
By ohdearenisdc

7K 389 70

You've seen the stories with girls as delicate as a flower Powerful as the president Badass like Rapunzel (... More

A/N and Characters
{2} Laughing on the Inside
{3} Sounds like a Challenge to me
{4} Sorry I Meant Pretty Face
{5} I Guess he's Just a Gentleman

{1} Would you Like to see my ID?

959 57 4
By ohdearenisdc

{One year later}

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Morte!" The announcer calls out, earning a round of applause from the audience.

He raises my arm and I spit out some blood from the stupid tooth my opponent chipped. I glance at the knocked out body, nearly three times my size as I try to catch my breath. When the announcer finally lets my arm down, I step out of the ring and Finland comes up to me quickly, giving me a towel to wipe the blood. He places an arm around my shoulder to lead me away from the crowd.

"The chipped tooth could've been easily avoided." He comments over the shouting of the arena.

"Maybe so, but I wanted to let him get a punch in. The poor guy had no chance." I flash a bloody smile to Finland.

He shakes his head with a sigh.

"You don't always have to let them get a punch in." He says as we walk out of the noisy arena.

"You see, it boosts their confidence I find." I explain, "They get a punch and they get blinded by excitement and they start thinking they have skills they don't have. Their over confidence makes it easy to take them down." 

Finland looks and me in amazement and I continue wiping the blood from my face as we walk down the various hallways of this warehouse.

"That's- that's actually really smart." Finland comments.

"I know, that's why I do it. It's not just out of sympathy." I say, earning a look from Finland. "Okay maybe 90% tactic, 10% sympathy."

"Whatever." He brushes off my words as we get to the locker room. "Here's your cut."

He hands me a stack of cash and I smile at it. 

"How much today?" I ask, sitting on a bench.

"$10 000." He replies.

"Very nice." I nod in approval.

"I'm out of here, I have business." Finland says, glancing at his phone. "You can get home yourself right?"

"Yep." I reply.

"Okay, the next fight is in two days. See you then." With those words, Finland leaves the locker room and I'm left on my own, something I honestly don't mind.

I walk up to the mirror and take in my appearance. My brown hair is a mess and my head is covered in sweat. I have a nice bit of dried blood on my chin and the scar that goes through my eyebrow is quite prominent in this lighting.

I wipe the blood from my chin and rinse my mouth with the water from the sink. I turn around and go to my old duffle bag. I pull out some sweats that I decide to quickly change into for the ride home.

After I change and tuck my money away safely into my duffle, I throw it over my shoulder and make my way out of the warehouse.

"Good fight tonight Morte!" The janitor, Danny calls out to me. 

I look at him sweeping the viewing area and give him a smile.

"Thanks Dan! Have a good one."

I continue walking out of the warehouse and walk to the end of the street. I start walking down the sidewalk, waiting for a taxi to drive past. It doesn't take long before one arrives and I hold out my hand for it. They pull over and I get in the back.

"Where to?" The woman asks me. 

I give her my address and she drives off. I hold my duffle close to me as we drive and stare out of the window. I find myself nearly falling asleep but I don't let myself. 

When we finally arrive at my apartment, I pay her and leave a generous tip. I exit the vehicle and walk up to the entrance. I look over my shoulder, feeling more paranoid than usual. Unsuccessfully brushing it off, I walk quickly inside. I bee line to the elevator and click the button, tapping my foot and looking around the empty lobby as I wait.

The elevator dings and opens, finally letting me enter. I click the button for the 5th floor and lean back against the wall as I wait. relief washes over me as I watch the doors to the elevator close. I still hold my bag close to my body out of paranoia, even though I'm alone. When the elevator arrives at my floor, I have to push myself off the wall out of exhaustion and walk to my door. 

I unlock it and quickly close the door behind me, locking it again using both locks, the deadbolt and the chain. I drop my bag on the floor and walk straight to my bed. I collapse on it and it doesn't take long for me to pass out.


The blinding sun decides to wake me up at the crisp hour of 8a.m. this morning. I groan in my bed and turn to my bedside table to grab my phone. I turn it on and smile a little at the message on the screen.

Happy 1 year champ. Glad to have you on my team.

It's been a year now since Finland found me in the ally. I went to the address on the card and he started my training right away. I stayed at his house until I started making money and was able to afford my own apartment.

According to him, I was a natural at fighting and it didn't take me long to pick up skill. So getting my own apartment didn't take longer than a few months.

I quickly became one of the best fighters in the underground. I'm known as Morte or Death because I could easily kill my opponent, but simply knock them out because I can't bring myself to kill after Hana and Edie. Especially if the person doesn't deserve it. Finland is my sponsor and organizes my fights. He gets a portion of my winnings which I don't mind since people bet high.

I honestly don't know much about his business or his personal life and he doesn't know about mine. We've managed to keep our relationship professional and I'm thankful for it.

Being alone has its perks.

I have no friends, no family, and I honestly don't mind.

Edie and Hana's deaths were deemed suspicious but brushed away by the media quickly. Apparently those pills I used simulate some kind of sickness and the coroners couldn't prove otherwise. Anyways, Hana and Edie weren't well-known or important to society so no one really cares. I'm wanted for questioning, but they can't find me.

Dismissing the past, I send a thanks to Finland and get out of bed. I decide to shower and make my way to the washroom.

I take my time showering and doing my business. The hot water steams up the bathroom and it's basically an at-home spa.

After about a half hour, I finally get out of the shower and get dressed. I leave the bathroom, drop my towel on the bed and decide to make some breakfast.

When I walk into my kitchen, I'm a little startled at the scene in front of me.

A strange man is sitting at my table staring at his phone. I pause and stand there, slightly in shock and he hasn't noticed me.

I simply stare at the man.

He has brown hair, brown eyes and a jawline as sharp as a knife I wish was currently in my reach. What catches my attention the most though are the tattoos he has all over his neck and arms. I think I notice a few piercings as well.

Deciding this man has had enough fun sitting at my table, I clear my throat and he looks up at me, slightly shocked. His shock though, quickly turns to an emotionless face and he puts his phone down.

"Hello." He greets.

So we're just having a casual conversation here?

"Sir, if I may ask, what the actual f*ck are you doing in my house?" I question and his mouth twitches up in a smile.

"I'm here for you." He says casually, leaning back in my chair.

I furrow my eyebrows at his words. I should be scared right about now, but I know I could have this man on his ass in a heartbeat if he were to try something.

"If you're looking for the Morrison's daughter, she's across the hall." I tell him.

Jeni Morrison, my neighbor across the hall likes to have man after man over. I'm not judging, I mean good for her. But sometimes they get confused about which apartment is hers so they knock on my door. It can get pretty irritating. I'm a little surprised at this boy though, he doesn't seem like her type.

"I'm looking for you, Amren." He says, making my stomach flip.

"Alright dude, who the f*ck are you?" I stand up straight and get ready to fight this stranger.

"I'm Odin." He says standing up. He is tall, like 6'3 tall. He definitely sizes me up. "Odin Elwood."



"Odin Elwood, your brother." He repeats.

"I don't think so dude." I chuckle nervously, "Who sent you? Was it Finland? What kind of sick joke is this?"

"No joke Amren. I was sent by our oldest, Aslan. Quite the pain in the ass if you ask me." He says, watching me closely. "And who is Finland.?"

"Look I think you're mistaken here, you have to leave." I tell him firmly, hoping my voice doesn't doesn't come across as nervous as I'm feeling.

"No can do sis, I'm on guard duty. You're wanted and I have to protect you." He says, making me laugh humourlessly.

"Don't call me that and leave before you end up on your ass." I threaten.

Throughout the conversation, he stands on the opposite side of the table and I'm thankful for the space between us.

"Amren I can't leave you alone." He says calmly.

"You're expecting me to let you, a stranger, claiming to be my brother whom I've never heard of stay here, in my house?" I ask.

"When you put it like that, it sounds weird." He scrunches his face.

"Because it is weird." I deadpan.

"Maybe so but look." He starts, "We look very similar, and we have the same last name."

"The looks could be coincidental and how do I know you're not lying about the last name?" I raise my eyebrows.

"How do I make you believe me?" He thinks out loud, then widens his eyes with an idea, "Do you want to see my ID?"

I mean,

This is some sick twisted joke right?

But it couldn't hurt to see the ID.

"Yes." I reply.

He nods and takes his wallet out of his pocket, but when he moves his jacket something shiny catches my eye.

He has a gun.

It was one thing when I thought he was unarmed, but now there is a stranger in my house with a gun.

I'm so dead.

He takes a card out of his wallet and reaches over to hand it to me. I take a few steps forward, grab it from his hand and take a few steps back again.

I glance at him once more before focusing on the ID.

The photo is of him, the tattoos are proof of that. The name is true as well, Odin Elwood. He is 21 years old.

I would be lying if I said he didn't look familiar in a sense.

But I can't just go believing this stranger.

"Look Odin, convincing story and all but you're going to have to skedaddle. I can protect myself and wait-" I draw my attention to my door where the chain is broken off. "Dude did you break my lock?"

"I had to get in one way or another." He shrugs.

"Bro I'm going to have to pay to get that fixed." I whine.

"It's okay sis." He mocks, "You wont need this place, we have a house you are going to be moving into."

"No thanks." I place his ID onto the table for him to take, "Time to go, buh bye."

"No thanks." He mocks, sitting back down at the table.

I roll my eyes and go to fridge. I'm f*cking hungry and this dude is starting to get on my nerves. I grab a few eggs and toast and place them on the counter.

"What are you making?" Odin asks.

"Breakfast." I mumble.

"Can I have some?" He asks, making me look back at him and raise my eyebrows. "What? Aslan made me come here at 6 in the f*cking morning I didn't have time to chef it up before leaving."

I have no idea what to think of this man anymore.

He wants me to make him f*cking breakfast?

My attention shifts from Odin to the front door. The knob turns and I grab the closest knife to me. When it opens, Another boy enters. I aim with one eye and throw the knife at him. 

He freezes and it lands directly beside his head in the wall.

If he had kept moving it would've landed on the target.

He slowly turns his head, looks at the knife and turns to look at Odin and I. Odin's face is surprised and the boy simply raises his eyebrows. He plucks the knife from where it stuck into the wall and twirls it in between his fingers.

"Not the welcome I was expecting but okay." He comments, closing the door behind him.


More chapters coming :) I'm just looking over them all to see if they make sense and all.

Until next time :)

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