By kaylarosewrites

2.7M 73K 276K

With more on her plate than any 18-year-old should endure, Clarity's driven to a rooftop with a plan that's c... More

||01|| Toothpick
||02|| Coffee
||03|| Pinky-promise
||04|| Olinda
||05|| Jazz
||06|| One Shot
||07|| Picture
||08|| Location
||09|| Sunshine
||10|| Shut Up
||11|| 9-1-1
||12|| Distractions
||13|| Pink
||14|| Shy
||15|| Show Of Hands
||16|| Tattoo
||17|| Remain Silent
||18|| Unofficial
||19|| Moon
||20|| Period
||21|| Olity
||22|| Kart
||23|| Broken
||24|| Please
||25|| Twenty-Nine
||26|| Envelope
||27|| Xmas
||28|| Water
||30|| Stars
Bonus Chapter
Authors Notes

||29|| NYE

82.4K 1.9K 9.7K
By kaylarosewrites

Chapter song: Happiest Year by Jaymes
Young (highly recommend)

C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - N I N E
Clarity's POV

Shivering, my phone in between my legs and the side of my face, I struggle to speak.

I push into Natalie's chest again, "She's not breathing thing!" I scream not the phone at 9-1-1.

"Calm down, ma'am, tell me the emergenc—" the phone slips from my shoulder, falling flat onto the water on the floor. Crap.

Hard sobs rake through my body as I push my weight into Natalie's chest once again. Leaning down, I pinch her nose, tilting her head before pressing my mouth to hers, blowing hair into he parted mouth.

Returning back to her chest, heaving one more push, Natalie's body jerks, water spewing out of her mouth.

I install a sharp breath, "Natalie, God, Natalie." Tears continuously streaming down my cheeks as I lower myself, turning Natalie to her side so the water can escape her.

Her face, returning the color, twists into sobs as soon as the water is done leaving her.

She looks up at me, tears filling her eyes and I pull her into a hug.

We're both soaked to our skins, sitting on the cold floor, in cold water, shivering. But my friend is okay.

She cries into my neck as I hold her tightly, breathes of relief leaving me.

"I'm sorry, Clarity," Natalie attempts to say, but a raspier version escapes her. "I didn't want to die. I just—"

"Shh," I hush softly. Knowing the feeling too well. "It's okay, I get it. But you're alive, that's all that matters."

She nods, breaking into a spree of coughing.

I stand up with her, an arm wrapped around my neck. Grabbing a towel from the holder, I cacophony get in it, my gitters cooling themselves everytime I see she's okay now.

A knock on the door frightens me. "Mrs Red, Are you alright? Mr. Grey is attempting to call you." 

Natalie turns to me, "Who's that?" She asks quietly as I walk her to the couch, setting her down.

"My... bodyguard friend."

Walking to the door, I open it, revealing Charles. His eyes search my drenched body, widening in surprise at the sight.

He steps closer, "Ms. Re—"

"I'm okay, Charles. Can you, please, tell Olias to come here?"

He nods, slipping out his phone and turns around before I close the door.

Natalie sits on the couch, an extra blanket around her.

Sympathy fills my veins. Guilt following right after.

I sit beside her in silence, SpongeBob playing on the TV.

"My mom had died," Natalies quietly blurts out. She sniffles, bringing her knees to her chin, "My mom died and my dad doesn't even accept me as his daughter anymore. The whole supporting who your daughter likes thing was too much for him, I guess. And then the thing with you happened. I fucked up my only friendship by accident. So yeah, Christmas was just a shit show and my feeling got the best of me today when I realized..." she laughs humorlessly, "When I have no one."

She turns to me, crying a river of tears. My eyes being peeing as well.

I turn, hugging her, "You have me. You always will, Nat. I'm sorry I hit you."

"I deserved i—"

"No, you didn't. You were being a good friend, one that got me into college and helped me when I needed it the most. I'm sorry I didn't see that."

A frantic knock on the door cuts our crying session on half and I let go of Natalie to open the door.

Olias stands on the other side, Charles on the side of him looking down the hall. His hand comes the side of my arm, taking me in. My clothes are beginning to dry a little but the lower half of my jeans are still wet.

"What the fuck happened?" He asks, breathing hard from running up the stairs probably.

Looking back at Natalie, her eyes glued to SpongeBob on the screen and the cover around her, I press my lips together.

"She... was having a hard time and needed my help. I helped her." I say simply and quietly.

He looks past my shoulder at Natalie and I can see the realization in his eyes. He sighs, "Shit."

I nod, letting him in. Natalie looks up and sees Olias, then waves sadly.

Olias waves back, before turning to me. Threading his fingers through his hair. "What do you two need? How can I help, baby?"

"Get the water off the floor while we change into dry clothes?" I suggest. He looks down the hallway at the water sitting on the bathroom floor and nods, walking to d just that.

Calling Natalie into her room she walks in holding herself, her curly hair starting to dry now. I dig into her closet pulling out a an extra pair of sleep clothes for both of us. There's no way I'm leaving her alone.

"Here put these on," I pass her the clothes and she starts to change in front of me and so do I, pealing off the wet clothes.

After where clothes in comfortable attire Natalie speaks, "Thank you."

I tilt my head, "It's your clothes, there's no need to—"

"No... for saving me in there. Thank you."

Smiling softly, I come to her, wrapping her into one of my famous man hugs. "You would've done the same."

She sniffle, nodding, "Ten times over."

Pulling from each other, she walks towards the door and opens it. Olias I see down the hall soaking up water with a towel and wringing it out in the sink. Repeat.

"He really does love you, a lot," Natalie says beside me.

I stare at Olias who hasn't noticed us watching him nearly completely clean the water off the floor after only several minutes.

I nod, "I know. C'mon, SpongeBob is waiting for us." after this night, a little yellow elated sponge seems to be the perfect thing to brighten up the mood. We walk together towards the couch, grabbing the blankets and covering ourselves with it, blocking the cold drift filling the apartment. Her head leans on my shoulder and she laughs at a scene on the screen.

Olias, walking around the corner, huffing, looks at us  for several minutes before smiling. I smile back.

He bends over taking off his shoes and places them beside the door and walks over to us.

"Joining our SpongeBob marathon?" I ask. "You don't have to, though."

He grabs a folded blanket on edge of the couch and flaps it open. "Now why would I miss out on that?" He sits beside me, the couch dipping in his direction, allowing me to lean into him and Natalie to lean on me. "I'd rather hang out with you two instead of the guys anyway. They're fucking annoying."

Natalie laughs at his comment, "You're definitely squidward, Olias."

I giggle, agreeing.

"Then you're fucking Patrick," he says jokingly.

"Um no, I'd fuck Sandy, actually."

I burst into laughter, Olias sorting and shaking his head.

"A squirrel? Really." He questions.

Natalie nods, "Mhm, full on bestiality—" she barely gets the word out and immediately starts cracking herself up with laughter at her own words and Olias face fills with disgust. Natalie's body shakes at my side.

Olias only shakes his head, "Don't fucking talk anymore." Humor laces his words.

I tilt my head. "What's... bestiality?"

They both look at me for a moment before cackles fill the living room shortly after. Confusion crosses my face. But it's also one of the only times I've seen Olias genuinely laugh in front of someone other than me. Whatever the joke is, I'm glad he gets along with Natalie.

Olias wraps an arm around my neck, kissing my forehead. "Don't worry about it, baby. It's not important."

Natalie hooks my arm with hers, leaning her head back on my shoulder. "I think we can agree that Clarity is definitely SpongeBob."

I don't mind being Squarepants so I shrug, accepting it.

After several minutes, or maybe hours I'm not sure, we transferred to the carpet below. Pillows sit under our head, me between the two as SpongeBob still plays on the TV.

At some point, Natalie fell asleep, leaving Olias and I awake.

"Ready for the New Year next week, Clare?" He mutters quietly. He brushes my hair out of my face as I nod.

"Remember that Christmas party we never got to?"

He nods, "You want to throw a New Years One?"

I bite my lip with as much excitement I can pull out of the drowsiness quickly falling on me. "Yes, at the house. But more for Natalie than anything."

Wrapping an arm around me, he mutters one word. "Done."



New Year's Eve usually consisted of dinner with my parents and sister. Every. Year.

It was just the four of us for the longest, and before I met Clarity, I dreaded the new year ever since they died. I didn't want to spend it alone just lie I thought I'd spent past days alone.

But standing, a white flannel on, a gold chain around my neck as Clarity's suggested to match with her dress. I walk towards our room.

It's nearly seven and the sun is set, the house is filled with music and alcohol is ready in the living room.

Clarity's been fidgeting all day, not once has she sat down as if we're hosting a party for hundreds.

No one has even arrived yet, we told them to come at eight. But Clarity? She was up at six in the morning.

I pear into our bedroom, watching clarity as she pulls up her New Years dress. A gold one, tight on her body, shaping every curve and dip of her body. Her hair is down, curled at the ends. Looking in the mirror, not noticing me at her side yet, I take her look in.

Her thighs, the shape of her hips, the shimmering white high heels she wears.

She's fucking stunning.

Holding a black long box in my hand, I slide it into my pocket for the moment.

Clarity groans at her failed attempt to zipper the back of her dress up.

I smile, walking into the room, causing her to turn sideways to look at me.

"Olias!" She exclaims as if forgetting I was an option for help. "Can you help me, please."

I approach her from behind, placing a hand on her hip. Dropping my head, I kiss her neck, "Of course." I feel a shiver run through her.

Looking at her through the mirror, we watch each other while I find the zipper of her dress and pull it up.

I wrap my arms around her waist as she inspects herself in the mirror from head to toe, tilting her head.

"Do you think I should switch dresses? I don't know about this one," she rubs a hand over her stomach.

I furrow my brows, "Whats wrong with this one?"

She shrugs, "I just look a little... fat now. I have a tummy and in this tight one it shows."

Is she drunk? What is she talking about?

"So what if you gained a little weight? It means I'm doing my job right, my pretty girl." I kiss her neck.

Her face only grimaces and it confuses me. What did I say wrong?

I turn her around to face me as her tears fill her eyes, she has makeup on and I don't want her to ruin it. She spent nearly two hours doing the damn thing.

Pulling her flush against my front, I take her lip in, kissing her deeply.

Then pull back enough to speak, "Why are you crying?" I stroke my thumb against her jaw. "Talk to me, I'm listening."

She sniffles. "I look different from when we first met. And I'm scared th— that you won't... think I'm pretty anymore."

I won't think she's pretty? I nearly laugh at how ridiculous that even sounds in my head. She can't possibly think that.

Pressing my forehead onto hers, I grip her hips, "You're fucking gorgeous, Clarity. Yeah, I've gotten you to eat more because you weren't doing it enough with that bastard. But that doesn't mean you don't look just as beautiful, baby. I love every part of you, especially the ones you don't like. Do you know why?"

She shakes her head, her eyes are still red but I can tell she's feeling better already.

"Because as long as you're my girl, it's my job and always will be to make sure you know you're the sexiest woman in this fucking world. You hear me?" I run my hands along her body. "I don't care about your weight, or how much you eat. I don't care if your body changed. You look beautiful regardless, and it hurts me that you even slightly think that's not true."

She's smiling now, blinking rapidly to avoid crying I assume. Then she hugs me, lifting a little even in her heels to wrap her arms around my neck.

I hug her back, gripping her ass just because it's mine to grip.

"Am I not telling you how beautiful you are enough? Hm?" I question, genuinely wondering. "I tell you it everyday. What am I doing wrong?"

She shakes her head, looking at me, "No, nothing, Olias. It was just me. You're... perfect."

I sigh at that, dropping my head to her neck as I hold her, "I love you."

"I love you most." She giggles as I send rapid kisses to her collar bone.

I shake my head, "That's not possible, Clare." Digging in my back pocket, I smirk. "I got something for you."

Her eyebrows raise, and it doesn't even seem like she was on the verge of tears at all. Someone pat me on the fucking back.

"What is it?" She grins, showing her pearly white teeth.

I pull the necklace box out of my pocket, holding it between us. She shifts excitingly in her heels, a hand on her mouth.

Slowly, I open it for her, showing her the 48 thousand diamond necklace I bought her after the accident with Natalie. She's been through so much, and seen so goddamn much and she never complains.

She gasps, "Olias!" The large giddy smile on her face causes a smile to stretch ear to ear on mine. "Oh my God. That's..."

I take it out the box carefully, throwing the box on our queen-sized bed at the side. "You like it?" I hope so.

She looks at me, "I freaking love it! But you can't expect me to accept it, that looks like it cost more than my entire tuition."

I shake my head. "Your tuition was 52 thousand. This was a little less than that."

She squints at me, pausing her movement, "Why do you know my tuition cost?"


I didn't want to tell her I paid it for her, I did it a few days ago after hearing her talk about taking out loans. She has specifically told me not to spend money on her.

"You needed it," I try to reason, my voice pathetically small in worry of her getting mad.

She crosses her arms, "Yeah, I did, but I don't want to be your leech. What if you spend all your money on me and lose the company?"

I only laugh at her scenario, "Clarity, there's not even a possibility that I run out of money. Now turn around, shut your little mouth, and let me spoil my girl today."

Pressing her lips together our eyes stand in a staring contest. I raise my eyebrows and she breaks her serous expression, blushing and smiling. "Okay, you win."

She spins around and faces the mirror. I nod, "Good girl." Her cheeks beam red, the makeup blush just adding to it.

Wrapping the necklace around her neck, she down on her lip, staring at it. I clip the back, then look at her reflection, touching the diamonds.

"Thank you," she whispers. "For this and for paying my tuition. I can't get you anything as good as this, I'm sorry in advance at my poopy gifts."

Pulling her along and around, I walk towards the bed, "The only gift I'll ever want from you," I start, lowering her on the bed, my knee sliding her legs open. I kiss her, drunk off her touch on my sides. "Is you in my bed, naked, wet and ready for me."

She eyes jerk wider, her break switching gears as my hand travels down her body and under her dress. I grip her thigh.

"We—" she swallows hard. "We can't, they'll be here in ten minutes."

I smirk, "Good thing we only need five."

I pull her laced white panties down a thin line of her wetness sticking to the material already. Look up at her with a raised brow, "Trying new things on?"

She nods.

"Get more, you look hot," I can feel the rasp in my voice as I speak to her, my throat aching to taste her.

Sliding the dress up her hips, I pull her to the edge of the bed, kneeling in both knees on the floor. She looks down at me and my dick stiffens more then it has in my pants. Her big brown eyes catching mine as I pull her legs over my shoulder, her heels hanging over me.

Looking down at her pussy, soaked to the brim, I lower my head between her, blowning against her clit.

She moans, "Olias—"

Her voice is cut off as I drag my tongue up her pussy, collecting her wetness on the tip and tasting her. She moans, finding my hair and pulling as I go back in, sucking on her sensitive little clit.

Her thighs squeeze my head but I spread them with my hands, providing me more access to what's mine.

Slipping my tongue in, she gets loud, groaning and whining so sexy I could hear her all day for seven days a week and won't get tired of her whimpers.

I hum, vibrating my mouth against her pussy, flicking my tongue on and around her clit. The wet sounds full the room, and I want nothing but for her to take my dick, but there's no time.

Fuck that, fuck time. Standing I quickly open a dresser grabbing a condom, rippling it open.

between her legs I unbuckle my pants as quick as I can, dropping it and my boxers to the floor, freeing my length, sliding in the condom.

I sigh, lowering myself over my beauty.

She grabs my face, her eyelids low and pleading. Begging for me despite her worry on time.

My face burns from how turned on she's made me, her pulling my hair again adding to it, the pain soaring so good through my veins.

I slide my hips in between her legs, positioning me before inserting myself entirely. We both let out a long moan.

She squeezes and contracts and— fuck, she's feels so good every single fucking time. How could she ever think I'd change the way I love her?

With my hands on the sides of her face, I lower myself, kissing her before pulling out and ramming back into her, she gasps sharply.

"Fuck, Clarity," I whimper.

"Oh God," she squeals repetitively, just as a knock on the door finds my ear. She gasps and I shake my head.

"Nu-uh," I tell her, "I'm not stopping until you cum."

She bites her lip, driving me fucking insane. "What if they ... Oh," I must've hit a spot because she cuts herself off, her head digging into the pillow below.

"What was that? Finish your sentence, Clarity," I bend her knees closer to her, reaching deeper inside.

She moans, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. Knocks at the door continue.

Her legs begin to shake, her jaw-dropping to the floor as I thrust into her. I grab onto the bedsheets beside her as I cum with her, the feeling of her walls contracting tightly around me.

"Shit, you're so beautiful," I gasp, spilling into the condom, her warmth wrapping me, dripping down her ass.

Knocks bring me and Clarity back to earth. She puts a hand on her head and lifts up as I slide out of her, "Olias, the door." She stands up fixing her dress and hair.

I grab her arm, quickly kissing her cheek, "Relax. Go to the bathroom and clean up quickly, I'll get your underwear."

She takes a deep breath and nods walking to the bathroom.

I throw fix myself as well, grabbing her panties from her underclothes drawer and walk to the bathroom to pass it to her. It takes her a few minutes to freshen herself again. The knocks getting heavier. Michael even calls my phone.

She walks out and looks as if nothing had happened between the couple minutes that's passed.

I hold out her hand, and she takes it, smiling, still flustered.

Walking to the door, cutting off a knock, I open it revealing everyone expected to come.

They were talking amongst themselves their voices echoing in the hallway and once they realize I've finally opened the door they look my way, cheering.

Michael holds up a hand, "Happy New Years, Olinda!" I begin to shake my head at the hug, but be brings me into one anyway.

I sigh, giving in and hugging him back.

"What took you so long?"

I shrug, "Sleeping."

Be squints his eyes, smirking as he looks between Clarity and I. "Sleeping, sure."

Everyone fills in after him, Kyle holding a glass of wine, Tanner and Natalie holding Sabrina— the French girl from that go-kart place— hand.

Natalie grins stopping in front of me and Clarity. Clarity gasps at their connected hands and guys her friend. Sabrina waves and I nod.

"Oh my gosh, you two took amazing." Clarity says inspecting their outfits. "And together, congrats!"

"Thank you so much, Clarity!" Natalie says. "Happy New Years."

As they speak, I begin to close the door, when I feel someone else stop it.

I pause, opening the door again, to see the last person I expected to see.


She looks different since the I last time I saw her, her hair slightly darker blonde, curled. She smiles a small smile and the urge to shut the door in her face before clarity can see her nicks at me.

I get in the light of sight of Clarity and Jasmine, "What the fuck are you doing here? I didn't invite you and Clarity damn sure didn't so get the fuck away—"

"Clarity did invite me, actually."

I laugh humorlessly, "Sure she did. Goodbye Jasmine."

"Olias, just ask he yourself, she called me yesterday. Said she got my number from your phone."

I haven't called Jasmine in fucking forever, yet I don't remember blocking her so that story does work. But hey would Clarit—"

"Olias," I feel clarity's hand on my shoulder. "Is that Jasmine?"

What in the fuck? So I was just not apart of this arrangement I guess.

"Baby," I start, hesitating to let Jasmine in. Clare's too nice for this. Too nice to say no.

She grabs my hand, "I wanted her to come. It's a new year and I want us to have no enemies."

I whisper, "She's an exception."

She shakes her head, "No, she isn't."

Sighing, I open the door wider letting Jasmine in. Looking past me, she sees Clarity and smiles. "Hey," she says awkwardly.

Clarity, being Clarity, hugs her. "Hi!"

I close the door locking it.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry," Jasmine apologizes. "To both of you."

I go to walk away but Clarity squeezes my hand hard.

Jasmine continues and I listen, bored. "I didn't want to... get in the way. You two clearly have something I wanted and I'm sorry it was shitty." She raises a bottle of vodka. "I brought vodka."

Clarity giggles, "Apology accepted. Right Olias?"


She squeezes my hand.


Jasmine nods, and Clarity points to the living room where everyone else sits.

Clarity turns to me, "Be nice, please?"

"It's kind of hard when the girl that tried to turn you on me is right in my face."

She leans up kissing me and I relax my face a bit from its scowl. "I said nice."

Looking at her glossy lips I nod, "Whatever you say."


Pouring Clarity her fourth Class of wine, while she dances to the music with Jasmine, Natalie, and Sabrina, I set it on the glass coffee tables for when she returns.

Kyle sits on the opposite couch stands up, "I love you guys."

He's drunk.

"Sit down," I say.

He shakes his head, "Especially you, Ollie. You're my brother, for real. I love you."

Michael nods, "Yeah me too, I love you Olinda. And your girlfriend." He winks.

I roll my eyes. They all must be drunk or some shit.

Tanner speaks right after, "You're a dick, but I love your ass, bro." He stands up from the couch and walks over it me with open arms.

I glare at him, "Sit the fuck down."

Tanner shakes his head, "Nope. Come on, fuckers, Olias wants a juicy group hug."

Micheal and Kyle all cheer standing up and I contemplate running away into my room. These fuckers.

They pull my hand and lift me off the couch roughly, and I can't help but smile crookedly as they surround me into a hug.

Fucking hugs.

I like them.

All because of her.

"I love you all too..." I mutter.

Michael cackles, "She really is rubbing off of you. I never thought I'd hear you say that in a million years." The other two agree, laughing.

Several snaps and cameras flash to light up the room. We pull from each other turning around to the girls taking pictures of us.

Clarity, with her bottom lip out, looks in admiration at me, holding her phone up. She walks over and I close my eyes as she bends me down slightly to kiss my cheek. The smell of wine on her breath hits my nose.

"You're adorable," She says.

"I'm not."

She pokes my nose, "You are. Now turn up the TV, it says twenty seconds before the new year!" She sounds so everyone can hear.

Shit, already?

Nervousness hits me.

Gasps fill the hair and Kyle by the music turns down the volume to silent as I turn up the tv with the remote.

We gather around the couches, standing as the countdown starts, everyone joining in.

"10!" We shout, Clarity locking my hand in hers. I stare at her, feeling time slow. She's everything to me.

"Seven!" She's my heart.

"Five!" She's my soul.

"Four!" My medicine.

"Three!" She grins, looking at me and points to the TV at the famous New Years glowing ball.

"ONE!" She's my will to fucking live.

I drop to one knee, slipping my hand into my inside pocket, pulling out a small square black box I've been saving for last, just as everyone screams Happy New Years.

But Clarity, she's staring at me on the floor kneeling while I open the small box, showing her the shining silver engagement ring inside of it.

She gasps so loud the whole room looks our way. But my eyes stay planted on her beautiful face.

I smile at my sweet girl, "I've never been so sure about something in my life more than my love for you, Clarity Red. Please, marry me."

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