More than just a friend || Ro...

By scarlett-kate

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'I didn't know it then, but that moment changed almost everything for me. It was the start of a long journey... More

Prologue- The man of my past
1- I know you
2- Answer when it rings
3- I don't know much about you
4- A proper date
5- Desperate for you
7- He was just like cigarettes
8- The boy in green
9- I wanna see you
10- It's just me and you
11- How it's gonna stay
12- I'll be your plus one
13- I like you too
14- since the second I saw you
15- this is it now
16- It's all just a dream
17- why did i agree ?
18- every unmatched piece of him
19- you always lead
20- this isn't my home
21- you'll always love them
22- you're my angel
23- the last time
24- As a free man
25- the last goodbyes
26- All too long ago
27- I should follow the path
28- He doesn't know
29- my first love
30- the man of my past
31- We'll see about that one
32- just trust me
33- of course i waited
34- never missed anyone more
35- don't try and charm me
36- this reminds me of old times
37- finding myself falling
38- watch another girl fall
39- every part of my future
40- I love him sometimes
41- you know we can
42- the person he loved
43- it took years to unlove you
44- the end of it all
45- life moved slow without him
46- I love you lynn
47- im no good at goodbyes
48- why have you stayed ?
49- not the man you think he was
50- the beginning of his end
51- don't doubt yourself for a minute
52- completley and utterly true
53- our entire lives together
54- my one and only
55- when they wanna be apart
56- how it's ending
57- gonna treat you right
58- is this even real ?
59- can't believe it
60- i told you
61- the end
62- final authors note

6- You can't deny

210 11 53
By scarlett-kate

16th January 1978

The next morning I woke up, head slightly fuzzy and body stripped of last nights clothes, remembering what I had spent the majority of my evening doing. I turned to my left to find the blonde still asleep relatively peacefully, his lips pursed and blonde hair slightly scruffy- which was most likely from me pulling at it.

When I was kissing him last night, practically tearing my clothes off on his sofa, the idea seemed one great. But it wasn't until I was sober and laid beside him I realised it was something we probably shouldn't of done- no matter how badly we wanted one another.

If we were two normal people, ones that had shitty London flats and draining 9-5 jobs, it would've been completely fine, no regret paired with it. But since he was currently still known to be in a relationship, and a famous drummer from one of the biggest bands, and I was a skimpy little model with a reputation already too fragile to take further damage, it was a night we should've spent differently.

I slowly crawled out of bed, managing not too disturb Roger, and noticed quickly that I'd successfully managed to claim back my underwear that he'd tossed across the living room before going to bed. I scanned the room, looking for something to wear other than my skimpy dress, and found a knitted jumper conveniently hung up on the back of his bedroom door.

I quickly slid it on, noticing the material was slightly itchier that I would've liked, and the jumper seemed like it would even be miles too big on the blonde himself. I quietly grabbed a cigarette from the packet on his bed side locker, silently grasping the lighter before I went out to the balcony I hadn't even realised he owned last night.

I sat in a small chair in the corner, stereotypically besides a small wooden table with an ash tray in the middle, my legs sat touching my chest as I tried to stay warm. It was cold, typically in January, and it was still early in the day.

My mind wasn't focused well on anything other than the fear. Mainly the fear of people finding out what had happened between me and Roger Taylor. If the press caught us, or if anyone who didn't know him and Dominique had actually spilt for that matter, my career would be one simply over. Of course I've always wanted that, to ditch behind modelling, but that last thing I want is to be known as the mistress that split a happy couple. That was never a label any girl wanted, and once I gained it, it would stick.

But I was soon disturbed from my thoughts when the door opened and Roger stepped out onto the balcony, a pair of joggers covering his lower half but his torso still exposed.

I didn't say anything, unsure what I was supposed to say, instead watching as he lit a cigarette and quickly exhaled it. He was tense, clearly so, and didn't let his eyes meet mine once as he sat in the chair opposite mine.

"Morning." He mumbled. I smiled uneasily, nodding a little as I stubbed out my cig and curled my legs up tighter. "Nice jumper."

I didn't say anything, I just sat quietly in a silence that didn't feel welcome. He seemed frustrated, agitated, something clearly on his mind like there was mine. Only I knew he wasn't scared- he was annoyed.

He sharply exhaled another cloud, taking little time to let it disperse before he took another drag. I sighed quietly, unexpectedly grasping his attention, his eyes on mine as he stubbed out the small nub between his two fingers.

"Look, I get that you think last night was a mistake. I ain't stupid." Roger huffed. "But we were hardly that drunk, and I know full well you wanted to."

"I don't regret it Roger... but that doesn't mean it was necessarily right. Think about what would happen if people found out, I mean I would be-"

"Adelynn I told you last night- I like you. And I know just as well as you do that we have to make sure the press don't find out. But I also know that if you wanted this as much as I do... you wouldn't let that fear get in the way." He paused, giving me a brief moment to realise that he was right, annoyingly so. "And you can't deny last night was the best sex of your life."

"It might of been." We both chucked lightly. I kept on replaying his words, realising last night had meant more to him than I'd expected. But I also realised as much as I would've liked to pretend I didn't, I liked Roger. A lot. And I didn't want to have to let whatever we did have in that moment go after only just gaining it.

"But you're right- if anyone catches us we're done."

"Yeah we are. So what's this gonna be Roger ?"

"This..." he paused as that same smirk took to his lips. "This is gonna be amazing casual sex with a hot model who has to pretend she doesn't know what it feels like to kiss me. You're gonna stay single, focus on your work after being dumped by that Tommy bloke, and everyone else is gonna think I'm still happily with my french chick. That way no ones gonna suspect a thing. How does that sound ?"

"You promise you and Dominique are completely over yeah ? Because under no circumstances am I ever gonna be your side piece. If you want this to happen, it's only gonna happen if I'm the only girl in the picture." I watched as he nodded almost too quickly with every word, a slight nervousness hidden in how fast the moment was.

"She's my ex. She's in bloody France for fuck sake, I don't love her or even fucking like her for that matter. We're over. So, do we have an agreement ?"

"I suppose we do."


The morning soon slipped into afternoon, and I found myself in last nights clothes beside Roger in the passenger seat of one of his many cars. He'd agreed to drop me home after the strange morning of discussing our next moves and drinking poorly made back coffee- which he fully took the blame for.

"Thank you for last night. And taking me home. It's been fun." I paused as he smirked. "I told you about that ego Roger- don't let it get bigger."

"I won't I won't !" He replied, guilty holding his hands up just after he parked up outside my house. "It has been fun though Lynn..."

"I'll see you later." I leaned over, kissing his cheek very gently as I opened the car door. I pulled back to see him blush only ever so subtly, my lips instantly stolen by a beaming smile as I stepped out the car.

"I'll call you." He added, smiling slightly just as I shut the door and turned on my heel. The second I knew he couldn't see me, my cheeks flushed red and smile grew brighter, my mind instantly thinking of last night and the future I knew we were gonna have fun sharing.

I grabbed the keys from my bag, hearing his car drive off as I turned the lock and realised the door has already been open- which usually meant a certain friend of mine had taken the opportunity to stop by.

"Connie... if you're gonna use your key atleast lock the door behind you." I laughed. The second I moved I gave her the spare key, which she used when ever she had some free time and decided to happily pop by- and she'd also happily wait until I got home if I wasn't there.

"Shit sorry." She smiled, rushing to the door after flicking off the tv. "I was wondering when you'd show up... I've only been here half an hour and you've had two calls. Where the fuck were you ?"

"Can't say. Who called ?" I asked, hanging my coat up and unzipping the boots I'd been desperate to get out of all morning as her eyebrows temporarily furrowed with confusion, the eyes beneath them noticing my flushed cheeks and smiling lips.

"Well your manger Mel called, she really wants you to take some part in a movie. It's only a small one. I don't get why you won't do it..."

"No way Connie. Not a chance. Look what happened to my mum. I mean... surely you remember when we were younger ? She had everything... and now look at her." I complained, slumping down besides her on the sofa before taking a small bite from the pastry in her hands as she simply nodded.

"And your Dad called... he was wondering when you're gonna visit. Says you didn't see them at Christmas and he misses you." Connie added, a guilty smile pulling at her lips as she flicked the tv back on. I rolled my eyes, falling further back into the sofa when the idea of visiting my dad came to mind, one I wanted to be as far away from my
thoughts as it possibly could be. "Don't worry. I told him you were too busy at the minute."

"Thank you." I mumbled, leaning my head against her shoulder as she ran her hands through my hair. She took another look down at my frame, her eyes wondering up my figure until they found marks red against my neck, which immediately earned me a childish giggle and a playful smile from her.

"Now... would you like to explain to me why you're clearly in last nights clothes and who the person responsible for all of these is ?" I tried to bar away her hand as my cheeks shine red. someone has left your neck ."What's going on Addy ?"

"Look... you can't tell anyone this." I hesitated at first, unsure of wether last night's story was one worth telling, but Connie had been the only person who I could trust for years. She wasn't gonna break that now, even if what I was about to tell her was a little more serious that I liked to think. "I slept with Roger Taylor last night."

"No fucking way !" She exclaimed, her jaw almost touching the floor as I nodded. "Adelynn he's got a girlfriend !"

"No no no he doesn't. They spilt before his last tour. They're not gonna make it public until all the mess has been cleaned up. She's not even in the country. It's all a big jumble at the moment that doesn't need the cameras all other it." The shock slowly dripped away from her expression as she processed each word, nodding with a slight excitement as I laughed with a slight nervousness.

"Jesus... was it a one off or is this a thing ?"

"Well he took me to one of Queen's big parties the other week-"

"You met Freddie !" She cried, cutting me off mid sentence. "Oh my god why didn't you tell me ? Freddie fucking Mercury... do you remember how excited I was when I saw them a couple years ago ?"

"Yeah yeah I know. He was so nice too. But back to my point... I do like Roger. There's something really odd about him that I really do like." It felt wrong saying how much I did admire Roger out loud, but it was only the truth. It was undeniably how I did feel, but that was the layer coating what seemed to be stacks of images, thoughts and feeling all about one drummer I couldn't even tell people I'd known a month.

"But no one knows about you an him ?"

"Yeah. And it's gotta stay that way. So don't tell a soul Connie." She nodded firmly. "So... are you finally gonna explain to me why you're here ?"

"Oh well I needed to do some shopping and thought I'd pop in... and then I realised you weren't here and I was too nosey to leave without knowing where'd you spent the morning." She laughed, falling back against the sofa as I shook my head gently.

"Well you can stay for dinner if you like."

"That would be nice. I wanna hear all those grotty details about Roger Taylor... I wanna know everything." She giggled, blushing as I nudged her playfully. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous."

"God do you remember when we were young and we'd fight over who George Harrison would pick ? We were obsessed with him... and you loved Hendrix too." I laughed. Ever since we were young me and Connie had clicked instantly, sharing more interests than we realised, and despite the fame and fortune, we'd always been close. She'd been one of the only constants in my life, she'd never left before and she variably had a permanent place in my future.

"We both know George would pick me. But you've got Roger Taylor... so no complaining !"

"Ok ok ok ok." I rolled my eyes playfully, deciding to take the opportunity in the small pause to light a cigarette to relief the craving I hadn't managed to feed into since waking up that morning.

"But tell me one thing... was he good ?" She smiled, biting nervously on her bottom lip when she read the expression on my face.

"Connie Wright !"

"Well he claims he's a good lay... he looks like a good lay. And he's had more groupies than anyone else in that band- and he's the drummer ! So tell me he was good..." Connie replied, a subtle pull at her lips she only wore when she knew she'd managed to get what she wanted, which was granted to her by the eye roll she was given when I released a small cloud of smoke and nodded slightly.

"Oh he was... he was very very good. He was actually the best I've ever had."

"Knew it."

An- this was a shorter part ik but I kinda want to show that Adelynn has more than just Roger if that makes sense ? anyways hope it was a decent chapter :)

Thank you all so much for reading, voting and commenting <3

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