The Power Of Choice

Por Ultimate_Wolf_Bane

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When true loves come knocking, the least you could do is open the door. But that isn't the case when it comes... Más

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Chapt 5

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Por Ultimate_Wolf_Bane

~Jackson ~

The sound of the lecturer shutting off the projector was music to my ears, as I packed up my calculus textbook shoving it into the deepest part of my bag. Honestly, who ever sat down and decided that my math grade was dependent on me memorizing and knowing how to use these obscure formulas, that I'd most likely never use in my life outside of calculus class, really had nothing better to do.

Thankfully, both Leo and Mitch where in this class as well, so I wasn't totally bored stiff. For most of the class Leo and Mitch had been passing the time by playing a game of charades. I watched as Leo, every time the professor turned her back to us, would start making faces and funny gestures, while Mitch tried his hardest to guess whatever it was he was depicting, while I was trying my best not to lose it.

Way too many times I almost ended up on the floor curled up with laughter when the professor turned around suddenly and they'd both suddenly sit up straight and pretend nothing was wrong. Sometimes they would even raise their hands to ask questions as if they were really paying attention. I'm sure she knew something was happening, but she just didn't know what. If this was how our classes were going to go on for the rest of the semester, then I was certain that might not be that bad of a semester after all.

Mitch and Leo had instantly hit it off. It's funny, since they didn't know that the other existed before our chemistry class, but now they were chatting like long lost friends. It was good to see them hit it off so smoothly.

After packing away our stuff, we'd headed out of the Math department building and onto the front lawn, looking for an empty picnic table to hang at for a while. Normally I'd have waited with Leo till his mom picked him up, then I'd catch the bus or walk home depending on my mood.

Today I'd decided I wanted to catch the bus, so I'd get home as quickly as possible. I'd head to the woods and see if the wolf had gotten out, and if not, I'd lend a hand. By now it'd most likely have exhausted itself, and it should be safe for me to release it or at least safer than it was this morning. I'd planned to walk with some meat or something to feed it with since I was sure it wouldn't have had anything to eat at all today unless something else had fallen into the pit.

"JACKSON!!" I spun around to look at Leo and Mitch as they both had goofy grins all over their faces.

"Dude you've been spacing out since we left Calculus, what is up with that? I know you're not a fan of Star Wars but that doesn't mean you can just ignore us and our conversation."

Leo pouted at me, annoyed that I wasn't being as engaging as possible. Honestly, the guy expects me to be a social butterfly when I'm barely worthy of being called a socially awkward caterpillar.

"Sorry Leo but you know I just don't get Star Wars. Like seriously how are the good guys able to basically kidnap kids under the guise of training them to be saviours of the universe? That's clearly something the evil side would do... besides, I was thinking about this wolf I ran into in the woods this morning"

"A what!!" Once again, they were shouting in sync. Seriously they were getting along way to well for people who only met today.

"A wolf. I caught him in a pit trap this morning... here let me just show you."

I unlocked my phone and opened my gallery, being extra careful while opening my folders. Pulling up the pics and recordings, I handed them over to the guys. Mitch was looking at the pics in awe. I felt pretty proud of myself knowing that I'd managed to empress him, though I wasn't sure why.

Leo on the other hand was looking utterly shell shocked. His eyes where as big as saucers with his chin pretty much on the floor. Exactly the expression I wanted to see.

"W-where did you... h-how... dude...and you left it in the pit!?"

I was a bit annoyed that he wasn't congratulating me on surviving an encounter with a wild feral beast that could have killed me, but I'd let it slide. For now.

"Leo, thank you so much for your concerns for my wellbeing, but I'm actually planning to go looking and see if it managed to get out of the pit in a few hours, you want to come with?" Leo was looking at me like I'd grown a second head while Mitch just sat there watching us with a smirk.

"I-I can't today I already have plans this evening....and I don't think you'll need to check up on the wolf.... I'm sure he managed to get out safely.... probably."

He was fidgeting in his seat, and I noticed that sweat was starting to run down his brow. He kept his head hung with his eyed trained to his lap. He kept opening his mouth like he wanted to say something, but he just sat there silently. There was something he wasn't telling me; he'd never been good at keeping secrets from me.

"Leo....are you ok? Your suddenly sweating buckets and you can't seem to keep there anything you need to tell me?"

"N-No... nothing's wrong, I'm just a little hot.... you, I don't think you should go looking for that wolf. What if he attacks you or something? You shouldn't go back." He stopped as he looked behind me. I turned to see his mother's car pulling up as she waved at us.

"Looks like my moms here early. I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow then. Don't forget to bring your lab book tomorrow Jacky, see you later Mitch!!" Grabbing his backpack, he flung it over his shoulder and started trotting over to his mom's car. I waved at his mom as he got into the car and waved a final time as they sped out of the car park.

"Well, I guess it's just us then. So Mitch, you want to come with?" As I turned my attention back to Mitch, out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of Damien walking towards the car park, and for some reason, I kept watching him. I wasn't sure why, but it was like my eyes where just drawn to him for some reason. As I watched him, I realized that this I had been the first time in a long while that I'd really taken a good look at him. Most of the time I'd avoid him or ignore him all together, yet after all the weird things happening today with him, I couldn't ignore him

He was staring out into the distance as if he'd forgotten something and was trying his best to remember. There was something about him that for whatever reason made me inclined to keep my eyes on him as he stood there.

I'll admit he was pretty easy on the eyes. Even if I didn't like him personally, I also wasn't blind. The varsity jacket he was wearing over his T-shirt didn't do much to hide his figure. As I watched him, I noticed how muscular he had become. It made me wonder why I was even able to push him away earlier.

He turned around and started walking away, the view from the back causing my mouth to water just as much as the front had done, until he rounded the corner and disappeared from sight breaking whatever spell I had fallen under. I shook my head confused as to why I felt sad that I couldn't see him anymore. I hated the guy, even hate might not be a strong enough word to describe my intense bone-deep hatred of him. So the fact that I was letting my imagination run wild with all those ranching thoughts of him was confusing in and of itself. I was pulled out of my confusion when I heard a cough from my right. Mitch was looking at me with his eyebrow raised, and a smirk plastered across his face.

"I thought your eyes would have popped out of your head and followed him around the corner."

I lowered my head, as I felt the blood flush to my cheeks "I d-don't know w-what you mean..."

"You were practically drooling all over yourself. I'm surprised you didn't just run up and strip him, you were already doing it with your eyes afterall." He howled with laughter this time not even bothering to hold back.

"It's not that funny man." My embarrassment was growing steadily, and I wasn't sure what to say.

"No need to be too embarrassed about it, trust me, if he was my type, I'd definitely be all over him too."

My head snapped up at his comment. He was sprawled out over the table with one hand supporting his head and the other draped lazily over the tabletop. He was looking intently at me as he spoke.

"Your gay?" The words came out of my mouth before I could even get a chance to think about what I was asking him. I was a little surprised. Normally blatantly waving your sexuality around wasn't something you'd do. Especially with someone you'd literally met a few hours ago.

"Eh I don't know about gay...I rather not place a label on my sexuality and limit myself. If I'm attracted, then I'm attracted, that's how I role."

"Oh... okay."

"What about you?" He continues to stare at me with his emerald eyes and eyebrows raised. I couldn't exactly not to tell him after he had basically cornered me.

"W-Well, I'm bisexual...probably?" I could feel my face heating up in embarrassment. This wasn't the sort of conversation I should have been having with someone I'd met for the first time today. Even if he was pretty good looking.

"Well then, that's good to know."

We sat there for a while as an awkward silenced settled between us. Even though I wanted to say something, the words just kept getting stuck in my throat, refusing to leave the sanctuary of my mouth. After a while he got up from the bench, stretching and cracking his neck before he turned to face me once more.

"Well anyway, I wouldn't mind hanging with you today, but I do have a few things I need to sort out at home, you know, with me just moving in and all that. So... I'll have to get a reign check on hanging out with you."

"O-Oh, it's not a big deal I guess. I'll see you later then?"


He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, scribbled something on it and handed it to me before leaving the table. I watched until he was out of sight before unfolding the note. Inside was a string of numbers which I assumed was for his cell and a little note.

'Call me later cutie'

I started grinning when I read it, it left me feeling happy, especially after the conversation we'd just had. First day of back on campus after mid semester break and I'd already managed to get the new guy flirting with me. Truly, my springtime of youth had arrived. I spent another few minutes sitting at the bench before heading over to catch the bus home.

Opening the front door, I was greeted to an empty house, which was the norm for me. My aunt and uncle never managed to get home till around seven, and that was usually on early days. Most of the time, I wouldn't see them for days on end, since I left home before they even woke up and went to bed before they came home. The only time we really managed to get spend together would be weekends.

Even so, I wasn't upset by it. They worked hard in order to provide for me, the least I could do is make sure they don't need to worry about things at home. I trudged up the stairs to my room before changing my clothes and heading back to the kitchen. I pulled some meat from the freezer and placed it into my bag before heading out the backdoor.

I headed to the backyard and began the trek through the woods for the second time that day. It took a while to find where I'd had my fated encounter that morning, but I eventually found the pit. Slowly I walked up to the edge, part of me hoping that the wolf had managed to escape and another part still hoping it was still there, even if just so I could see it one more time.

I peeped into the hole and saw it was empty. I released a breath I didn't even realize that I's been holding onto, before slumping to the ground. Even though I was happy that it'd managed to escape, I was saddened a little that I probably wasn't going to able to see it again. Wolves had always been my favorite animal, barely edging out owls. There was just something majestic about them that enthralled me.

It was still pretty early and as I didn't want to head home just yet, I decided to go deeper into the woods, listening to the sounds around me as I went. It was a good way to unwind after a hectic day. I could feel my shoulders relaxing, the stress of the day getting farther and farther away with each step that I took. I kept walking, turning off from the well beaten trail to take a much more secluded path, until a familiar clearing came into view.

I'd found it a few weeks ago and I'd made it into my own personal sanctuary. There was a small pool at the bottom of a small cliff side with a small waterfall feeding into it. the water was crystal clear and the babble of the water as it tumbled over the edge was always pleasing to listen to. But the main reason I liked this place was because I could practice here without needing to worry about being spotted.

Walking over to the large rock that sat at the edge of the pool, I pulled off my sneakers, shirt, pants, and after a moment of deliberation, my underwear followed as well. Folding them neatly and placing them on one of the large rocks around the edge of the pond, I stood up, letting the wind caress my body before diving into the pool. I stayed under the water for a while before going up for a breath of air. The water felt great against my skin, and I was enjoying my alone time. I relaxed, letting the water support me, as I floated on my back looking up at the sky as the clouds drifted lazily overhead.

I recalled the events of the day. Meeting the wolf in the woods, being used as a food disposal by Damien, bumping into Michael in the hallway, and finally being hit on by Michael after class. All in all, not the best first day back our midsemester break but at the same time, not the worst. I guess in a sense I should be thanking Damien. If not for him, I might not have bumped into Michael. Even though we had classes together, the chances of me talking to a stranger out of my own free will are practically zero.

I closed my eyes once again, letting my mind wonder. Slowly Damien came to mind. On some level I was surprised he had apologized to me, even if he was lying through his teeth. He'd actually seemed pretty sincere when he'd apologized. Though I've never been able to tell what was going through that mind of his, even when we were close friends.

Time trickled away as I lay in the pool, watching the clouds pass over head. It had been a while since I'd had a chance to really spend some time in my little cove. I strained my ears trying to hear the sounds of the birds that should have been over head...but there weren't any melodies to be heard.

A shudder ran through me as I focused on my surroundings. It was quiet. Unnaturally so.

I wasn't liking the unnatural silence and an ice cold feeling in the pit of my stomach grew stronger and stronger as a feeling that I wasn't as alone as I thought I was surfaced. I got out of the pool as fast as I could and quickly made my way over to my clothes. The last thing I needed was having to start running for my life completely in the nude; I still had some measure of shame.

A sudden noise made me jump as glanced around looking for what could have made it. The crackling sound of broken twigs almost made my heart skip a beat, as my head snapped around trying to locate the source of the sound. My heart stopped as my eyes focused on a large dark shadow in the bushes, and slowly, the uninvited guest stepped out of the shrubbery and into the clearing.

To my surprise it was the massive black wolf from this morning, the one with the mesmerizing blue eyes. It slowly eased out of the bushes stepping into full view. It was definitely much larger than I had first thought it had been, and its pelt was littered with twigs and leaves. The entire time that it stood there, its eyes had been trained onto me, making skin crawl and a cold sweat to drench my back. The only thing that came to mind, was the thought that it must have come looking for revenge.

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