Alan Rickman Character Imagin...

By MrsGruber-Strange

159K 3.5K 646

This is an Alan Rickman Character book all different characters. Does contain smut. πŸ‹=smut Disclaimer: i do... More

Hans Gruber
Judge Turpin
Sheriff Of Nottingham
Severus Snape
Obadiah Slope
Lionel Shabandar
Sinclair Bryant
Severus Snape
Colonel Brandon
Severus Snape part 2
Severus Snape
Metatron Pt.2
Severus Snape
David Friedman
A little behind
Lionel Shabandar PT.2
Lionel Shabandar
Hans Gruber
Elliot Marston
Detective David Friedman
You're Sick PT.2
Severus Snape
A Little Chaos PT. 2
Hans X Jamie
Severus Snape
Severus Snape P.T2
Ralph Fiennes
Severus Snape Pt.3
Severus Snape
New Story out!
New Story idea.. thoughts?
New Story Out! Hans Gruber
Metatron Pt.2
New Story
Severus Snape
Deleted stories
Judge Turpin πŸ‹
Professor Eli πŸ‹
Professor Eli vs P.L πŸ‹
Firts chapter
Eli vs P.L last part
Metatron pt 1
Severus Snape (NEW!)
Ed the Painter πŸ‹
Severus πŸ‹
Alexander DaneπŸ‹
Love and Family Hans story ending
A little chaos πŸ‹
Ideas/ requests
Obadiah SlopeπŸ‹
Turpin (New) πŸ‹
Severus Snape


2K 64 2
By MrsGruber-Strange

George had a temper. You both knew that he was even a little crazy, but you never could have imagined how far he was willing to go to get what he wanted.  Not until Robin Hood came along that is. George was getting more and more stressed by the day and it worried you. He could get violent, never with you.  You would frequently hear him yelling things at his cousin and other men.  One thing that seemed to be getting on George's nerves more than anything else was his cousin's failure.  Constantly going after Robin Hood and failing every single day.  They were losing a lot of men and gold and his cousin seemed to not be able to do anything about it. However, what bothered George the most was that his cousin somehow always walked away from these battles unharmed, like he was constantly running from the fight. George felt humiliated, how could his cousin constantly screw up so bad? He didn’t understand how this could be so hard.

It had been a rough few days and George was more on edge than ever since Robin Hood snuck into the castle right under George's nose.  Now he had a fresh deep cut on his face, which, not going to lie, you found rather sexy but you weren’t going to tell him that yet.  

“Make the stitches small.”  He complained to the poor doctor trying to do his job, but you imagined George's constant moving around wasn't making it any easier for the man. His little servant boy was trying to talk to him while he was getting stitched up, you didn’t know the man's name George always just referred to him as the ferret.

“So let me get this straight?”  George fumes, getting up after the doctor had finished.  “Robin Hood steals from my pocket, causes me to hurt his people… And they love him?”  

“What he steals he gives to the poor.”  The ferret explained.  Que a cup getting thrown across the room.  

“That’s it, cancel the kitchen scraps and the help for the orphanage.”  He raged aggressively, opening the door.  “And call off Christmas.”  You rolled your eyes at how dramatic he was being. 

You ran after him down the hall and found him staring at his statue, which someone had drawn a cut on its cheek that matched his.  He was of course furious so he grabbed the ferret's hat, spit on it and tried to clean off the marker, which didn’t work.  He looked over and saw you giggling. 

“You our room now.”  He said pointing you in the direction of your chambers.  He followed you as you walked to your chambers and locked the door behind you both.

“Come on George, it's not so bad. You're being dramatic, don’t take away the only help you're giving these people.”  

“What would you know?”  He snapped.

“I know that if you take away every little bit of help you're giving these people, the ones who are still loyal to you will turn on you as well.  The answer is to give the people a long term change not a short term change.  If you promised lower taxes instead of a one and done payment of cash more people might look for Robin Hood.”

“That’s enough, this is my job not yours, if my cousin would stop failing the one task he’s been given maybe we would get somewhere.”

“Isn’t he away now transporting a carriage full of gold?”  

“Yes and so help me if he.”

“George, he’s your family, the only family you have.  You can’t hurt him.”  You cut him off by cupping his cheeks.  You caressed his skin with your thumbs.

“I have you.”  He said plainly.

“Yes you do, but he’s your blood.”  You stood on your tiptoes and kissed him. “Just be patient, everything will be okay.  I’m sure he’s just as frustrated as you.”  

“Come on, let's have a nap, I’m exhausted.”  He said, taking both your hands and pulling you to the bed.  You traced over his cut with your finger tips. “It’s ugly isn’t it?”

"Honestly, I find it rather sexy, my hard working man.”  You said kissing him again.

“Well I’m glad my lady likes it.”  You giggled and laid your head against his shoulder. 

A few hours later George was woken up by one of his men telling him to come down to see the new swords that were being made of spanish steele.  He quietly left the room and went to try them out and see if the rumours were true about the strength of them.  While he was gone his cousin had returned rather upset and defeated looking.  He really didn’t want to give his cousin more bad news but he knew he had to.  He had lost the gold and all his men were now dead. George was going to be so mad and he really didn’t want to deal with him yelling and throwing things around the room.  He was told that he could find George in the armory.  Walking there slowly he entered the armory and saw George swinging around swords.  

“We were ambushed, cousin.”  He said, clearing his throat.  

“Spanish steel, much stronger than our native blades.”  George ignored his comment, hitting the board in front of his cousin making him jump.  “Any losses?” He asked, acknowledging his cousin's statement.

“Some. In truth, all of them.”  He kicked the dirt in front of him.

“And the gold?”  George asked, still fiddling with the swords.  


“Robin Hood?”  

They were woodsmen cousin.”

“Robin hood.”  This is when you snuck into the armory looking for Geroge and saw the interaction.  

“I tried.”

“Cousin, cousin.”

“I tried, I tried.” George's cousin cried.  You smiled as he hugged his cousin.  It was good to see George comforting him instead of yelling at him. You leaned your back against the wall across the room, if he'd looked up he would have seen you easily but he was too focused on his cousin.  

“We can’t let a bunch of woodsmen make fools of us.  And I can’t let a lieutenant fail me.”  He suddenly switched to anger, plunging a sword in his cousin's stomach.  You gasped. .  

“Well at least I didn’t use a spoon.”  He joked… He made a joke, at a time like this.  He glanced up and saw you looking at him with so much disgust and anger and fear. “Y/N.”  He rose from his spot on the ground but you took off running. 

He chased you, you knew you couldn’t outrun him for long so you ducked into a room and hid in the closet.  George had keys to all the rooms and you knew he would check every single room until he found you.  You stayed in the closet hoping you could make a run out of the castle later that night but it didn’t happen.  After less than an hour George found you.  He opened the closet door and you turned your face away from him while tears flowed freely down your face.

“Please don’t, I’ll leave, I'll do whatever you want, please just don’t.” You cried thinking he was going to kill you too.  

“What?  Y/N I am not going to hurt you.”  He replied in disbelief that you could think such a thing.  

“Really because you didn’t think twice before running a sword through your cousin's chest.”  you shot back.  

“I wouldn’t hurt you. I’ve told you how much I love you.”

“He was your cousin.  The only blood relative you have! I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to hear your excuses.  What’s going to happen when I mess up? What are you going to do when I do something you don’t like?  Are you going to kill me like you did him?  Are you going to kill me without even thinking twice, will you feel bad about it?”  

“I will never hurt you!” He yelled back. 

“You’ve gotten so angry, so, so... Anything and everything can set you off.  I feel like I’m walking on eggshells around you because I’m scared George, I’m scared of you and what you might do and now what you just did makes me even more scared that you're going to come home one day and just….”  You started crying again.  “I don’t wanna be scared of you anymore George.  I love you, I don’t wanna be afraid of you coming home angry anymore.”  You confessed.  

“Please come out.”  He said opened the closet door more. “Please, I want to talk to you in our room rather than in a closet.  We can talk this out, I promise we’ll figure something out.”  He held his hand out. If you took it he knew you’d forgive him, if you refused he knew you couldn’t and it was over.  

“Please.”  He begged.  After a moment of hesitation you took his hand.  You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him.  As angry and scared as you were of him you loved him so much.  He picked you up bridal style and carried you to your shared bedroom.  He laid you down on the bed and sat beside you.  

“I’m sorry that I’ve scared you lately, I know my actions have been a bit rash, harsh and scary.  I shouldn’t be treating the people around me so badly for things that are out of their control and are not their fault.  I’m going to do better, be better.  I’m sorry you had to witness what I did, your right I feel awful, he was my only family. If you give me another chance I promise to do better.”  He took your hands and put them on his chest, needing to feel you touch.  

“As scared as I am of you, I’m more scared of losing you.  Let me help you and I’ll stay.  Listen to my suggestions and maybe we can figure this out together.”  You compromised.  

“I like that idea.”  He smiled.  “What's your first suggestion?”  

“If you can’t beat them, join them George.”

“I don’t understand.”

“The people love Robin because he is giving back to them, he’s turning them against you because they are struggling to get by while you sit in this castle, rich as can be.  If you just tried to negotiate with Robin and hear what the people have to say, maybe they will be loyal to you and all this drama with Robin would go away. You’ll still be rich. The difference is if you and Robin team up then the people of Nottingham would like you more and be willing to do as you asked.  Trust me, you can get everything you want, but this way there’s less blood shed with the same result.”  You explained.  

“Oh please those filthy woodsmen would kill me the first chance they got.”  George argued.  

“I can go and talk to them, if they agree I’ll bring you to them with a couple men and they can all talk about how you can all get what you want.  But you need to be willing to compromise.  Can you do that for me? Please my darling, I just want this to be over, I want my husband back.”  You begged. “I refuse to bring a child into this world if I have to constantly worry that you might get angry and hurt me or them. If you want children, and I know you do then fix this.  You know I wouldn’t suggest this if I thought there was even a chance you could get hurt. I wouldn’t risk your safety.  Let me go in and talk to them first, if it all goes well then you can come in.  I’ll take a couple men with me, I’ll be safe. If you let those hired thugs into Robin hoods hiding place there is no chance at peace.  Do this first if it doesn’t work then try your way.”  

“Alright, well try it.”  

Everything had gone well, George and Robin Hood reached an agreement which led to Robin Hood no longer being hunted down along with his followers and the people now loved George. Taxes were lowered, people were thriving, everyone was happy.  When the king returned he saw all the good George had done.  Robin and the others decided to keep what happened before to themselves considering they knew George was not the mastermind behind everything that had happened. To prove to them that he didn't want there to be any chance of another fight he had the witch hung and things slowly became better than they had ever been.  So when the king came home from battle wounded with little time left he gave George the title of king.  Marianna was the only living relative of the king, and neither she nor Robin wanted an important title like that.  George took the position and was in the process of getting everything he ever wanted.  

“How have you felt today?”  He asked after you had spent a long day out wandering the town. He rubbed up and down your tiny little bump.  

“No morning sickness this morning which I’m happy about.”

“It's too soon for any movement I think.”  He leaned down and kissed right above your belly button..

“She’ll be moving before we know it.”

“Or he.”  George corrected. 

“We’ll love them either way.  Just as much as I love you.”  You kissed him.

“I love you too. Get some sleep, just because you didn’t wake up this morning sick doesn’t mean you won’t wake up early tomorrow.”  He commented, pulling you against him.  You looked up at his cheek where a scar had formed from Robin’s blade. You grazed over it with your fingers.

“It's still just as sexy, only now I get to look at it forever.” 

“Does it turn you?”  He arched an eyebrow.

“Very much so.” You teased.

“Go to bed, you're pregnant we can’t.”  He growled, wishing you could.

“Okay my king.”  He groaned feeling his boxers tighten, he loved when you called him that in bed.

“Goodnight you brat.”  He huffed after hearing you giggle. “Sleep.” He ordered.

“Okay, okay night.” 

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