felt bad for Becky not knowing that her boyfriend was cheating on her. When Lance fell on them Jimmy swear like a sailer.

I needed some air, & to get away from Lance. I noticed that we stopped at an old, rundown gas station. "It...looked...familiar." I thought to myself. I needed something to drink so I walked into the shop. A small cow bell rang as I opened the door. "Hello?" I said. The place looked empty & deserted.

"Wha can I do fa ya' ma'am?" An old woman said behind me. I was startled & turned around to see face with a kind old lady. She gave me a warm smile with her eyes shinning through her tiny glasses.

"Oh I was wondering if you guys have any sodas?" I asked.

"Why yes sweet heart we do. Give me a second." The old lady said, ducked under the counter. Then came back with a bottle of Coke Cola. "Here you are." I thanked her while digging through my pocket, & took out $10, but the lady shook her. "No no sweetie. This ones on the house. You seem like a nice girl...Unlike your friends." I turned over to see Tiffany, & the rest of everyone standing out of the van.

"Those aren't really my friends. I just came along to move to Arizona."

"Where are you from?" The lady asked.

"Florida, ma'am." I said while taking a sip of the soda.

"Why move away from Florida?"

"Well..." I hung my head to the floor. "I-It's kinda personal."

"Oh...I didn't mean to-"

"Oh no no. It's fine. You've been very kind ma'am."

"Please, call me Luda Mae."

"Luda Mar? Why does it sound so familiar?" I thought to myself. "Nice to meet ya Luda Mae. I'm Maddy." I said, stuck out my hand as Luda May shook it.

"Maddy? I knew a little girl around the age of 9 who was named Maddy."

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"She moved. Never to be seen again. She was..." Luda Mae had a sad look in her eyes. "She was a dear friend to my baby boy." Luda Mae said.

"How old is your son?" I asked politely. Luda Mae looked back at me with a smile on her face.

"He's 23 years old. He's mostly shy, but such a sweet, love able boy who loves his family so much." A smile spread across.

"They should like a nice family to live with. Maybe they'll let stay there for a while." Myself said. I didn't noticed that Luda Mae was staring at me.

"Would you & your "friends" like to stay over for dinner? My husband & my brother can make a mouth watering steak."

"Did you say steak?!" Jimmy said for behind me.

"Yes. Would you like to join my family for dinner?" Luda Mae said. Both Jimmy & I nodded our head. Luda Mae smiled. "Alright. Let me close up the shop & follow my pick up truck."

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

Luda Mae's truck stopped at an old Victorian mansion that was kinda rundown. Again familiar like I've been here before. Long ago.

"Alright kiddos. Follow me. I'll show you around the place so you guys can get settled in before supper." Luda Mae said giving us a greeted smile. As we all grabbed our stuff. I kept some of my bags in the van, & followed Luda Mae up the steps. Once we got into the house I was amazed on the inside of the house. It was HUGE & cozy too. The smell of cigarettes & blood. Lots of it hit my nose, but relaxed my tensed body. Luda Mar have us a tour of her wonderful house; we stopped in a small living room where the a small boxed TV was turned on & an old man in a wheel chair sat there watching the black & white television. What I noticed right away was that he was missing both of his legs.

"This is Monty, my brother. You can call him Uncle Monty." Luda Mae said as Uncle Monty peered up from his broken glasses, giving us an blanket expression.

"Again that name is so strangely familiar." I thought to myself.

"What the hell happen to your legs?" Both Lance & Jimmy asked. I gave them a death glare, & kicked them in the leg.

"Ow! What the hell bitch?!" Jimmy snarled, still I gave him the death stare as he walked with the rest of the group. I stayed behind with Uncle Monty. I knelt down beside him.

"I'm very sorry for what Jimmy said. Jimmy can be pig headed most of the time. Doesn't know his manners yet." Uncle Monty chuckled a bit, we both have each other a warm smile. "I'm Maddy by the way. It was very nice to meet you." I said as I got up & walked back to the rest of the group. Luda Mae showed us the entire house.

✧ ✧ ✧ ❅ ✧ ✧ ✧

I was in my bedroom getting cleaned up for supper when the door opened. Startled by the creaking of the door I spun my body around to see Max standing at the door. "Oh Max. You scared me; for a minute there I thought you were that creep, Lance spying on me." I said with my hand on my chest. Max chuckled leaning on shoulder on the door frame.

"Yea. My brother can be a pervert most of the time when he's around women." My smile faded into a blanket expression.

"I-I...didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, Maddy I understand." Max said walking over to me. I had to admit he IS cute in his own ways. Mostly girls would go gaga for him, but to me his more of a friend to me than a relationship. Max had me back up against the wall as he stroked my cheek. "You're pretty, don't ya know that? I really much like for us to be more than just friends." He said just as his lips were inches away from mine, but he pressed his lips on my bare neck, sucking the life out of it causing an ugly purple spot.

Then I felt his hands traveling down my bare thighs, but back up again almost to my private area. "S-Stop..." I said, my breath caught in my throat. Max kept going as his hand squeezed my breast, too hard. He was squeezing them too hard that bits of my tears were squeezed out. "I SAID STOP IT, MAX!!!" I yelled, pushing Max away from me.

"What's the big deal, babes? I told you that I wanna be more than friends & take it to the next level." Max said, a bit confused.

"We just met today!!! And what do you mean "the next level"?" I asked. Max's lips curved into a lustful look. My eyes widen as I shook in fear.

"You know what I mean." Out of nowhere I found myself pinned against the bed with Max on top of me. "A sexy virgin girl like you shouldn't go to waste." Max whispered into my face.

"TIME FOR SUPPER YA'LL!!!" Luda Mae called out. Thank the lord. While Max was distracted I got out of his grip & began walking down the stairs. Where Tiffany, Jimmy, Becky, & yes, Lance too were sitting at the table. Luda Mae was setting the food on the table.

"Do you need any help, ma'am?" I asked. Luda Mae turned her attention to me.

"Now what did I say about you calling me "ma'am"? Just Luda Mae, & yes. Could you help Uncle Monty to the table? He has a hard time wheeling himself here with a sore arm."

"Yes ma- I mean Luda Mae." I said as I walked to the living room where Uncle Monty was still in the same place as before. He was reading a book, "Where the Red Fren Grows." "Umm...Uncle Monty?" Uncle Monty looked up from his book. "Luda May said that suppers ready." I said. Uncle Monty smiled, & set the book on a nightstand. But as he struggled to move I quickly rushed behind him. "Here, let me help you wheel you in the dining room."

"Thank you, girl. You're very kind." Uncle Monty said. A warm, fuzzy feeling grew inside me. I haven't been given nice comments since...well...what for seemed like forever. Once I got Uncle Monty settled in I took my place between Luda Mae & Uncle Monty.

Then suddenly the front door slammed open with the echoing sound of boots stomping toward the dining room. An old man around in his 50's or 60's was wearing a sheirf uniform stared at all of us. Inside my gut I felt crept out by his gaze. "Mama? Who are all of those fine fokes here?" He said while chewing something in his mouth.

"These people are here for supper. This is Jimmy, his galfriend, Becky. Tiffany, Lance, & his brother Max. And this little flower here is Maddy." Luda Mae said. I chuckled in the inside when she called me "flower" with the same warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. "This is my husband, Charlie- I mean Sherif Hoyt."

"Charlie?" I repeated the name over in my head. Charlie or Hoyt sqintted his hazel eyes at me. Staring at me for the longest time.

"You look kinda familair, gal."

"Everyone here seems to say that lately." I said, giving him a poliety smile. Then Luda Mar asked us to bow our head for Grace so we all did. During the Grace I scenced that someone was behind me, but before I could open my eyes I rag was covering my nose, & mouth. I struggled to free from the person's grip, but it's grip was too stronge for me to handle. I looked over to see Tiffany struggling the same way while Luda Mae held the rage to her face, then Tiffany passed out. Max & Becky were both knocked out by the back of Uncle Monty's shot gun. Lance & Jimmy both ran toward the door, but Hoty shot at both of them. They laid there motionless. Dead probably.

The last thing I was I felt a large hand hold the rage, but my eyes grew heavy, & I collapsed on the floor. Then I felt 2 pairs of strong arms held my bridal style.

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