Second Chances

By greggerguy

2.5K 389 1.4K

Small town girl, Madison Taylor, lands her dream job at a boutique Manhattan marketing/branding firm and is r... More

Christmas Break (Up)
There's No Place Like Home For the Holidays.
Life in the Fast Lane
I Won't Be Home For Christmas.
Deck the Halls
10 Lords A'Leaping, 9 Ladies Dancing
It's Christmastime In The City
'Tis The Damn Season
Come Fly With Me
Get Me To The Plane On Time
The Royal Treatment
A Whole New World
Unfinished Business
You Look Perfect Tonight
But She's Dancing With Another Man
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.
O, Tannenbaum
It Doesn't Really Feel Like Christmas At All.
I'm Literally Going To Go Home And Just Die.
'Twas The Night Before Christmas
Soon It Will Be Christmas Day.
The End of the Road.
Jingle Bell Rock(s)
Santa Claus Is Coming To (China) Town.
Merry Christmas To All And To All A Good Night.

The Very Next Day You Gave It Away.

73 13 65
By greggerguy

Saturday afternoon, Maddy peered out the car window as her Uber approached the Christmas tree lot. "Right here's fine," she said, tugging her pom hat lower on her forehead.

George stood on the sidewalk dressed in a long topcoat, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, obviously cold.

She climbed out of the car and was nearly on top of him before he recognized her. 


"It's me," she said.

"I see you're rockin' the Oompa Loompa look."

"That's not really the look I was going for. I'm wearing thermals, leggings, jeans, two sweaters, and this old down jacket." She took a step back, her brow furrowed. "What are you wearing?"

"I'm wearing a coat."

"That looks like a super expensive coat."

"It wasn't cheap."

"You've seen Christmas trees before, right? I mean up close?"

He shrugged.

"Trees are dirty. They live outside in forests or on tree farms and they grow right out of the ground."

He turned, looking over his shoulder with disapproval at the mobs of shoppers packing the lot.

"Fresh trees are sticky, too," she said. "You know, tree sap and all that."

"What's your point?"

"We don't wear our designer clothes to a Christmas tree lot."

"You obviously don't."

"I'm obviously not freezing. You are."

"This is your idea of fun?" George asked, rubbing his red nose with a gloved hand.

Maddy inhaled deeply. "It smells like Christmas. Don't you smell that?"

"It smells like New York to me."

"Come on. Let's go buy a tree."

He pointed to a cut tree leaning on a wooden rack nearby. "That one looks good. Let's get that one."

"That's a blue spruce. Spruce trees tend to have sharp needles."


"You'll get stabbed a million times when you're stringing the lights and hanging ornaments."

"I'm not gonna decorate it. You wanna do it?"

"Awesome. I'll do it."

"Then you pick the tree."

She grabbed his hand and started down the first aisle. "What we're looking for is a Frasier fir. A nice soft, Frasier fir. Probably about nine to ten feet tall."

"Okay. Let's buy it and get out of here."

"You're kind of ruining the fun."

"How about you be in charge of the fun here and I'll be in charge of the fun when we get back to my place?"

She rolled her eyes.


George lit the fire in the fireplace, tossed his coat on the leather chair, then started toward the kitchen. "Sorry. No hot chocolate. Would you prefer coffee or tea?"

Unzipping her jacket, Maddy replied, "Coffee, please."

"Two coffees coming right up."

A storm of static electricity crackled when she pulled off her knit hat, followed by the removal of her bulky sweater over her head. She did her best to tame her hair but due to the static charge, it was nearly impossible. Her head looked like a dandelion puffball. She licked her palms and ran them over her hair, then tugged at her ponytail while tightening her hair tie.

"So where are you gonna put your tree?" she asked.

He glanced over his shoulder. "I'll have them set it up over there by that window. What do you think?"

"Yeah, that works."

He watched her wriggle out of her jeans. "You're beginning to look more like the sleeker version of the girl I know."

She stood by the fire, several layers of clothes at her feet, dressed only in her thermal shirt and leggings. "It's all about layering," she said.

"And what's under the layering." He approached carrying two mugs of coffee, which he set on the table. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "They said the tree would be delivered around three," he said between kisses. "What would you like to do in the meantime?"

"Maybe bake some Christmas cookies?"

He nibbled her neck. "You, Madison Taylor, are one-of-a-kind."


"Look! Look!" Haley pointed. That table back there. They're leaving. Come on!"

Maddy followed her friend to the table through the buzzing cocktail bar. The Saturday evening crowd was definitely business class, comprised of Wall Streeters with thousand-dollar wardrobes and pretty young escorts wearing diamonds and silk.

"It's our lucky night," said Haley, claiming the table.

Maddy removed her coat and hung it on the back of the chair beside her, admiring the holiday decorations in the upscale cocktail lounge. "Someday I hope to be so successful that I can walk into a place like this and not be terrified to look at the prices on the menu."

"It's Christmas," Haley said, settling back into her seat. "Live a little. We deserve it."

A handsome waiter appeared wearing a broad smile. "Good evening, ladies. The gentlemen in the booth over there would like to buy you a round of drinks."

Two prosperous-looking men in suits smiled in their direction. Maddy waved and mouthed, "Thank you."

"Our specialty cocktails this evening are a spirited ginger-spiced rum punch and the Tribeca rye cooler."

"I'm suddenly in a spirited ginger-spiced rum punch mood," said Maddy.

Haley added, "I'll have the cooler."

"Very good." He faded into the crowd.

"So?" Haley asked.

Maddy sighed like a high schooler enraptured with her first crush. "Everything's been moving so fast with George."

"Fast is good," said Haley. "Most of the time. Well, except for... you know."

"I kind of get the feeling that at any moment he's going to pop the question."

"Are you ready to pop the answer?"

"Mrs. Madison Spiros. It does have a nice ring to it."

"Hey, listen. When it's wedding planning time, I'm your girl." Haley pulled her phone from her bag. "Look what I did for my cousin, Chloe."

She showed photos of a beautifully decorated wedding venue.

"Wow! You seriously did this? These centerpieces are super cute."

"Her so-called wedding planner's 'concepts' were so blah." Haley swiped to another photo. "Check out this cake stand."

"Awesome," said Maddy. "How'd you make that?"

"Sorcery. Plus, I saved Chloe a ton of money."

"So, why don't you start your own wedding planner business?"

"I know, right? Why should The Pitbull reap the benefits of my awesomeness?"

Maddy nodded. "So, what's going on with you and Sully?"

"We went out. It was kinda nice."

"Do tell."

"Maybe it's the holiday sentimental feels. But it's nice to have someone to cuddle up with."

Maddy sighed.

Haley's face went pale. She reached for her coat. "We need to go. Like right now."

"What? Why? We didn't even get our drinks."

"For your own good, Maddy, please don't turn around."

Of course Maddy turned around.

At the bar, she saw George. In his arms was a long-legged, busty blonde in a skimpy dress.

"Come on," said Haley. "Let's go."

Maddy bolted from her chair.

"Maddy, don't!" Haley hollered in futility.

Maddy shoved her way through the crowd to the bar, growing progressively angrier with each long stride. She watched George and the blonde kiss. And kiss again. The blonde slid her hand up his thigh, her ample boobs nearly spilling out of her low-cut dress.

"George!" Maddy growled, her voice thick with rage.

When he turned abruptly, his companion lost her balance, toppling to the floor.

Maddy gritted her teeth. "Aren't you gonna introduce me to your mom? Or is this your sister?"

George, red-faced, helped the blonde to her feet.

Maddy said, "Luckily, her boobs broke her fall."

The woman shot Maddy a dirty look.

Maddy stormed off toward Haley.

George called after her. "Maddy, wait."

She continued her path to the exit.

"I'll call you!" he said.

"I got a new number. It's 1-800 go screw yourself."

Bystanders laughed. Maddy grabbed her purse and coat, striding for the door. Haley trailed, shooting dagger eyes at George.


Out in the frigid air, Haley comforted her devastated friend. Shoppers rushed by on the sidewalk clutching holiday packages.

Maddy wiped her mascara-streaked cheeks with the back of her mitten. "Perfect. Just in time for my Mom and Dad to visit."

"Aw, Maddy. I'm so sorry."

"My mom can't wait to meet the guy I've been gushing about. Oh, God." Tears streamed from her eyes.

"She's your mom. She'll understand."

"I'm such a gullible little country bumpkin who got played by the New York City cock-of-the-walk."

"You're not a country bumpkin," Haley said. "Although that cock-of-the-walk thing did sound a little bumpkin-ish."

Maddy's phone rang. She didn't answer. Through gritted teeth, she growled, "Just die, you cheating devil!"

An elderly couple passing by recoiled. 

Embarrassed, Haley forced a cheerful smile. "Merry Christmas."

"It's like they say." Maddy sniffled. "Not all men are jerks. Some are dead."

Haley shrugged.

"What an awesome Christmas this is gonna be," Maddy whimpered. "Mom and Dad sitting around my apartment feeling sorry for me. That is if they can climb all those stairs."

"It's gonna be okay, lady."

"I can't even get a Christmas tree up eight flights."

"Those little Charlie Brown trees are cute."

Maddy's phone rang again. Identifying the caller as George, Haley yanked Maddy's phone from her hand.

"Let's turn this off for a while."

Maddy trudged along, head down.

"Hey, look," said Haley, her voice rising an octave. "There's a holiday market up there on the right. I'll bet they have cute little–"

Maddy wiped her runny nose and mumbled, "I shouldn't be any place where there are people right now. I'm going home and maybe jump off the roof of my apartment building."

Haley grabbed her arm. "Okay. That was a little dark.

"I'll be fine. I just need some alone time to process."

"Well, if you change your mind and you want some company..."

Maddy sniffled then said, "See you on Monday."

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