Ghetto girls.

Por Fallinangel05

473K 7.8K 698


Ghetto Girls! Chapter One!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Two!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Three!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Four!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Five!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Six!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Seven!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Eight!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Nine!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Ten!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Eleven!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Twelve!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Thirteen!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Fourteen!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Fifthteen!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Sixteen!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Seventeen!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Nineteen!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Twenty!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Twenty One!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Twenty Two!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Twenty Three!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Twenty Four!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Twenty Five!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Twenty Six!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Twenty Seven!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Twenty Eight
Ghetto girls! Chapter Twenty Nine!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Thirty!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Thirty One!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Thirty Two!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Thirty Three!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Thirty Four!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Thirty Five!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Thirty Six!
Ghetto Girls! Chapter Thirty Seven!

Ghetto Girls! Chapter Eighteen!

8.9K 169 16
Por Fallinangel05

ENJOY!!! :O)  

++Chapter Eighteen+++  

"Where should I go?" Shavona asked, turning the steering wheel right then left.  "Right!" I screamed, looking back at Tymier's car roaring towards us. "Get on the freeway!" I said, knowing we'd have a higher chance of getting away.

Shavona turned the steering wheel a hard right and It felt like we were driving on two wheels as we turned the corner. As we approached the freeway, I looked back and watched as Tymier lost control of his car and hit a tree.   "OOH MYY GOD! STOP THE CAR!" I screamed as i jumped out the car before it came to a complete stop. I was now running as fast as my legs could go towards Tymier's car. On lookers we're now starting to appear in their doors and windows to see what caused that loud bang.   As i got to the car Tymier wasn't moving and his clothes were full of  blood. I opened the driver side door and began to shake him. "BABY WAKE UP I'M SORRY!" I screamed as the tears fell from my face. I could hear sirens getting closer, but they weren't coming fast enough.    "Bae?" I heard him mumble I looked up, but his eyes were still closed and he still wasn't moving. "Baby i'm here!" I saw his eyes open a little than close."I'm not leaving you Ty!" I said as i took off my dress and used it to cover the bullet wound on his chest to slow down the bleeding.   "Tymier who did this to you?" He mumbled something but i couldn't make out what he said. "Baby who was it?" I asked again."Da..." "Da..." Tymier tried so hard to answer. "Baby i love you, You know that right Tymier?" I asked as i kissed him on his forehead.   He didn't answer i checked his pulse again and it was gone. "SOMEONE HELP!!!!" I screamed as i got out of the car and looked around. All i could see was a police officer pulling up behind us.   I lean back in the car and again began to shake Tymier. "BABY WAKE UP!" "TYMIER DON'T LEAVE ME!" "PLEASE TY!" "PLEASE SOMEONE SAVE HIM" "HE'S NOT BREATHING!!!" "PLEASE GOD SAVE HIM!" I kept screaming over and over as the tears streamed down my face.  Shavona, Tiffany and Christina, we're now behind me.   "Maam, i am a doctor i heard someone behind me say!" I looked over my shoulder to see a well dressed man standing there. "Let me start working on him until the medic's arrive!" "Please keep my dress on his bullet wound!" I said backing up and running over the police car.   I began to bang on the police car window! "HELP HIM HE'S DYING! PLEASE!!!!" I screamed as i stood there in the shorts i had on under my dress and a bra. The officer just sat there looking at me as he talked on his phone. "Please!!!" I screamed again.   He rolled his window down and said. "Good!" I didn't know what to say. I couldn't believe he was talking to me like this knowing the situation i was in. "I know all about Mr. Tymier Bailey! I actually thought it would of happened sooner!" He said as he laughed.   "I'm just happy it finally did happen!" I wanted so badly to jump threw his window and beat the shit out of him. Police officer or not! But i knew where it would get me and right now i needed to be with my baby. I ran back over to Tymier's car. I could see the well dressed man giving Tymier CPR   Someone came up behind me and wrapped me in a blanket, "Thank you!" I said as i watched as the ambulance pulled up and the medic's jumped out grabbing their equipment before running over to Tymier.   As i watched them pull him out of the car and onto the stretcher I lost it! "NOOOOOOOOO! JESUS HOW COULD YOU?" I screamed as i fell to the ground on my knee's. "WWWHHHYYYY GOD?" I continued to scream as i watched as the wheeled Tymier's lifeless body into the ambulance and shut the doors.   I really just felt like lying down and dying! "WWWWWHHHHYYY!" I again screamed as the ambulance turned on their lights and sirens and drove away! I could still see the paramedic working on Tymier through the little window as they drove away into the distance!   I got into the driver's side seat of the car and curled into a ball and cried my eyes out as i stared at our picture hang on his visor from back in the day! "Maim?" I heard a voice say, but I ignored it! "Maam, you have to get out of the vehicle we are towing it!" I sat in silence as i continued to cry.  The guy walked away and began talking to a police officer!   "Officer, I am not going to force her out of that car! That's the last thing she has left of her loved one man!" I heard him say. "She has to get out of the car it is a part of a crime scene!" The officer replied. "Then you get her out! I am not being the bad guy. I'm sorry!"  The man said with force in his voice.   Next thing i know i was being drugged out of the car by a police officer. "Get the fuck off of me!" I said, pulling away from the officer who was man handling me." "Yooooooo! Fuck you handling her like that for nigga?" A bystander said to the officer as he approached us.   "Mind your own fucking business and backup before you're locked up next!" Another cop replied. "That's fucked up, she just lost her nigga man and y'all man handling the chick like her a piece of trash!"   "You know what?"  "Riley put him in cuffs!" Said the officer who had me face first on the ground. "Oh, I'm getting locked up for speaking my mind? This why these pigs get killed, Right here!" The dude said as he was forced to the ground.   "Don't worry my nig, I taped the whole fucking thing!" Another bystander said. A few police officers started to approach him but he took off running and a foot pursuit was underway.      I was than told to sit against a tree and stay there. I sat there and felt like i was having a out of body experience! I no longer felt like i was in my body!

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