
By Miki0811

933 23 11

Michelle it was Draco's best friend since they were 5, and through this journey they learn how to love, how t... More

The beginning
~ to hogwarts ~
~ Quidditch game ~
~ The Duel Club ~
Lucius Malfoy
Draco's birthday
~To Hogwarts~
The Champions
~Fight and stars~
~ Sirens ~
I am sorry
Please read !!
Lots of tears
The Yule Ball
Next day
Home sweet home
Fight till were dead
Like them
Draco's plan
Snape's story
The Courtyard
A/N- Sorry( please read !!!)
No choice
We'll figure it out
Finding Out
His first and last love
My fault
God please let us live
Real Love
Please save us
Nothing is alright
Part one: The End
Part two: The End
Part three : Darling
Thank you- A/n

The second surprise

5 0 0
By Miki0811

Normal Pov

We got to Draco's house , my mother was alright to stay at then for a few days at him , me and Draco are so exited about the this we're gonna do together. All the way to his house I hold Draco' hand and talked about his father.

" So , what's the plan ?" asked my mother while we were standing in front of the doors.

" The exactly thing Draco did , he's gonna get in to his mother and took her in the kitchen , he's gonna say the things I said to you when you asked me about him" I said to my mother.

" And we wait here ?" asked Severus.

" Yes , I will know when we can get in " I said then Draco leaved three of us.

" I can't wait to see her face , after all she's been through she deserve to be happy " said Mother taking hand in hand with Severus.

" Please promise me that you will distract her as much you can" I said to both of them worried.

" No worries " said Snape.

" Let's get in " I smiled and opened quietly the door , I heard Draco talking to his mother , I can say that she's very sad.

" How is Michelle? I really miss her , is she alright ?" said Narcissa with thee most sad and sweet voice , Narcissa is in pain , I've never seen her like this , desperate that she doesn't know what to do.

" Then ask her " said Draco , I quickly turned to my mother.

" Wait right here " I whispered then get in the kitchen seeing Draco and his desperate mother , I smiled with tears in my eyes trying to hold them , she gasped putting her hand over her mouth.

" She's here ?" asked her Draco and he nodded, she came hugging me like I was her child then kissed my forehead .

" You beautiful child , thank you " she said hugging me again and cried a bit loud.

" That's not the only surprise " said Draco as my mother and Severus came in.

" Oh Ella , Severus " she said hugging them and I get in Draco's arms.

"When I said I have nothing to be happy anymore you came here , thank you" she said crying.


" Do you want me to help you ?" I asked Narcissa after the launch we had.

" Oh no , it's done now " she said reaching a glass form a taller cupboard but she couldn't reach it , I was tall for a girl honestly.

" Here " I said giving her the glass she wanted .

" Oh , thank you dear , wanna a drink ?"she asked and I was amazed , I am 15 and she's a mother.

" Uh , I don't drink" I said confused.

" Oh , what a shame , maybe later ?" she asked then laugh weird.

" I going to Draco , so excuse me " I said then go up-stairs fast in Draco's room.

" Draco , something is wrong " I said looking at him scared.

" I know " he said avoiding my eyes.

" Your mother , she's not feeling good i think" I said worried 

" She's not my mother she-" said Draco but couldn't finish of my mother screams.

" Let us go !" screamed my mother , me and Draco ran to see what happen. I saw Narcissa holding another Narcissa , but she was scared and the other was laughing evil. My mother was hold by my father ?

" Bellatrix Lastrange  " I said taking Draco's hands while we get down stairs to the living room.

" Let them go " I said but Bellatrix started laughing again or Narcissa?

" Oh , stupid child " said my father while Bellatrix was in her normal way , she used pollyjuice.

" Let them go now Father " said Draco pointing his wand to Lucius scared.

" Why we would do that ?" Bellatrix asked like an innocent person, then Draco threw a spell but didn't get one of them , it was as a warning.

" They didn't do anything , please let them go " I shouted looking at my mother scared eyes.

" Silence you trash" said Bellatrix next to me pointing her want to my neck, I froze instantly as my mother gasped.

" Alright , what do you want?" I asked with tears in eyes .

" Revenge , you put the 'Crucio' curse on me , so I wanted to show you how does it feel like " said Bellatrix while I was hoping to not hurt everybody like I did to her , but it was to late.

" Crucio" said pointing to my mother , I wanted to protect her but I couldn't move.

" No , don't do this , not to my mother " I beg , my mother screams were getting louder till she stopped , I fell on my knees crying then Bellatrix came and slaped me across my face.

" Don't " said Draco but my father  stopped him with the same curse and from nowhere I heard someone breaking the windows , I looked up to see Dumbledore .

 " Good evening " said Dumbledore looking at me and Draco worried.

" Don't you want to go on a walk ?" asked Dumbledore my father and Bellatrix.

" If you will come with us that will be perfect , maybe a cup of tea would you like" said my father laughing.

" I'm afraid you wouldn't take the chance to serve with me a cup of tea , Azkaban is too empty without you" said Dumbledore smiling going in front of my father. Soon Dumbledore made them disappear, I looked at Draco and my mother hugging  Narcissa while Dumbledore was next to me , I looked at him with me tearful eyes .

" Are you alright ?" asked my mother coming to me with no power while Narcissa went to Draco.

" Yes , you ?" I asked and she nodded with a smile on her face.

" Thank you Master for helping us " said my mother taking his hands.

" Elleonora , as long as I can help you I will , always " he said with a sparkle in his eyes, we were interrupted by a crying Narcissa telling me to go with Draco in our rooms.


" Oh Draco , we live a sad story, but it's a real one" I said hand in hand with him walking through the garden.

" I know , at least we have the right people with us , I am really happy your back " he said stopping and looked in my eyes.

  " I am sorry I can't help you how you help me when I am sad" he said.

" Draco , being here it's enough for me , for you some words are more useful and for me you presence is the most important ." I said them give him a slow kiss, he is so sad even I am here , he can't move on over everything that happened. 

" Next year is going to be so bad , I can tell that" said Draco looking down , I looked at him worried , I know that he's with no hope.

" At least you have Snape and your mother " he said with a sad voice.

" Draco , you have your mother next to you and about Severus-"

" Severus , where is he ? " I asked in panic , I remembered he wasn't with us when Bellatrix and my dad came. I ran into the house leaving Draco behind , I burst into the kitchen to see my mother crying in Snape's arms , suddenly I calmed down , as long she's in his arms I am calm.

" Sorry " I said with a small smile , my mother turned around and wiped her tears fast and smiled me.

" I am sorry Michelle that I couldn't give you the best life " she said sad .

Draco's Pov 

I let her run into the house , he's there I saw him . As I was waiting for her my mother came and hugged me from the back.

" You're alright?" I asked her looking down , she was relaxed now I could feel that.

" Yes , you?" she asked me and I simply nodded turning around to see her tired brown eyes.

" You're tired mother " I said looking disappointed at her , but she smiled like she always do.

" I am sorry Draco that I couldn't give you the best life " she said smiling sad , I didn't know what to said , it's not like I'm living the best life and she's saying that I'm not, so I just simply hugged her.

" Let's sat down next to the fountain " she said taking my hand.

" And talk about everything " she continued.

" So , I was thinking after your 6th year I should probably divorce and move with you" she said smiling , that was the best thing , I raised my eyebrows smiling true.

"  Really?" I asked with a happy voice and she nodded , I hugged her tight as she was laughing.

" Mom , I made mistakes so I am asking for you apologies. I'm gonna be a better son , now that I have Elle and you're gonna divorce is so amazing" I said exited , one year then we will live our best lives.

" I know dear , you don't know how much I liked the surprise " she said laughing standing up like me , I am 6'1 and she's 5'6 but she's much taller in my eyes after all she does, she's the reason I'm not giving up.

" I love you mom " I said kissing her hand.

" I love you too my little blondie" she said laughing .

" Come on , not the nickname" I said laughing then we go in.

Normal Pov

" I love you mom , I love you both , from now we're going to live normal . It's  a promise " I said after what my mother said.

" Can't wait for your wedding" I said smiling the Narcissa and Draco came in and we broke the hug.

" Everything fine ?" asked Narcissa , Snape nodded with a small as I walked to Draco and took me by the waist.

" This months are going to be something " I said smiling.

A/N: Hello right there , I really hope you liked this chapter because I worked so hard. It took this long to post it cause I was out of ideas so -sorry:(.

Love you

~ Miky Nx ~

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