Graffiti Night

By SurfBum5941

1K 79 66

Amber, a lost 17 year old, her brother, Ryan, and her dad, Colin, live in a run down house. Colin is an alcoh... More

What happens in school...
What happens at home...
An Idea...
I hate boys...
I Can't Bare It!
"You Start Tonight..."
First meeting him...
No-name Boy...
Falling Apart...
I Can't Do This Anymore...
This Can't Be Real...
It Hurts...
Just Let Him Go...
On My Own...
That One Memory...
He Will Come To Find Me...
I Think I'm Falling, I'm Falling For You...
It Must Be Mine...
What You Need.
Breathe Me...
Still Right Beside Me... (Epilogue)

The Timing Was Absolutely Perfect...

53 4 1
By SurfBum5941

I'm going crazy, 'cause there are things in the streets I don't believe. So we'll pretend it's alright (pretend it's alright) and stay in for the night. Oh what a world. I'll keep you safe here with me (with me)
I said I'd never let you go, and I never did. I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it. If you didn't have this chance then I never did. You'll always find me right there, again- Have Faith In Me, A Day To Remember

I wake up and immediately feel the guilt pour over my head. God. Oli just runs through my mind. I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. I look next to me and notice that Mac isn't there. I stagger to my feet and stretch my arms up, yawning deeply.
"Mac?" I call out.
"Amber!" He replies from downstairs. "Can you come down here please?"
"Hold on!" I yell. I quickly brush my teeth and walk down the stairs in my over sized t-shirt. I stop dead in my tracks when I see Dylan sitting opposite Mac in the living room. He stands up straight away when he sees me and holds his arms out. I run into them and they wrap around me like a warm blanket.
"Hey, baby." He says, kissing the top of my head. I smile up at him and he hugs me tighter.
"Shouldn't you be at school?" I ask.
"Haha, Amber, it's the weekend." He chuckles.
"Yes." He laughs.
"Oh. Okay. I've lost track of the days." I say. "So what are you doing here?"
"I came to see my one and only." He grins. "Do you wanna go somewhere?"
"Sure, just let me get changed and I'll be right back." I try to get out of his arms but he doesn't let me.
"I haven't had my kiss yet." He smiles. I grin back and stand on my tippy toes, pressing my lips to his. Mac clears his throat and I pull away gently then bound upstairs to get changed.
I come down 10 minutes later to find Mac talking seriously and quietly to Dylan.
"If you dare to hur-"
"Dylan? You ready?" I cut off Mac. They both stand up and Dylan comes and takes my hand.
"Sure am."
"Mac, where are your parents?"
"They went out for breakfast. Got the house to myself." He smiles.
"Okay. Bye Mac." I hug him and then Dylan and I leave the house hand in hand. We walk to the end of my street in silence before he speaks.
"I'm so sorry, Amber." He says. "I have been a complete ass for the last nearly 6 years, but never again will I act or treat you that way again. Never ever." He stops and places a kiss on my lips. I can't believe how much he has changed. It's amazing.
"It's fine. It was hard, but I'm happy you've changed."
"Thank you for staying with me no matter what. And never giving up on me."
"It's okay, Dylan." I reply. He hugs me and keeps an arm around my waist as we continue walking.
"So I was thinking that we'd go grab some coffee and then back to my place. That sound good?" He asks. I nod.
"Sounds perfect." I grin.

We end up at Dylan's about half an hour later and we sit on his bed talking non-stop. Eventually the question that I've been dreading for a while surfaces.
"So, have you seen that Oli dude lately?" Dylan asks. I hesitate to answer. If I say anything about last night to him, I'm afraid he'll go back to being abusive.
"Um, I saw him a couple of days ago." I lie. Dylan nods slowly.
"Okay. Can you promise me something?" He asks. I chew the inside of my lip nervously.
"Yeah, of course."
"Promise me you won't see him again, as long as we're together." He states. I take a deep breath.
"I can't." I say.
"Why not? Have you been doing something with him?"
"No. Dy-"
"Then why can't you fucking promise me." He asks, his voice dripping with anger.
"Because we're friends."
"I don't care! I don't like him. He's going to come between us. I know he will." He spits. Then he adds quietly and calmly, "please Amber, just promise me you won't." He rests his forehead against mine, his hands on either side on my face. I bring my hands up and place them over his. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
"Please." He pleads in a whisper. "I love you." My heart is torn two ways. God damnit!
"Okay." I whisper, opening my eyes and locking mine with his. "I promise." It hurts me but it's probably better this way.
"I love you so much." He says with a grin. "I love you!" He pushes me so I'm lying down and kisses me passionately.
"I love you too." I murmur into his mouth. My fingers play with his hair while he kisses my neck, nibbling at my soft spot occasionally. He pulls off his top and I crawl out from underneath him and he lies on his back as I hover over him. I shower his neck and chest with small kisses. He let's out a short breath as I unzip and take of his jeans. He kisses me roughly as I grind on him. He makes a satisfied noise at the back of his throat and I kiss him deeper in reply. His hands tangle in my hair. My phone starts ringing in the back pocket of my black jeans. I take it out, not breaking our kiss and throw it onto the plush carpet of Dylan's room. It rings loud and clear throughout the room. We both ignore it and it stops for a moment. Only to start again. We continue ignoring it until it rings a third time. Dylan pulls away from the kiss gently.
"Do you want to get that?" He asks, panting slightly. I shake my head. The phone stops ringing and starts again. Dylan chuckles. I laugh and climb off him, picking my phone up off the ground. It's Oli. Crap. I answer it.
"Hello?" I ask, still a bit breathless from me and Dylan.
"Hello, Cosy Girl. Oh. Did I interrupt something?" He asks, obviously noticing how breathless I was.
"Uh, yeah, you kind-"
"How fast can you get to the warehouse?" He cuts me off.
"I can't, I'm with-"
"Cool. I'll see you really soon, then." He cuts me off. "Bye." Then the line goes dead. I pull the phone away from my ear and send Oli a text.
Me: Can't make it. I'm at Dylan's.
Oli: :( Another time?
Me: Yes. Bye x
I lock my phone and let it drop to the ground, before jumping onto Dylan and resuming our little session.

We resurface an hour later, both breathless and sweaty.
"That was... fucking amazing!" He exclaims. I laugh.
"Yeah, it was pretty good." I admit. He nuzzles his face into my neck and shivers race down my spine. He climbs on top of me and starts kissing my neck.
"I. Love. You." He says between kisses. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck.
"I love you as much as Jupiter." I say. He kisses up my neck, along my jawline and to my lips.
"I love you as much as Jupiter plus the sun." He says, pecking my lips.
"I love you as much as the galaxy."
"I love you as much as the universe."
"I love you as much as everything that ever existed in the whole of history." I laugh. He cackles and kisses me.
"I love you. Don't ever for get that." He says, climbing off me and pulling on his clothes. I do the same and we just lie on his bed we talk. He runs his thumb over my bottom lip. As it nears the middle of it, I kiss it and then quickly bite it softly, grabbing his hand and holding it there. He laughs and so do I. I peck his lips and he looks deep into my eyes.
"God, you're so gorgeous." He says quietly. "You are so fucking gorgeous. I'm lucky. I am so so lucky to have you in my arms right now." I smile shyly and he kisses my noes.
"I'm lucky to have you, too." I say. My phone starts ringing. I let out a sign and roll my eyes as I answer without checking the caller i.d.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Hey, you." Mac's voice says.
"Oh, hey Mac."
"Where are you?"
"I'm still at Dylan's. Why?"
"Oh so you did ho back to his place. Okay. Oh, nothing. I was just checking up on you. Can you be home in about half an hour?"
"Yeah. Sure. Bye." I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket.
"Mac?" Dylan asks. I nod.
"What was he talking to you about this morning?" I ask.
"He was giving me the talk that usually a father or brother would give. The "you hurt her, I kill you" talk." He chuckles. I shake my head mocking disappointment.
"I'm sorry. He tends to get a bit protective over me."
"Well, he has all the right reasons. I was a complete idiot and I'll never forgive myself for the way I treated you." He says. I smile and hug him tightly.
"Hey I'm having a party next weekend. I guess it's just celebrating the start of the holidays? I don't know. But you should come. I want everyone to know that you're my girlfriend." He says.
"Sure. I guess it wouldn't hurt." I say with a small shrug. "I've gotta get going."
"Aww," he frowns. "Stay for at least 10 more minutes?" I hesitate, but then he starts kissing up my arm to my neck and I can't resist.
"Fine." I sigh happily as he kisses my lips.

10 minutes later, I pull away from a kiss that I want so much more of. I rest my forehead against his.
"I... I have to go." I whisper, panting a bit. His breathing is ragged and he nods.
"Damn." He replies in a whisper. "Just 5 more minutes." He closes his eyes and runs his hands up and down my arm, sending shivers down my back. I sigh.
"I wish I could, but Mac wants me home."
"Can I at least walk you there?"
"Of course." I smile, getting up. He gets up too and we walk downstairs and out of his house.
When we arrive out the front of my place, Dylan squeezes my hand. I look up at him and he pecks my lips quickly. I let out a small laugh and we walk up the steps onto Mac's front porch. I turn and face Dylan. He takes my other hand so he's holding both of them.
"I love you." He says and leans forward.
"I love you too." I lean forward too. Our lips touch and butterflies start in my stomach. He turns his head, deepening the kiss and I place my hands on his chest as his arms wrap around the small of my back, pulling me closer. Then the front door open and I pull away abruptly, look at the doorway to see who had opened the door. It was Amanda, Mac's mum. Awkward. Her eyes are wide, but she then grins at me. Dylan let's me go.
"Uh, Amanda, this is Dylan. My... boyfriend. Dylan this is Amanda, Mac's mum." I explain. He holds out his hand and she shakes it. I straighten my t-shirt, clear my throat and walk inside. I turn around just at the bottom of the stairs and wave at Dylan.
"Bye, Dylan." I say.
"Catch you later, babe. Text me." He winks and I blush, looking at Amanda.
"Bye, Dylan." She grins. He waves and walks down the steps as Amanda closes the door. I turn to run upstairs and get to Mac's room before any question can be asked, but I'm a bit too late for that.
"Aaand where do you think you're going missy?" I hear Amanda ask. I stop halfway up the stairs and turn around slowly.
"To Mac's room." I say.
"Uh-uh. Come here right now." She says. I swallow hard and climb down the stairs and stop on front of her, not taking my eyes off the polished wooden floor.
"Oh my god!" She exclaims. For a moment I think she's really angry, but then I see the look on her face and relief washes over me. Her face has the look of surprise mixed with happiness, jealousy and disbelief.
"Where can I get me one of them?" She asks. I hug her.
"A high school." I laugh.
"You have to invite him over for dinner! Please." She says. "Ooh! How about tonight?" She suggests.
"Oh. It doesn't have to be tonight, does it?"
"Yes it does! C'mon. I want to get to know him. I care about who you date and so does Sam." She states. I hesitate. I understand that Mac's parents care about me, but they don't have to know who I date. They kind of do though, they're your half-guardians. So? So invite him over. What's the harm he could do?
"Fine." I settle on. She let's out a small squeal and claps her hands.
"Text him now and tell him to come at 5:30." She grins. She gives me a bone crushing hug and disappears into the kitchen. I run upstairs, while texting Dylan.
Me: Hey, Amanda wants you to come over for dinner. Please tell me you can't make it...
Dylan: Actually, I think I can :P
Me: I hate you
Dylan: When should I come over?
Me: Never
Dylan: Amber
Me: Dylan
Dylan: I'm serious, when?
I sigh.
Me: 5:30, sharp. And wear something nice. But not a tux, like jeans and a white t-shirt
Dylan: I'll be there, see you in a few hours xx
I lock my phone and shove it into my back pocket before I burst into Mac's room. He's not in there so I decide to get changed into something more comfy. Just as I've pulled off my jeans and top, Mac comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him. It sits low on his hips. He catches me looking.
"Make it obvious, why don't you." He chuckles.
"Shut up." I scowl, pulling on some black sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt. "Oh, by the way, Dylan's coming for dinner." I add. He drops his deodorant and glares at me.
"You invited him?" He asks in disbelief.
"No, your mum told me to." I retort. He let's out an annoyed groan and picks his deodorant back up.
"I can't believe her."
"Don't worry about. Just don't say anything to piss him off. Please. Your mum really likes him and I don't want her to see his bad side." I say. He sighs.
"You owe me."
"I do not!"
"You do."
"Ugh! Whatever." I spit. I flop onto his bed and start looking through my Instagram feed. I do this for a while, while Mac walks around the room organising crap and singing to himself.
"How's the practise for the band going?" I ask.
"We haven't done that much practise lately. School's getting too heavy. We'll probably stop for a while just until our exams are over, then get back together to perform a few gigs at pubs and stuff like that." He explains. I nod.
"I reckon you guys could go big, if you really wanted." I say.
"Well, that's the dream for us."
"You should chase it until you have it in your grasp."
"Haha, where'd you get that quote from," He laughs. I laugh as well and return to tumblr-ing.

Four hours later, there's a knock on the door. I run downstairs and open the door. There stands Dylan in a tight fitted t-shirt and black jeans. I just stare. He chuckles.
"Like what you see?" He asks. "Because I do." He looks me up and down. I'm only in my A Day To Remember tour t-shirt tucked into a black skirt that reaches my ankles and has a slit on the left leg side. He smirks as he pulls me close to him by the small of my back and kisses me.
"Dylan!" I hear Amanda call from behind me. He let's me go and steps forward.
"Come in, come in." She says with a smile as she hugs him. I let out a silent sigh and notice Mac is hanging back on the stairs. I catch his eye and jerk my head signalling him to come down. He rolls his eyes but walks down the stairs and shakes Dylan's hand. Sam, Mac's dad, appears in the kitchen doorway and shakes Dylan's hand.
"Dylan, you're looking very nice tonight."
"Thank you, Mrs. Hastings."
"Please, call me Amanda." She grins. "Let's sit at the dinner table, shall we?" We all nod and follow her into the dining room. We all take our seats. Dylan pulls out my chair for me and pushes it in as I sit. He sits next to me and takes my hand under the table. Mac sits opposite me and Amanda sits opposite Dylan, while Sam takes the head of the table. We chat for a while. Amanda asks Dylan all sorts of questions. When's your birthday? Do you know what you want to do when you grow up? Have you had any previous girlfriends? How long have you been going out with Amber? My favourite one was: Do you have any STI's? I almost spat the water in my mouth all over Mac. Dylan answered it, which made me laugh even harder, in my mind. Then Amanda went and got all the dinner components including some champagne.
"Dylan, you're 18, aren't you?" She asks for the third time of the night. He smiles and nods. "Champagne?"
"Yes, please." He grins. She pours a glass for him and then her and then same and then me and finally Mac.
"Are you sure?" I ask, as I look at my drink. Amanda nods.
"I bet you've had stronger." She laughs. My eyes widen. How'd she know.
Mac has the most uninterested look on his face as he listens to Dylan tell a story from when he was younger. He downs his champagne and refills his glass. Which he then drains and refills a third time. Amanda notices and takes the bottle off the table. I slowly sip from my glass as Amanda clears the table and brings out dessert. Chocolate moose. I notice Mac pulls out a flask from his pocket and pour vodka into his water. I have to suppress a smile as he catches me looking and brings a finger to his lips. I nod and my breath catches in my throat and my heart beat speeds up as I feel Dylan's hand on my thigh. His thumb makes slow circles on my inner thigh and shivers run up and down my body. He shuffles his hand up higher. I try to concentrate on what Sam is saying, but I can't. He's driving me crazy. I glance at him. He flashes me a grin and creels his hand up a little higher. I swat his hand away and he takes it instead. He places out interlocked hands on the table and his thumb copies the circular motion it was doing before on my hand. I notice Amanda and Mac look at our hands and then they quickly pay attention to Sam, who has also notice our hands. I feel self-conscious. Mac rolls his eyes as Dylan kisses my hand and releases it. Then Mac drains his vodka water and stumbles to refill his glass with water. He comes back with half a glass of what looks to be water but is probably vodka. He takes a mouthful and winces as he swallows it. Vodka.
"So Amber, do you know where you want to go for uni?" Amanda asks. I think about it.
"Probably somewhere where they offer a good art course or something like that." I shrug. Amanda smiles and nods.
"I reckon you'd be good at art." She says. I glance at Mac and he grins at me.
"She's amazing at art. Hold on a moment while I grab something." He says, not sounding too influenced by amount of alcohol he's drunk.
"Mac." I warn. He shoots me a smirk and staggers off upstairs. He comes down a moment later with a piece of paper in his hands.
"This fell out when you left because you were angry with me." He tells me. Then he shows it to everyone. It's the sketch I did of him. He holds it next to his face so everyone can see how much it looks like him. Amanda looks at me with wide eye. So does everyone else. Mac grins at me as I glare at him.
"Amber," Amanda begins, "the moment you turn 18, you're on your own, right? But you can stay here." She's said that already before so I nod and smile.
"And we will also pay for you to go to a good university." She adds. My smile falters and I blink and stare at her blankly.
"I don't think I heard that right. Sorry?"
"Sam and I will pay for you to go too college. Of course you'll have to out some money in, but we'll pay for most of it." My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest. Tears prick my eyes and I stand up and run around the table to her. I hug her tightly and don't let her go for a while.
"Oh my god!" I exclaim. "I love you!" I say that too much, I think. But the thought immediately goes away as she hands me a tissue. I dab the tears from my eyes and sit back down. Dylan pecks my lips and squeezes my hand.
"Thank you so much. This means so much to me. My dad would never do that for me."
"Think of it as a gift from your mum." I smile and dab away the tears that start welling up again. Mac downs the rest of the vodka in his glass and slams it on the table. Everyone looks at him. He shrugs and rolls his eyes.
"Well, I better get going." Dylan says, standing up. He goes to grab his glad that held his moose but Amanda swats his hand away and hugs him.
"Leave the cleaning up to me." She says. He smiles and takes my hand. Everyone gets up from the table and we walk to the front door. Sam holds the door open as Dylan says his goodbyes. I walk onto the porch with him and Sam closes the door behind me, giving us some privacy. Dylan runs a hand through his hair and smiles at me. He takes both my hands.
"So you've got your uni all sorted." He grins.
"I know! I can't believe it!" I exclaim.
"So, now you've just gotta come back to mine and celebrate." He winks. I smile and go to nod, but then remember how drunk Mac is.
"I would love to, but Mac is a bit... intoxicated." I say. Dylan nods.
"Yeah. Was that vodka he put into his water?" He asks.
"I think so." I laugh. He chuckles and kisses my cheek.
"Oi! I want a proper kiss, thanks." I demand. He laughs and presses his lips to mine. His lips move against mine and reply in doing the same. I hear someone clear their throat behind Dylan. I break the kiss and look over Dylan's shoulder to the path leading to the porch. Their stands Oli. His hands in the pockets of his hoodie. Of course. Of fucking course. The timing is perfect!
"Oli." I say. He just looks at me, disappointment flooding his eyes.
"I'm... just going to leave."
"Yeah, you better, punk." Dylan spits. Oli looks up at him and walks forward.
"Do you wanna start this fight that you won't be able to finish standing up?" He asks, glaring at Dylan. I step in front of Dylan just as Oli reaches the first step.
"Oli, don't." I say quietly. He looks up at me and hesitates before turning back around and walking away from the house without another word. I chew the inside of my lip. I've fucked up. I knew I'd end up hurting someone. And that person was Oli. One of the sweetest guys I've ever met. I feel a hand snake around my waist and Dylan presses himself against my back.
"Please come back to my place. My parents are still in America and my brother's at a party." He says before kissing my neck. "Pwease?" He asks in a little kid voice. A small smile etches it's way onto my face and I turn around and kiss him, surprising him. I pull away gently and rest my head on his chest.
"I can't. Mac needs me tonight." I say. Dylan let's out a sigh.
"Okay, but you're coming to the party next weekend." He tells me. I laugh and nod.
"I'll be there. Is Mac invited?" I ask.
"If he wants to come he can come. Tell him that there will be lots of hot girls." I look up at him suspiciously. "You being one of them and you being the only one I'll be paying attention to." I smile and peck his lips. Then push him down the stairs and blow him a kiss.
"Go home and go to sleep." I say with a playful smile. He laughs.
"Yes, ma'am." He salutes me and walks off. He stops at the end of the path and blows me a kiss.
"I love you!" He calls.
"I love you too." I reply. Then he walks off and I go back inside. The moment I walk inside Amanda is all over me with questions about what we were talking about and comments about how she really likes him. I just smile and answer all the questions before going upstairs and falling into bed next to Mac who has passed out already.

Hey! Another update! I guess I'm kinda making up for not updating for a week and a bit.
So Dylan has changed a lot... And he's having a party...
Stay tuned for the next update
Peace out ✌️

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