Written In The Stars β˜‘οΈ

By Gee_Gee_Gee2359

40.4K 2.8K 976

Gulf is a typical college student. Mew is an introvert. Gulf is short-tempered. Mew is mellow. Gulf is posses... More

Special Chapter 1
Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3


978 66 22
By Gee_Gee_Gee2359


I drove us back home in high spirits. He sulked at first, saying he didn't like me driving for him.

I scoffed. What am I, a kid? He only stopped arguing with me when I told him I'll leave him and go back home on a bus instead. I felt proud. I was smiling all throughout. I had the upper hand at the moment. He still treats me like a young kid. I'll show him I can drive just as good as him.

The whole journey, he kept holding my free hand and leaning on my shoulders from time to time. He became a clingy giant. I wasn't complaining. I liked every single touch he's giving me. However, it was obvious he still looked tired. Who wouldn't when earlier he was so drunk just earlier?

"Are you sleepy? Rest for now. I'll wake you up as soon as we arrive." I told him.

He shook his head and squeezed my hand. "I don't want to. I miss holding you. I want to keep holding your hand like this."

I blushed as I laughed. "Come on. You can hold my hand again when you wake up."

He smiled sheepishly. "Can you sleep in my room tonight?"

I thought for a while. When I saw him pouting, I chuckled and nodded. "Sure, sure. I'll sleep in your room tonight."

"Yes!" He exclaimed and quickly adjusted the passenger seat, moving it back so he can stretch his legs. When he found a comfortable position, he spoke again. "I'm so happy."

I smiled, looking straight on the road ahead.

Me, too, Mew. Mew too.

Mom looked so worried when we got home.

"What happened?" She asked, looking at us anxiously.

Mew answered her. "Sorry, Ma. It was my fault. I was with Owen. We drank and I had too much."

"And you decided to skip classes and fetch him instead?" She was looking at me now.

I looked down. "I'm sorry..."

I knew she wanted to yell at us, to me specifically. But thankfully, she just took a deep breath instead, eyeing at us like a hawk. "Are you both okay now? You were ignoring each other just this morning. It was a sight to behold."

Mew and I looked at each other and just nodded.

"I'm relieved now. So what happened?" She asked Mew. "Is everything okay?"

Mew nodded timidly. "Yes, Ma. Everything's okay..." he gave me a quick glance and smiled a little.

I grimaced at him.

"Is everything going as planned?"

Mew nodded at her again.

Shit! I completely forgot about his plan of opening his own restaurant. We seriously need to talk about it. I learned my lesson. I won't react impulsively.

"Gulf, go up to your room and take a cold shower. Mew, I'll talk to you in my office. Follow me." She said as she turned around and started walking towards her office.

Mew and I looked at each other again disapprovingly.

"Ma," Mew called her.

She stopped and turned around.

"Uh... Can we talk tomorrow instead? I'm still not feeling very well." Mew said and held his nape.

She didn't say anything. She just looked at the both us with a blank stare. I couldn't tell what's on her mind. She sighed and just simply nodded. Then she turned and made her way to her bedroom.

Mew and I both let out a sigh of relief. When mom was finally out of sight, Mew held my hand and squeezed it tight. We climbed up the stairs holding each other's hand.

We showered in our own bedrooms simultaneously. Then, as I promised, I transferred to his and finally, we snuggled in his bed. Unfortunately, Mew didn't try kissing me again. I felt a little disappointed but I somehow understood why. It must be awkward for him to initiate kisses because we're at home. It was honestly a little awkward for me as well. So we just comfortably lay in bed in a sweetheart position. I rested my head on his chest, our legs intertwined as we held each other close.

"Mew... about your plan..." I started, looking at his beautiful face up close. "Will you really do it? In the city, I mean."

He stared at me intently. "Will you be okay with it?"

Do I have a choice?

I cupped his face. "As long as you don't leave me, I'll always be okay with it," I answered honestly. "I want you to achieve great things. I want to see you succeeding in everything that you do. Your potential is limitless, you know."

He smiled and put his hands over mine. "I'm happy. You finally believe in me."

"When did I not?"

He playfully raised an eyebrow. I laughed.

He hugged me again. "I have no intentions of leaving you, Gulf. That's why I got hurt when you told me to forget you."

I got hurt, too. "I'm sorry..."

Mew gave me a reassuring smile. "It's okay now. I knew you didn't mean it."

We just stared at each other's eyes for a while before I spoke again. "Will you be living in the city when your business opens?" I asked. That was what I feared the most.

Mew sighed. "It may happen, but only for a few months. I need to be there to make sure everything and everyone is okay. I don't want to close a shop a little too soon."

So he will really leave.

My heart ached but I did not let him see my pain.

He did, though. He clicked my forehead playfully. "Negative thoughts again."

"Sorry. I just... I just don't want you to leave..."

He smiled looking at my now pouting face. "I will not leave. Not really. I will wait until you graduate."

I looked at him confusingly. "What do you mean?"

"This was why I wanted so badly to talk to you but you kept ignoring me," he said, his face sullen. "I will wait for you to graduate before I start my business. I will bring you there with me. That's the plan."

My eyes sparkled and my heart jumped for joy with what I just heard. "R-really?"

He nodded.

I couldn't believe it. It made me speechless.

Mew included me in his plans, too!

Mew looked at me amusingly. "You look surprised. Did you think I'd want to be away from you, too? Hello, no."

I was so happy. My insides were shouting in glee. I bravely got up and straddled him on the bed. I never knew I was capable of doing it not until that moment. I cupped his face and began giving butterfly kisses all over it. His eyes, his nose, his cheeks, his lips, I showered them all with kisses. My heart was overflowing with joy. I couldn't contain it.

Mew didn't stop me, of course. He was just laughing the entire time.

Then I stopped. "Wait. We still have 3 more months until my graduation day. What will you tell mom?"

He shrugged. "I'll just think of ways to delay it."

"She will notice it. She has sharp eyes on things."

"You worry too much," he said and pulled me down. I was back in his arms again. "I think what we need to think about now is how to tell mom. About us."

I didn't answer. He's right.

We have to tell mom about us eventually. I don't know how she'll take the news that her sons have grown feelings for each other. Will she be accepting of it? Will she be mad? Mew and I aren't related by blood. It should be okay, right? But how will she look at us this time?

Will mom hate us?

For the first time, the thought of mom detesting us frightened me.

For the first time, I really thought hard about breaking the news to mom and not make her feel bad. Because she definitely will. And it scares me.

"Well, well, well. You look happy." Boss smirked and sat beside me. Top and Jeff were behind him, bickering as they sat opposite us.

I scoffed at this nosy one. "Of course, we're graduating."

Boss smiled teasingly. "I bet it's not really about our graduation. I'm sure of it. HAHAHA!"

I just let him be.

"What's nice about graduating? I will be unemployed for sure. This town is so little." Top complained then his eyes glimmered all of a sudden. "Hey, why don't we all move to city? Job opportunities there are endless!"

Jeff snorted at him. "Good for you. I think my mom will let me stay for at least another year before letting me go."

"How about you, Boss?" Top turned to Boss.

Boss shrugged. "I'm still not sure. But I'm open to possibilities. The greater the opportunity is, that's where I'll be I guess. I need to help at home as fast as I can. My siblings are still young."

Top nodded and finally turned to me. "You, Gulf?"

To be with Mew. But of course I didn't say it out loud. "I'll cross the bridge when I get there." I answered coolly.

Top laughed. "As if you needed work! Come on, come with me to the city. We will live the best days of our lives there. Work. Party. Girls."

I wanted to laugh at him. How will they react if I tell them girls don't interest me much? And my heart already belongs to somebody, a guy to be exact. Will they be able to still accept me as their friend if they knew?

"Don't drag Gulf into your personal wicked plans, you dummy!" Boss said and lightly smacked Top's head.

Just then, my phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket. It was a message from Mew.

M: Mom will be out for dinner later. I'll cook for us. Consider it a date😉

I blushed as my heart fluttered.

A date.

I smiled unconsciously.

Boss suddenly kicked my feet. I glared at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He covered his mouth, suppressing his laughter. He didn't say anything but just gave me a mischievous smile. I swear he can be really annoying sometimes.

"Want to hang out at my place tonight? I have newly downloaded games," Jeff invited us.

"Game!" Top answered with excitement. "Let's enjoy every gaming moment before we graduate. Why not, right? OJT was a nightmare already, I'm glad we all made it through alive," he added laughing.

"Sorry, count me out tonight. I need to go home early," I told them.

And so I did.

I arrived home and found Mew so handsome with an apron on, setting up the garden like we're having an important gathering.

I wheezed as I walked closer to him. "Are we having a barbecue date night?"

He grinned boyishly. What a handsome being. "You came earlier than I expected but yes. You don't mind, right? I prepared you favorite, pork."

I laughed. Indeed!

A barbecue date night sounds fun. My heart couldn't help but flutter. I feel so important. I rushed to my bedroom to change clothes and went back to the garden as quickly as I could. I was excited after all. Mew was done cooking and was waiting for me at the table. I sat opposite him, my cheeks fluffy from smiling.

"I hope you like this simple dinner I prepared for you," Mew said, staring at me lovingly.

I laughed and blushed at the same time.

It's normal to feel shy, right?

Mew put food on my plate. I felt extra special. Soon we were eating happily and heartily. I shared what happened in school and the little preparations that we're doing for our upcoming graduation. We weren't really doing much in school now. I guess out professors just let us be since it was hell during our OJT. Mew also talked about his plans. I was in awe the whole time. His plans, his visions, they were all exceptional. He talked with passion and enthusiasm. I felt so proud of him like never before. I could definitely listen to him all night long.

"You can stay with me until you figure out what you really want to do, what you really want to accomplish. Right now, I don't think you know it yet. You only want to just stick with me always, correct?"

I sneered at him. "What makes you so sure about that?"

"About what?"

"About me just wanting to stick with you always."

His smile disappeared. "So you don't?" He eyed me intently, his eyes ablaze.

I gulped and cleared my throat. I chuckled awkwardly. "Asshole. You think I don't after all that I did?"

He didn't answer. His gaze was still the same.

I sipped some wine and looked away, my feet fidgeting. Jeez. Why can't he take a joke? It's making me nervous. Fuck.

He spoke after a while. "I'm sorry. I just get insecure at times. After feeling so unsure about what you feel for me, I unconsciously developed this feeling. It doesn't go away easily but I'm trying. I'm really trying."

I looked at him. I saw sadness again in his eyes. "I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry for making you feel that way," I told him sincerely. "I'm happy. I'm truly happy. I don't mind sticking with you for the time being. Don't get tired of me, okay?"

At last he smiled. "I will never." Then he stood up, pulled a chair and sat beside me. He leaned over and whispered to my ear. "I'm happy, too. I think we both deserve a reward from each other."

He said it so seductively I think the hair on the back of my neck shoot up. It felt hot all of a sudden. I looked at him. His eyes were sexily staring at me now.

And Mew... he suddenly looked so fucking delicious in my eyes.

Holy cow!

Mew staring at me like that was giving me all the chills. I felt something twitching down here. My pants suddenly tightened.

Oh my God. I'm aroused!

:)) Oppssss 🤭🤭🤭

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