A Killer's Fate

By Good_Extreme14

373 7 8

The number one assassin in the world - hunted, wounded, and given up for dead - is rescued on the shores of C... More

Chapter 2 - Recover

Chapter 1 - Rescue

234 3 6
By Good_Extreme14

A man with outward courage dares to die. A man with inner courage dares to live.

- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Jing

The Greatest Assassin in Xuan-Wu: (Unknown Location)


No matter how hard one trained the body, steeled the mind, or brought emotion to heel, pain remained a chink in the armor able to bring even the strongest to ruin. It was the wounds you couldn't anticipate... the knifing agony of betrayal ripping the breath away.

He had left his back unguarded, a child's mistake. The blade tore through his body, its hilt slamming into bone. It retreated with the same vicious force. Without seeing, he knew who had delivered the blow. No thoughts of retribution filled his mind as he fell. No desire to know the why of it. Only the certainty that he should have known better. Emotion brought weakness, and weakness... death.

The demon dagger kept him from collapsing past his knees. It's razor point dug into the barren earth as he gripped its handle. Whispers of demonic energy in every shard of the blade reached out to his mind, hungry for violence, for blood. He rallied his qi to the wound, staunching the red flow. As he gasped with pain the crowd of killers sensed their opening. They advanced, eager to be the first to take the head of Xuan-Wu's top assassin.

Fools... if this was to be his end, it would be of his making, no one else's! He summoned determination from the agony burning in his chest and let it build and flow to the weapon in his hand.


His Qi rocketed through the earth, cracking and shattering the ancient bridge like rotten ice. The force of it slammed his body upwards. He felt himself rise into the air, and then sink towards the dark water below. Screams of shock and fear echoed in his ears as the killers nearest the blast were sent hurtling downwards. His body hit the water. He held his breath and gripped his sword but had no strength left to fight against the icy embrace pulling him down to the black depths. As the world faded, a tiny thought flickered across his consciousness...

I hope she's ok.

Dai-Bo: (Northern Beach – Chicken Island)

My name is Dai-Bo. I am the King of chickens by right, and independent businessman by choice. Man is my enemy.

I travelled to this backwater island for one reason: the fat, stupid humans here don't eat chicken. Which, I suppose, makes them a small step up from the rest of their worthless species. This made it the perfect place to give my adopted son, Xiao-Fei, a new life.

We got through what passed for a customs check in this nowheresville. The crinkled, old man in the guard booth raised an eyebrow at my impressive title. His feeble brain must not have been working at full speed because he wrote us down as "two meat chickens". I was sorely tempted to slap the cap off his head but settled for shooting him a scathing look as he waved us through the flimsy gate. Now wasn't the time for making enemies. But soon...

First, I needed cash. Money was the only language humans respected. Once the dough started pouring in, these chattering apes would all come groveling to my clawed feet! And only then would Xiao-Fei be truly safe.

I looked down at the fluffy chick hopping at my side. His father, the most noble chicken I'd ever known and my only friend, had died bravely. But in the end his sacrifice was for nothing. He had played by the humans' rules, but he failed to realize that humans have no honor. Bravery? Nobility? Fairytales for suckers.

The sun beat down warm, and pleasant on my feathers as we walked along the road that bordered the beach. Xiao-Fei sang a silly little song he'd picked up somewhere. It was ridiculous, irritating, and adorable. I tried to remember what my life had been like before Xiao-Fei and Da-Fei. Lonely... It had been lonely. My gaze drifted out towards the brilliant blue sea. I knew I never wanted to feel that same, crushing loneliness ever again. From now on Xiao-Fei and I were all that mattered. I'd secure us a future, no matter the cost.

An object below caught my eye and caused my steps to falter. A body lay sprawled at the water's edge. Xiao-Fei followed my gaze and stopped as well. Before I could muster my thoughts, the little chick began hopping towards it making excited 'kikiki' chirps.

"Xiao-Fei!" I yelled, "Wait! Come back here!!"

I might as well have been yelling at a coconut as I scrambled to follow him. He reached the body first. His tiny wings flapped with frantic energy as he waited for me to catch up. I stopped and looked down at the figure half-floating in the surf.

It was a boy, probably still in his teens, dressed in shades of dusky black and midnight purple. The clothes were outlandish but finely made and would have been more at home on an ancient field of battle than a sunny beach. He'd have looked like a die-hard cosplayer if it weren't for the blood.

An ugly gouge seeped trickles of red from the center of his chest. The crimson liquid had stained the torn edges of the hole in his tunic a muddy black. It was the kind of wound you didn't come back from, not without a miracle.

Another wave pushed the limp figure higher up on the sand. The movement of the water glinted off an object I had missed before – a sword. It was clutched in the boy's left hand so tightly it might as well have been a part of him. I couldn't see clearly through the surf, but the blade appeared to be cracked. Damaged in a fight maybe?

I looked at the face. The skin was sickly and pale from blood-loss or perhaps worse. Wild, black hair flowed in wet strands below his ears and fluttered in the breeze where it peeked above the water. His eyes, shut and sunken, were ringed in shadow. He looked dead. Xiao-Fei was still chirping hopefully at the still form.

"Leave it." I said, turning away "It's none of our business."

"Ki... Kiki?"

The chick's disappointed stung. How could I make him understand? He was so young. He had no idea what these creatures were like.

"There's no way I'm helping a human."

I turned and walked away. Xiao-Fei would have to learn this lesson sooner or later. Some things weren't worth saving. I hadn't gotten 20 feet before I realized I was walking alone. Turning around, I was shocked to see my adopted son was on top of the boy... bouncing?! It looked like Xiao-Fei was trying a version of CPR, using his ball-like body to pump the heart and lungs of the bedraggled corpse. It was ridiculous, irritating, and adorable.

"Kids are such a pain in the ass."

I couldn't deny him the chance to do what he thought was right, even if it did turn out to be a huge waste of time.

"Fine," I growled, trudging back to the body "let's at least pull him out."

I grabbed the boy's empty hand. A small shudder ran through me at the touch of the wet, cold, clammy skin. The soaked garments and soft sand made dragging the dead weight away from the water difficult. Panting with the effort, I tried to find a way to let down Xiao-Fei easy. Nothing came to mind.

"I think he's dead."


"He's not?!"

I looked down. The young, pale face was moving, grimacing with pain. A faint moan escaped the boy's cracked lips. Xiao-Fei's eyes met mine. They were glittering with the childish certainty that I would make everything better.

"Fuck... Let's get him to a doctor."

Dai-Bo: (Miracle Doctor's Clinic – Chicken Island)

"What a goddamn pain in the ass."

I had a feeling that wouldn't be the last time I uttered those words as I struggled to heft the mystery boy's body towards the door of the clinic. At least we'd been able to get a ride from a passing bikecab driver. He claimed there were no real hospitals on the island but that the Miracle Doctor could cure anything. Sounded like a load of crap, but I was anxious to get rid of our unconscious new 'friend' before he really did die.

The cab driver and I managed to wrangle the limp body through the door. The task was made harder by the sword still clutched in the kid's hand. I'd tried to pry it loose. No luck. The boy's grip was like iron. Once inside we placed him on the bed in the center of the room.

"M'kay," panted the cab driver, "I gotta get back to work. Sorry I can't stay. Blood makes me queasy."

With a wave he stepped out, the door closing with a jingle behind him. Strange he hadn't asked for payment for the ride. What an idiot. I looked around the small room. It was sparsely furnished with a narrow bed, a table for two, and a wall of medicine drawers. Where the hell was this "Miracle Doctor" anyway?

"Hello? Is there anyone here?"

Maybe he was outside. I turned back towards the door and nearly jumped out of my skin. Standing there was a tall, yellow cat??


My hand went to my heart, and Xiao-Fei jumped at my alarm

"You nearly scared me to death!"

The newcomer reached a large, velvety paw into the pocket of his blue, tang suit and pulled out a tape recorder. He pressed the playback button and a tinny voice crackled through the small speaker.

"Greetings, I am the Doctor. Welcome to the Chicken Island Miracle Clinic. How may I help you?"

I straightened my tie and recomposed myself.

"Have a patient for you, the kid on the bed. He's probably gonna die, but what the hell, we've heard you like a challenge."

The Doctor didn't reply. His unrelenting gaze remained fixed on me and Xiao-Fei. I started to feel uncomfortable under those flat, almost mechanical eyes.

"H-he's been stabbed." I adjusted my sunglasses, "It wasn't our fault. We found him on the beach."

Another stretch of silence. Then the Doctor turned and walked slowly to the side of the bed and looked down at the boy. He pressed another button on the tape recorder.

"I will require assistance. Please remove the patient's clothing and any items on their person "


The Doctor ignored my indignation and instead moved towards a small sink set in the back wall.

"Listen," I cleared my throat, "it's not that I wouldn't love to help out, but we don't even know this kid and –"

"Ki! Kiki Kiiii!"

Xiao-Fei's excited chittering interrupted my protest. He had hopped up on the bed and was tugging at one of the boy's sleeves, trying in vain to pull off the garment with his tiny beak.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

My shoulders slumped in resignation.

"Pain. In. My. Ass... Let's get this over with"

I began helping Xiao-Fei pull off the boy's damp clothing. We started with the outer robe and black scabbard slung across his back. Once they were off, I could see something tied to his belt. It was a wooden token, the kind ancient clansmen used to carry when traveling so that their bodies could be sent home if they died. If this kid was a cosplayer, he paid attention to details. The token was made of a rich, exotic wood that had been undamaged by the salt water. I untied it and looked more closely. There was no name engraved. Just an unknown symbol and a number – Seven. Hmm, weird.

I set it aside with the folded robe, gauntlets, and soggy boots we'd already removed. Xiao-Fei pulled the sheet from the end of the bed to cover the boy's lower half as we removed his pants. Human anatomy was disgusting. How did they live with themselves being so fleshy and featherless?

His shirt was the last item of clothing. Dried blood and gore glued the torn fabric to the skin around the wound.

"Hey Doc, you got any suggestions for how to get this kid's shirt off?"

The Doctor was fiddling around with a large chest, pulling out oddly shaped surgical instruments. Without turning, he again clicked the tape recorder to life.

"Caution and care are always advised."

"Right, big help."

I began pulling the stiff fabric away from the gaping hole in the boy's chest, being as gentle as possible. The action tugged at the fragile tissue and started a new trickle of blood flowing. A small cry of pain wheezed from between his clenched teeth.

"Kikikiki" Xiao-Fei chirped, worry glittering in his beady eyes

"I am being careful!"

It wasn't like I could hurt the boy much more than he was already. With a few more tugs, the shirt came free, and I was able to expose his torso. The muscles were sleek and well defined. Not rock-hard body builder, but he was stronger looking than most.

But more striking were the scars marking his pale skin. There were dozens. I was no expert, but I'd have guessed most of them came from blades, a few burns, and a particularly nasty set of teeth that had bitten his right shoulder. I looked down and saw more scars on his lower legs that I'd missed before. There were probably even more on his back. Who the hell was this kid?! Soldier? Or maybe a masochist?

"Xiao-Fei, help me turn him."

With the chick's help, we pushed the stranger to his side. There, just to the left of his spine, was another wound in line with the one on the front. This one was cleaner. Did that mean he'd been stabbed in the back?

We finished removing the shirt, and after folding and placing it with the other ragged garments I'd had my fill of playing nursemaid.

"Alright! That's our good deed for the day. Come on Xiao-Fei, let's —"

"Please remove the patient's clothing and any items on their person."

"We did. He's completely and disgustingly naked!"

The Doctor was still engrossed in his task of sanitizing his instruments. Without turning his head, he pointed one, thick finger towards the sword still clutched in the boy's hand.

"Oh, for Christ's sake."

I stormed back to the bedside. The stranger's entire body was relaxed except for the fingers wrapped around the weapon's handle. With one wing I pinned down the wrist and with the other I pulled at the boy's grip. It wouldn't budge. I could feel my frustration mount.

"Come on you costumed, emo freak. Let go... of the damned... SWORD!!"

Then the boy's other arm moved so fast I didn't even see it. A hot crackle of fear burning at the base of my neck gave me a split second of warning, but it wasn't enough. A choked squawk exploded from my lungs as he yanked me up by the feathers of my chest. The sound died just as suddenly when he pressed the blade of that sword against my neck. My feet swung in the air as he held me level with his face.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. All I could do was stare into his dull, unseeing, red eyes.

Yellow fur flashed in the corner of my vision and the boy jerked as if stung. His grip began to shake, and those crimson eyes rolled back into his skull. He collapsed, limp as a ragdoll, back onto the pillow. The sword and I both clattered to the floor.

"Holy shit." I gasped,


Xiao-Fei fluttered to my side, visibly shaken and confused. Sticking out of the side of the boy's neck was a long acupuncture needle. The Doctor's facial expression remained blank. I wasn't sure whether to thank him for saving my life or ask him for a stiff drink. Maybe both.

He turned his passive cat face toward me and Xiao-Fei. A few clicks on the tape recorder...

"Please feel free to wait in the patio area outside. Thank you."

I pushed myself to my unsteady feet, and absently picked up the sword.

"Come on Xiao-Fei. I need some air."

We exited the clinic. The were three, mis-matched chairs lined up under the eave of the building. I climbed into the one that looked the least dusty. Xiao-Fei hopped into my lap. His bright eyes were filled with concern.

"Ki... Ki kiki?"

"I don't know what that was either."

The memory of those red eyes raced through my brain. That couldn't have been real. Humans didn't have glowing red eyes. I'd been cursing the idiocy of children for the last few hours and here I was letting my imagination run wild like a chick who'd had a nightmare. I began to wish I had something to steady my nerves. Maybe I should take up smoking.

"Damn I'm tired... and cold."


A shiver took hold of my body. It felt like someone had opened a freezer. I looked up at the sunny, blue sky. The temperature was 85 degrees at least. Where the fuck...? I looked down to see the boy's sword still clutched in my wing. A pattern I hadn't noticed before jumped out at me as a demonic face grinning with jagged fangs from the base of the blade.

I knew I was imagining the icy tendrils stretching from the handle of the weapon and twisting up the skin beneath my feathers. But never in my life had I wished more for a massive chasm to open in the earth and swallow that cracked blade whole.

"Xiao-Fei... who the hell did we just pull out of the ocean?"

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