Life without you // Hp x MCU...

By AhRach8

104K 2.3K 392

all the characters belong to J.k Rowling except Nova black she belongs to @_big_fudge_ go check out there Or... More

.Bonus scenes.


10.6K 194 7
By AhRach8

" everyone please stand up so I can transfigure this bench into sofas" after everyone was ready a big screen appeared and the movie started.

Two kids appear in the screen one of them silent while they pack for Hogwarts, the girl is humming a little song.

HARRY:hey bee why you keep humming to this song so much?

The said girl look at him with a sad smile

BEATRICE : this is the only thing I remember from them like for example I don't remember that at all but I have his little chain. see?

The girl shows the chain to her brother he just nod understanding it now.

"That's so cute" said Molly remembering her friend Lily.

" I remember James buying this little chain he used to love it" said sirius with a sad longing smile remember the good days and his friend.

The scene changes the kids were in the line to get sorted Beatrice look conflicted

BEATRICE : hey will you still talk to me if I'm not in the same house as you ?

say that her brother look at her smiling nodding

BEATRICE : even Slytherin?

Harry hesitant then nodding and answer

HARRY : yes bee, now relax

Beatrice face contorts from sad to happy

all women in the room coed at how adorable Beatrice was

The seen changes to Beatrice getting sorted


"go bee" shout it sirius even though he knew she wasn't there.

The girl sits and the hat is put on top of her head

SORTING HAT : oh I see, smart and creative good for Ravenclaw, Brave and a lot of determination good for Gryffindor, very trustworthy and loyal good for Hufflepuff as well, now you are very ambitious, resourceful and cunning good for Slytherin well that's difficult, one of the most may I add. what do you think?

" she could have stayed in every house?" Asked Fred

" whoa" George said finishing his brothers sentence

BEATRICE : I can choose?

SORTING HAT: oh yeah yeah child

BEATRICE : well I want to stay with my brother but I want to prove to everyone that not all slytherins are bad and they deserve to be treated equally

Snape lip twitch upward into a small smiles, Dumbledore notice and smiles widely

The hall Smiles at the adorable girl on screen


The slytherin started to clap politely for her, they were happy to have her in their house. Beatrice jump off the chair with a big smile and go to the slytherin table. As she look over at her brother he roll his eye and look away from her

" oh you didn't" said remix sadly at the boy who lived, just as he looked down not daring to look at people eyes

The scene changes the Beatrice running to talk to Harry

HARRY: hey Harry! Harry!

The boy look at her in annoyance

HARRY: what?

She frowns

BEE: I just came here to wish you good luck on your match today, good luck brother.

" she's so cute" said Ginny

He just rolled his eyes

HARRY: yeah yeah thanks I guess

Beatrice look at him hurt, but quickly mask it off and walk away

as bee's turning to walk away Ron arrived looking at her in disgust

RON: what's a snake doing your huh?trying to jinx Harry?go back to your snake pit!

"RONALD WEASLEY" all the Weasley present shouted, "I'm so disappointed" said Molly pitying the potter girl

" me too"said Sirius, " very disappointed" finishes Remus.

BEE walk away sniffling trying to stop the tears that are cascading down her cheeks

When she bumped into Neville he frowns at her state

Beatrice: don't get me wrong, why you're talking to me I'm in Slytherin

Neville: I don't care about this house rivalry,I-I-I don't like most of your house because they bully me, but you don't so there's no need to be mean to you

Beatrice beam at him and extended her hand

Beatrice: oh thank you... I'm Beatrice Potter nice to meet you

Neville smiles

Neville: I'm Neville, Neville Longbottom.uhm f-friends?

Beatrice: friends.. thank you Neville, but I really have to go somewhere. we can hang out later if you want?

Neville: it's okay Beatrice, but you can come to me if if you want to talk I'll be there for you.

" thank you Neville" the smelly boy full for him making Beatrice happy and be there for her when her own brother wasn't

Several adults smile at Neville for making Beatrice happy

The seems turns black and it changed to later in second year

Beatrice starts to run towards Harry awesome if it was okay after the Duel

Beatrice: hey Harry! are you okay?

Harry looks at her then back at Hermione and Ron, as the two gave her a disbelieving look.

All of the adults look at them disappointed

Hermione and Ron: shush will you

Beatrice look down letting the tears fall not caring at all

Beatrice: Harry? I'm your sister aren't I? why you treating me like I'm something bad for you. all I ever did was to be concerned for you and try to talk to you

He look impatient at her and seeth

Harry: NO sister of mine is a snake!

Minerva had tears in her eyes and and Dumbledore frowns

She runs away and bump into Neville. she quickly Embrace him letting tears fall free down her face, but her once sparkling green eyes that shine happiness, held only pain

Beatrice: sorry Neville if you need anything I'll be at the black lake...

No one in the Great Hall says anything as silent tears running down their face knowing that this was the day of her disappearance

Scenes change to Beatrice sitting near the lake with a feeding a water. splashing it everywhere with a weak smile, but a tear-stained face

A sound is heard and she quickly turns her head at the source, but nothing is insight

" constant vigilance" whisper Moody while, tonks roll her eye at him.

Out of nowhere three guys appear and inject something in her neck before she passed out she heard "welcome home Nova black"

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