An Unlikely Connection (Jirou...

By pearlshipper332

34.1K 654 465

What happens when Jirou is up late one night, and ends up catching Midoriya sneaking out. how does the relati... More

An Odd Night
Another Sleepless Night
A New Day
A Trip into Town
Going to Get some Advice
Starlit Night
Figuring it out as we go

Training Day

1.5K 44 6
By pearlshipper332

Midoriya's POV-

A few rays of sunlight from the rising sun broke through the gaps in my curtain, a singular ray of sunlight landing on my face, rousing me from my sleep. I tried to open my eyes, but was blinded by the ray of light.

"Friggin sunlight, and why am I on the floor?" I grumbled while I sat up and looked around the room, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to dispell the exhaustion I was feeling. While I was getting my bearings, the memories of last night came rushing back to me.

I could feel my face slowly growing warm with embarrassment as I replayed the events in my head. As the memories came back to me, I finally remembered why I was sleeping on the floor in the first place.

My eyes quickly darted over to my bed, only to find Jirou still laying there. She had herself wrapped up in my blanket, while a thin trail of drool connected from her mouth to my pillow.

I chuckled a little bit as I watched the covers slowly rise and fall in rhythm with her breathing. "Even when she's drooling on my pillow, she's still cute." I muttered to myself, before slowly getting to my feet and putting away the futon I had been using.

I glanced at the clock that was above the bed once I was finished, finding that it read 7:35 AM. "I should probably wake her up." I muttered to myself, before walking back over to the bedside and lightly nudging her shoulder.

"Come on Jirou, it's time to wake up, we've got about 40 minutes before we have to head to class." I whispered to her.

Jirou let out a groggy groan as she grabbed the covers and pulled them over her head. "Five more minutes mom...." She muttered.

I let out another chuckle before lightly shaking her shoulder again. "I would let you sleep in a bit longer, but Mr. Aizawa would kill us if we were late to class." I replied.

There was a few moments of silence before the covers slowly slid down, revealing Jirou's face once again. A confused look accompanying her gaze as she stared at me. "Midoriya? What are you doing in my room?" She asked me.

She quickly sat up and started scanning her surroundings. "Wait a minute, it wasn't a dream?" She muttered, her face slowly heating up as she sat there.

A small smile made its way onto my face as I watched her pull the covers up over her mouth. "Do you remember where you are now?" I asked her.

She nodded in a silent response while she sat there, her face getting redder and redder as she quickly glanced at me, before averting her eyes again.

My face started to slowly heat up once more as I looked at her, before looking away as well.

'God she's cute as hell when she does that.' I thought to myself, before letting out a little cough.

"S-So, do you want to go down and eat breakfast together? O-Or do you wanna just g-go down separately?" I stuttered out.

Jirou stared at the bed for a few moments, before undoing the cocoon of blankets she had wrapped herself in. "I-If you give me like ten minutes to go to my room and get changed, then we can go down together." She responded.

"T-Then I'll wait for you here on the second floor while you do that." I said, as I glanced around my room, trying to figure out where everything I needed was.

When I returned my gaze back to her, I found her standing right infront of me. "I-Is s-something w-wrong?" I stammered.

'So close!' I thought to myself while I looked down at her.

Jirou's eyes darted from from side to side before shaking her head. "N-No, there's nothing w-wrong." She responded, while her face turned a bright crimson red.

She suddenly closed the distance between the two of us, as she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.

I was at a loss for words as I stood there, frozen in place.

"I-I'll see you in a few minutes." She said, before letting go of me and quickly darting out of the room.

I stood there, frozen in place for a minute or so after she left, as my brain tried to catch up with what had just happened.

'Being hugged by a girl is amazing.' Was the only thought that occupied my mind for the next couple of minutes. A few minutes passed before I finally left my room and made my way to the elevator to wait for her.

I didn't have to wait long, as the elevator doors slid open once I reached them, revealing Jirou. She had her normal school uniform on, just like me, and her dark purple hair was combed into  its usual style.

I stared at her for a few moments as I stood there, taking in the sight of her before I stepped onto the elevator.

A small blush appeared on her face as I looked at her. "W-what is it? Is there something on my face?" She asked bashfully.

I quickly shook my head as the doors slid close behind me. "N-No, I w-was just thinking that you looked g-good even in your u-uniform." I responded while I hit the button for the ground floor.

Jirou quickly averted her eyes as she started twirling her earphone jack around her fingers. "T-Thanks, y-you t-too." She responded, while the elevator started slowly descending.

Not another word was spoken between the two of us until the elevator doors slid open once more.

We quickly made our way through the corridor that led to the commons area.

When we walked into the commons area, we found the rest of our classmates eating and finishing up their morning routines.

"Oh, this is an unusual pairing, you two never come down together." A voice came from across the room.

When I turned to look in the direction of the voice, I found Mina pointing at the two of us from where she sat. She wasn't the only one looking our way either, Iida, Uraraka, Kirishima, Todoroki and Tsuyu were staring at us too.

I quickly averted my gaze and sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck as I stood there.

'I'm not used to having so many people staring at me at once.' I thought to myself, though I didn't have a chance to respond to her before I was suddenly shoved.

"Out of my way you god damn nerd!"

A small sigh escaped my lips as I stared at the one person I was hoping to not see this morning. "Good morning to you too Kacchan, I'm glad to see that you've graced us with your presence this morning." I replied sarcastically.

Bakugo dropped his bowl in the sink before whipping around and snarling at me. "Do you wanna die you worthless nerd!" He shouted at me.

"Knock it off Bakugo, you're being a jackass."

The person who came to defend me was none other than the girl who I'd spent the night with.

Bakugo's ire quickly shifted from me to Jirou as he raised his right hand and sparked it, a few wisps of smoke rising from his palm as a result.

"Do you wanna die too you damn extra!" He yelled as he took a step towards Jirou. 

I stepped between the two of them before he could close the distance to her. "Knock it off Kacchan, if you're trying to get to her, then you gotta go through me first." I defiantly replied.

Bakugo stopped in his tracks and stared at me for a few moments, before clicking his tongue and walking past me. "You're not worth getting yelled at for you shitty nerd." He sneered as he grabbed his bag and left the dorm.

Once he was gone, I turned to Jirou and found her staring up at me, a light blush present on her face as she stared at me.

"I-I didn't need y-your help...But thank you for doing it anyways." She told me before flashing me a quick smile, one that made my heart beat a little faster than before.

'She could weaponize just how cute she was if she tried.' I thought to myself as I stood there.

Before I could respond, she side stepped me and quickly made herself a bowl of cereal.

I quickly followed behind her making myself a bowl of cereal and following her to the table. She was already sitting with Mina and the others when I got there. I took the spot beside her and started eating while I looked around at the table.

"That was actually pretty cool Midoriya, that was almost like a knight coming and protecting the princess from a dragon." Mina said between bites of her food.

The statement caused my face to heat up as I sat there and stared at my bowl of cereal.

"Y-Yeah I guess it did k-kind of feel like that." Jirou replied with a nervous chuckle.

Unbeknownst to us, there were two people that were watching us closely.

We quickly finished our breakfast and raced off to class, making it with only a few minutes to spare before the bell. By the time we got sitting down in our spots for class, Mr. Aizawa was already standing behind the podium at the front of the class.

"Alright everyone settle down, we're going to be working on your ultimate moves today. So get changed into your hero costumes and meet at gym gamma, I'll explain more once we're there." He announced before quickly taking his leave.

'Ultimate moves...what kind of ultimate moves could I use, that doesn't require putting my arms under extreme stress?' I pondered to myself as I grabbed the briefcase with my hero costume in it.

"-idoriya, Midoriya?"

The voice snapped me out of my daze, my gaze quickly darting around the classroom while I attempted to figure out who was calling out to me.

It didn't take me very long to figure out who it was as my gaze finally came to a rest on the purple haired girl standing beside me. "O-Oh s-sorry, w-what's up?" I stammered out.

"Nothing actually, you just seemed a little out of it that's all. Are you okay?" She asked me, concern in her voice as she spoke.

I stared at her for a few moments before shaking my head. "I'm alright, sorry for worrying you like that though." I responded. "Let's head over to the training field."

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed the newest chapter of Unlikely Connection. It's kind of an intermediary chapter, but it does set some things up for later on in the story. This semester I have a lighter class load, so I should be able to to put more chapters out than I did last semester.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them, I'll try and respond to them as soon as I can, and make sure to leave a vote on the chapter if you enjoyed it.

And as always, I will see you all in the next one.


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