Reincarnation, I Want a Peace...

By al_fluffy1209

167K 8.4K 1.2K

Dying and getting reincarnated in a different world was not something ##### expected. Now going by the name K... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Kocho Family Information
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Guardian OC Information
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
100k Special Chapter
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Specials 2

Chapter 14

4K 222 23
By al_fluffy1209

"Ugh, it's so cold," Tomoe complained, shivering as she walked out in the snow. She wore a green turtleneck and a white cardigan sweater over it along with black jeans, winter boots, sunglasses, and a white mask. In her hand was a cup of coffee to keep her warm. "Tch. Why did I have to come to school to bring these documents that the principal forgot about? Tch, damn old man."

However, her sudden arrival at the school was something that she thought would be a quick and easy trip, not a chaotic playtime.

"Eh? Isn't that Kocho-senpai!" Yamamoto shouted, being the first to notice her. "Hey Kocho-senpai!" He grinned. "What are you doing here?"

Gokudrra raised a brow. "That woman?"

"Eh Kocho-senpai?" Ryohei and Tsuna repeated, turning in her direction.

Dino brightly grinned. "If it isn't Tomoe-chan!"

"Tomoe-chan?" the others repeated, curious as to why Dino was referring to her so casually. Heck, even Reborn was a tad bit surprised.

Tomoe walked over to them, smiling stiffly under her mask but it wasn't like any of them could see it. "Hello Di-chan, Tsu-chan, Ryo-chan, Take-chan, Haya-chan." She then looked down at the kids. "Reborn-chan, Pin-chan, Bo-chan, and..." She bent her knees down to be eye level with Futa. "What's your name?"

"I'm Futa. Nice to meet you Tomoe-nee!" Futa replied, smiling cutely which made Tomoe's heart clench.

She pulled her mask down and smiled. "Nice to meet you too, Fu-chan." She still stayed crouched down as the younger Vongola members crowded her, but she looked up at the older males. "Why are you guys here?"

"We thought we should play with the kids once in a while," Dino answered. "Want to join us Tomoe-chan?"

Rubbing her piercing, Tomoe shifted her weight. "Well... I have to deliver some documents first, Di-chan."

'Tomoe-chan? Di-chan?'

"When did you two become so close?" Tsuna had asked the question on all their minds.

"Oh, our families are business partners..." Tomoe answered. "We met a while ago and became friends."

"We text daily," the blond said, throwing an arm around her shoulder. "You can call us best friends!"

"Hahaha, yeah. I guess you can." She scratched her cheek, taking a sip of her coffee. 'Although, he mostly spams me though.'

"Please join us nee-chan!" Lambo pulled on her pants.

"It'll be more fun with you around." Futa held onto her cardigan.

She sighed. "But-"

"We're gonna do a snowball fight," Gokudera said, holding a snowball in his hand.

"-Count me in. The documents can wait."

Tomoe could never turn down a snowball fight, she was a kid at heart.

"Oh! That sounds exciting!" Yamamoto grinned.

Dino also started making a snowball. "One packed snowball coming right up."

"Fight!?" Ryohei jabbed the air. "Music to my ears!"

'She accepted it just like that?!' Tsuna stared in shock. 'These guys are just children!'

"Well, we'll have to divide into teams."

"What do you do to team up in Japan?"

"We usually decided with rock paper scissors."

"I already decided for you," Reborn interrupted, appearing in a samurai outfit. "I put a lot of thought into making sure the teams are balanced out and had to stay up all night. I didn't get that much sleep. Look at my eye bags. Besides, I had to make a quick change since Kocho is going to join us."

"What's this plan of yours that makes me feel so guilty?!" Tsuna yelled out.

"If Reborn-san says so. I'm fine with that," Gokudera said, grinning.

"Me too." "I don't mind."

"You're not gonna listen to us anyways."

Tomoe put a hand on her hip. "I'm cool with whatever."

Tsuna looked at them and then back at Reborn. "Everybody's too easy on this armoured brat!"

"The East Troop is Tsuna, Yamamoto, I-Pin, and Futa. You wear white scarves. The opposition is the West Troop, Dino, Gokudera, Ryohei, and Lambo. You wear red scarves," Reborn decided. "Kocho will be joining them."

"Wait a second, Reborn-san! Why am I on a different team than the tenth?!" Gokudera complained.

"That's a mystery." "That's not yet solved?!"

"There are special rules for today. It's a battle for Leon," he explained. "Both teams have thirty minutes to fight for this shining Leon ball and the team holding Leon after thirty minutes is the winner."

"Sounds interesting."

"Yeah let's go with that."

"Win no matter what!"

Tomoe gulped down her coffee, crushing the cup and throwing it into the trash can. "I'm high on caffeine, let's get this bread, gamers."

"What does that even mean?" She ignored Tsuna's question.

"It doesn't matter how many times you're hit with the snowball, but you're out if you lose consciousness. Okay, both teams go dig a trench and make some snowballs. It'll start in thirty minutes."

Thirty Minutes Later...

Reborn sat on top of his snow chair. "Let's start then."

"If we go out now, we'll be easy targets. We have to be careful about moving closer," Yamamoto said to his teammates, making them shiver.

"Both sides are playing safe already," Dino remarked as Tomoe continued to make snowballs (and totally wasn't adding rocks in them for more damage).

"No way." Ryohei left the trench, charging.

"Sasagawa?!" Dino exclaimed.

"If we don't go after the ultimate goal, we won't be able to win!"

Gokudera's eyes turned white as his jaw dropped. "That idiot."

Dino paled. "He didn't even take a snowball."

Tomoe chuckled, passing Dino a snowball. "Don't worry about Ryo-chan, he won't be easy to take down."

Yamamoto stood up, readying himself before throwing a snowball at Ryohei. "There!"

"Wow! Amazing!"

"There! It's Yamamoto's baseball form!"

However, Ryohei punched the snowball, breaking it.

"Eh." "What?!"

"A slow ball like that is a marshmallow against my ultimate straight!"

"Shit." Yamamoto clenched his teeth, grabbing more snowballs to throw. "There."

"Ultimate rush!!!" Ryohei shouted as he continued to punch all the snowballs coming his way.

"I definitely want the ranking for those two," Futa mumbled.

"Not now! We have to provide support for Yamamoto," Tsuna replied and the two started to throw snowballs at Ryohei, but nothing worked.

"That Sasagawa guy is impressive," Dino complimented and Tomoe grinned.

"Told ya so," she replied, finishing up her snowball pile which had a mix of regular snowballs and some that had rocks in them. "I guess we should start supporting him now that Pin-chan is also on the attack."

"Sorry but, you can't have Leon!" Dino shouted and threw a snowball. "Hm?"

"WHERE ARE YOU THROWING?!" Gokudera flinched at the snowball which went in the opposite direction behind him.

'Without his subordinates, Dino is just a klutz!'

"How useless. Both of you!" Gokduera shouted and threw some snowballs only for them to be destroyed. "They're being destroyed in mid-air?"

When the snowdust cleared, it reveasled I-Pin. "What an elegant kid," Dino commented.

"Say that only after you watch where you're aiming at!" Gokudera yelled angrily.

"Your artillery is too light!" Ryohei yelled. "The shining ball is mine!"

"We're in a pinch, Tsuna-nii." Futa shrunk down behind the trench.

"I know but..." "This is bad..."

Suddenly, an explosion happened.

"Eh?" "What?!"

"It's me, tenth. My spy work is done, so I'll return to your side!" Gokudera declared as he held dynamite.

"Gokudera-kun?!" 'He totally switched sides!'

"Tch, what a traitor. We should have known a spy was in our ranks," Tomoe said and threw two snowballs at once. "It's time for the counter attack Di-chan!"

Gokudera blocked the first snowball off as it fell apart, but the second one hit him square in the jaw. "OW?! What the heck!? Why is there a rock inside this snowball?!"

Dino sweatdropped at Tomoe's evil cunning look. He cringed. 'I'm glad she's on my side.'

"Then us too!" two voices shouted, confusing everyone. "Protect the boss and the young miss of the Kocho family!"

"Dino-san's subordinates?!"

"Even if it's a game, we can't let the boss lose."

"I was so cold."

They shivered.

"How long have you guys been hiding?!" Dino screamed.

"Argh, geez. It's becoming chaotic."

"I'm back tenth!"

"And the judge is okay with this?!"

Reborn nodded. "Yup. It's just as I predicted."

"You're toying with us again!!" Tsuna gripped his hair.

"Die!" Gokudera boomed, throwing dynamite.

Tsuna paled. "It changed from a snow fight into a fight on the snow!"

Dino took out his whip. "I won't let you, Smoking Bomb." He skillfully wielded the weapon, sending the dynamite back. "Take this!"


"Ooo... Impressive Di-chan," Tomoe said in amazement as she continued to throw snowballs at them. "How cool."

"Thank you Tomoe-chan."

"With his subordinates, Dino-san is overwhelming! Especially with Kocho-senpai's support!" Tsuna observed, eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" The man smirked. "We will be taking Leon then."

"I don't think so. How dare you play without me. Come, my minions," Bianchi said, appearing out of nowhere.

"What? Bianchi?!"

"The winner will be us, team Poison-Cow-Chinese Cuisine!" She shouted, posing with Lambo and I-Pin.

"A third force?!" Dino and Tomoe exclaimed in shock.

Tsuna gaped. 'What will happen to this snow fight~~~~?!' "What are you doing Bianchi?! Coming uninvited out of nowhere!"

"Do you understand the feelings of those who aren't invited?"

"Are you sulking?!"

"I'm on Chi-chan's side for this one Tsu-chan!" Tomoe shouted, looking over the trench at the boy. "Being uninvited while your friends are out and about playing is very painful. Lowkey not cool man!"

"The kids are siding with Bianchi probably because she hypnotized them with her poison cooking," Dino concluded.

"She can do that?" Tomoe questioned, curious.

"You're wrong, Dino. It was pure threatening," she answered honestly.

'Bianchi is really scary!' The two students of Reborn freaked out.

"That's funny." Yamamoto laughed.

"Since we have three teams now, we have to change the rules of the snow fight tournament," Reborn said, making everyone perk up. "It's still going to be a fight for Leon, but this time, you'll win the moment you catch it. And Leon can run around too." Leon began to transform. "It's Leon Turbo!"

"What?! It runs?!" "Wow." "I knew you'd do it Reborn."

"Okay, the second round starts now!" Reborn announced and the Leon Turbo started to run around.

"It looks fun!" "Let's go tenth!"

"I really want to rank everyone!"

"It's fun! It's like being a child again, boss!"

"Don't let your guard down just because it's a game! Tomoe-chan, let's win this!"

"I can taste the sweet taste of victory already Di-chan!"

"Yes sir!"

Everyone started to run after the Leon Turbo, grinning in childish excitement.


"Man down!" Tomoe screamed as one of Dino's subordinates was hit in the face, falling down into the snow.


Dino's Subordinate : Ivan - Retired due to food poisoning.

"Unpreparedness is one's greatest enemy. Poison bo-bo!" Bianchi shouted while throwing snowballs containing poison.

"I see... If they play like that." Dino smirked. "Snowballs containing real bullets!" He and his other subordinates took out guns and started to fire.

"This is way beyond the point of playing! It's too much!" Tsuna shrieked. "Let's go now!"

Bianchi and Dino seemed to come to a realization as they goth pointed their weapons at Tsuna and his group. "We won't let you do that Tsuna!"

Tomoe laughed. "Ahahaha this is chaos!" She picked up a rock, surrounded it in snow and threw it. "I choose you... Go Gary!"

"Ouch! Dammit woman! Why do you keep aiming for me?!" Gokudera hissed out and Tomoe let out a genuine laugh.

Tsuna covered his head. "Uwwaaa! They're focusing on us! We're gonna die!"

"I can't hold back anymore," Futa said, starting to float. "Since everyone's here, I just have to get everyone's rankings.

Futa then gave the group their rankings and came up with a plan to win against both Bianchi and Dino's teams.

"Double bomb!" Gokudera shouted, dynamites flying everywhere.


Lambo - Retired due to loss of consciousness.

Dino's Subordinate : Bono - Also retired due to loss of consciousness.

"The radio controlled model is over there," Yamamoto blurted out, looking at the stairs.

"The model?" Tsuna looked over. "Oh, he meant Leon..."

"I'm going head with Tomoe-chan," Dino said, passing by them along with the girl.

"Ah! They got ahead of us!" "Calm down Tsuna."

"We're counting on you boss, young miss!"

"Leave it to us!"

Tsuna watched with sparkling eyes. 'Wow. It's a personal battle between Yamamoto, Kocho-senpai, and Dino-san. But wait! Unless he's in front of his subordinates, Dino-san can't...'

"Owa?!" "Wha?! "EEEEH?!"

"I missed it!!" Dino shouted as he rolled down the stairs in a giant ball of snow.

"Geh." Tomoe jumped over the railings, landing perfectly on the ground with a flip. "Safe!"

However, Yamamoto was not safe at all since he was running down the stairs trying to escape Dino.

"What could you have missed to make this happen?!"



The giant ball of snow crashed to the ground with both Dino and Yamamoto inside. They both popped their heads out.

"Sorry." "Can't be helped."

Dino - Retired due to inability to move.

Yamamoto - Also retired due to inability to move.

"We're in luck. The main forces have diminished greatly. The only ones left are Tsuna, Hayato, Fute, Romario, and Tomoe," Bianchi said, throwing her poison cooking around along with Lambo and I-Pin.

"I wouldn't be so sure. I seemed to have dropped someone on the snow that had been melted by dynamite explosions," Dino huffed out.

"Someone...? Hah!"


"Enzio?" Tomoe questioned, eyes locking onto a giant turtle. "What the-? What did you feed that turtle for it to get so big?!"

Futa looked up at the animal. "A turtle?"

Gokudera flinched. "Why is the mountain god here?!"

Futa continued to stare in awe. "Wow. From all 202,126 animals I've seen, it's size and ferocity puts it at the top of the list!"

"Stop doing that and start to pray!" Gokudera admonished as his hands clapped together.

"What are you doing?! Run away now, Hayato!" Bianchi ran towards him, taking off her goggles. "Hayato!"

"GOPA!" He spat out bile and collapsed to the ground.

Gokudera - Retired due to loss of consciousness.

Enzio stood still on his two feet. "Mm? Enzio seems to be quiet..." Tsuna pointed out.

"It's hibernation season," Reborn clarified and the turtle fell over, taking out a bunch of players.

"UWAAA! HEEEEIK! It's so dangerous!"

Bianchi - Retired due to missing in action.

I-Pin - Retired due to missing in action.

Futa - Retired due to missing in action.

Romario - Retired due to missing in action.

"EH. It can't be that Kocho-senpai and I are the only ones left?!" Tsuna yelled, removing the snow from his hair.

"Having strong luck is also part of a boss' ability," Dino responded.

"Go catch that radio controlled model and settle the tournament," Yamamoto encouraged him.


"If you don't do that, their souls won't be able to rest," Reborn blandly said.

"Don't kill them for your own convenience!"

"Damn, that pet turtle of yours is really useful Di-chan," Tomoe commented, coughing due to the cold. "Well then, it's time to finish this game."

At that moment, the Leon Turbo drove past them.

"Ah. There it is! Leon Turbo!"

"Go on without us, Tomoe-chan!" Dino shouted. "Win this for the Cavallone!"

Tomoe looked back at him. "Di-chan..." Clenching her jaw and wiping the stray tear from under her sunglasses, she ran without looking back. "I'll never forget your sacrifices and hard work! You can count on me brotha!"

"Is it really ok to win this way? I hope I don't get hated for this," Tsuna said to himself as he and Tomoe chased the animal, but wasn't paying attention to his surroundings to which Tomoe used to her advantage.

So what did she do?

She tripped him, obviously. Duh.

"For Sparta!!!"


"How low!" The others all shouted in unison at her obvious dirty play.

"It's not a cheap play if there aren't any rules~!" She gave a cat-like grin.

'Even Kocho-senpai decided to take this seriously too!!' Tsuna cried in his mind as he fell.

His face planted into the snow and Leon Turbo was caught by Tomoe. "Hell yeah! I got the-"

"What's this?" a newcomer's voice said, grabbing the Leon Turbo from Tomoe's hands, their chin resting against the girl's shoulder. "And that big turtle?"


"Kyo-chan?" Tomoe blinked, turning her head to look at him. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled slightly. "It snowed, so I was thinking of having a snow fight."

"Hibari-san too?!"

The ravenhead boy stood up straight, standing next to Tomoe. "Though, I just want to arbitrarily hit a bunch of targets," he admitted.

The brunette's jaw dropped. 'How come this person doesn't get arrested?!'

"We met here because of fate. I guess I'll make you my target for today."

"Eh? Wa-Wait! You're throwing Leon?!"

Kyoya smirked.

"HEEEIK!" ......... "...?"

"Or so I thought," Kyoya said, lightly tossing Leon towards Tsuna as he grabbed Tomoe's wrist. "But I have my duty as the leader of the prefects to do. I'll see you again."

"Ah wait Kyo-chan! M-My prize!"

"You have work to do as well. Don't tell me you're ditching, small animal?" He clicked his tongue. "Besides, you can't handle the cold yet here you are playing around without any gloves. You'll catch a cold."

"Ehehe... Sorry Kyo-chan." She grimaced. "Let's get some hot chocolate after we finish our duties."

The two walked off, leaving behind the others.

The girl pulled her mask down and smiled. "Hehe..." 'Even though I'm trying to avoid them...' "That was fun..."

Tomoe - Retired due to leaving the game.

"I...I'm saved." Tsuna let out a sigh of relief. "Nhm? I unconsciously used something as a shield...?" His eyes burst out of his sockets as he realized he was holding I-Pin who had hearts in her eyes and three pins left until explosion. "NO WAY! I-Pin's in love with Hibari-san! Ah! She's going to explode! There are only two pins left! AH!"

(Tomoe sneezed. "Hn. I told you that you were going to catch a cold." "I don't think it's a cold, Kyo-chan. I just had a weird feeling that someone fell in love with you." "...What?" He blankly stared at her. "Eh, it must be my imagination.")

An explosion occurred.

Tsunayoshi - Retired due to missing in action.

Reborn was the winner.

A/N : Ryohei just disappeared in the manga idk where he went lol

I feel like everyone do be catching the common cold now a days. I love the winter and don't get sick often, but its one of those years.

Anyways, I might skip a few manga chaps so I can speed up the daily arc since Tomoe ain't gonna be involved in every little thing.

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