Forgotten Memories (A Niall H...

By JustMe52

167K 5.1K 1.4K

(Sequel to He Changed Me) What do you do when you are told that you have amnesia? I laughed in the doctor's f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Forgotten Memories (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

35.7K 502 87
By JustMe52

Zayn's POV:

Do you know that moment when it feels like the world is crashing down around you? There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You just sit back and let everything you care about fall apart. That's been life for the past month.

Natalie has been in a coma ever since the car accident that night. The doctor said she broke her arm, and had a massive gash on her head. The stitches has helped the gash heal back up, but there is still a faint pink scar that sticks out from under her hairline. Her arm is still wrapped up in a black cast. The doctor said that it could come off in a week.

The doctor is unsure of how long Natalie will be in the coma. It could last for one more day to two more months. I barely survived the first month, how am I supposed to survive for longer than that?

❀ ✿

Liam's POV:

A month.

It has been a whole month since Natalie has been in a coma. Zayn and Niall are taking it the hardest out of everyone. Both of them refuse to leave her hospital room. Niall rarely eats anymore. Louis and Harry had to force him to eat one day.

We canceled the rest of our tour, telling our fans as little details about Natalie as possible. We knew that she wouldn't want everyone to know about all of this.

I just wish she would wake up already. I miss her. She was like my little sister.

❀ ✿

Louis's POV:

I've never seen everyone so depressed for so long before. Natalie's absence in our lives has definitely taken a toll on us. Niall and Zayn feel as if this is all of their faults because they told her to go back to the hotel. It's not their fault that a drunk driver hit her.

Eleanor has been quite upset over Natalie as well. Everyone has been. For the past month, all of us have practically been living in the hospital's waiting room. Zayn and Niall stay locked up in Natalie's room, barely ever leaving.

Nothing has been the same.

❀ ✿

Harry's POV:

Natalie needs to wake up. It's been a month already. How much longer does her body need to heal? Her doctor said that she was very lucky for only receiving such few injuries. She may be lucky, but right now she is in a coma. Who knows when she will wake up again?

I miss seeing Natalie smiling everyday. Sure, it took a while to get her to trust us, but we managed to do it. With Natalie being gone, the rest of us rarely talk to each other. There is nothing to talk about. Everything we say always connects to Natalie somehow which brings all of us to tears. So, none of us bother saying more than a few words to each other.

❀ ✿

Eleanor's POV:

It is so unbelievably hard seeing your best friend, laying motionless in a hospital bed with only a heart monitor, beeping every few seconds. All of us try to visit Natalie at least once a day, but it has become too hard for me. I can't bear knowing that my best friend could never wake up.

When I visit her, I talk to her about how Dani and I got Niall and her to date. I've read that people in comas can hear everything around them, so I figured Nat would what to hear about all of the good things. Most of that consists of her and Niall.

I have never seen Niall like this before. I miss the happy-go-lucky boy he was. Now he is just depressed all the time. Not that I can blame him. All of us are like this.

❀ ✿

Danielle's POV:

Natalie is a strong girl. I know she will be able to survive this. Her body just needs time to heal. The car crash was horrid. I saw how her car was crushed up and completely destroyed. To be honest, I'm not sure how she survived. I'm thankful she is, though. If this is how we act when she is in a coma, I would hate to imagine what we would do if Natalie hadn't made it.

I guess none of us realised how much Natalie has impacted our lives. She's Eleanor's and I's best friend. Harry, Louis, and Liam consider her to be a best friend and they are protective of her like a little sister. Natalie is Zayn's twin sister, so he has always loved her. Niall is completely in love with her. He would do anything for her. If he could, Niall would switch places with Natalie so he was in a coma and not her.

It doesn't work like that, though. We just have to wait for Natalie to wake up. No matter how long that will be.

❀ ✿

Niall's POV:

Natalie looks as beautiful as she did when I first met her. Sure, she may be wearing a hospital gown and have many wires hooked up to her, but she is beautiful. Natalie has always been.

When I found out she was in the accident, I dropped my microphone on stage and ran off. One of our managers came out to us and whispered it in my ear. It wasn't long before Zayn was right behind me. We were the first to arrive, and all I could see was Tilly's head covered in blood and her arm sticking out at a weird angle. I panicked when I saw that. The hospital had to get security to hold me back from going to Tilly. I had to know she was okay.

Now, I have been waiting in this small hospital room with her hand in mine, waiting for Tilly to open up her beautiful brown eyes. Zayn hasn't left her side either. We refuse to leave. I don't even remember the last time I ate. I can't think of food when Tilly is like this.

I won't give up on her. I refuse to. I know she will wake up.

She has to.

❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿

Author's Note:

I decided I was going to start earlier. :) I planned on updating this way earlier, but the whole thing with my grandma prevented me from doing so.

Speaking of which, I'm back. I honestly thought I would be gone longer, but I actually took her death surprisingly well. If you want to know more, read the message on my board.

Anyways, this is the prologue to Forgotten Memories, aka the sequel to He Changed Me. I'm sorry if it kind of sucks. I'm not used to writing in so many other POV's. It was rather weird for me. The first chapter will return to Natalie's (Tilly) POV.

Thank you to @RuthlessAbandon for creating the cover for me! :)

Question...What do you think so far?

So, yeah!

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