| Soda Cans | Saiouma/Oumasa...

By kokichis_grape_fanta

42 3 9

Shuichi Saihara is a well known detective in Tokyo, Japan. He's given the task of tracking down and capturing... More

Update :)

(( Chapter 1 )) Uncovering Criminals

36 2 9
By kokichis_grape_fanta

Art Credits : @kokichi_grape_panta (aka. Monica) ]

[ Reading Time : ]


((Shuichi's POV: ))

My name is Shuichi Saihara, I am well known across the whole of Japan for being a sucessful kid from the Saihara family.

We live in a world where everyone is judged based on their 'level'. Before I continue I will explain what a 'level' is.

Levels are decided by the government, the higher the level the more likely you are to get exepted into jobs, become famous and gain popularity, meaning people will like you and you will live an easy, carefree life. There are 5 levels labeled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, I am a level 4, meaning life has been quite easy for me, but that dose'nt stop me from wanting to become a famous detective.

You are given your level at the age of five, you either inherit a level from your parents or in the rarest cases you are born with a high level, when your parents are a low level. Sometimes parents pay lots of money to make sure their child gets a high level. I was born with a high level after my parents, it runs in our family. So if I ever decide to have a child its likely they will have a 4 or 5 level rating.

Not that i'm planning on having a child!!

(( Time Skip (All the characters are not in school anymore, they are in university) : ))

I was in my office in the down town police station, I train there as a detective. Since I have such a high ranking and i'm quite a skilled detective,( thats what my boss says anyway, i'm not petty) I have my own office already and i'm almost an official detective.

My bosses name was 'Kyoko Kirigiri', I have admired her as a detective since I was a child, she is a 5 level, beyond capable of anything anyone else here could do as a detective. In fact she has the role of the Cheif Detective, after her father who actually started the place. 'Jin Kirigir', results say he died in a car crash, but Kirigiri has the job of finding out what actually happened to him, I hope all goes well.

Anyways, back to about me. So I was sitting in my office chair, the fan was in the corner of my office, since it was the middle of a scorching hot summer. I had my laptop with police files ontop of my desk facing me, with a stack of important cases I had to file. They were Kirigiri's cases, and since I was her assistant I had the role of filing them, because I was trustworthy and responsible.

I was curious and got a bit bored, so I started reading the names of the criminals because just reading them couldn't hurt right? I started to flip through the papers lined with words as I slipped them into different files, sepparating them into different catergories. 'Rantaro Amami' ... Reported for 'Dealing Illeagal Drugs and Substances', Wait I think I remember that name from highschool, I look at the photo and that was him, huh? I wonder what everyone else turned out to do... I thought to myself.

I continued to look through the files, 'Nagito Komeada', 'Junko Enoshima', 'Haji Towa', 'Kokichi Ouma', I look at his photo... he's actually really pretty.. WAIT WHAT DID I JUST THINK HE'S A CRIMINAL!!!!, WHAT THE HELL SHUICHI!!. Did I seriously just think that? I take that all back.

I skim through his profile like the others,

'Kokichi Ouma......................................................... ........................................................................................................... ................organisation.........DICE.................10 members............

This Organisation has resulted in robberies, kidnappings, theft, graffiti, city damage, break ins, escaping prison and numeral other crimes, the organization has a no harm or killing policy, from what has been discovered................................................................

..................................................................................................................................... ...........................3 level 3...................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................

At that point I tuned out, the rest was just markings and crime details that I needent know, but I wanted to find out more. I took a mental screen shot before filing his name in the 'red file' coded red meaning organizations.

After a couple of hours I had finished filing all the criminals, gosh, there is a lot of bad people in our world today. I piled all the folders that the papers were in on top of each other in a neat stack, infront of me before stretching my arms and legs, and turning off my desktop computer. I span around on my office chair, proud of all the work I had done, hoping Kirigiri would think I had done well.

I grabbed the pile in my arms, almost collapsing due to how heavy it was, after a minute of stuggles and efforts, I managed to pick up the folders that piled up tall enough to reach my nose, allowing me to just see where I was going over the top of the files.

I walked across from my small office, passing lots of other workers on the way to Kirigir's lab, I made sure not to disturb the detectives who were working or on meetings with other detectives all over the world. I finally made it to the two brown doors with golden handles. I couldn't knock because of all the files in my hands, so I managed to turn enough to get my elbow to knock on the door. I tapped three times before hearing two people talking inside.

"Ok, thank you Makoto"

"Oh, Kirigiri I think there is someone who wants to see you," A masculine voice exclaims,

"I told you to call me Kyoko, and have a nice day" My boss says from the other side of the door,

"You too, Kyoko" The person says,


Kirigiri and this guy called Makoto Naegi, are actually dating, they have been dating for a couple of weeks. I found out one day when I came to pick up some documents from Kirigiri's office, the door was left open so I walked through to see Kirigiri kissing Naegi, once they saw me standing there Kirigiri instantly pushed Naegi away leaving both of them blushing from head to toe. Not knowing what to say I just stood there with a suprised expresion on my face. Kirigiri finally decided to speak up,

"U-um, S-shuichi, heh um" She said in a tone that was abnormal for her,

"Okkkkkk..." I said trying to break the everlasting silence,

Then she explained to me how her and Naegi got together,

/End of flashback/

My thoughts are interrupted by a pair of footsteps gradually getting louder and closer to the door. Finally the door opened and there stood a man with messy brown hair and a stocky ahegao, he looked very plain with his grey jumper and his black sweatpants, it's actually very hard to imagine Kirigiri liking someone this plain.

"Oh um, Shuichi hey, you can go in now" He greeted me stepping out of the way while holding the door open for me,

"Thanks!" I said my voice slightly muffled due to the folders blocking my mouth,

I quickly entered the room allowing the door to shut behind me, there I saw Kirigiri sitting behind her desk on a velvet black chair, holding a pen in one hand leaving her other free.

She was blushing a little bit, but that expression was quickly replaced by her usual calm one.

"Ah, shuichi thank you for filing those, there's a chair over there you can place them on" she told me motioning her free hand towards a chair propt against the side of a wall,

"No problem" I told her before walking towards the chair that I could barely see, and placing the tall stack of folders and files on top of it,

"If you would like you can go now" she told me a small smile on her pale face,

"Oh, um before I go I wanted to ask you about a case" I told her slowly edging towards her desk,

She nodded signaling for me to continue,

"So, as I was filing I had a slight look through the cases.." I started

"I saw this one criminal, 'Kokichi Ouma' and I..." I told her before she cut me of saying,

"Ah, Ouma huh? Yes he is one criminal we have been wanting to catch for a while, some cops have mistaken him for a kid due to his childish looks" Kirigiri told me,

"Actually, now that you bring him up.. we have been needing someone to help arrest him, since lots of people have gone of to other jobs" she started pausing shortly for a break,

"Since you are such a skilled, high level detective, how would you like to help on this case, you would be a great help?" She asked me hopefully,

This is great, actually no this is even better than I expected it to be.

"I would be honored!" I exclaimed, happy since this would be my first ever real case,

"Well then, since your so exited.. why don't we get you started tomorrow morning. 7:30am on the dot tomorrow" she told me,

"I'll see you then!" I told her, skipping out on my way to the door,

((Timeskip to tomorrow morning : ))

I was all ready for the morning, my suit was ironed neatly, my hair was neat and my hat was on my head. I checked around to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything before locking all my doors and windows abd leaving the house.

I drove to my work while listening to mcr ( hc) .

Finally I reached the building that was my work. I turned off my Playlist and hopped out of the car, I closed the door and locked it, I went around my car multiple times, checking that the doors were locked and the windows were sealed shut, then I checked the time it was 7:26, four minutes until 7:30. I headed into the building with my key and closed the door behind me. Yesterday Kirigiri had given me instructions on where to go, I had written them down on the scrap piece of paper that I placed in my pocket, so I dug through my pocket abd pulled out the crumpled price of paper.

I followed the directions, a turn to my left from the entrance, through the door, up the wooden staircase, through the big doors, once your through the doors look for the room labeled 'd', knock twice and say that kirigiri sent you, they should let you in.

After completing all those instructions, I reached a door labeled 'd' abd knocked twice. A few seconds after the door opened to reveal a man, not looking much older than me, he had purple spiky hair, swept to the side in a weird hairstyle, he also had a small goatee and a smile on his face.

"Hey pal, are you saihara?" He asked pumping his fists together keeping a smile on his face,

"Um, yes I am, Kirigiri sent me" I told him,

"Alrightly, come in!" He said warmly, motioning me to come in with his hand,

I hesitantly stepped into the room, It was like a conference room, in the middle was a long table with seats on either side, at the table were 3 other detectives there, the wallpaper looked like it hadn't been redon in years staying a dark shade of grey, the flooring was the same but a white colour instead. On one wall were some pictures and achievement awards, on the other was a cord board with pictures of Kokichi and what I assumed was his organization.

"Oh, how silly of me I forgot to tell you my name" the guy told me rubbing the back of his head while standing infront of me,

"I'm Kaito, nice to meet you!" Kaito exclaimed,

"Oh!, and this is 'Celestia' , 'Hajime' and 'Kaede'! " Kaito told me pointing the the detectives induvidualy as he spoke,

I nod and wave greeting all of the detectives politely.

Kaito shows me to a spare chair next to this woman called 'Lunenburg'. I willingly sit down, exited to start this case.

"So.. about Ouma" Kaito starts,

"Ludenberg, did you leave the note?" Kaito asks,

"Yes, the note is there, he should be meeting us at 9:30 tonight" The woman next to me says,

"Ok, so Sidekick, can I call you sidekick? Anyways tonight we are meeting ouma in ******** avenue, down an alleyway, it should be dark enough for us to arrest him without knowing there!" Kaito explains in an exited tone,

As he tells me those details, I write them down on a notepad kirigiri gave me for situations like this.

After that we just talk about kokichi and they explain further information about him to me. ( im sorry, I'm tired and I'm losing motivation already 😔)

((Timeskip to night time :  ))

It was a few minutes before the time I was supposed to meet Kaito, I was wearing the same clothes as usual as well as a pair of handcuffs Kaito had given to me, just incase I found kokichi somewhere. I was the first to arrive, Hajime arrived shortly after me and kaede and Kaito after that. Celestia showed up a few minutes late due to some 'errands' she had to run.

Once we were all there, Kaito explained the plan to us once again. We all split up into different directions, with Kaito going to the spot kokichi was supposed to come to. I was stationed at the entrance of  one of the many paths leading to the main alleyway kokichi was supposed to be in. All the other detectives were standing in the other places kokichi might escape from.

I was standing still, my eyes on alert, looking around me to make sure I didn't miss any movements. I had my handcuffs placed securely in my left pocket, with both my hands free.  Kaito was on the other side of the wall, meaning I couldn't see him. After a few minutes, I heard footsteps come into the area Kaito was in. My heart was beating non-stop from the thrill of just being here.

I heard some talking coming from Kaito and kokichi before a figure started chasing towards me, it wasn't Kaitos so it must be kokichis. I dashed towards kokichi, only to be met by a wall due to kokichi jumping over top of my head onto the roof. But that didn't stop me, I jumped ontop of the roof after him making sure I didn't fall on the way.

I finally caught up with him, he was cornered on top of the roof. I slowly approached him, would he chose jailer death?

"So, what are you gonna chose?" I asked him sternly,

"I don't know Mr. Detective? What will I chose~" he said seductively,

I ignored the way he said those words abd approached the figure cautiously, I lunged towards him quickly.

"Guess I chose death~" That was the last thing he said before falling backwards off the roof,

I gasped at the sudden action, but knowing he was dead I walked back to tell everyone the good news.

Once I had reached everyone else they asked me what happened. I told them the whole story of how kokichi jumped back of the roof and how crazy the chase was. They believed me and decided to call it a night.

"Wow Sidekick, I'm really proud of you for your first day of work!" Kaito praised,

"Heh, thank you" I said,

((The End))


A/N : Wow that was a heck of a chapter. Probally the longest I've ever made. The artwork took a while, that's why it's taken a long time to come out! Anyways I promise the next thing I'll write is the next chapter for my ' |DRV3 Chatfiic| ' book since it looks like people are enjoying it already.

Anyways I might do this thing where I put some memes down here, since I have a lot of them in my camera roll!  :

Yeah um, explainable... have a nice day I'll get the next chapter out as soon as possible!!   -Monica

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