My Omega

By Fawkes_0520

682K 30.1K 1.6K

Taehyung is an Omega who lives in woods along with his nephew after losing his family in an accident, more li... More

Chapter-16 🔥
Wolf's Introduction
Chapter-46 : Epilogue
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter-2
!! NEW BOOK !!
!! NEW BOOK !!


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By Fawkes_0520

The next day, When Mira entered the garden with coffee the whole was lifeless, once the flowers that shined in the sunshine facing the sky are now lifeless as the whole happiness is drained out of them, she gasped and went to each and every plant they are all same. The trees are naked as the leaves are on the floor dried

She hurriedly went inside and woke Soo Hyung "Honey wake up" he groaned "Yeah wake up this is important" she shook him in the attempt of waking him up, still he didn't budged so she shouted, since the rooms are soundproof no one can hear "JEON SOO HYUN WAKE UP" he flinched and slipped from the bed and groaned in pain

She dragged him to the garden and pointed towards it, he sleepily looked at it and then his wife's and then at garden his eye's widen "What happened to the garden ?" he asked, "I-I don't know, let's call hobi, he might know" she said while Soo Hyun agreed to her "Did you saw the flowers inside the house ?" he asked "No, let's go check them" she walked into house

When she entered living room she gasped even the flowers in the house are in the "Just call hoseok" Soo hyun said from the back "But we're going to parks today" she said, he hummed "Wake the kids up, call Jungkook and also hoseok" he said and left

She first informed Jungkook who said he will come with Jimin and Yoongi as the alpha stayed the night there, she also called hoseok but the male was still out of reach, she tried to link him but he was still out of reach, she gave up and went to the omega's room to wake them up

She knocked on the door and opened it, she found the scene beautiful and clicked a photo immediately she went to them and woke them, the first one to woke up was Minjae she observed the puffy cheeks and red eyes indicating he cried, the other just whined and squirm mumbling 5 mins but Taehyung woke after realizing where he was, she observed that Taehyung was also in the same state as Minjun

Everybody in the family knows about Taehyung's original rank that he is Pure Blood and also the change in the hair color, she frowned when something hit her but she kept the thought aside "Get ready babies we are going to Red Moon Pack after Breakfast" she left after informing them, Taehyung was already informed about this by Jungkook

The three came down after a good 1hr as the three has to get ready since it's a big task to wake up Minjun as the boy is getting more of a brat now a days. The three already found Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi  

Taehyung sat beside his who pecked his lips immediately making the omega shy, "I missed you" Jungkook said while pushing the strand of hair behind the ear "I missed you too koo" Taehyung mumbled in a shy tone making the True blood coo at him internally

They all finished their breakfasts now they all are in the car, everyone except the omega's and the kid everyone are nervous on what's gonna happen next, the three has no idea, it's a lot for both the omega's

Minjae was 5 year old when the whole war incident took place on his pack, he doesn't remember anything properly but the fact that his parents asked him to run along with his baby brother to protect themselves. He didn't remember his parents face neither the pack name.

Just some flashed with blurry faces and voices about the days he spend their with his parents and also the love of his parents towards him. He still remember the day Taehyung was born. The omega was all over the moon to see his baby brother.

But the happiness not lasted as the war took place and god know where he ran along with a baby drapped over a white cloth. They finally reached the pack. Taehyung can feel the nervousness of his mate, he doesn't the reason but he reached his mates hand and squeezed who return him a small smile

Everyone are at the door while Baekhyun stilled in his spot blinking his eyes that are threatening to fall, he gained his posture when Chanyeol squeezed his hand giving him a slight nod, he smiled at them and went to greet them

To Taehyung doesn't know why but he felt strange inside but that's a good one though, his eyes then landed on Baekhyun who is looking at his husband blinking his eyes, he felt his eyes become blurred so he quickly wiped his tears, it is also same with Minjun the boy eyes are getting teary he don't know what going on

Taehyung didn't realized when Baekhyun came , "Umm Hello Taehyung" Baekhyun greeted his with a smile and opened his arms for a Hug like he did with everyone, "H-Hello" Taehyung greeted him and returned the Hug, to say he felt warm a motherly feeling, it's different . He felt Baekhyun tightened the hug and heard a sniffle

Soon they both pulled back from the hug, Tae gave little smile he can see the tears in the elder eyes, "Let's sit inside" Chanyeol said gaining everyone attention, they all are now sitting in the living, which is enough for everyone

Jungkook was sitting beside Taehyung who sat beside Minjae with Minjun on his lap, they did talked sometime most of the time it was Baekhyun glancing at both Minjae and Minjun

"Don't you have children ?" Taehyung suddenly blurted out, everyone are silent, he cursed himself thinking it was sensitive topic, he panicked "I-I a-am sorry Alpha and Luna" he bowed in shame, he even don't know how it was slipped out of his mouth "No No son it's okay, don't need to apologize" Baekhyun was quick to react

"I have two sons and both are omega" Baekhyun started "I-I lost them years ago in a pack war" his eyes started to get wet "One is 5 years, while the other is 6 months baby" a gasp was left from Minjae, "B-But I found them after all these years" he then slowly got up from his place and crouched down infront of the omega's. Both observing each step of Baekhyun

He took both of their hands, Taehyung looked at him confused while Minjae was a crying mess tears not stopping from his eyes, lips wobbling "I-I f-found t-them" Baekhyun said again this time tears rolled down his cheeks, finally then it Taehyung as his eyes got wet he looked at Jungkook who nod his head with a small smile

He then turned his attention to Minjae who also nodded his head smiling through tears, Taehyung lips wobbled tears started to flow through his red cheeks a sob left his lips and cried like a kid. Since his childhood Minjae always told the stories that he remembered though they were only little he came to know that his birth parents loved them both alot and Minjae also told the reason, why they got lost

He did liked Mr and Mrs. Kim hell he loved them, since his childhood they were his parents they already told him the truth knowing one day somehow the truth will come out. The love he had towards them just increased he did hoped that his birth parents are alive and did had thought about them sometimes.

Baekhyun pulled him into a hug also Minjae who was crying while Jimin took Minjun who was also crying because both eomma and papa are crying. Chanyeol came towards them and sat beside Baekhyun hugged the three as the Jeons are looking at them with a smile while Mira was crying at the reunion

Soon everyone are settled after a long crying session as Taehyung and Minjae are sitting Between Baekhyun and Chanyeol who are them tightly from the side "I never thought I will find you, I-I searched you everywhere, b-but couldn't find you" Baekhyun said still sniffing "D-Don't w-worry you won't lost us again e-eomma and a-appa" Taehyung said with a small smile while 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol couldn't believe their ears "Y-yeah e-eomma, appa" Minjun sniffed "I-I might t-take t-time for us to be n-normal b-but w-we won't leave you again" Taehyung said while the parks nodded understanding

Minjun at first feared to go towards them but then again he warmed up around them, the whole time Baekhyun kept Taehyung and Minjun with him by his side while Jungkook was sulking, "Can you both stay here along with Minjun tonight ?" Baekhyun asked in a low voice enough to hear

Both Taehyung and Minjae nodded even though Jungkook was whining in the link which Taehyung thought cute "Then I can also stay here right ?" Jungkook asked but got a glare from Baekhyun "Uncle Baeckiee my mate with you all day" he whined "But he is with you all the time Jungkook "Chanyeol exclaimed while others are laughing "But thank you son if he isn't your mate we couldn't have met them" Chanyeol thanked him "yes Jungkook-ah Thanks" Baekhyun said "No uncle please there is nothing I did, but all thanks to you for giving birth to him  as I feel very lucky to him as my mate" Jungkook said making the omega shy

"But we have things to discuss" Baekhyun said in a serious tone while everyone nodded except Taehyung  whose head is turning on what coming next 


Hey lovlies,

Not a bad reunion after all...

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