Not a Slayer (Blind!Reader x...

By Nobody_Too_Important

17.2K 591 154

In which a blind blacksmith accidentally joins the adventures of a beastly boy, a wannabe womanizer, and a pa... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17

Part One

3.4K 68 22
By Nobody_Too_Important

(Y/N) wasn't a demon slayer, not that she couldn't be theoretically, but because she found her joy in forging. She was the apprentice of Hotaru Haganezuka, a bladesmith for the Demon Slayer corps. Forging weapons was difficult but satisfying work.

"Hotaru-san?" I left the house and made my way to the forge. The sun was warm today, it felt like good fortune. "Hotaru-san? You didn't stop by this morning, so I thought you'd be here."

"(Y/N)? You made your way here by yourself?"

I knew better than to answer.

"Regardless, I'm glad you've come today is special. You see, yesterday was the final selection of the next generation of demon slayers. This means all other orders will be halted and all attention will be on this blade. You see this sword will be a Nichirin sword, come child hold this ore."

I nod following his voice, lifting my hand towards him. Grasping my hand, he gently places a solid rock into my palm. The weight was light for an ore that's to be used for a sword. I feel the ridges and divots with my fingertips.

"The one who picked this, they were," I paused feeling the stone with my other hand as well finding a large ridge on one side. "They hesitated before they chose this one."

"That is what I heard yes, but he was sure after smelling for it. Now hand it back, you'll have the honor of watching a masterful swordsmith craft a masterful Nichirin."

Holding my hand out, I felt his fingers brush over my palm. I smile, ready to joke at his expense.

"But master I can't watch you do anything," my tone was light and teasing as I smile waving my hand in front of my face. I heard him sigh indignantly in response.

"The first step to forging a Nichirin is to melt down the Scarlet ore with Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand, they also call a Nichirin a sun blade." I paid as much attention as I could, at least to the parts about forging.

The next few days I was in the forge with Hotaru learning about this blade and its future wielder. He had me come over and feel the metal during the different steps of forging when I could. The ore was shaped into a long metal piece last I had felt it. Hotaru had finished hammering out the sword and was preparing to sharpen the blade.

"It feels different, somehow? It still holds the energy of the boy who chose it, but it's more concentrated, yet also is without direction?"

"Yes child, the Nichirin sword adapts its color to the wielder, these colors are sometimes used as omens for how the slayer will perform. A demon slayer must be able to trust their weapon, so any failure on the bladesmiths part could mean death for the slayer. This is why I must devote all my attention to this blade, why I must strive for perfection. Now hand it back, I must add the handle and begin sharpening the blade at once."

Listening to him work was inspiring; it's how I came to be his apprentice in the first place. When I was younger, I had heard many blacksmiths work, as it is in my village, but when I first heard Hotaru it was like listening to music. His movements were precise and delicate, yet firm with their intent. I had wondered in his shop and bumped into his work desk, he gave me an earful until I cried, and then yelled some more. He demanded I leave the way I came, but as that was the first time I visited his shop, I asked him to take me their because I didn't know where it was. He said to just go the way I came from, that it was right over there and that I should just use my eyes. I got upset and kicked his shin, which was a pretty lucky hit, and yelled at him that I was blind and that he shouldn't yell at little blind girls. Since then, I've come back every day and eventually he just started teaching me, saying I might as well learn to make something if I'm going to take up room in his forge.

"You're not listening, (Y/N)."

"Sure, I am."

"Then what did I just say?"

"Uh, oh!" I cleared my voice and started my best impression of him. "You're not listening, (Y/N)."

"Ungrateful brat, tomorrow I will be leaving the village to deliver this blade."

I raised my eyebrows, this was new.

"I thought you had a delivery boy or something?"

"Well, if you had been listening, you'd know that I'm going personally to tell the swordsman the significance of this blade and to see what color the blade will turn. You may come with me on my journey."

I nodded, "Yes, I'd like to come with you. Watching a sword change color must be amazing to see."

"It truly is child, the Nichirin is also known as the color changing katana, it is the only sword to do so, and you're messing with me again. Blind prick." I can't help but laugh at him. Imagining the expression on his face.

"Regardless, if you wish to go, we leave at dawn." I hear him begin to put away his tools.

"Wait, are you already finished with the sword?"

He made a hum of approval.

"Let me touch it."

"No, brat! The first person to unsheathe the sword, once it is finished, must be the swordsman it was made for! It is the entire point of the whole color changing excitement! If the swordsman wants, he may let you hold it after he has unveiled its color!"

"Alright, Alright, Hotaru I won't touch it."

His second hum of approval came as he mutters to himself about the significance of colors and other Nichirin related lore. I brushed off my kimono as I stood up from the ground, dust and dirt fell from skirt and I winced knowing my mother would make me wash it. Walking towards the muttering old man I reached my hand out to him, to where his shoulder should be. He was taller than me, so I had to reach up. Touching his cotton kimono, I caught his attention.

Smiling, I hold my hands out, offering to return tools to their rightful places in the workshop. It had taken me years to memorize where everything went, but I'm so glad I could. It made me feel useful, like I was helping.

"Did you leave anything on the floor?"

"No, you should be good."

The first few times I wandered around his shop there were tools and scraps on the floor causing me to trip, but we found our way around it. Hotaru has been very patient with me, letting me learn the trade from touching his works, allowing me to assist where I could. Walking the forge, I gingerly touch the tables and benches finding the correct cubby or drawer the individual tools belong in.

"Has the sun set, Hotaru? Mother said I had to be home by then."

Hotaru moved around behind me, probably to look out a window, and hums quietly.

"Better get going then child, I can handle it from here. Don't forget, at dawn I'm leaving with or without you."

"Yes, sir. Goodnight!" I carefully set the remaining tools on the table in front of me, holding my left hand to the wall guiding me to the door.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)."

Leaving the safety of the forge wasn't my favorite time, I can't tell if a cart had scarred the path or if a horse owner had left its droppings in the road. I sighed following the sounds of chimes, mother was thoughtful. She had put chimes all around our house, so that way, as long as I don't stray too far, I can always find my way home. Although she almost got in a fight once because someone across the street had hung a chime and I had interrupted their dinner by mistake, thinking it was my home. I smile to myself, reaching out to where I heard the nearest chime, feeling the bamboo beneath my fingertips tracing the ridges. This one has Kanji characters engraved on it, although I can't tell what it says. I hear the door slide open.

"That one is the tranquility chime," My mother stated watching me from the doorway. I nod in response feeling the characters, tracing them with my fingers. "One day you'll get it on your own."

I smile towards her, she always stayed positive for me. I was always told we look alike, especially when we smile. Our (E/C) eyes, our (H/C) hair, even the way our lips twitch before we do. I wish I could see her; everyone calls her a beauty and says that I inherited it from her. I walk towards my mother and hold my hand out for her to take. She does and pulls me in the house, helping me balance while I take off my shoes.

"Thanks Mom, I love you." I smile at her, although she knows I'm planning something.

"Well, what is it this time, dear? We aren't getting a pet, and we aren't buying extra sweets this month."

"No, neither of those things this time," I smile mischievously at my previous inquiries. "Actually, it's about the sword Hotaru and I have been working on."

"Hold that thought, let's sit down for dinner and talk about it." She ushers me into the living room closing the door behind us. I walk forward, where I eventually find the table. Kneeling down, I reach out and feel the table finding a pair of plates, bowls, cups, chopsticks, and a warm pot of tea. She used to not leave the tea out for me when I set the table. I would accidentally spill it on our tatami mats, and dinner would get cold by the time we finished cleaning it up.

Sitting at the table, I set a plate, bowl, and cup to my right. Mom and I sit next to each other, even though it seems odd to some people. I set the chopsticks on the plate and copy the set up in front of me, listening to hear if the bowls, cups, or plates knock into one another. Once satisfied with my placing, I reach for the teapot with both hands. Reaching around it, I feel for the handle and spout, picking it up with a hand on each. I steady myself as I remove one hand from the teapot and reach for the cup I set for mother. This used to be much harder, I burnt my hand once or twice before I had ended up getting the hang of it. Touching the rim of the cup to the spout I poured the tea, careful to not overflow this time. It might not be a full cup, but mother always appreciates it when I try. I repeat the process with my own cup and replace the teapot on the table before sipping from my own cup.

"Nice job, dear. Tonight, we're having udon with yesterday's spare leeks, green beans, and pork broth with rice." I hum smelling the food she's brought in. Both of us begin to dig in, eating less than gracefully as we both have a habit of skipping lunch.

"Mow, terr me abou his sword," Mother asks in between bites. I swallow my own, before answering.

"Well, it's a special sword, called a Nichirin. They're used by demon slayers and are said to change color depending on the wielder. Hotaru is going to deliver it to a new demon slayer tomorrow, and I want to go with him. Please." I hear her still beside me. Anytime I've left the village it had been under the very watchful eye of my mother. She wouldn't let me out of her sight, or sometimes she wouldn't even let go of my hand. This would be the first time I'd leave without her.

"Well, you're fifteen and I do want you to learn to be on your own without me, but I don't want you to be in any danger. You're going to meet a demon slayer, right? Do you think it'd be dangerous? I know Hotaru is capable of protecting you and that you know what to do when there's danger, but don't you think a demon is different than a normal roadside bandit?"

I nod, "I know, but I still want to go. I want to touch and feel the Nichirin and Hotaru said I only can once the demon slayer claims it and it changes color. This was the most intense Hotaru-san has ever been working, even working after I left him some nights. This sword is possibly the most important weapon I might ever learn to forge."

I hear her sigh softly and sip her tea. The air is tense, and I eat my rice as she contemplates the situation.

"I will let you go this time, but you'll have to come straight back. You can't stray from Hotaru-san and if he even has the thought that you disobeyed him when you both return, you won't leave without me again. Understand?"

I'm so happy I feel like I could explode, I nod excitedly. "Yes, mom. I'll listen to Hotaru, and I'll come back with him, I promise!"

I feel the excitement bubbling in the pit of my stomach and I can't contain it as I reach over the table and hug her. She laughs airily at me, returning my hug tightly.

"What time do you leave tomorrow? And how long will you be gone? We need to pack you a spare kimono, and a blanket, and snacks, and extra sandals in case yours break, and maybe even-"

"Slow down mom, we leave at dawn tomorrow, he didn't say how long it'd take, but I'm sure it won't be too long. He has to deliver it within five days, and he wouldn't leave at the last moment." Leaning back to my spot at the table I finish my meal.

"How vague, very like him to talk about everything except the important stuff," Mother sounds like she's pouting over Hotaru's behavior. "No matter, I'll make sure you're prepared regardless."

After dinner it was decided that I'd wash the dishes while she walks me through how she's packing my bag.

"Okay, so, you won't have an entire spare kimono set, but just the outer kimono. So, don't get your nagajuban dirty. Since you insist on packing light, you're only going to have one extra pair of socks, and the haori I'm sending with you can act as your blanket. It's the (F/C) one with a black sunrise, I know you don't particularly care, but I think it looks good on you and you think it's soft, so I'd say that's a win-win. And I'll make some rice balls for you and Hotaru in case you get hungry on the way. Oh, and if your sandals do break, instead of an entire new pair you have a little jar of glue and some extra strips of fabric so Hotaru can help you fix them."

"Sounds like you have everything figured out," I observe dipping the dishes in the water and rubbing off any food debris with a small rag. I'm almost done, but I'm having trouble finding the chopsticks to clean.

"Yes dear, I have to, my baby is going out on her own. I don't want her to be left wanting for anything." She's shifting things around in the living room, rearranging things to fit in the bag I assume. I grunt in frustration sifting my hands around the water more aggressively.

"Thanks mom."

"They're not in the water dear, they're on the left side of the basin." I grit my teeth in frustration, pulling my hand from the water and nearly slamming it down on the chopsticks.

"Yes, thank you." I know I'm sounding snappy and I'm not meaning to be bitter. She knows that too, ever patient with me.

"I know you're just frustrated, so I'm letting it slide. Now I think that's everything except the rice balls."

With that she sent me to bed, saying I have a big day and that I'll need my strength if I'm going to be traveling. Boy was she right. Traveling with Hotaru is, an experience to say the least. Since I don't know where we're going, I'm holding onto the tails of his haori. Which feels like it hasn't been washed ever, grimy with soot and dust. It feels like the floor of the forge.

Next, he keeps a constant steady pace, never stopping or slowing for anything that may be around us. I've heard a few people cuss at Hotaru for getting in their way or accidentally bumping into them, although that was mostly me as I'm walking next to him. At the speed we're going it doesn't seem like it'd be difficult. you'd probably look at it and be like "Yea that's manageable, I could do that." And you'd be right, you probably could do that, but after almost a day of doing it, I can say its grueling.

It seems like the first time he's spoken to me all day when he stops and tells me that we're going to rest for a while.

"How far are we?" I can't help but ask, sitting against a tree. He hasn't gone too far away, but now that I'm unable to hold onto him I can't help but feel a little anxious.

"Halfway, I'd say. We're traveling through the night so that we'll make it around lunch tomorrow. Enjoy this rest while you can." He seems to be behind a few trees, probably relieving himself or something like that. I shake away the thought, I decided I didn't need to know.

"I will, thanks." Feeling my bag around my shoulder, I pull it into my lap. Opening it I gingerly reach into it, brushing over cotton, spare ribbon, a cool mini jar, and at last the leaves wrapping the rice balls. Pulling them out and trace my hands over the wrapping finding the easiest opening and letting the leaves reveal my snack. I pick one up and bite into it, humming.

"'Ey Hotaro, Mom pact rife bars, wan won?" His steps draw closer, coming around my tree and resting in front of me.

"Both you and your mother would be prettier if you learned some table manners." I feel him snatch up a rice ball from my outstretched hand. Finishing my rice ball, I smile.

"It's how we live among you mortals," I joke. "If mother and I used table manners we'd be too perfect, and you'd have no choice but to worship us like the deities we are."

I hear him scoff as he stands up. I rewrap the rice balls and stash them safely in my bag. I hold out a hand above me and Hotaru grabs it, pulling me from the ground.

"You two would bring chaos and destruction." I gasp in fake offense as I reclaim my grasp on his haori.

"We're benevolent enough. We'd bless you mortals with our sublime presence."

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