To Bring Me Back To Life

Por Anime0CC0Manga

3.8K 124 82

God Damn It! I saw the trailer and now I'm very obligated to write this story, he's my fav Spider Man charact... Más

A Bright Light That Turns Off
Lost & Found
Hurt & Comfort
A Moment Of Peace & Recollection

Return Kindness With Kindness

527 24 4
Por Anime0CC0Manga

"So, this is the Human that trespasses onto our Land."
*Otto Octavius, who had all of his arms in cuffs, 'All Six Of Them', he was brought into a tribal style throne room by the people known as the 'White Fang', to which the Scientist think they were some type of Security or Military, though he wasn't sure, but at the moment, that was not his main concern, what he really needs to focus on was the one who sat at the Throne, who does to be some type of female Tiger Faunus, which honestly fascinated him when he realized the many variety of these so call 'Faunuses'*

"He is, Chief Sienna, he even attacked a Doctor and a random Civilian, though luckily they were left unharmed and are still alive."
*The W.F Member shove Doc Ock to his knees, who didn't resist and allowed himself to be pushed around*

"Damn you Humans, all of you are always the same, are we nothing but sports and cattle to kill off, ANSWER ME!"
*The one known as Sienna, who seems to be some type of Leader, did not look happy, she was furious even, clearly having really bad experience dealing with 'Humans' like him, to which he was able to catch on and notice*

"... I have no excuse, I did attack them and almost killed them both, you have every right to despise and hate me, in fact, if you wish to lock me up or even kill me, I will not resist... But, before you do, I just want you to know, I don't see you as what you described, I only see you all as people, and only people, nothing more, nothing less."
*Otto decided to accept these crimes, not only because they were true, but because he desires punishment, whether it be locked up for life, or just simply take away his life, he knew he deserved it, for all the evil he has done, and this was the only way he could replay such guilt he had in his heart, though, even while accepting such a fate, he couldn't help but correct their views on him, on how he only saw these groups of people of 'Faunuses' as, well, as people, which not only surprised most of the Civilians/W.F Members, but the Chief as well, who did not expect to hear such a thing from him*

"You... You're not the same as the others, you have no 'Hate' for us of any kind, in fact, all I see is 'Guilt' & 'Regret', yet, if that was the case, why did you attack someone who was innocent and non threatening."
*Sienna was now slightly conflicted on what to do now, this was the first time meeting someone so, 'Sad', even if he admits the crimes he committed, she was having a very hard time even hating Octavius, let alone wanting to punish him*

"It Was Our Fault!"
*Before the two could continue talking to one another, both turn and look to see Kali Belladonna & the very reluctant Canine Nurse, who didn't want to here, but still needed to*

"What do you mean?"
*Sienna, as well as Doc Ock, didn't understand what she meant by that, the Cat Faunus looks at the Dog Faunus and brought her closer, who just let out a small sigh*

"... I was gonna get my weapons once I saw his 'Robot-Arms' activate, which accidentally made them go into defense mode, meaning they only attack because I was gonna, 'Attack', first, it was not his fault."
*The Canine Nurse was clearly not use to defending Human, to which she dislike very much, though with the Scientist, it was different*

"Also, I brought him to a place he was unfamiliar with and had no intention of even being here, he was only in that situation because of me, please don't punish him, he doesn't deserve this, please."
*Kali got in front of a surprised Octavius and bows to the Chief, asking and begging to forgive the Man who has already been through enough, which made the Tiger Faunus rubs her face and let out a small annoyed sigh, she wasn't upset with the Kitty Cat specifically, but now she couldn't say no to someone who was trying to hard to keep one Human safe*

"Human, no, what is your name?"
*Sienna looks back at Doc Ock, which snapped out of his thoughts*

"I'm Otto Octavius."
*Otto answered truthfully and respectfully, having no reason to lie or something like that*

"Otto Octavius, since you have two people to support your innocent, and you clearly have no malice or disgust towards our kind, I have decided to not execute or send you to the dungeon, however, since you did almost harm one of my People, I can't just let you go, how does 'One Week Of Community Service' sound to you?"
*Sienna, even though she showed mercy and forgiveness, she still had some bias and slight unfairness, clearly picking her own people instead of a Single Human, which made Belladonna frown slightly, but said nothing about, cause she knew it was the best she could get from the Chief, which was honestly still a very good deal either way*

"I accept."
*Otto was a bit mixed on how he felt, of course he could not deny that he was relieved to not die, along with being thankful for both the support from the Cat & Dog Faunuses, but even so, his Heart still felt heavy and full of Shame,and the only way it could go away was to be punished for his Sins*

'Is 'Community Service' all that I can do? Is there truly no better way to repent for my Past and Present actions?...'
*As Otto was trying to find a way to truly pay for his Crimes, he suddenly saw and noticed that a Random Worker was pushing a cart filled with technology and supplies, which instantly gave him an idea*

"Actually, I know a way to truly pay for my Misdeeds."
*Once Otto said this, everyone in the room couldn't help but look at him with curiosity and wonder what type of plan he had in his mind*

/One Week Later\
*Kali Belladonna was in the middle of creating some type of take out lunch, since she was making something that can be eaten while traveling outdoors, like Tuna Sandwiches, Pies, and a big bottle of Tea, after all of that was made, she quickly puts it all in some type of Picnic Basket, and when she fits it all inside, she wasted no time cleaning herself up and took off her cooking clothes before wearing something meant for traveling, once she was finally done and prepared, she quickly left her home, with a basket in hand, and walked towards a certain Dog Faunus that waited for her with a horse next to her*

"Do you really gotta keep doing this?..."
*The Canine Nurse couldn't help but ask as she watches the Cat Faunus loads up and get on Horse*

"All I'm doing is making sure he's doing ok out there, since he's all alone with no one to support him, besides, he just seems to be the type to work all day with eating, and we can't have that can we?~"
*Kali wore a innocent smile, before telling the Horse to start moving forward, to which it listened without hesitation, the Puppy Doctor could only watch with a sigh, shaking her side slightly*

'Such a terrible liar...'
*Meanwhile, after the Kitty Cat rode the Horse very far away from the village and into the deep empty desert, she finally arrives at her intended location, which took a hour or 2 to get there, and said location was a simple yet large Hut House that was in the middle of nowhere, in fact, she was only able to find it by following a very thick and large reinforced cable that connected to the home and leads back to the village, but that's besides the point, once she park the Horse under some shade, while also giving the animal some fresh cold water and food to help them relax, she went up to the front entrance and knock on the door, she quickly made sure she looked proper and less sweaty/messy from the long trip*

"It's open."
*Once the voice of Otto gave the Feline Lady permission, she opened the door and went inside, to which she was greeted with some fresh cool air*

"Even if your home is far away from the village, it's still worth it to come over, especially with such a nice Air Conditioner~"
*Kali couldn't help but admit while also purring softly when the cool air touched her hot body*

"I'll be sure to install one at your house after I finish this project, so that you don't have to waste your time coming here."
*The Cat Faunus snaps out of her enjoyment of the cool air and quickly turns her attention towards Otto, who stood before a large machine, which was not only getting worked on by him, but by his [Mechanical Arms], each one handling with the big stuff, while Octavius himself just focused with the small yet very important stuff, like wiring and coding*

"Come on Otto, you know that isn't the only reason why I'm here~"
*Kali smiles as she brought up the basket with food inside, which made Doc Ock look at*

"You really... Don't need to keep doing this for me."
*Otto felt like he was wasting her time and bothering her, which made him feel even more guilty, especially when she help him a lot already*

"Well I do, so hush and take your lunch already~"
*Kali was clearly not taking no as an answer, which made the Scientist sigh, but did not argue, using one of his top [Mechanical Arms] to grab a Tuna Sandwich and start feeding to him, all the he keeps working on the large device in front of him, the Kitty Cat smiles triumphantly, she set the basket aside and decided to take a look on what Octavius was working on, which looked nearly complete*

"What is this Machine you're working on?"
*Kali decided to make some small talk with him, usually she wouldn't do this if someone was working on something important, but Doc Ock didn't seem to mind it and would always allowed her to do so*

"It's an old Prototype I used to make in my early years of being a Scientist, it was only ever used as a stepping stone to my 'True project', so it was hardly ever used, but hopefully this should still be enough to help everyone in your village."
*Otto answer her questions truthfully, taking another bite of his food while still working carefully, 'Very Extra Carefully', on his machine*

"Help in what way?"
*Kali looks at the blueprints and notes that was on the table, which was all about the machine that was being made*

"It can give enough power to leave an entire City on for 10 Years, though, with all these new advanced technology and '[DUST]' I was given, it could last even longer."
*Otto couldn't help but be very impressed and amazed with all this new and unforeseen equipment and supplies he was given, and once he was able to understand how it work, he was able to use it with 100% efficiency*

"10 YEARS?!"
*Kali jaws dropped in disbelief, no doubt it was hard to believe that such a thing could exist and work with such greatness and potential*

"Yes, but like I said before, I never used it after I came up with my 'True Machine'... That was a mistake..."
*Otto pauses on what he was doing and look down depressingly, to which the Feline Lady quickly noticed*

"A mistake?"
*Kali couldn't help but get worried from his suddenly shift of moods and emotions*

"... I don't wanna talk about it."
*Otto shooks his head and tries to ignore his thoughts, looking back at his Project and continue to work on it, though while he tries to move on, the Cat Faunus did not*

"It's not good to keep it in, come on and let it out, maybe it'll even make you feel bett-"
*Kali thinks talking about it would be healthy for the Scientist, and was even about to take the bottle of tea out, so that he could drink and calm his nerves*

*Though when Otto snapped at the Kitty Cat, she lets out a frightful yelp and dropped the drink, to which one of the [Mechanical Arm] caught before it hit the floor and shattered into pieces*

"Sorry... I shouldn't have yelled at you."
*Otto immediately apologize, making the [Mechanical Arm] open the bottle and pour some tea in a cup, before handing it to her, to which she shakingly takes in her hands*

"N-No, I'm sorry for being n-nosey and pushing my boundaries, I-I just wanted to learn more about you."
*Kali drinks the tea and tries to calm herself, while also reminding herself that she needs to stop pushing someone who clearly doesn't want to be pushed*

"It's fine."
*After saying that, there was a moment of uncomfortable silence between Otto and the Feline Lady, which lasted for quite a while, the only sound that was made between the two was Octavius building the machine and Belladonna drinking more tea*

"..... What are you gonna do after you're done?"
*Kali decided to break the silence and ask a question that made Doc Ock pause his work*

"I... I don't know."
*Otto couldn't help but say with such a uncertain voice*

"You don't have a family to go back to?"
*Kali tilts her head in curiosity*

"I don't have any anymore..."
*Otto said sadly, which startled the Cat Faunus and started to panic, thinking she messed up again*

"P-Please Forgive Me! I Didn't Mean To-"
*Kali was about to apologize and beg for forgiveness, but was stopped when the Scientist started to chuckle*

"You know, now that I think about it, you actually remind me of one of them, always spending time with me, wanting to learn more about me and just always over apologizing for every little thing, heh."
*Otto took off his glasses and wipes away his tears, while continuing to laugh softly to himself, which still had a underlying sadness to it, but was filled with fondness and happiness, this actually made the Kitty Cat smile once she heard such sound*

"What was her name?..."
*It was a risky question to ask, but Kali still wanted to know, though luckily for her, the Scientist didn't mind it, as he answers the question while finally finishing up*

*After Otto said that name, he quickly grabbed the switch and turned it on, and when he did, the machine suddenly started to boot up and turned on, and once it was fully activated, Octavius gave one of his [Mechanical Arms] a nod, to which let them know to pick up the large cable that was connected to village and pulled it into the machine, and once it was tightly sealed in, all of the lights in village suddenly turn on, turning a dark road into something bright and colorful, which made the Children look in amazement, made the Civilians look in wonder, and made a certain Chief Sienna look with a very impressed expression*

*Back at the Hut, both Otto Octavius & Kali Belladonna walked outside and could see the bright village shiny the dark night, despite being very far away*

"So beautiful..."
*Kali never thought she would see the day that her dirty sandy home would glow in such beautiful colors, like the Stars, but more literally down to Earth, or Remnant to be more specifically*

"If you think this is Beautiful, then just wait until the future for this land of Menagerie."
*Otto couldn't help but feel proud for accomplishing something like this, something that actually worked, and something that didn't have to pay the price of others suffering*

"Wait, You're Gonna Do More Amazing Things For Us?!"
*Kali looked up at Doc Ock with a surprised expression, was obviously not expecting him to say something like that*

"You ask what I'm gonna do after I'm done."
*Otto gave the Cat Faunus a small smirk, using his [Mechanical Arms] to pick himself up and takes him back to his Hut*

"Who said that I was done yet?"
*Once Otto Octavius said this and went back inside, Kali Belladonna was left alone, outside under the night sky, and just started to think about what she just learned from today and what she thought about them, and after a moment, she came to a conclusion that made her smile more*

"You're a good man, Otto Octavius."
Sooooo, I just found out that the arms already had names, oddly enough, It's Flo, the leader, Moe, the 2nd top, Harry, the strongest arm, and Larry, the strongest hand, it makes me glad to know this, but also slightly sad, since I won't be to name them myself, which would've be Alpha, Delta, Beta, and Bob BTW.
(ALSO, just to clear up something, a few things will be changed since Ghira doesn't exist, like Sienna being the Chief of both the land and White Fangs much more early on, plus other things, like the W.F not being completely evil yet, YET, nothing to big, but just some noticable changes)


-Mini Fingers.


-Hidden Blade.
-Metal Whip.

- Elasticity/Flexibility.

-Bladed Arm.
-Extreme Heat.


-Spiked Hands.

Gives life to the Mechanic Arms, not only can they think for themselves, but now they have their own unquie personality and all that.

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