Don't know what to do without...

By Tw1st0fF4te

5.7K 263 55

Jennie was deeply in love with her friend and bandmate Rosé. The pain of to having suppress her feelings almo... More

Chapter 2 - Contact
Chapter 3 - Date night
Chapter 4 - Affection
Chapter 5 - You think you know me?
Chapter 6 - What is the point?
Chapter 7 - Scars
Chapter 8 - Cuts
Chapter 9 - Honesty

Chapter 1 - Life is not fair

1K 39 9
By Tw1st0fF4te

Life was not fair. Those were the thoughts that were currently occupying Jennies mind. But why would she think something like that? Her life was pretty much perfect after all. "Life's a bitch, but mine's a movie." Jennie chuckled to herself while silently quoting herself. On stage, while performing "Forever young", those words seemed to me so much more... meaningful. While in reality, those words, if anything, have more of an ironic meaning than anything else. If her life would be a movie, it would be a tragedy.

Because despite all the things she had, fame, friends, a global fanbase, she felt incomplete. Imagine wandering your whole life around, knowing that you're missing something. Knowing what you're missing. And knowing that, no matter what you do, you can never have what you're missing. Even if it's right in front of you.


From the moment they met for the very first time, Jennie knew that Rosé was unlike any other human being she ever met, male or female. It's not like she was a lesbian per se. It's more like that the aura that surrounded Rosé was so captivating that it couldn't possibly be hindered by unimportant details like what's in between Rosé's legs. At first it was just a premonition of course. Even though she felt attracted to the beautiful australian girl from the very beginning, she could't put her finger on why exactly she felt the way she did. She thought, that it was just because Rosé was a nice person in general and a good friend, a good listener and always willing to take care of the people that were close to her. But the deeper their friendship got, the more Jennie came to the conclusion that her feelings for the aussie were anything but platonic. When the four of them were cuddled up on the couch to watch TV Jennie would instinctively be especially close to Rosé. When Jennie was having a bad day, nobody understood how to comfort her like Rosé did. Small details like that made Jennie more and more convinced that she actually fell in love with her bandmate.

And it scared her.

How couldn't it? It was wrong on so many levels that Jennie actually thought Cupid played a trick on her. They were workmates, best friends and for all she know, Rosé wasn't even into girls. Not to mention the backlash she'd face when YG found out about it. It wouldn't be the first time an idol got punished by their company for falling in love with the wrong person (or falling in love in general). And Jennie couldn't risk that. Not only for herself, but her friends as well. It's been almost two years since Jennie realized her feelings for Rosé and ever since then she tried her very best to ignore and suppress her feelings. And it hurt so badly. As soon as the realization hit her, she saw Rosé with different eyes. She started to notice every small detail about Rosé and whenever she was in the same room as Jennie, she could barely pay attention to whatever she was doing or who was talking to at the moment. And when you spend so much time together as these two did, it can get very frustrating very easily.

"Jennie. Are you asleep?" A familiar and slightly annoyed voice was calling her. Jennie snapped out of her thoughts and looked to her left, where Jisoo stood with crossed arms and a concerned look on her face. "Jennie, are you okay? I called you like three times and you wouldn't respond. I was scared you lost conscious" Jennie shook her head slightly and stood up from the desk she was sitting on. "I'm sorry, I just had a bad night of sleep you know" she weakly apologized. Recently she had to make up lots of excuses like this in order to deceive her friends. It didn't look like Jisoo was buying any of that, so Jennie was quick to change the topic.

"But more importantly, I'm starving. Why don't we go and grab something to eat?" Before Jisoo could reply, Jennie hurriedly made her way downstairs and went into the kitchen. The first thing she saw was Rosé sitting at the kitchen counter eating a Banana. God, how could a girl look so stunning in nothing but grey sweatpants and a grey sweater. Jennie must've been staring again, because Rosé was now looking directly towards her with a slightly discomforted look on her face. "Jennie, are you okay?" The second time already that someone had to ask her this question. "Y..Yeah, of course. I was... I was just.. wondering because you're eating already" Jennie tried to find a somewhat decent explanation for her behaviour. "Well, we had to wait for a certain sleepyhead and my stomach was heavily protesting against that" Rosé teased Jennie and gave her a wide grin that made Jennie almost faint. "Okay guys, enough of that. We have a meeting soon, so lets eat breakfast and get ready" Jisoo announced when she entered the kitchen. As the oldest member, it was her responsibility to make sure they were on time.

Not even an hour later the four members of Blackpink were sitting in a black van that drove them to the YG building, where they were supposed to meet their boss. The girls haven't been told what the meeting was supposed to be about, so naturally they have been discussing all the possibilities on their way to the office. When they stood in front of the office and they all were too nervous to knock on the door, Jisoo as the leader took a step forward and knocked twice on the massive, wooden door. "Come in" a voice from the inside commanded. Jisoo opened the door and the four girls entered the office where they were greeted by a long, empty table, except for the man who was sitting at the head of the table. Literally, but also metaphorically, since he basically made all the decisions for the four girls, not always to their liking. But that's part of living their dream so they settled for it, not being able to go to clubs, get completely wasted when they felt like it or, god forbid, date freely whoever they wanted. The girls lined up in a row and bowed to their boss, before he pointed to the empty seats at the table. "Welcome girls. Please, sit down." The four girls immediately sat down, Jennie purposefully sitting next to Jisoo to avoid being to close to Rosé. "You probably wonder, why I've ordered you all here." he started, to which the girls all silently nodded. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble" he announced with a grin. So far, so good. "It is time that we expand Blackpinks influence, not only globally but also here in Korea. Your album was a smashing success and you've gained many international fans, but here in Korea, surveys showed that interest in Blackpink actually declined. Many new girlgroups debut and our increasing efforts overseas resulted in Blackpink getting pushed of the minds of korean K-Pop fans, if you know what I mean." Again, the girls simply nodded. "So I thought about going back to some basic stuff, good old fanservice. Meet and greets, videocalls, stuff like that. Also, you gotta turn up the aegyo. You really have to interact with each other. Especially you two." he said while pointing at Rosé and Jennie during the last sentence, which raised some eyebrows. "W..We?" Jennie asked, internally nervous. "Why's that?" Rosé added. "Well, you know how fans are. They see how close the four of you are and all that, so naturally they make up their own little parings. And we discovered that Jennie and Rosé, or Chaennie, are one of the most popular pairings."

For a few moments, the room fell into complete silence. All eyes were on Jennie and Rosé, or Chaennie, and Jennie could feel how her cheeks became red. It was Rosé who regained her composure and spoke up. "So, you want us to..." she left the sentence hanging in the air, not sure how to word it. Luckily, the boss picked up the word again. "Oh, don't worry about it. You don't have to do anything extraordinary. Just do the same you did before. Except this time, we will focus more on Chaennie. I want you to always sit next to each other at public events and show each other lots of affection. I don't expect you to do anything scandalous. After all our industry really can't use another prostitution scandal, am I right?" With him apparently being the only person in the room who didn't think this joke was highly inappropriate, everyone went silent again while he laughed about his own "joke". At this point, Jennie's heart was beating so hard in her chest, that she was convinced the others would have to hear it. This was the exact opposite of what she was trying to do. For the past two years she tried to get some distance between her and Rosé, hoping it would suffocate the flame in her heart that burned for Rosé. And now she was about to spend more time with Rosé than ever before. "I assume this won't be a problem?" the boss spoke again after nobody said a word. "No, not at all" Rosé said with a smile. "This will be lots of fun, am I right Jen?" All eyes were now directed towards Jennie, her brain desperately trying to make up a good excuse for why this isn't a good idea. Hey, I would really love to do that but I'm afraid that the built up lesbian energy for Rosé I suppressed for the past two years might explode if I touch her for more than three seconds. Nope, that excuse won't work. Under the pressure of everyone's looks, Jennie could't do much except nodding slowly. "Y..yeah, of course. I mean... It's nothing we

haven't done before, am I right?" Jennie chuckled weakly, a pathetic attempt of a joke to cover up her own tension. "Yay" Rosé smiled. "So, we are dating now. I'm lucky to be your girlfriend from now on" Rosé jokingly said and everyone but Jennie laughed. Jennie, on the other hand, only heard their voices from a distance, as her thoughts circled around these last words.

We are dating now

I'm lucky to be your girlfriend

Time and time again, Jennie imagined hearing these words from Rosé. She would've given everything to hear these words from her, if she actually meant them that way of course. But now that she finally heard them, for the very first time, an event that can never occur again, it was under the most unpleasant circumstances possible while she desperately tried to bury those feelings that broke her emotionally and to a certain extend physically.

Life is not fair.

A/N: There it is, the first chapter of my first proper fanfiction. I'm new to this so please leave lots of feedback so I can make the story as enjoyable as possible for not only me but you all as well. The pictures I use as banner for the chapters are just some of my favorite Jennie and/or Rosé pics so the page doesn't look too boring. I do not own any of these pictures. So yeah, lemme know what you think :D

Stay safe everyone <3

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