Interviews with the Women at...

By MotherHorror

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If you're a regular at the pub - here's a few questions for you to answer and share with the populace. More

Interviews from the Women at The Pub


280 14 13
By MotherHorror

Name: Charlotte Ashley

Age: 33 (!!!)

Username: CharlotteAshley

Habitat: Preferably desert, currently urban Canadian.

Favourite Genres: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction of all kinds!

Worst Read Book: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. THE HORROR.

Best Read Book: I have read a lot of amazing books. ;) Today, let's say The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.

Authors You Admire: Neal Stephenson, Umberto Eco, Alexandre Dumas and about a million others...

Inspiration: The excellent books I have read. :D My biggest inspiration is probably Dumas, though. I want to live in his novels forever.

What do you despise about writing: Endings. I am terrible at writing good endings!

What does writing mean to you: I think stories are vital to a healthy civilization. What is in them, what we value, shapes the choices we make as a people. I want to write stories that fill people with ideas and feelings that will make us all better people...

Are you published? No published fiction. I have written some articles for various publications, though.

Music that Inspires You: Instrumental stuff, classical: Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Bach, Philip Glass, Enio Morricone, snippets of genius from elsewhere...

Favourite Films: Amelie, City of Lost Children, The Dark Crystal, The Princess Bride, La Reine Margot, Zefirelli's Romeo and Juliet

Shoes/Bags/Corsets: Well, I do own a corset, though no shoes. As to bags, I am a utilitarian. Except for the purse I have made of a leatherbound edition of the Three Musketeers.

What's In Your Handbag: My wallet, my keys, spare diapers and socks for the baby, and a whole lot of garbage. :/

If You Could Be Any Character, Who Would You Be: George Sand. Though she was real.

Describe Yourself as an Alcoholic Beverage: Some expensive whiskey, I suspect. Very strong, unpalatable to most people, but an acquired taste that is precious to those who value it.

What attracts you to men/women: Sexually? I like men who are big. BIG. Have never dated a man under 6'2", and I do not like 'em skinny. Capable of performing feats of great strength a must. Must also be as smart as me, big readers, and willing to argue the hell out of religion, politics, philosophy with me. ;)

Most Embarrassing Moment: I once choked up playing the Last Post on Remembrance Day in front of my whole home town. Couldn't play a note in front of a crowd of hundreds.

Best Moment: I have a lot of these. I had a baby at home. Won the National Book Collecting Prize. One of those maybe.

If You Could Be Male For the Day, What Would You Do? Exactly what I do now. :P

Favourite Quote: When I have a bit of money, I buy books, and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes. - Erasmus

If You Could Host a Dinner party and Invite Six People Past or Present, Who Would You Invite? George Sand, Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo, Alfred de Musset, Franz Liszt and Marie d'Agoult. Since they all knew each other already.

If You Only Had 24 Hours to Live What Would You Do? Take my family camping in Death Valley.

What's On Your Bucket List: Right now it all has to do with getting published. ;)

What is The Most Important Lack in Your Life: My husband lacks a job, to our whole family's pain and suffering. >.<

Most Blatant Lie You've Told: I had fake ID made when I was 16 in order to get my first piercing...

The Most Demeaning Thing Said About You As a Writer: TOO MANY ADJECTIVES. Also, "Too wordy". They both mean the same thing, I think.

How Do You React to Bad Reviews: I am usually just so excited to have been reviewed at all!

What Are The Occupational Hazaards of Being a Writer: Being expected to help other writers for free. Editing and critiquing is time consuming! I won't edit your 300 page novel for free!

Who Would Play You in a Film About Your Life: A very badly dressed Sarah Jessica Parker.

What's The Greatest Thing Your Learned in School: I am an odd person who doesn't fit in and it is a great, futile waste of time trying.

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