Love of opposite attraction (...

By truth_or_dare_queen

27.6K 578 53

Ghostbusters 1: Ace is a young intelligent woman who likes paranormal stuf. She graduated Collage at 14 now s... More

Ace wild
The library ghost
Team name
First costumer
The talk
Got slimed
Dont cross the stream
Dream ghost
Big twinkie
The Keymaster
Clear the building
Cross the stream
5 years later
Rays shop
Dana's apartment
The scoleri brothers
We're back
Mood slime
The strange painting
The river of slimb
Seeing the mayor
The surprise
The symbol
Defeating vigo
Slimer escaping
Back at the hotel
The return of mr staypuft
The gray lady
Spider witch
Shandor island
We eat gods for breakfast
The future
The old house
The talk
Final battle
The start of a new chapter

The end of the world

707 15 2
By truth_or_dare_queen

I was in jail on the womenss side since the im not a man to go in there. Which is stupid in my opinion I can take down 10 men. Literally.

"Come on you can't keep me here the world is at stake."  I turned to see lot of females in jail.

"What do you mean the worlds at stake?" On asked.

I went to sit down as they all group up "there's something terrible about to enter our world and there's a building that's apparently a door. The architect name was ivo shandor. My new boyfriend and I found it in tobins spirit guide. He was also a doctor. He performed a lot of unnecessary surgery and then in 1920 he started a secret scociety called gozer worshipers after world war 1 shandor decided that scociety was too sick to survive and he wasn't alone he had close to a thousand followers when he died the conducted rituals up on the roof. Bizarre rituals intended to bring about the end of the world and now it looks like it may actually happen" the girls gasped.

"Lady ghostbuster" I cop said the mayor want to see you and your friends ".

I stood up and cheered "Whoo I'm out of jail in less the half hour that's awesome" I walked all the way outside to see the Guys waiting for me. I ran up to the and went to hug egon. I let of and looked up at him " you all right?"

"I am now that you're here" he said.

I blushed and realized the guys didn't know I turned my head to them.they all smirked.

"Egons told us about last night" Ray said.

"You animal" Peter said chuckling.

I cleared my throat "let's go see the mayor"

We went to the mayor to see him and the guy who got us arrested.

"I am Walter peck mr Mayer" peck said "and I am prepared to make a full report these five sre consummate snowball artists they use sense nerve gasses to induce hallucinations people think they're seeing ghosts and they call these bozos who show up and deal with the problem with a fake electronic light show." That is so false.

"Everything was fine with our power system until the power grid was shut off by sickles here" I said pointing at peck.

"They caused an explosion" he said defending himself.

"Is this true?" The mayor asks peter.

"Yes it's true this man has no dick" peter said and peck try to fight him but people broke the fight.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do" the mayor said sitting down.

Winston cleared his throat and walked to the desk I'm Winston zeddmore your honour. I've only been with the company for a couple of weeks but I gotta tell you these things are real since I joined them I've seen shit that'll turn you white" he said defending us. I like this guy.

Peter walked up to the mayor "well you can believe mr. Pecker"

"My name is pecks" he corrects

Peter ignored and continued "Or you could accept the fact that this city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions"

"What do you mean biblical" the mayor asked in confusions

"What he means is Old Testament real wrath-of-god-type stuff" I told him.

"Fire and brimstone down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling" Ray said.

"Forty years of darkness, earthquakes. Volcanos" EGON add.

"The dead rising from the grave" Winston said.

"Human sacrifices. Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria" Peter finished.

"Enough I get the point" the mayor said "but what if you're wrong?"

Peter spoke "If we're wrong, nothing happens we go jail peacefully and quietly we'll enjoy. But if we're right and we can stop this thing.... Lenny you will have saved the love of millions of registered voters"

Peck walks up to him "I don't believe your seriously considering listening to these folks"

"Yes I am" the mayor said "what do you need.?"

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