Hero To A Demon lord (Izuku x...


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This is a story of how izuku midoriya was trapped in a video game with no way out, he use to play the game ba... More

Chapter 1 The Demon Lords Arrival
Chapter 2 Truth, Drunk Lad
Chapter 3 Guilds Newcomers
Chapter 4 Elven Guardian
Chapter 5 Celestines Quest

Chapter 6 Fallen Attack, Traitor

1.7K 49 4

Author: Hello everyone sorry for the late date on how I usually do it on the Sundays or Saturdays but I'm having some trouble on school but enough with that this will be the last chapter and finally give you guys the my hero of light chapters so without a further ado let's start shall we

Narrator: Let's start we are now at the Bridge of Ulag

Soldier: Hey how's it look over there


Soldier2: MOVE YOU ASS!!!!!

We are at the front of the fortress were there are soldiers ready and preparing for the invasion that's come to there way as we see izuku and Shera witnessing it all

Shera: *Worried look at izuku* So what happens now do you know

Izuku: Hmm (Of course I do) *Looks away* (But how am I going to tell you that this place will be wiped out, the people in this world have lower levels and weaker skills then the ones in my world who possess even more stronger skills then this world so in the end they'll all be Massacred before they evern try)

Shera: What do we do

Izuku: . . . (But I'm a hero in training why do I have second thoughts about this even now something is try to say not to but why) Not sure we need to do anything

Shera: H-Huh?

Izuku: Even if they were to break over the bridge of ulag the fallen shouldn't be able to enter Faltra at all not in Celests barrier, no need to waste are time planning for it

Shera: I've heard rumors about the fallen that they've been active from different times lately and they are hoping to revive the demon lord Krebskulm

Izuku: (If she is right on reviving Krebskulm then that would mean that rem is in danger and if they find out rem has Krebskulm in her possession then that'll mean they'll do whatever it takes for them to have her i think it's best to go back to the city even with my power take down the fallen will be easy but plus Krebskulm it'll be a disaster for everyone)

Soldier3: Uhhh?

Izuku: *Looks at the soldier*

Soldier3: Here it's are letter of gratitude *Hand him the letter*

Izuku: Hmm?

Soldier3: It will serve the request for the wine

Izuku: In a middle of an unpredictable battle I must say you have guts to be this calm about it

Soldier3: Hehe thanks I guess it might seem like I'm being so calm right now but it's just if today would be my last day then I want to do all I can to live it out properly

Izuku then looks at the man with an unexpected look but at the same time he looks at the man grip on his staff as he sees it shaking with fear

Izuku: I see (So this mean that they'll be staying here . . . There not going to run away and if they do that'll mean that the people who have not yet evacuate won't make it)

Shera: Diablos

Izuku: *Looks at Shera*

Shera: That's really sad *In an Unpleasant Tone*

Izuku: . . . *Looks at the Soldier* Sorry young man but that solution is a waste of your time *As he walks down the entrance*

Soldier3: H-huh!?

Izuku: A Huge waste because I refuse today would be your last day

Shera: *Brightly Smile*

--Now we go back at Faltra--

We are now with rem who is walking across town carrying some loft of bread

May: Rem is that you

Rem: Hmm?

May: Hey good news you have a visitor *Waves her hand*

Rem: How's that good . . *Eyes Widen*

May: Eh?

Celest: *Walking out of the door and looks at rem*

--Back at the Bridge of Ulag--

Soldier3: That was it the final traveler has pass through will be lowering the gates and to by us as much time as possible from all of them to reach the city then we just wait

Izuku: Then please lower them quickly Bores

Bores: Please reconsider its a reckless move to try to face them alone

Izuku: . . .

Bores: Are you listening!?




Izuku: Hmm

As a moment of silence began the only think that izuku was focused on was forward ahead as he sees a girl riding on an monster as a blow wind was curing

Izuku: *Eyes Widen*

Then as she was standing more came behind her as different kind of beasts emerged from the hill as the soldiers were in disbelief of Howard they are to boot as a huge roar was heard to get them out of the trans

Izuku: If I were you, you should hurry on to the gate I can't use my magic if you two are with me

Bores: B-but

Shera: Please do what he says bores don't worry he's strong

Bores: A-as you wish *Runs to the gate*

Shera: *Looks at izuku* Please be careful Diablos

Izuku: Of course *Walks to the Bridge ahead of him*

Soon the gate closes as now the only on against the fallen is non other then izuku himself

Izuku: *Slowly walking* (S-she told me to be careful this is the second time someone ever told me that im still scared about a hundred fallen but) Right now I don't need to be worried as I can finally give it my all *He then inhale enough air to speak in a loud voice* HOW DARE YOU TO SO MUCH AS TAKE A STEP ON MY OWN TERRITORY TO THINK YOU DISGUSTING ANIMALS HAD THE GUTS TO COME HERE!!!!!

As he's said those word a monster approach him as it was a big boar

Monster: Grrrrr you are a tiny weakling I'll kill you and eat you

Izuku: Disgusting *Points the staff on the monster stomach* "Allmighty Push"

Once he said those word a huge gravitate blast push the monster enough to send him to the hill enough to knock the monster out

Izuku: Heh is that all you monster got I guess I was worried about nothing *Evil Smile* Then don't mind me making a huge massacre

I want you to know that I discard Galic

--At the Tavern with Rem and Celestine--

Rem: Huh!?

Celest: Placing you all in danger I'm the mages association was an more then enough reason too I also heard about the dramatic choice to bring a summon into a middle of town pathetic, He need to learn how to take responsibility I'm very sorry he caused all of you so much trouble

Rem: It's fine

Celest: He did say something about an interest before leaving galic that is

Rem: What is it

Celest: Well apparently are Diablos told him he was a demon lord

Rem: Because he is he's just from another world

Celest: Is he now?

Rem: Why did you say it like that

Celest: I know your strength lies you being a summoner rem so I'm not judging you but I've never heard a demon lord existed in any other world even if it did there is no way it can be summoned here which means

Rem: *Grips on her skirt*

Celest: It's possible that Diablos is actually a fallen one who was drawn by the soul that you possessed

Rem: That's not true he could of killed me that's what he wanted it to do he had plenty of chances but enstead


Izuku: Well we have a lot of work to do but we need to find a way to get that thing out and then I'll destroy it so it that I promise

Rem: *Starts Sobbing*

Izuku: E-eh I was just trying to help

Rem: Y-yeah I know I-i just can't believe it your not going to leave me *Wipes tears*

Izuku: *Sighs* (Maybe I should research how girls feelings are) listen I'm not the type that would walk away of something that you can't control that would be weak demon lords are not weak so it would take a long time for us to get her out of you now will it

Rem: *Still Sobbing*

End Of Fashback

Celest: But instead of what

Rem: F-for get it

May: Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm~


May: Oh hello sir I'm sorry but we're all out of rooms for today

???: *Grips hand*



???: *Opens the door Breathing heavily*

Celest: What are you doing here Galic

Galic: You made a huge mistake celest and I'm here to let you correct it don't you think kicking me out mages association entirely was a little extreme

Celest: I really don't but I appreciate your concern

Galic: I-I did the right thing okay and now everyone is running there mouths about how I was fired but there stupid I had no choice I had to keep hurting them until they started telling me the truth *Rubbing his cheek that is covered in blood*

Celest: And how did you do that are there other members that are wounded now


Celest: Let's all just take a deep breath and calm down alright


Rem: What do you mean

As he soon say that he pulls put mysterious blade that was covered in black as in the hilt had a strange shape like eye

Galic: *Breathing heavily*

Wizard: Drop the knife Galic

Wizard1: Come on your just embarrassing yourself now

Galic: I don't give a trolls ass what you think of me

Rem: (There's something wrong about that dagger I don't know what it is but my stomach is not liking it)

Then the dagger opened its eyes looking at rem



Rem: *Breaks a crystal revealing to be a snake inside* STOP HIM SHADOW SNAKE

As soon as the snake rapped his body around him galic then stab himself straight in the heart shocking everyone

Celest: What happened!?

Wizard: GALIC!!!!

Then a black arua came around galic as the arua came larger

Celest: Is that!?

Rem: Stay away from him!!!

Then galic started to grow much more quickly enough for him to start changing

Rem: I-It can't be is this real it looks like one of the fallen

???: Finally I thought that damn human was never going to shut up rejoice for you are now at the presents of the freaking regore *Breaks free of the snake*

???: Heheh and now I hope your ready to die today


--As the blast sent another monster we are with izuku who made that blast--

Bores: No way

Shera: Very much way

Izuku: (Good this is going good I still have enough mana for me to keep going now I need to wait for the boss) Now we're is she

???: *Got off her ride as she looks at izuku*

Izuku: (There she is the one I was looking for the commander)

???: *Walking towards the Bridge as she did she stops and hits her hilt spear*

Izuku: I'm surprised that your own pet wasn't coming with you

???: He wouldn't move I had to this is a first actually he's usually quite obedient but once he saw you he refused to continue

Izuku: Good sounds like the master doesn't know when to trust his pet when it's warning you, you should be abit more appropriated that the pet was trying to save you he knows you won't survive challenging me

???: . . . *Spins her blade to a stand position* We will see about that im Edelgard the strongest Lancer of the fallen I'm not going to lose to some Demon Sorcerer

Izuku: Hehe If I defeat you then that'll mean that the rest of the fallen will retreat but let's see how the strongest Lancer you really are

Edelgard: Yes fight or no fight . . . YES FIGHT!!!! *Dashes at him in a high speed* HHHRRRRRAAAAA!!!!!!!


Author: Hello everyone I hope you enjoy this and have a good day and I'll see you all at My Hero Of Light so late

KONO DIO DA!!!!!!!!

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