When the Night Prolonged | Sh...

By shadecount

5.7K 303 2

Twenty-six days... who knew life could change so much in twenty-six days? We have encountered awfully a lot t... More

01 New Administration
02 Words Bleed
03 Come to Blows
04 Tag, You're It
05 Spoiler Alert
06 Demonology
07 Response to Loss
08 Run One's Eye Over
09 Wake of the Fallen
10 Back to Basics
11 In Time of Despair
12 Unstable Factor
13 The Heaven Knows
14 Sticks and Stones
15 Family Drama
16 Secrets of Blood
17 Strike A Match
18 Talk About Taking a Bite Out of Crime
20 Dark Solstice (Izzy)
21 Dark Solstice (Clary)
22 Dark Solstice (Alec)
23 Dark Solstice (Maddie)
24 Dark Solstice (Jace)
25 Hell is with Other People
26 End to an Endless Night

19 Divided, We Fall

153 12 1
By shadecount

Jace had texted me their location. Magnus want me to test out a theory he came up with about the Blood Oath spells which I don't know what because when I left DuMort my mind was so lost, it didn't occur to me to ask why Jace needed me in the first place.

"I'm sorry, you want me to what?"

"Not me, Magnus." Simon stresses.

You have got to be kidding me!

"I can't believe I'm hearing this..." I stammered "...where are they?"

"They went on. I stayed here... Clary's too weak to move." said Simon. I sighed, climbing the top of Simon's van.

"I can't breathe." Clary panted as she looks at me with tears in her eyes. She's lost all feelings in her arms. The spell had reached up her shoulder.

"Just hold on." I was about to test the theory when I gaze at Simon who's looking at us. He stared at me, confusedly "I'm about to cut myself so I could pour my blood on Clary's wound, shouldn't you be like... 20 feet away from me? I don't want to hurt you if you can't control yourself."

"I can handle myself." Simon said with confidence. I then put the knife's blade in my palms and... "You know what, I'm just gonna walk further back there." with that, he speed vamp away but still within eyeshot.

I slide the blade down my palms and let the blood drip into the wounds. Clary and I watched as the wound slowly back out from her shoulder down to her arms, and it stopped to her fingers.

"It worked!" Clary cries, happily.

"It didn't. It's still there."

"Yeah, but you just bought me time." she said hugging me. I smile at her "If you weren't here, it would've been too late."

Well, at least now she can move and her pain was lessen. I took my stele out and trace it to my Iratze rune, my wound immediately closed.

"Simon, you can come back now." I shouted.


I texted Jace and Lei the result of Magnus' theory, it didn't broke the oath but at least it bought us time. I opted on following them but Jace said I should just wait here and watch over the two former mundanes.

I also left Alec a simple message of apology. So far he hasn't return it, yet. I really wonder what our conversation will be as soon as this is over. He left me once... now, he may finally left me for good.

"Clary!" I heard Jace yelled as he and Lei with Madzie approached us. Simon, Clary, and I jumped down from the top of the van.

"Madzie. You're okay." Clary greeted, approaching the little girl and hugged her.

A swirl of red magic swirls around them as the oath was fulfilled. Clary's burned hands soon dissipates completely.

"I told you, didn't I? I couldn't save her without you." Jace commend to Simon.

"Obviously. Thank you for... you know, everything." Simon stammered.

"Aww, that is so sweet, you guys." I teased as they have an uncanny moment. Lei chuckled.

"Zip it." Jace scold.

"Why are you on your shirt? Where's you jacket?" I questioned as I take a good look on Jace. His only on his shirt when he's home, otherwise he always had one on.

"He gave it to a homeless lad in exchanged for Madzie's scarf." Lei informed, crossing his arms across his chest.

"What?? You gave up a $300 leather jacket?" I asked in disbelief. Jace just heavily sighed with sorrow painted on his face "That must've been so painful."

One of the things I know about Jace, he worships his jackets just as much as he worships himself.

"Madzie, what are you doing?" Clary huffed that made four of us shot our gazes at them. A portal was in force behind them

Before we could do something, Madzie quickly swipe the portal that immediately swallow her and Clary.

Jace and Simon yelled trying to stopped them but it all happened so fast.

That little kidnapper. She's brainwashed by Valentine.

"Okay, that is not good. Clary could be anywhere." Simon panics.

"Not anywhere." Lei countered.

"Valentine still needs a bolt of lightning." Jace added.

"You want me to check the five-day forecast for every city in the entire world?" Simon hissed, sarcastically. His phone then beeped "Luke just texted me. Maybe he can do-"

Simon was interrupted when we heard a man screaming. Jace, Lei, and I immediately took out our weapon, griping it tightly as we run to the noise.

Two men snarl at our direction. A Seelie was accompanying a Vampire as he was feeding on mundane before they escape. The guys tried to follow them but they quickly vanished. I crouch down to the mundane to check his pulse and see if he's still alive.

"He's dead." I sighed.

"Dude, that's not normal. Even the worst of Camille's people wouldn't risk attacking a mundane on the street." said Simon.

"Especially not with a Seelie." Lei noted.

"That was a Seelie?" Simon gasped in disbelief "Do you think that's what Luke was talking about? The Downworld revolt?"

"No. No, I recognize that Vamp. He's in Valentine's Zoo ship." Jace informed.

"Why would Valentine have Downworlders attack mundanes? That makes no sense." Simon uttered.

"It must have something to do with Sword." Lei theorized.

Our phones then beeped a danger tone.

"This is happening all over the borough?" I asked, rhetorically, after I read the text.

"I'm gonna call Alec. We need a unit to look for Clary." Jace said, walking away from distance to make a call.

Simon approached me and whispered, "I think I know how to find Clary."



"The initial attacks were in South Brooklyn, so were gonna focus our search there and then move outward. Remember, whatever happens, our priority is to locate Clary." I asserted to the Unit Jace requested to locate Clary.

"Disregard that order." Aldertree refutes as he approaching me and stopping the Unit from heading out "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Stopping Valentine from destroying the Downworld." I stated, moving to stand in front of him.

"And yet from the look of things, it's the Downworld that's trying to destroy us." he contend.

"Look, I don't have time to argue. Either help me, or get out of the way."

This guy is really getting on my nerves. I don't understand her relationship with my girl but I do know he's vile and dangerous.

"Or you'll do what?" he challenged.

"Remember how I said that you were hiding something? Supplying yin fen to a subordinate... an ex-field medic should know better."

He's the one you got Izzy addicted to drugs. I knew he was hiding something. I just didn't think he was this corrupt.

"And you expect anyone to actually believe this ridiculous accusation?" he said, snidely.

"Maybe not. But what do you think Maddison will do if she finds out about your maltreatment on her parabatai?" I emphasizes as he knows how compact parabatai's in protecting each other "Idris loves gossips. And you're one Clave investigation away from treating frostbite on Wrangel Island. From now on, I'm calling the shots. Don't ever threaten my family again." I cautioned, eyeing him down "Now if you don't mind, I need these Shadowhunters to go find Clary."

He glare at me before turning to the Unit "Do as he says."

I smirked, patting his shoulder before I left the Ops Center.



For a guy who just got introduce to this world, Simon planned actually worked. We were able to corner one rogue vampire attacking a mundane.

We gripped our weapons firmly as we enter an abandoned circus where the vamp told us where Valentine is.

"I know this is an abandoned building but it's starting to seem extra-abandoned." Simon commented, nervously.

"Pan out. Cover as much as you can." Jace ordered.



I grunt as I pull the chain on the floor with my bare hands. Valentine took my stele and my weapon. I signed in defeat thinking of a way to break the chain but then I heard footsteps running towards me.

"Jace! Maddie!" I called.

"Clary." Jace exhaust as they both run to me.

"Where's Valentine?" Maddie questioned.

"I don't know. All the Circle members just left in a hurry."

"Okay, don't move." Jace warns before he cut the chain, breaking me free.

"We have to get out of here before-" I starts.

"Going someplace?" Valentine interrupt approaching us holding Madzie's hands. Jace and Maddie where about to attack him when Madzie use her magic, freezing them both.

"I didn't think so." Valentine mocked "She's strong for her age, isn't she?"

"Madzie. Hey, please... please let them go." I plead, kneeling to level Madzie's height.

"Now why would she do that?" Valentine asked.

"Because you want to hurt people. People like Iris." I said, reasoning to Madzie.

"Don't forget..." Valentine kneeled beside Madzie "...they are the mean person that got your Nana in trouble in the first place. Now, if you want to see Iris, you have to be a good little girl and do exactly what I say, okay?"

Simon took Valentine by surprised when he speed up behind Valentine and land a punch in his face.

"Clary, run!" Simon shout before Valentine fought him and put him into a headlock.

"Brave and stupid." Valentine derided "Sweetheart, let the man go and bring the girl with us. It's time to go." Valentine ordered, making Madzie let go of Jace "I'll see you soon, Clarissa."

Madzie made a portal pulling Maddie and Simon along with them.

"No!" I yelled trying to follow them but portal vanished as soon as they enter it.

What the hell?

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