The equation of everything

By RudianoBambino

153 1 0

This is the story of how Luc Dakotas, a dabbling linguist, becomes the last chance of survival for humankind... More

Europa Dome, Earth, July 2031
Europa Dome, Earth, July 2031- continued
Hong-Kong, China, Earth, March 2018
Alexandria, Egypt, Earth, March 2017
October 2018: Twin Earth landing

Where it all started (Martinique, Caribbean, Earth, MARCH 2017)

18 0 0
By RudianoBambino

Martinique, Caribbean, Earth, MARCH 2017

This is where it all started for Luc. It was the first day of the Easter Holidays, on sunny Martinique Island. That glorious day, almost everybody else had gone back to their respective families or taken to the beach. Only a handful of lecturers were still on campus.

Luc made his way to meet Olga through the unusually deserted and quiet alleys of his faculty. She was waiting at the said spot. She waved as he approached. He waved back.

Olga was always cheerful. A slim Athenian girl with olive skin and black curly hair, brown eyes open so wide they seem not wanting to miss anything from life. A fellow linguist .

"You’re late!". She tilted her head in feigned surprise.

"Nope I came here earlier and couldn’t see you so went to run a quick errand", He retorted with a smug

"Right, Right! So….what’s the fuss all about?"


He paused for effect, pulled the chair opposite to her, sat down and looked straight into her eyes.

"I’ve thought of a new format for the campus radio station. I’ve found the key to attract more listeners.

Her shoulders dropped.

“More listeners”? I didn’t know you had one!"

"Yeah whatever, it’s so brilliant that the likes of you will become addicted and wonder how they ever coped with life before this!

 “The likes of me?” she chuckled.

"You think you know what makes the likes of me tick?" 

Before he could respond, a car noisily pulled out. Two massive gendarmes got out.

"Luc Dakotas?* Interrupted the first one.

"You need to follow us right away sir."

"Why? Am I under arrest?"

"No sir, everything will be explained en route. You will be brought back here in 2 hours."

They dropped a 10 Euros note on the table for Olga to pay whatever Luc had ordered. She was paralysed in anguish as she watched the two men firmly ushering Luc to the back of the car.

The door snapped shut and within seconds the car was a little spec in the distance.

“So, what’s the big idea? Wanna pick my brains or something?” Luc tried to mask his fear as much as he could.

A Caucasian man answered him from the passenger seat after a few seconds, as if to give himself enough time to conjure up a lie.

"I’m sorry for this inconvenience to you but an important person is in great need to see you. As she has a tight schedule, she prefers this method over sending you an appointment letter."

"Fair enough. Am I being summoned by some sort of political authority?"

The man chuckled then turned around, revealing a chiselled face trying to disguise his condescension with an unconvincing smile

"Authority yes, but not of the political kind."

The man’s tone showed he was not willing to disclose any further details so Luc decided to try and get his answers by himself. The vehicle was an American hummer. He had never seen one of those on the Island. Must have been imported. The woman who has summoned him is probably American. But none of the car’s occupants had American accents.  The passenger at the front sounded British. One the massive gendarmes sounded from somewhere else but he could not quite pinpoint his accent. This mysterious woman probably was at best middle-aged, he thought, smiling to himself, a power hungry spinster unlikely to be a bombshell…

They left the main road and drove through a long drive. Trees were hiding what it was leading to. They reached an electronic barrier which automatically opened as they got closer.  A magnificent two-story house complete with swimming pool appeared, radiant in the Caribbean sun, its window panes making it look even more luminescent, with the reflection of the pool dancing on the front façade.

The suited man led him past the house, on a little side path through to another building which looked like a glorified shed attached to a conservatory. Some sort of classical music was playing from the conservatory. A woman was sat there with a glass of red wine. To his surprise, she was quite attractive. The 40-something woman wore a smart tailor-made pin-striped black suit jacket and a skirt that hugged her slim yet curvy figure. She turned the music off and stood up to greet Luc. She smiled, revealing immaculate teeth.

"Sorry to make you come here so abruptly. I’m Linda Sarkh, Entrepreneur. I have to fly back to Chicago tomorrow morning so I am pushed for time.Would you care for something to drink?"

He hesitantly nodded while she poured him a glass of the Chateau Blanc.

"How much do you know about precious stones, Mr Dakotas?"

He frowned.

" I am a linguist, I ‘m only into academic pursuits! Am I to understand that you have kidnapped the wrong person?"

She was taken aback by his emotional response. She was used to more dispassionate reactions from Academics. But she remained composed.

"I assure you there is no mistake and this is no kidnapping. Let me explain. I work for Metastasis Industries, a multinational company formally involved with selling all manner of luxury but finite items. We are however very keen to branch out into something more endurable and sustainable.  We could use people with an inquisitive mind, talent and ambition such as you."

"What good could an academic possibly be to your company?"

"You’d be surprised. We are quite keen to contribute to science so we always look to sponsor promising researchers and thus help advance scientific research. We know funding can be a difficult business. How would you like to be sponsored by us Mr Dakotas?"

His eyebrows lifted in disbelief. This must be another one of those vicious companies who have had a hard time shaking off their unscrupulous shark image and are now trying to contribute to some major discovery so that popular opinion shifts. Or perhaps they are trying to corrupt scientists into backing some unscientific claims to help further their business. In an effort to uncover their ulterior motive, he asked:

"I’d need time to think about it. Anyway, why me, and how much are you willing to contribute?"

She smiled, took a sip from her drink, pensively looked at her glass then replied."

"You match all the criteria for our preferred prospective collaborators. We can come to a mutual agreement. The only catch is that you have to be willing to take a small break from your current research. This will be a win-win situation, totally ethical, I guarantee it."

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