The Summer Reunion (unedited...

By wordsandescapism

14.7K 457 59

Andie Turner returns home for the summer when she's guaranteed a job as a camp counsellor with her old privat... More

1| Machete Man
2| Whack his Golf balls
3| Ammunition
4| Counsellor Cup
5| If looks could kill I'd be dead
6| Moldy Breakfast Pudding
7| Grimy Little Goblins
8| Tortellini Cowboy Hats
9| Running On Empty
10| Stranded
11| Flare for the dramatics
12| Fried Circuit
13| Reverse Cupid
14| Candid
15| Thank you Ma'am
16| Truth or Dare
17| Karma
18| Rainy Day
19| Past times
21| Getting Somewhere
22| The Golden Ticket
23| Excuse Me
24| Country Club Chaos
25| Control Yourself
26| Invitations
27| High Ropes
28| Can't Get Down, Can't Go Back
29| Bold Of You To Admit That
30| Blame The Mosquito
31| Bedrooms and Brothels
32| Until Then
33| Get Off My Lawn You Stinkin' Kids
34| Trust (water)Falls
35| The Under(water)world
36| Three Teens And A Creepy Unknown Being Makes Four
37| Butterflies Or Bears?
38| Caught
39| Let's Have An Adventure
40| Into The Deep End
41| Lake Nights
42| Midnight Memories
43| The Bathtub Chronicles
44| Fly Me To The Moon (on a paper crane)
45| Paint Me Like A French Girl
46| The Parties Just Begun
47| The Midsummer Ball
48| Out Of Sight Out Of Hand
49| Sink Or Swim
50| Do or Die
51| Team Effort
52| And The Winner Goes To...
53| The Blame Game
54| Two Roads Diverge
55| Moving On
56| Going Home
What's Next?
58| new and improved!

20| Order Up

224 7 0
By wordsandescapism

Waiters bustled by in a hurry as Grayson and I waited for a table. We were meeting his moms at a diner in town. The walls were painted a bright yellow, as if the sun had thrown up. For a small place in a small town, it looked newly renovated and up to date. Small vases of daisies sat on every white tablecloth. I stood close next to Grayson as people crowded around the waiting area. I leaned into his side as people pushed past and felt his hand cover the small of my back for a brief moment. 

Who knew breakfast in a touristy town on a Saturday during the summer would be so busy?

Even though we weren't far apart I could barely hear him over the clinking of dishes and morning chatter.

"I don't think we're going to get a table," he bent his head down to speak into my ear. 

All of the tables had been taken, it didn't look like we we're going to find a seat. We should have left earlier and reserved a table. 

I tried to speak over the volume, "What time are we supposed to meet them here?"

"One." He glanced at his watch, his brows pinching.

I grabbed his wrist and looked at the time. Five after one. We were late.

I surveyed the dining room for any indication people were leaving soon and saw hands raising over the sea of people, beckoning us over to their table.

Grayson spotted them and put his head down, "Oh god," he said as they jumped and waved from across the room.

I laughed in amusement, "They are nothing if not shameless."

"Lucky for me," he whispered under his breath.

We made our way through the room to their table. I made sure to stand behind Grayson, giving myself a few extra seconds to prepare. When we were only a few feet from our seats they jumped up and swe*

pt past Grayson, ignoring him completely. Both of their arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace. Too tight.

"You can't hug me if I'm dead!" I squealed beneath their vice grip.

Before they released me their familiar scent enveloped my surroundings. The smell of home. Vanilla and whatever sweet concoction Johanne whipped up this morning to bring Grayson. I held on to them tighter, almost as much as they held onto me.

Johanne pulled back first. Her black teased hair was the same as ever, probably since the 90's when it was popular. "Sorry sweetie," she squished my cheeks together before sitting down in the booth.

Susan released Grayson from her bear hug and joined her wife on the opposite side of the empty seats, leaving us no choice but to sit together. I looked at him as he gestured for me to go in first. It seemed nice, but it was probably so he could get out easier. His moms beamed in excitement across from the two of us, who sat in awkward silence. I still wasn't sure what they knew or how much he told them.

I looked back and forth between them sitting side by side. It's nice to know some things, and people, are a constant. Susan kept her ceramics art teacher look with her shirt that billowed and golden hoop bracelets, while Johanne remained in her 90's fashion.  

Susan folded her hands on the table, raising her eyebrows in excitement, "Andie I feel like we haven't heard from you in forever! How have you been?" 

"Oh good," I waved my hand dismissively, "the usual."

"How was Paris? I bet it was beautiful in the wintertime. The landscapes there would be spectacular with all the snow and lights," she gestured broadly with her hands. 

Grayson seemed to not be paying attention to our conversation, but I could see him peeking at me every so often from the corner of his eye.

"Yeah, it really is nice. Cold, but nice. You guys would love it there I'm sure, with all the restaurants and museums. Are you going away this year?" I tried to steer the conversation away from myself.

Susan perked up at the topic of travel, "We were talking about a trip to Paris actually." Her gold bracelets that ran up her arm clanked on the table as she rested her hands. "We might even be able to persuade Grouchy Grayson over there to come with us this year."

"Not happening," he shook his head.

I laughed to myself at their nickname for him and Grouchy Grayson nudged my foot under the table. 

A waitress interrupted the conversation as she brought waters for the two of us and took our order. My stomach was growling at the thought of a cheesy omelet.

Once she left Susan brought the conversation up again. "Grayson, you would love it there. Think of all the artwork you can see in the museums. You could even visit Andie!" she said the last part like it would be a selling point.

"Andie doesn't want to be our tour guide mom." He wrapped his hands around his cold glass of water, seeming too focused on the condensation. 

"Oh, don't be silly," Johanne interjected. "I'm sure Andie wouldn't mind."

"I happen to be a great tour guide, thank you very much." I shot him a look and took a sip of my water.

"Actually Andie," Johanne said, "I wanted to liven up our kitchen a little bit and cover it in postcards, some in frames and on the fridge. Would you send us a few when you get back?"

Grayson scoffed, "She's not very good at sending letters," he mumbled more to himself.

His parents glared at him, and I'm pretty sure Susan kicked him under the table because it rocked a little and a second later he rubbed his shin. I touched a drop of water on the table and spread it with my finger, not knowing what else to do with the silence. I thought we were at the point of at least tolerating each other, but I guess not.

Grayson slid out of the booth and stood up, "I'm going to wash my hands, I'll be back." He walked towards the back of the restaurant and left me sitting alone, open for interrogation.

I focused on my hands settled in my lap. Maybe if I'm quiet they won't say anything until he gets back. Who am I kidding? 

Susan cleared her throat and nudged her elbow into Johanne, jutting her head towards me. They were having a silent conversation I wasn't aware of, but clearly involved me. It was very obvious, and not so silent. 

"Andie," Johanne started, "we haven't heard much about you lately..." she trailed off, not knowing the right thing to say. "We were upset to hear you left so abruptly. We were hoping to take you out to dinner before you left."

"Yeah, it was pretty sudden. I didn't have much time for goodbyes, my mom had to leave right away for her job."

"Your mom?" she tilted her head in confusion, "I didn't know she was working."

I forgot I told everyone my dad was offered a business opportunity based in Europe. I scrambled to come up with a response to my slip up. 

"Right," I nodded, "my dad, I mean. He got offered a new job unexpectedly."

"You know," she sighed and looked at Susan, "Grayson was pretty upset when you left."

Susan nodded in agreement, "he's been very quiet lately. Not himself. It's like he doesn't know what to do with himself now. He's a guy in high school, he should be enjoying life. Not moping around all day."

"We were worried about him, until he suggested he come here. It's so nice seeing you two together again."

The way she said together made me feel guilty. If by together she meant like two criminals handcuffed together forcefully, then yes. Other than that, we weren't the happy campers she thought we were. Does that mean he told them we were spending time together?

"I've been meaning to call... things have just been a little hectic lately with exams and everything. I'm glad I was able to visit this summer though, it's nice seeing everyone." I tried to keep things as vague and general as possible. People could mean anyone.

Johanne reached across the table and placed her hand over mine, "We've worried about you too sweetie, moving to a new place alone. It's nice to see you back home." She had that motherly look in her eyes that almost made me tear up. The look of someone who cares.

I should have called them. Why didn't I call them?

I took a breath in, "It's nice to see you guys too. I've missed a lot of things about being home." I offered them a genuine smile, sweeter than any I've given in a long time. "Thank you for inviting me out."

Susan's bracelets chimed and clanked as she touched my arm, "No honey, thank you. We didn't know when we'd see you again, any of us. I think you two just need some time alone to sort things out. You've never been able to stay mad at each other for long." She looked into the dining area, where Grayson was on his way back.

As Grayson settled in the waitress delivered our food, and we spent the rest of the meal talking about their new bathroom renovations and some of Grayson's new artwork they were trying to persuade him to hang up. He was quiet for most of the time, just listening to the three of us talk.

When we packed up Johanne reached into her purse and pulled out a tub of cookies to take with us. Grayson accepted them with his first smile of the evening and carried them back to the car tucked under his arm. 

Town wasn't as busy as it was yesterday, most of the tourists leave on Sundays so it was quiet. We drove past the small shops and onto the main road leading to camp. As I looked out the window I thought back to the comment Grayson made earlier.

"You could have sent me a letter too ya know," I broke the silence. 

We passed the camp welcome sign and drove down the gravel road, only a few minutes from the cabin.

His brows pinched together as he glared at me sideways, my comment seemed to hit a nerve. 

"Considering you were the one who left I assumed you would, but I forgot you don't think of anyone else but yourself."

"Says the guy who got mad at me for leaving, even though I had no choice. Yet I don-" before I could finish he pulled over to the side of the dirt road and shut the car off. He took the keys out of the ignition and held them in his hand. 

The two of us sat alone in the parked car. There were no distractions or disasters to excuse us now. 

We were going to talk whether I wanted to or not.


Don't forget to vote if you're excited to see their big awaited talk!

I was planning on stopping the double updates after Christmas break, but I've written out far more than I expected. So for the time being we will continue with double updates on Thursdays and Sundays! 

I'll see you all on the weekend :) 

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