Found horse

By StephanieShear

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Going under major editing- Certain things may change. Josephine Williams has had a great life good parents, f... More

falling apart
saying good bye.
Found horse!!
Blue Hill High School!!
Abused and Drake
Meeting Trevor!!
Finding and Fixing Paddock
Beaten By The Bullies!!
Hostpial and meeting Peyton!!
Depressed Angel!!
Chole's party and singing!!
Riding Angel poop war!!!
The Phone Call And Water War!!!!
The Kiss and Saved Twice!!!
He Hit Me!!
The Date!!!!
Forgiving Lucas and Angel gets hurt!!
We never did get the milk or cat food...
Horse Show!!!
Josh and Lucas!!
Dad's Finds out!!!
I've Failed Her!!
We Found Her!
Saving Angel and Midnight!!
I don't care about me as long as Angel is safe!!
Just a Dream?!?
Move On!
Not a Update! Sorry! New Book!
Preview for Found horse Sequel..
Sequel is up!

Please be okay Josie!

275 3 4
By StephanieShear

Chapter 29..

Trevor's POV_ Point Of View before He, Lucas and Nikki found Josie beaten up.

Its been 2 hours since Josie left with Angel to go get the feed and stuff for the horses, I'm getting really worried she said she'd be back by now , What if something happened to her?, What if she's hurt?, Ugh I knew I should have gone with her I don't even understand why she didn't want me to come with her, I mean yeah I understand that she wanted some alone time with Angel but she could of done that anytime, Maybe I'm being selfish but I'm just worried that something is gonna happen to her..especially now since its been 2 hours and she was supposed to be back by now... I just care and love Josie so much I don't want something to happen to her, Lucas and Nikki are still sleeping lazy bones they are..

Right now I'm sitting in the stall with Midnight he was laying down again, we really need to get a vet out to look at his knee's I'm really worried about him, I heard footsteps coming towards the stall I look up hoping it was Josie but was disappointed when I saw it was only Nikki and Lucas, They both had straw and dirt in there hair I'm sure I did too we all did Josie did this morning you know with sleeping in the barn and all,. Nikki's hair was all over the place as Lucas's was just a little messy..

"Hey, Where's Josie I didn't see her or Angel?" Nikki asked I sigh my worry for her coming back not that it really ever left. "She left to go get the rest of the horse feed and hay from the barn, but that was 2 hours ago" I said Lucas raised a eyebrow. "And you let her go by herself?" Lucas asked disbelief in his voice as he rose a eyebrow at me I sigh. "I tried to go with her but she wanted to go by herself just her and Angel" I said sighing and running a hand through my hair, he rolled his eyes chuckling.

"That girl she's something else alright, so independant" I nodded agreeing as a smile tugged at the corner of my lips, she is definely independent, Sudenly we heard a High pitched scream of a horse and not just any horse but Angel's scream, We all looked at eachother and I scrambled to my feet and ran out the stall and down the barn isle, we all ran out of the barn when we were out I saw...

Angel there rearing, tossing her head all around and prancing around, she had her saddle on and her halter and lead, She neighed when she saw us and tossed her head.

"Whoa easy girl easy" I said softly she reared up the whites of her eyes were showing in anxiety or fear, My only question is were is Josie?, What has happened to Josie? "Easy Angel, Its okay girl" I murmured to her trying to get her calm down enough to were I could grab ahold of her lead but she tossed her head and pranced anxious about something. "I think she's trying to tell us something" Nikki said I look over at her and nodded that had crossed my mind to be honest with you. "Yeah but what?" I said in confusion. "Maybe something about Josie??" She said furrowing her eyebrows together deep in thought, yeah maybe it would make sense over how she's acting and Josie missing.

"Angel girl easy" I gently spoke turning my attention back on Angel, she tossed her head trotting forward some down the drive way then stopped turned her head to look back at us and tossed her head as if she was trying to say 'follw me' I think she wanted us to follow her, she reared up and tossed her head more as if she was telling us to hurry and that we didn't have much time???..

"I think she wants us to follow her" I said Angel bobbed her head up and down. "Yeah I think your right Trevor" Lucas said I nodded and went to walk forward and follow Angel but Nikki's voice stopped me. "Wait what about Midnight?" She asked I gave her a confused look. "What about him?" I asked confused we needed to get going cause if Josie was hurt then.... Nikki rolls her eyes at me. "We can't leave him here by himself something could happen, either those guys that had him could come and steal him back or with him being so underweight and injured something health related could happen" She said wow I never thought the Bad girl would be worried about a horse she's been hanging around Josie to much making her go soft, but she is right I can't leave Midnight here all by himself anything could happen.

"Your right someone will have to stay here and I'm going cause if Josie's in danger I need to be there She's my girlfriend" I said, I'm so worried about her. "And I'm going to incase I need to beat someone up and plus Josie is like a little sister to me, Nikki you can stay" Lucas said Nikki glared at him and he shrinked back at her nasty glare he'd be dead if glares could kill people luckily they don't.. "Oh no no and No, I'm going too Josie is like a sister to me and so I'm going, I'll text Peyton to come here and keep a eye on Midnight" She said sassily and angrily at the beginning and back to her normal all around voice at the end, I nodded. "Good that works" I said smiling a little bit to show my gratitude for her sugestion, she nodded whipping her phone out and started to text Peyton I guess..

"Okay Peyton said she will be here in 5 minutes" She said I nodded, just then Angel neighed and reared up as if saying 'Hurry up' I bit onto my lip worried for my Josie. "Okay lets go Now" I said sternly and we all walked up to Angel, she looked at me axiety in her eyes. "Lead the way girl" I said she snorted and started trotting away, we all jogged after her, then she went into the canter and we all had to run to even keep her in our line of sight and it was extermly hard to keep up with a horse that is running just saying but somehow we managed, I was sweating and breathing hard.

20 minutes later Angel ran into the barn not into the actual barn but the property that held the barn I'm sure you knew that though, we ran after her I stopped and put my hands on my knee's to calm my swallow and extremly hard breathing, sweat was dripping from my forhead and hair onto my face and the ground I was sweating head to toe, Lucas was in the same shape as me and he was doing the same as me hands on his knee's and lastly Nikki had her hands on her hips breathing hard and sweating, and looking like she was about to puke, Once my breathing and racing heart had regulated out I stood up and looked around there was a wheelbarrow that was tipped over and the one pile of poop in it was dumped to the ground, I looked around more there was no sign of Josie anywhere, I looked back at Angel who was prancing around.

"Where is she girl?" I asked Angel she snorted half rearing while tossing her head all around, hmm she had to have been taken but by who? and why did they take her, is she okay?, is she hurt? all thses thoughts swimming in my head..

" I think I know where she is" Lucas suddenly speaks I looked up at him with wide and anxious eyes. "Really?, Where?" I asked he cletched his jaw a angry glint in his eyes. "I think her dad took her, and I bet he took her to her house to beat her" He said more like growled out his jaw ticking angrily and his eyes blazing in anger, I cletched my jaw and fist, That man beats his own daughter and then still calls himself a father he is a sick sick person.

"So go get Angel and we will go to her house" He said I nodded and walked over to Angel grabbing her rope she reared. "Whoa easy girl" I said she came back down and I started toi rub circles on her neck like Josie does to calm her but she wouldn't calm down all she wanted was Josie and frankly I did too. " Angel girl we have to go find Josie, You want to find Josie don't you?" I said she snorted and bobbed her head up and down. "Yes me too but you've got calm down and come with us so that we can go find her" I said she snorted and relaxed her muscals. "Good girl we'll find her" I said she snorted and i walked back over to Nikki and Lucas with her walking right beside me, I nodded at them and we started our walk to her house.

5 minutes later we arrived at her house, at first we didn't hear anything, No screams, No yelling it was quiet almost but then a earsplitting scream cut through the air from the house, I looked at Lucas briefly panic and worry in my eyes, I quickly tie Angel up to a post, she looked at me and pranced. "Stay here Angel Okay, I'm going to get Josie" I said in a rush looking up towards the house she snorted but bobbed her head up and down I quickly run up the steps with Nikki and Lucas following at my heels I barge into the house, with Nikki and Lucas the door slamming shut..

I looked around and don't see her in that area of the house so I looked in the kitchen not there either, then I go to the living room and see the most horric sight before me Josie laying on the floor beaten badly, bruises lining her face and probably her stomach, her arms etc, there was blood pooling around her and I looked up to see the source of it a knife was lodge into her stomach, Lucas and I both growl as we see the knife lodged in her stomach, I will kill him for doing this, I hurridly rush over to Josie and bend down in front of her, I noticed how she was breathing really hard and swallow, and releasing pain filled whimpers tears streaked down her perfect face.

I reached out and cupped her cheek she jumped as if she didn't relize I was going to put a hand on her cheek but then she cried out in pain I looked at her in worry as she clutched her stomach were the knife was her hands instanly being covered in blood.

"Are you okay?" I asked she furrowed her eyebrows confusion then panic going through her eyes what was she thinking??, "W..What?" She hoarsly and weakly said which sent a pang of saddness in me I looked at her worried had she not heard me?? "Are you okay?" I repeated it, she weakly shakes her head Lucas comes to stand beside were I was bent down in front of Josie.

"N..No..H..He..Sta..bbed" She gasped out stuttering weakly, I looked down to the Knife Lodged in her stomach noticing how in was deeper than I first thought and blood was soaking through her shirt and was pooling around her.. Anger, Rage and worry were what I felt right now..

"Oh shoot" I said I say that cause I knew we needed to slow the bleeding some how and I needed to do it now, I lift her shirt a little to see and inspect the wound I take a sharp intake of breath as I see exactly how deep the knife is in, I gently push on the side of the wound and she cries out and I quickly take my hand away and kiss her on the forehead. "Don't worry baby we'll get you all fixed up" I whispered then I turned to Nikki with frantic and worry filled eyes. "Nikki call the police and ambulance Now" I sternly said with a urgency in my voice , Nikki who had been frozen in spot by the entrance to the living room with a pale white face, stiffly nods and turns and walks away to go call the police.

I run a hand through my hair and look down at the Knife still lodged in Josie's stommach as her breath came out in labored weak breaths and her face pale as snow.. I then turn to look at Lucas he had a cletched jaw and angry eyes but worry overuled the anger as he looked at Josie.

"Lucas should we take the Knife out or wait till the ambluance get here and let them do it??" I asked fear and panic in my voice, I can't lose Josie we have to do everything we can to help stop the bleeding and to save her till the ambluance get here, Lucas looked thoughtful for a minute thinking over it hard by the look in his eyes I knew he wasn't taking this lightly. "I think we should take it out now if we leave it in there to long and she moves or something it could get even more lodged in her stomach" He said seriously his eyebrows creasing together in worry as he look at Josie with the knife lodged in her stomach, I nodded and turn back to Josie seeing that blood was starting to pool around her, her breathing was weak and labored, and she was really pale to pale.

"I'm going to take it out now okay Baby?" I asked she weakly nodded, it looked like she was having trouble keeping her head straight up her head kept going side to side my guess was that she was getting dizzy, I took a shaky breath and put my hand on the knife my hands were shaking and to be honest I was utterly terrified of having to do this. What if I hurt her?, What if pulling it out makes it worse?, What if I pull it out and something tears or she bleeds to much?, what if.. I shook my head and take my hand off of the Knife I can't do it I won't be able to live with myself if I knew I had hurt her, I thought running a hand through my hair.

"What are you doing Trevor, you need to take the knife out Now" Lucas exclaimed irritated and worried, I look up at Lucas nervous and terified I can't do it I'll hurt her and I won't be able to stand that if that happens. "Lucas I can't do it, You have to do it, I've never done anything like this before, I don't want to hurt her I can't.." I trailed off I was terrfifed and I cant do it, I felt weak saying that but I just don't want to hurt her, Suddenly I felt a hand on mine I look over to see Josie grasping my hand and it look like it took a lot of effort for her to just do that and that thought pained me that my Josie was in so much pain and was so weak..

"" She hoarsly spoke stuttering badly, I think she was really weak and in pain that it was starting to effect her speaking too, I sigh running a hand through my hair Lucas looked at me with a pointed look pretty much saying do it or else, and I do not want to know what the or else is even though Lucas and I are friends and all now he still scares me some cause I know for a fact that he can beat me to a pulp..back to the point though I got to do this but if I hurt Josie I'll never forgive myself ever, I take a deep breath and put my hand back on the Knife. "Y..You..c.can" She stuttered I look over her weak and pale face I had to save her even if that means doing this, I give her a nervous smile this is for you baby girl I thought to myself.

I take a deep shaky breath and slowly and gently I start to pull the knife out, she whimpered in pain I looked at her worried but kept going, I had it halfway out when she screamed in pain I went to stop worried and guilty that I had caused her pain but she shook her head telling me to keep going, so I pulled the Knife the rest of the way out she screamed in pain when it was all the way out I looked at her worridly and guilty that she was in pain, Blood started to gush and pour out of her wound and pool around her, she looked like she had gotten paler and weaker and it look as if she was gonna black out which made me have a mini panic attack in my mind.

Suddenly her eyes slammed closed My eyes widened and then she fell forward and she would have crashed to the ground but I caught her wrapping my arms around her waist not caring that blood was getting on me, her breathing started to slow and that's when I realized she blacked out and the amblance needed to hurry and get here..

"Josie" I yelled shifting her so she was laying across my lap and I postioned her head to lay on my side/stomach area, I brushed the hair out of her face seeing it pale and weak made tears spring to my eyes, I had hurt her I had made her black out I knew I shouln't have done this, I guilty thought. "Josie Please baby girl please, I'm sorry I'm so so sorry" I cried as a few tears escaped my eyes, as I bit my lip looking at her weak state, I need her and this is my fault all of it is..

"Josie please wake up be Okay" I cried brushing a hand through her hair, holding back the tears, Lucas suddenly came over kneeling in front of were I sat with Josie in my lap.

"Trevor its gonna be Okay the ambluance will be here soon, but for right now we need to press something onto that wound" He spoke sternly I take a shaky breath collecting myself and getting myself together I nodded, And I gently hand Josie to him for a moment he takes her gently making sure not to jostle her, I strip out of my shirt and hold my arms out to take Josie back, he looks at her for a moment more looking, angry, guilty and worried before he hands her back to me I take her gently and softly lay her back in my lap, and postion her head in my stomach, I then lift her bloody shirt to just below her chest and take my shirt and press it to her wound, I keep it pressed there as I look at her pale face but almost peaceful kinda..I sigh please be okay Josie.

"This isn't your fault Trevor you know that right?" Lucas spoke I look over at him raising a eyebrow, I knew he was talking about Josie but he was wrong it all is my fault all my fault. "What are you talking about Lucas" I said sighing deciding to play it dumb he rolls his eyes at me. "I mean is that she would have blacked out anyway if you had or hadn't of pulled it out of her stomach"He said I sigh he's probably right about that one but it still doesn't make me feel any less guilty about it. So I just nodded sighing again.

"Look I'm gonna take a look around see if I can find her dad he's probably long gone but I still want to look just incase, I would have looked ealier but i was to worried about Josie" He said turning and walking out, I nodded even though he had already walked out, Just then Nikki comes in running a hand through her hair stressfully, she comes and sits beside me looking at Josie laying in my arms unconscious bleeding, pale and weak..

"She'll be okay Trevor she will" She softly says brushing a strand of hair out of Josie's face, I nod although I think she was trying to convince herself more than me but either way it helps a little she has to be okay. "Where is Lucas?" She asked sighing running a hand through her hair I look up from Josie to look at Nikki. "He went to go see if he could find her dad" I said she nodded but growled lowly when I mentioned her dad If he had stayed I would have beat him to the pulp for doing this to Josie, and if I ever see him again I will beat him till he's just hanging on by a thread I know that's harsh but look what he's done to Josie. Nikki stood up and started to walk to the side door in the living room I gave her a questioning look she sighed.

"I'm gonna go look for Lucas and drag him back here her 'dad' is probably long gone the police can find him" She said and walked out of the door, I sigh and look back down to Josie, Please be Okay Josie.

"Please be Okay Josie please I need you we all need you" I whispered brushing my hand over her pale cheek, she stayed absolutely still, pale, weak and still she was bleeding. "Josie please you have to be Okay" I pleaded with her gently I layed my forhead agaist hers, I sigh lifting my head I planted a kiss on her forhead gently. "Please be okay" I whispered one more time, looking at her weak state just made me even more guilty, sad and angry at myself and at her dad or doing this to her...

a few minutes later..

Suddenly I felt Josie shift then her coughing and wheezing, I looked down at her shocked beyond belief, What the, How did she, What. My thoughts stumbled over each other in my head, How in the world is she even waking up she was out cold unconscious??, this is unbelievable..., I snapped out of my shocked thoughts and looked down at Josie as she fluttered her eyes open, I still looked at her shocked that she was even awake..

"Josie?" I questioned still not believing she was actually awake when there was a pool of her blood around us, and her wound was still bleeding and the shirt I was pressing to the wound was covered in Blood, and she was pale and weak and she was out cold unconscious not even 5 minutes ago.. I snapped out of my shocked thoughts when Josie nodded so weakly.

"Tr..evor" she stuttered out weakly, I nodded telling her it was me, as pain filled my eyes seeing her like this. "It's me baby" I whispered I could tell she was in a lot of pain and as if just keeping her eyes open was painful for her, I knew she was gonna past out again any time now again she was just in to much pain, Guilt ate at me its my fault she's like this.. "I..I.. N..N.. Need.. T..To..tell.. S..some...thing" she whispered/stuttered out weakly her eyes half closed as she breathed deeply and harshly in pain filled pants, I nodded looking at her with worry, love, anger and nervousness in my eyes hoping she couldn't she how nervous I was at what she wanted to to tell me.. "What is it?" I asked, she closed her eyes tightly in pain I'm guessing I could tell she was in a lot of pain as she opened her eyes back up to look at me with half closed eyes her eyes filled with pain.

"" I cut her off seeing were she was going with this and I was by no means going to accept it at all, She is my EVERYTHING and I'm not going to lose her ever.. "Josie no your not going to die your going to make it you are" I said with tears in my eyes at just the thought of losing her, she takes a shaky and pain filled breath and ignores what I just said completely as she starts to stutter words out again..

" happ..ens.. know.. that..I..I .. will..always..l..Love...You"she stutters out weakly as she winces in pain I'm guessing pain filling her head. "I love you too Josie more than you can imagine, but your going to make it I know that you will, you will Josie" I said tears starting to make there way down my cheeks I quickly wipe them away angrily not wanting to show her how incredibly weak and vulnerable I was about this whole situation, then I start to stroke her hair..

Just then her eyes slams closed again and her breathing slowed once again, No no please Josie don't go again stay with me, I thought..

"I love you"she whispered and then she goes limp in my arms passing out cold unconscious once again, her head still laying against my bare stomach as her pain filled face soon turned peaceful pale and weak but peaceful, I continue to press the shirt to her wound as the tears start coming down my cheeks, the pain, the guilt, the anger and the love I felt all coming out in my tears as I looked at my Josie laying unconscious, weak, pale, bleeding, beaten, stabbed and cut up in my arms.. The guilt ate at me like sharp knives it's all my fault.. We're is the darn freaking ambulance??? I thought angrily.

Just then Nikki and Lucas come through the side door talking but when they saw me crying they stopped pain and worry filling there eyes, Nikki opened her mouth to say something but closed her mouth and looked towards the door when we heard ambulance sirens, I looked down at Josie then out the window seeing the police and ambulance flying down the road towards the house, I needed to get her to them before its to late.. I stood up slowly and gently as to not jostle her, I tucked her head into my shoulder and made sure the shirt was securely on her would, and tucked my other arm under her legs then I turned and headed for the front door to meet the ambulance..

"We will fill out the police report and take Angel back to the barn we are at Trevor" Nikki said I nodded grateful for her and Lucas's help and continued to walk towards the door, I walked out the door just as the police and ambulance pulled up I slowly and gently walked down the stairs, just as the ambulance men and woman jumped out and rolled a stretcher to me, I looked down at Josie laying a gentle kiss on her forehead then I layed her gently on the stretcher and the ambulance crew wasted no time in wheeling her in the ambulance vehicle, I sigh looking at them as they hooked her up to IVs and worked on her wound..

"Be okay Josie please" I whispered as they continued to work on her as I watched from the outside.. And just then a man from the ambulance crew came up to me, I looked at him a questioning look on my face..

"Sir would you like to ride in the back of ambulance van with her to the hospital??" He asked I nodded eagerly with out any hesitation or second thought he nodded and told me to go on and get in I jogged to the back of the van and hopped in, and then they shut the doors of the van, I sat in a little stool beside the stretcher thing Josie was laying on hooked up to IVs and other things, as two people worked on her wound and another put a breathing mask on her and the others tended to other thing on her or assisted the ones working on her wound.. I gently took her hand in mine holding tears back as I layed a gentle kiss on the top of her hand and gently stroked her hair as I gazed at her even in her weak state she was the most beautiful girl to me she's the only girl I will ever want for life and I can't lose her...

"Please be okay Josie I need you, I love you so much and I just cant lose you ever Josie please fight please be okay" I whispered as I continued to stroke her hair a couple tears escaped and soon more followed after that letting all my sadness, sorrow, guilt, love, anger and worry out in tears..

We soon arrived at the hospital and they wheeled her out into the hospital and I followed behind but was told to stay in the waiting room I tried to argue and follow but I was still told to wait in the waiting room, So went and I sat down in one of the chairs and put my head in my hands.. Please be okay Josie please..

I sat in the chair with my head in my hands as tears flowed down my cheeks, I felt so guilty this is all my fault if I had just gone with her I shouldn't have took no for a answer I shouldn't have let her go by herself, I knew I shouldn't have let her go by herself I should have told her no that I was going with her no matter what she said, I'm so stupid for letting her go by herself, this is all my freaking fault all of it is...

And the fact that her dad did this to her then ran away not even caring that he left his daughter to die sickens me to no means end, does he have a heart?, did he even feel guilty at all that he beat her and STABBED her??, does he feel any remorse at all for what he has done to her??, I swear if I ever see him again I will beat him till he's dead and I will make sure it's slow and painful, He has done so many horrible things to her like .. 1) he made her move away from her family, friends and home.. 2) he blamed her for her mothers death. 3) he was harsh to her. 4) he abused her.. 5) he called her names that are not at all true.. And last he took away her one true happiness away from her.... Angel he took Angel away from her and sold her to people who beat her and it was by God's grace that we even found her... But this this crossed the line he went to far this time and I swear if I ever see him again it will be the last time he see's life again..

"Trevor?" I heard a voice say to my right snapping me out if my angry thoughts, I snapped my head up seeing Nikki, Lucas, Peyton and Drake... Wait Drake how'd he find out??.. I wiped my tears and sat up straighter..

"Y...yeah?" My voice crackled as I spoke. "How is she?, Any news?" Nikki asked anxiously I shook my head sadness filling me. "I don't know and no no news we just have to wait" I said trying to get my voice strong but failed as it came out low and weak, they nodded and sat down, Peyton and Drake sat beside each other hmm odd.. Peyton was crying wait no more like sobbing but she was trying to control the sobs but failing as they broke through the air, drake opened his arms to her and she jumped into his arms, clinging to his shirt sobbing into his shirt, and he rubbed her back as to calm her down, while whispering things into her ear and hair, it reminded me of all the times that I did that with Josie comforting her being there for her, oh Josie please be okay.. Wait a minute I thought Drake had a girlfriend and here he is with another girl in his lap crying into his chest.. Oh boy..

"She'll be okay Trevor, she's a fighter" Lucas said patting me on the back , I turn to him to see he had tears in his eyes, his lips in a tight line and he had his jaw clenched, I sigh..

"I sure hope she is, I couldn't live if she wasn't okay" I said he nodded as a few tears fell from his eyes. "She'll make it out of this I know she will" he said I nodded, Please be okay Josie, Please be okay for me, for Angel for all of us..


Drake's POV- Point Of View!

I looked down at Peyton in my arms as she sobs into my shirt, she's so beautiful with her blondish brownish straight hair, her green eyes that shined so bright she was beautiful, I know what your thinking I thought you had a girlfriend, but no she broke up with me a couple weeks ago so I'm a free man now.

Now you are probably wondering what is all up with me, cause of how at first I was so caring for Josie but then I started to ignore her and now I'm back to caring for her confusing right?!, Well you see when I first met Josie and we became friends I did like her I thought she was pretty, cute, sweet, and kind and I wanted her as my girlfriend but then Trevor showed up and I could tell that he liked her and she liked him so I backed off, I thought the only way I could get over her and forget about her was to ignore her but it didn't work at all, so then I decided to date other girls in order to get over her that worked for a while till they'd break up with me or I'd break it off with them, my crush on Josie didn't disappear till I met Peyton one day when I ran into her and Josie at the mall one day 2 months ago and I then started to like Peyton but it s different than with Josie with Josie it was just a crush but with Peyton its different it's almost as if I'm falling in love with her which I have never done before so that thought alone scares me, Peyton's just so beautiful, she's kind, smart, hyper, energetic, beautiful, cute, sweet and loving she's everything a guy could ask for and I want her I like her a lot , but I don't think she likes me that way..

After Peyton called me saying Josie was going to the hospital I rushed over Josie is a great friend of mine and I care for her a lot, I knew the day she told her dad abused her I should have gone to the police , I'm so stupid now this happens and we're all questioning whether she will even make it out alive , oh please make it Josie, Trevor would be absolutely crushed if she you know, Peyton would probably go into depression Peyton and Josie are besties and I don't think Peyton would take it well if she didn't make it, Lucas I don't know him very well but I know he cares for Josie like a little sister so I know he'd be devastated, Nikki she would be a wreck from what I've seen Josie and her are like sisters and Nikki would be a absolute wreck, and me I'd be devastated Josie is a amazing friend , she's so caring, sweet, loving, bold , horse crazy and a lot of other things and I'd be devastated if she... If she didn't make it..

I looked down at Peyton to see she had fell asleep on me her face nuzzled into my chest, I smiled and kissed her gently on the forehead.

"She'll be okay, I know she will"I whispered into her ear..


Nikki's POV-Point Of View!

It's been a hour since we got here and there's still been no news on Josie, how she is, if she's okay, nothing not a single word, everyone had tears rolling down there faces including me, Trevor has his head in his hands as he cries he's shaking violently so I can tell he's sobbing, Lucas has tears rolling down his face staring off into space, Peyton has tears rolling down her face as she sits on Drakes lap , Drake had tears rolling down his face as he tries to comfort Peyton and then there's me who is sobbing along with Trevor, Josie is like sister to me and I just can't lose her, if she's not okay I don't think I can handle that I don't think I'll be ok if she's not okay, I can tell Trevor and Lucas are beating themselves up about this, especially Trevor he's been shaking violently and sobbing for a good thirty minutes, I feel so bad for him..

I got up and walked over to him wiping my tears away , I sat beside him.

"Trevor?" I spoke gently laying a hand on his shoulder, he doesn't look up just sobs harder. "Trevor she'll be okay, she's a fighter" I said trying to convince both him and myself, he looks up at me and opens his mouth to say something but instead another sob breaks through, I bring him in for a hug and he sobs into my shoulder his tears hitting my arm and shoulder but I didn't care he needed comfort right now..

"She'll be okay" I whispered. "But..what if.. She's.. Not?" He gasped out in between sobs, I shook my head tears of my own falling again . "No don't think like that, she'll be okay" I said, he took a shaky breath and nodded, he pulled away from our hug and continued to sob into his hands I sigh..

Oh Josie please be okay please..


Lucas's POV-Point Of View!

It's been two hours, and still no news on Josie, nothing absolutely nothing, she could be dying but we don't know, Trevor hasn't stopped crying for these two hours and he's sobbing a lot, he's so broken , devastated, and heartbroken, he won't be able to live if she's not okay, he loves her more than breathing , more than life itself, he loves her more than anything in this world , I feel bad for him, he's really beating himself up about this when he shouldn't it's me who's at blame . I should have turned her dad in the day I walked in on her getting beaten by her so called 'father' but I let myself get talked into making a promise to her not to tell anyone, and that was just plain stupid of me , she was being abused just like Leah I already lost Leah I can't lose Josie too but I may cause I was stupid and didn't turn her dad in when I should have, it's my fault I'm at blame cause I didn't do anything , I let it happen , I let myself make a promise not to tell even though I knew I should turn him in and get Josie out of that house, but no I was stupid and made that dumb freaking promise not to tell I was stupid and it was all my fault.. If she doesn't make it I will never forgive myself.

Please be okay Josie..


Peyton's POV-Point Of View!

It's been 3 hours, and still no word , no news at all, no she's okay, no news of how she is, if she's okay, nothing at all, Trevor fell asleep hugging his knees with tears still leaking from under his eyelids, he is really beating himself up about this a lot, he really loves her, I remember when I was trying to get Josie to realize that she liked him and now look at them there totally madly in love, but now Josie is in the hospital and she may not make it, Trevor would be crushed if that happened, how did I never notice that she was being abused?, I mean all the signs were there, the bruises, long sleeved shirts all the time, always wearing makeup, never ever really wanting me to come over to her house, would never take showers at my house when we had sleepovers, got really tense when I would ask about get dad and really secretive, how could I not have known?, I'm so stupid it was all there, but why didn't she ever tell me?, Why?, ugh, please be okay Josie..

I look up at Drake and he smiles down at me, I bite my lip and turn away blushing and to make matters worse I think I may like Drake.. But he would never like me..

Anyway back to Josie I really hope she's okay I won't be able to stand if she's not okay.. Oh Josie please be okay..!


Get the this chapter to 3 votes, and 3 comments for the update😊

Author's Note!

Hey My Lovely readers, So here's the update I know it was a loooong wait for the update and I am so so sorry I always feel so bad when I don't update for so long I'm so sorry..

But anyway here's the update and it's a really good chapter, so very sad but good I almost cried in this one writing so sad😭. Anyway what do you think of the chapter?, how'd you like Trevor's POV?, And all the other POVS in the end of the chapter??, how about Drake being back and now you know what's all up with him.. Yay! I know this chapter leaves you on kind of a NO NO moment wanting more but I'm gonna try and get the next chapter up sooner at least!😊

Sorry if there's some mistakes in this chapter I wrote have of it on my phone cause my computer has been acting really gay😔so super sorry for the mistakes!

Get the this chapter to 3 votes, and 3 comments for the update😊

Happy readings!!!


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