Hell's Sole Human (male reade...

By coffeeman9000

232K 3.6K 3.7K

As (Y/N) was looking through a old library, he stumbled across a book. A near perfect intact book in fact! Bu... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Lemon 2 electric bogaloo
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter Three

14.8K 244 168
By coffeeman9000

*(Y/N) POV*

"Grrrr, godamnit." I said waking up. I realized I was on top of Octavia as I slept. I made sure to slowly get up from the bed without disturbing the sleeping owl in front of me. As I got up, I almost fell down from being so woozy. I steadied myself by leaning onto the wall, taking a deep breath in to focus. When I felt a little better, I started walking towards the bathroom and entered it. I preceded to splash some water onto my face to wake me up a bit.

"You just had to drink a couple bottles of whiskey didn't you? Well at least it wasn't like last time mixing some psycho drugs and moonshine." I said with a sigh. I looked into the mirror at myself, and I seemed to be in pretty good shape despite being severally hungover. Probably because I've been taking showers unlike in the wasteland. Done waking myself up, I decided to go to the kitchen to make me some breakfast. As I walked down the hallway towards the kitchen, I couldn't help but think to myself what I should do since I'll be staying here for a while.

I got to the kitchen and started making some omelettes, specifically some deathclaw omelettes. "Boo!" A birdman said behind me. I nearly shit myself as I turned around with a .42 revolver about to blow his head off. "Woah, woah, there cowboy. I wouldn't do that if I were you." The demon before me said. "Sorry, it's instinct for me." I told him as I lowered my gun and then continued cooking. "If I remember it correctly, you're name's (Y/N). I just wanted to thank you for taking care of my wife for me last night. I was able to watch Fifty Shades of Red without her nagging me." He told me as I scrambled the eggs.

"Sure thing, I'm assuming you're Stolas right?" I asked him. "You are correct, and please make me some of whatever you're cooking as well, it does smell rather fabolous." Stolas said as he sat by the table near the window. Man how many tables do they have?  "No problem, and I assume you're daughter told you about me last night and how I've been staying here." I said finishing up the eggs. "Yes, I'm well aware of you being here for the last couple weeks. And I would like to extend your stay here as well on two conditions." Stolas said as he put a napkin around his neck.

I finished the eggs and put them on two separate plates for us. I brought the plates to the table and set them down. "Those two conditions are?" I asked him as I began eating. "The first one is that I want you to entertain my wife like you did last night, make so I don't have to deal with her constant yelling, it does get on my nerves." He told me as he took a bite of the eggs. "Easy enough, the other condition?" I asked finishing up my eggs as Stolas was still eating his. "The second condition for you is to keep my precious owlette happy, and if you do anything to upset her I will FUCKING TEAR OFF YOUR DAMN DICK AND SHOVE IT SO FUCKING FAR YOUR ASS THAT YOU'LL BE TASTING NOTHING BUT COCK FOR WEEKS! Do I make myself clear?" He said finishing his plate and setting aside his napkin.

"Understood." I replied in a bland tone as I was still a bit tired. "Marvelous, and by the way your cooking is the best I ever tasted, thank you." Stolas said getting up. Some small creature in a suit came by and picked up the plates. "Hey, I have a favor to ask of you." I said stopping Stolas in his tracks. "What is it that you need?" He asked me. "Do you have some garage I can set up a workshop in, too you know, keep me busy. And some materials to build with." I asked the owl. "Yes, I believe I have the perfect place for you. Follow me." He commanded.

*Timeskip brought to you by Bulleit Bourbon (whiskey), because nothing knocks you out like a bullet.*
*Octavia POV*

I woke up feeling refreshed after yesterday. I still felt relieved that my parents freak out over (Y/N), especially mom. I sat on the side of the bed letting my feet hit the carpet and looked at the clock. It read 12:23. I was surprised, given most days I'm woken up from the yelling of my parents. "Hmph, I wonder where (Y/N) went to?" I thought to myself. I figured my dad would know, so I decided to get up and ask him. He was probably in his office working, so that's where I headed off to.

I walked down the halls and came in front of the giant double doors made out of petrified souls. I pushed them open to see my dad sitting at his desk  with a lot of paperwork on it as he seemed preoccupied. "Uhh, hey dad. How are you this morning?" I said trying to be greet him. This morning seemed really weird as my dad was smiling almost as if this was a good morning. His head shot up and his smiled widened. "Ohh, Octavia, how lovely it is too see you finally wake up. How was your sleep?" He asked me as he got up.

And came over and hugged me as I sort of gave half a hug back, don't judge me, I have daddy issues. "Good, good. It's weird to have such a peaceful morning. Anyways, have you seen (Y/N)? I was wondering where he may have gone since he wasn't in my room." I told dad. "Ahh, yes. (Y/N) is in his new workshop where the old garage was, adjacent to the piano room." He told me as he then went back to his desk and sat down. "Thanks dad, uhh, see you later." I told him leaving the office. "Have fun dear." Dad said before I shut the door leaving.

I made my way towards the old garage now workshop, I came across mom with a butler following her scribbling something down on a clipboard. "Hello dear, how was your sleep. It's quite unusual to see you sleep in for so long these days." Mom said as she stopped in front of me and the butler following her stopped by her side. "Fine I guess." I replied to her. "I see, do you have any plans for today, I was seeing to go get your dress refitted at the tailor today." She said.

"Well, I was going to go see (Y/N) in his new workshop." I said as I didn't really want to go through the boring process of getting my dress refitted today. "Oh, I see. I take a guess he's good with his hands. Might see if he could do a couple of things for me then." Mom said thinking to herself. "Yeah, sure. I'll make sure to tell him that." I said about to walk pass mom. "I'll come with you to see (Y/N)'s ability in the workshop. Afterwards we could go to the tailor." She said as she waved off the butler who walked away.

"Oh, uh, sure. I guess that would be fine." I said half heartedly as I wanted to just hangout with (Y/N) today. Knowing mom, she wanted to only come see (Y/N) for work related reasons. "Well, lead the way." Mom said. I started walking with mom following me from behind towards the (Y/N)'s workshop. As we got closer, we could hear some music playing.

As I opened to door to the workshop, I saw (Y/N) working at some sort of tailoring bench with a tuxedo. "Umm, HELLO?" I said trying to talk over the loud music. He held up his finger to me indicating to wait a moment. I did as (Y/N) seemed to finish up the tux he was sewing together. Once done, he turned off the music coming from his pip boy. "Ahh, perfect timing Octavia. Can you help me test out this tuxedo I've just made." He said as he came over and handed me a pistol.

"Uhh, sure, but what exactly am I doing?" I asked him as even my mother was curious on why he handed me a pistol. "One second, let me get in this thing." He said as he started stripping his shirt and shorts off to his underwear making me blush a little. "What in the nine circles of hell are you doing?" My mom yelled with a huge blush. Yeah, I figured something like this would happen, and prepared myself for the huge lecture from mom to (Y/N). "You can look away you know." He said without batting an eye as he put on the final pieces of the suit.

Surprisingly, my mom stayed quiet from his comment. As he finished, he then stood a couple feet away from me with his arms behind his back. "Alright, now I want you to shoot me anywhere but the head, please." He said with confidence. "What?! Are you crazy?" I said with mass confusion. "I think I mastered bullet weave and made the impact of the bullet almost not bruise. Now shoot me." He said once again. I hesitantly aimed the gun at him as my mom watched closely with curiosity.

With a loud bang, I shot the gun. I had kind of looked away at the last moment as I expected to see (Y/N) on the ground bleeding. "Again!" He said still standing. I liked at him and squinted my eyes inspecting where I shot him. I could see there was a little tear where I shot, but no blood or anything. I shot him again. Still he stood with only a small tear on the tuxedo. "Three more times please." He said. I did what he asked me and shot him three more times.

"There, you can put the gun down." He said as he walked over to the tailoring bench. He took off his top part of the tuxedo and laid it on the bench as he looked at his chest. "See any bruising?" He asked me as I was stunned, seeing no marks on his chest. "Amazing, such fine craftsmanship." My mother said walking up to the tailoring bench and inspecting the tuxedo. "Not only is it very detailed, but also very durable." She said admiring (Y/N)'s work.

"Thanks, I've been working on the mark six ballistic weave for a few months, I think I've got it down." He said as he also looked at the tuxedo. "Octavia, dear, can you go get your dress and my royal dress as well." She told me. "Why though?" I asked her. "Well, I was wondering if (Y/N) here could not only refit your dress saving us the trip to the tailor, but also use his ballistic weave as insurance to our safety during royal events." Mom said as she was still admiring the work of (Y/N).

"I'll be glad to ma'am. And I'll help you Octavia to get the dresses." (Y/N) said as he as put on the top part of the tuxedo. "Ok then." I said quietly as I followed (Y/N) outside the door. When we were some distance away, I stopped (Y/N). "Hey, you know you don't have to do the dresses if you don't want to." I told him. "I know that." He replied back to me. "Well I know you're trying to be on the good side of my mother, but you don't need to do anything. I mean, my dad said you could stay here, so you don't need to go the extra miles." I said.

"I'm well aware of that, but trust me, I'm bored so I don't mind working in order to keep me busy." He told me with a smile. "Well, if you're bored, we could go to a party or something. I got some places that could be fun." I said worried I was making him bored. I didn't realize how boring it may have been here. "Oh, sure if you want to I'll tag along. It's fun hanging out with you." He said making me happy. "Really! I mean, uhh, thanks." I said a little embarrassed as I didn't want to show my weebself out too much. "Come on now, let's get those dresses and get to work." He said as he walked away with me following him.


Hello guy and gals and gamers, how are you. Hope you're doing well. Sorry for not uploading for a while, had the holidays with family vacation and gotten back, but kinda felt under the weather. Don't worry, I'll get back into the Grove of things. If you liked this chapter please vote and maybe follow me and I'll follow you back home. Until next time, coffee out.

Word count 2197

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