Taking Chances

By haileywrites23

640 24 47

What if when Bucky fell off the train someone else found him? Our protagonist is thrust into the story mid pl... More

Part 2: Go Easy
Part 3: Stay

Part 1: Beginnings

262 8 10
By haileywrites23

I take aim at the poor rabbit that will be my dinner with my bow and arrow.

    I hope his rabbit family won't miss him too much.

    My range of motion is stilted from the approximately 12 layers I have to wear to fight off the biter cold of my surroundings. I keep my gloves on even though bare handed would be better for my grip on the string of the bow.

    The tension in my bow is becoming painful but I want this shot to count. The last time I had to hunt for food I didn't kill the animal in one hit and felt horrible hunting them down and finishing it.

    "End of the line for you buddy" I mumble as I loose the arrow. It pierces the rabbits head killing it instantly. I close my eyes and let out a steadying breath. Why I decided to live in the frozen tundra of the Alps I'll never know. I like the isolation. I was close enough to a small village that I could walk to for supplies and food but the previous nights snow storm had blocked the paths and getting lost in below zero temperatures could end in death.

    Thus I was forced to hunt. Blegh.

    I wasn't overly fond of what followed. The skinning. The gutting. The cooking wasn't so bad because then it didn't look like a cute little rabbit anymore. I shudder at the cold and my task. I go to step out of the tree line and bramble where I was concealed but stop when I hear a loud crash and see a plume of snow disperse in the distance. I crouch back down and listen for more movement but when none happens I exit the trees and head to the crash site.

    As I near the area I knock an arrow and silently approach the mound of snow. I can't see anything yet. I'm about 10 feet away when I realize it's a person.

    Holy shit.

    I lower my bow and step closer. I look up. I can't tell where this person fell from but it must have been a long tumble with the noise I heard. They can't possibly be alive. I'm about 5 feet away when I can finally make out the rough outline of a person lying on their side. It's a man as far as I can tell. Poor bastard. He couldn't possibly be alive I return my bow to my back and put my arrow back in my quiver. I'm pretty sure the dead guy can't hurt me. I pick up a nearby stick to investigate. Not gonna touch a dead body with my hands even if they are gloved.

    I reach out the stick towards the body when the man takes a massive inhale. I scream and fall back on my ass. He's alive. Sweet lord.

    I quickly right myself and rush over to help him. I kneel next to his body and get a good look at him. He's gorgeous. Dark hair. Sharp jaw. Cropped hair. Military maybe? He inhales again with much less vigor.

    "Hey hey" I say putting my hands on his shoulder "It's ok. I've got you" I mentally kick myself at my poor attempt at consoling this man. I see a chain around his neck and reach gently into his coat to yank out the end. Dog tags. Score. I flip them around and read the name. James B. Barnes.

    "James?" I say gently probing his head trying to assess if he's got any head trauma.        

    Yeah probably he fell from somewhere in the sky.

    No visible damage to his head and I can't feel any wound. That's when I realize the blood coming from underneath him. Shit.

    I search his body for the wound. I reach my hand over his right shoulder to his other side. The side he fell on. I touch something wet and still my hand when he lets out a soft groan. I gently pull his shoulder to lay him flat and find what my hand hit. His left arm is mostly gone. I attempt not to retch at the sight.

    Oh god oh god. I quickly rip up the end of my jacket and attempt to tie off the wound around his shoulder.

    "It's ok James" I say as I struggle to wrap his wound fast enough "I won't let you die" I say with more confidence than I have. He mumbles something.

    "What?" I say looking back at his face finding piercing blue eyes looking back at me.

    "It's Bucky" he says softly. His eyes flutter closed and I sit there in astonishment that he's able to talk. I let out a nervous laugh.

    "Ok Bucky. Don't die on me ok?"

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