Reaction of COTE: resemblance...

De brian744

53.8K 1.3K 246

Kei looks like her... Only second years will react the other years join later. Teachers are present but in a... Mais

She looks like her... (Part 1)
She looks like her... (Part 2)
She looks like her... (Part 3)
She looks like her... (Part 4)
She looks like her... (Part 5)
She looks like her... (Part 7)

She looks like her... (Part 6)

4.3K 137 19
De brian744


Karuizawa POV

Hirata: "My name is Hirata Yosuke, but feel free to call me Yosuke as it was what all my friends in middle school called me. My favourite hobby is football and I was part of the football club, I am also planning on joining the football club here. Nice to meet you."

Wow, I can see most of the girls in the classroom had hearts in their eyes, I was no exception.

The girls giggled at their past behaviour in the video and the boys became increasingly jealous at the display of affection towards one boy, but Ayanokouji noticed his girlfriends eyes which were looking at the boy. He knew she had only used Hirata as a fake boyfriend to protect her from bullying. So why do her eyes contain a tinge of love?

Ayanokouji: 'Why was Shizu- no- Kei looking at him like that back then, did she actually-'

His thoughts were cut off when he heard giggling coming from the person beside him. It seems Karuizawa has recovered from her blank state. She looked at him in the eyes, the thoughts in her mind passed on to Ayanokouji.

'Let's talk about this later.'

It seems logic took over emotions for her as she was willing to listen to what her boyfriend had to say.

For now she was fine, she also saw this as an opportunity to try and make Ayanokouji jealousy. Women can really be so cunning at times.


I mean of course I wasn't, his introduction was flawless and he was good looking...

Maybe he could help me...

Some students became suspicious immediately, they obviously knew that Hirata and Karuizawa became an early couple that formed the foundations for what other couples could be.

Even though the relationship was fake, many couples did look at them as an example. Which shows how well Hirata and Karuizawa played their role.

Hirata smiled wryly whilst scratching his left cheek at the thoughts of Karuizawa, he remembered their deal two weeks after the introductions.

Other girls looked at Karuizawa with various emotions plastered across their faces. They felt discomfort at those thoughts about Hirata, most of whom were girls who hated Karuizawa for monopolising Hirata as her own. They hated seeing them together and their jealousy got the best of them whenever the couple was mentioned in any conversations.

But let's think of that later.

Hm, it seems I spaced out.

Apparently the person after Hirata Kun already introduced themselves, she meekly sat down and looked down in... how do I say it ... triumph? Yes triumph. She seemed like the shy type.

The referenced girl was getting teased by her close friends, it seems her expression amused them. However one person who wasn't amused was the girl who had started feeling more and more frustrated with the lack of information being displayed, it even got to the point that her mask had slipped for a second, which somehow no one noticed, not even Ayanokouji or Koenji.

Kushida: 'Goddammit this shit is testing my patience!!! Get to the good stuff already! where are Ayanokouji's thoughts?! I need information, data anything!!'

Wow she's crazy...

Anyways, moving on...

The introductions continued on with a girl with short beige hair. Wow she has some big... yeah let's not talk about that. She had a gentle smile akin to Hiratas and she spoke in a very cute tone that embellished her looks even further.

Kushida having seen Karuizawas thoughts looked at her with a fake smile noticeable to Ayanokouji sitting beside Kei. She then spoke out loud to her.

Kushida: "Thanks for the compliment!"

Karuizawa looked back at her with a gentle smile and responded in kind.

Kei: " You're welcome."

Kushida: "Hello there guys! My name is Kushida Kikyo. I want to make lots of new friends as I am the only person from my middle school to have entered in this school, I want to be friends with everyone! So please invite me out to any outings and please exchange contact information with me. It nice to meet you all!"

The boys were in cloud nine, their perverted thoughts were going haywire and those same thoughts were being projected on their faces.

The girls noticing this looked at them in disgust and contempt. However some girls didn't reprimand them because they deemed it normal for boys to think that way, they were basically admitting Kushida was really cute.

What the hell girls...

Damn, her introduction had the same vibe as Hirata kuns, it was flawless and got everyone in the room applauding her. The boys were ecstatic and were cheering her name.

Ugh... perverts.

The boys of class D looked down at their feet due to Karuizawas thoughts, they were happy when Ayanokouji was being called a creep but now that they heard what a cute girl such as Kei thought of them, they felt belittled.

Some of the girls in Keis friend group noticing what had happened to the boys snickered at them. Again their own existence felt belittled, but worse.

Yeah it's not nice huh.

After the class settled down the introductions went underway once again.

Hirata then asked the class who wanted to introduce themselves next.

Then a boy with brown hair stood up and introduced himself. His tone came out high pitched making him sound funny.

Ike: "Hello guys! My name is Ike Kanji and I am currently in the market for a new girlfriend, better if your a cutie or a beauty, not an ugly girly that will not me comfy."

The words 'oh dear god' were running through the minds of most students. The boys and girls of Class D who remembered the introduction felt second hand embarrassment from the pathetic defect.

The students from the other classes were laughing outright at the boy without caring about his feelings.

Ike: 'Did I really say that back then? '

Right now Ike wanted the earth to form a hole and swallow him whole. He felt ridiculed and embarrassed.

Shinohara Satsuki, the girl who had romantic feelings toward the boy was re-evaluating her feelings.

P looked at Ike in amusement, then to Hirata who was busy trying to hold his laughter. It seems the laughter of the students was contagious to the point it reached class D.

No one went to comfort Ike, not even Sudo who had a disagreement with him which split the boys in the class. Even though the boys in the class were still friends with each other it was really the two leaders sudo and Ikes problem that needed to be resolved for full unity to be achieved. Hirata knew this and that's why he didn't interfere, all they needed was to make up with each other

Wow went a bit off topic...

Moving on!

Oh my goodness, what kind of introduction was that?!

???: "Wow Ike Kun you're soo smooth..."

Holy, what an expression: it was completely blank, also her tone of voice; could you teach me that.

Ayanokouji having seen those thoughts looked back at Kei reminded of the state she was in before. However she was giggling at her past selfs thoughts. It seems Ayanokouji didn't need to worry for now.

Wow what a good boyfriend.

Ike: "Wow, really? I was just being honest and all hehe."

Seriously? Ike kun they're making fun of you, can't you see?

After a couple more remarks from the girls towards the idiot Ike. The next person to introduce themselves came up.

Wow he's ugly. No offence.

The boys and girls in class D after seeing that face grimaced in discomfort. The boy in the video was none other than Yamauchi Haruki the first student to be expelled in Class D.

Ike after seeing that face had a dark expression across his face, the same could be said about Sudo. They remembered their times together and how they went from a trio of friends known as the "Three idiots" to the two now known as the "Idiot duo" and now both friends were divided, seeing that face they looked at each other and conveyed their thoughts to each other the same way Ayanokouji and Karuizawa had done.

'Let's talk this out when the video ends'

It seems that maybe their differences would be settled and their disagreement would be resolved.

That's quite nice actually.

Moving on!

Yamauchi: "Hello there, my name is Yamauchi Haruki and back in middle school I was the number 4 of the baseball team, we took part in the inter highschool tournament, but unfortunately I am injured and currently going through rehab. It's nice to meet you."

Oh my god... what a liar, and I am pretty sure the other girls and boys thought the same as me. Seriously, why are there so many weirdos in this class?

Ryuenn and Ishizaki burst out laughing at the introduction of Yamauchi, which in turn earned them the glares of both Sudo and Ike; which they shook off.

The students in class D once again experienced second hand embarrassment.

At least it took their mind off the bad stuff.

Actually, nevermind.

They still felt guilty for what they did to him, but there was nothing else to be done. The past is the past you can't change it.

After his introduction came my friends introductions. Then came my introduction.

"Hey guys, my name is Karuizawa Kei and I like fashion and shopping with my friends it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

I said all that with a smile across my face. Then the applause came, it seems my introduction was well received.

When I sat down Ichihashi san gave me a thumbs up.

Right now the introductions were going smoothly, until it reached a red haired boy that gave him the appearance of a delinquent. Who then kicked his table starling the other students.

Sudo: "What are we? Little kids? This introduction crap is bullshit, I came here to play basketball not make friends, you can continue your introductions just leave me out of it!"

With that he left the room accompanied by the other students who hadn't introduced themselves yet. However there were still over half of the students still in the classroom, and only a few that left that needed to introduce themselves.

The creep, the weirdo and two other randomers that I haven't acknowledged.

Seeing the the titles given to the two students, the whole room burst out laughing, the atmosphere was filled with amusement.

Ryuenn was contemplating whether to call Ayanokouji by "creep" from now on instead of "monster".

Koenji was just stroking his hair with his trademark mirror and signature smirk that was seen across his face. He stopped caring about the video a while ago but he still knew what Karuizawa thought of him.

Hiyori was smiling whilst looking at the screen, even though she knew it was bad to make call names to other people, she found it oddly amusing, probably because she looked at Ayanokouji and saw him with a neutral look, neither upset or accepting just neutral.

Karuizawa snickered at her past thoughts and thought of a nickname that would annoy her boyfriend.


A good nickname if I say so myself, even though it was not made by me.

Karuizawa: "Hehe, I shall henceforth call you "Creeptaka" hehe."

Ayanokouji: " Is that a Star Wars reference?"

Hearing that Kei adopted a surprised pikachu face.

Kei: ' He knows Star Wars!'

Oh god, professor she might actually be one of your people.

The two randomers introduced themselves and honestly I wasn't really impressed, but I still applauded them.

The two randomers cried crocodile tears.

Then Hirata Kun pointed at the creep in the back.

Ayanokouji: 'Seroiusly? That "Creep" analogy again?'

The students watching the video chuckled once again after hearing the title given to the poor boy.

Ryuenn: 'Kuku i think I might call him "creep" from now on, thank you Karuizawa for the gift."

Sakayanagi: 'Fufu, I think I might start calling you the "Creep masterpiece" fufu.'

Kamuro: 'Tch what's that loli smiling about now?'

Wow she really dislikes her huh. Even her smiling just ticks her off. What the hell.

Hirata: "Hey you, by the window can you introduce yourself?"

He said that with such a gentle smile.

The girls that liked him blushed at the sight.


Did that idiot just sigh in front of Hirata Kun?! First your a creep now you're being obnoxious. Choose one thing to be good at!

The students giggled at Karuizawas thoughts on Ayanokouji, she seemed really annoyed at him for no good reason, but it made her look really cute instead of presumptuous. Wait is that even the right word? Who cares.

He stood up, his gaze landed on me first before looking at the rest of his classmates. He then spoke, his tone mundane and dull emanating it's own unique tone of monotone.

Ayanokouji: "Umm Hello, my name is uh Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and uh I'm not really good at anything academically or physically. I hope to get along with you guys?"

Some students in Class D after remembering his introduction laughed at him, students like Ichinose tried to hold her laughter as a result of the introduction, Hiyori was giggling silently at her book buddy's failure of an introduction and Horikita who didn't stay for the introductions had a tiny smile form on her lips, she remembered how he said to her that he wanted friends but couldn't get any, but seeing this she now understood why.

It is really funny to see a struggling Ayanokouji after all, to them he was always reliable when needed and seeing him struggle amused them.

Is that his introduction? What the hell was that?! That was pure crap from start to finish, was that a question at the end what the hell?

I tried to hold my laughter, that's what you deserve you creep.

Hirata then spoke.

Hirata: " it's nice to meet you too I hope to be friends with everyone as well."

Then came the last boy: The blonde weirdo.

The students once again laughed at the naming of Koenji, they were pleasantly entertained by Karuizawas thoughts.

I mean her thoughts have been really funny.

Hirata asked him to introduce himself and the boy responded with a 'hmph'. What are you a pouting tsundere?

Once again the students laughed at Karuizawas thoughts.

He didn't stand up instead he plopped his legs on his table, he then started his introduction.

Koenji: "My name is Koenji Rokusuke and as the sole heir of the Koenji conglomerate I have been tasked in leading japan in the future. A pleasure to make your acquaintance ladies."

The girls were not pleased to make his acquaintance.

Wow, that's actually quite mean...

Moving on!

What a weirdo...

I looked around the room to find half the girls with the same look they had towards Hirata Kun now turned to him, but the rest looked at him like I did: A complete weirdo. Hirata had a wry smile on his face, it seemed that he also found him a bit odd.

With Koenjis introduction done with the introductions were finished.

Hmm the introduction only lasted a total of fifteen minutes,.

The students who left during the introductions started coming back into the room. When everyone was back in the room, five minutes were left until the homeroom session would begin.

Alas the door slid open to reveal a beautiful women with long black hair tied in a ponytail like mine.

She strutted her way to the podium in front of the class, the books she was carrying with her had been put down on the podium, she then spoke, her tone strict and commanding fitting fro the aura she had been emitting ever since she first stepped into this.

Chabashira sensei: "It seems everybody is seated and ready. Let me introduce myself, my name is Chabashira Sae and I will be your homeroom teacher, I teach both History and English it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. In this school things work differently, how differently will be shown in the booklets I will hand out to you now, please take one pass the other to the person behind you. What I will explain to you right now will give you a better insight into the school."

When she said those words I was already starting to get excited, ever since I entered this school I knew it was different, now I'll find out why.

I can't wait...

To be continued

Authors notes

This hurt me so much to write, mostly because I have exams to do and I'm spending time writing this instead of studying... and I don't regret a thing! screw studying! I'll pass you'll see mom! Like I said updates are random so if I take a bit of a while to update then understand it's either because I'm busy, have to study, have to attend to other people's needs etc. That's why the updates are random. Please comment feedback and vote as it gives me motivation, once again I don't proof read my work so mistakes are likely to appear. I did change a lot of dialogues, but it's not without reason but rather to make the story make sense and progress further.
Have a blessed day.

Thanks for reading

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