Capricorn Season - Jimmy Page

By justangiem

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An American photographer living in London and burgeoning rockstar Jimmy Page are brought together through unl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6 Part 1
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 15 Part 3
Chapter 16 Part 1
Chapter 16 Part 2
Chapter 16 Part 3
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Part 1
Chapter 18 Part 2
Chapter 18 Part 3
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Part 1
Chapter 25 Part 2
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 Part 1

Chapter 5

327 6 5
By justangiem

Jimmy spent the next two days running around his house, cleaning everything. Would Gwen be looking at his baseboards? Probably not. But was he scrubbing them? Of course. 

He had been stressing over what would wow her. He decided on a picnic by the water. He would also play her a song. Possibly something new? Learn a new song for her? He had been killing himself with the thoughts galivanting in his mind. He had to take a moment and ground himself. She is only a woman. He repeated in his head. 

Who am I kidding? She's not woman. She's a mythic being at this point. I've been searching for her for as long as I can remember. She's been running in my mind for years. And I've finally got her in my graces. 

He quickly returned to running rampant. He was only calm once again when he sat down to make a grocery list. He was going to make them spaghetti and a dessert. That was Jimmy's specialty! He thought of making a sweet roll or perhaps a cake. He really enjoyed baking and cooking, so he thought it would be nice to feed her what he made. 

When he returned home, he went right back to working. He began to bake the sweet roll. He enjoyed himself while he baked. He hummed tunes he played on tour. He didn't sound as good as Robert. 

His work was finished after the spaghetti was done. He sat on his couch with a huff. His day felt longer than any one he had on tour. But it had just started. Gwen would be on her way soon. He knew he had to pack up the basket and set out a blanket. He was happy to bend over backward for her. Actually, he was overjoyed. He hadn't wanted to give this much in a very long time.

He had been so in his head that he almost lept out of his skin when he heard the knock at his door. He took a calming breath. When he opened the door, Gwen turned to face him. "Um, hi." She smiled wide, meeting his eyes. His breathing stopped. She looked amazing. His eyes trailed from her white platform sandals up to her gorgeous hair. "Hello." 

He couldn't believe she was standing before him at his front door. 

"You can come in." He lead her through the house, giving her a tour. She looked around in quiet awe. "This is really nice! And it's on the water? That Zeppelin money must be good." She joked. 

 "Well, actually, I purchased the house when I worked as a session player. Now, that money was good." It was his turn to joke. Her laugh was gentle and light, like the breeze from the tides of the ocean. 

"So what have you got planned?" She asked. 

"I packed a picnic. I reckon we could have lunch by the water and I could play you something." He looked into her eyes, feeling warmed. Her smile was candlelight paired with red wine. "That sounds amazing! I haven't seen the Thames." She smiled wide. Jimmy snickered at her malapropism. He enjoyed seeing her face turn red when he corrected her. She was so cute when she was embarrassed.

The wood of the acoustic guitar banged against Jimmy's back as their feet trudged along the hillside. The sun was burdening from the clouds for the first time that day. The soft light warmed the air as it swirled around their faces. Gwen felt the ground under her start to shift and become unstable. She lost her balance, fearing she was going to fall. I don't want to look stupid in front of him. 

He grabbed her waist at first. His goal was to stop her from falling. When he made contact with her soft skin, he felt electricity run through him. He felt like a lightning rod. His cheeks flushed red. She stopped, turning to look at him. Their eyes found each other and they shared a shy smile. They were absolutely smitten. She placed her hands in his, looking for guidance in him. 

He lead her down the hillside by one hand. He had never felt better than in this moment. Her hand was in his, and that was enough for him. It didn't matter if she never talked to me again. We've shared this moment. And that is enough for ten lifetimes. 

When they reached the water, he laid out the blanket for them to sit on. They sat as he unpacked the basket. She looked at his pale face as he laid everything out. His lips were pouted in concentration. She looked at the pink flesh in quiet contemplation. She wanted to kiss him so badly. She had been searching for someone like him for years. And now she had him. He was so close, right in her grasp. She hoped that she wouldn't fuck it up. He seemed to like her. He invited her to his house. And he was really clingy at the photoshoot. But she knew that just as quickly as he came, he could go. 

Two colorful Tupperware containers filled with spaghetti waited to be devoured. Jimmy then pulled out another container of fresh garlic bread. One half of the loaf was topped with cheese. She gave a little cheer when she saw that he had made her favorite. This made his heart leap from his chest. A smile danced on his face, working its way from ear to ear. She was perfect. 

She joined him with a large grin. She couldn't stop staring. His beauty was so jarring. His eyes were intense and alluring. The sun hit them perfectly, bringing out the light tones in his usually dark irises. She could see his pupils were dilated, signaling to her he was just as enamored with her. Her gaze landed on his hair. It was the cherry on the cake; it brought his entire look together. He was so dark and intense, with this thick mane of curly black hair. It was perfectly kinky and complimented his features flawlessly. 

"Thank you for this," She smiled, "I haven't had a home cooked meal in a long time." She took a bite, looking out onto the river. The trees reflected in the water, mirroring the lush green. The sounds of the thrashing water soothed her nerves. She took another bite, feeling content. She turned to him, grabbing his hand. 

She looked at him, her face warming from his smile. Her thumb rubbed the top of his hand. His skin was so soft. "This is perfect." She commented. This seemed to level him; he was completely settled now. He relaxed his posture and breathed a sigh of relief. 

"It is, isn't it?" He replied in her same dreamy tone. 

"Do you get out here often?" 

"Yeah, I try. When I'm home, at least. I haven't even had much time to decorate my house. I've been on tour pretty much ever since I bought this place. But I like to go out on the water during the Summer. It's lovely." 

"You have a boat?"

"No, I have an excellent doggy-paddle." 

She laughed at his jest with a deep giggle, "Really? I bet you get some real speed out there!"

"Yeah, I do. You should see me." He took another bite of his bread. 

"I'm surprised. Those noodle arms don't look like they'd be much help." 

He feigned offence, scoffing and then broke into a smile. Her wit was charming. "No, no, I have a little boat with a radio. When it gets going it can get up to fifteen miles an hour." 

"No! You have a speedboat?" 

He laughed again, casting his head down and nodding earnestly. "The height of luxury, I know." 

"You didn't tell me you were so rich! Next you're going to say we're having caviar." 

"No, just the spaghetti." 

After they finished their food they settled into the blanket covering the grass. She laid beside him, feeling his heat. She turned, nestling into his side. Both their faces were burning. Jimmy felt the familiar hum of adrenaline in his body. This time it was gentle. The churning in his stomach was quieted. He was lively and excited, but not wired. This was different than the high touring  gave him. This was a gentle injection of energy. Her company brought about a certain inspiration he couldn't shake. He turned to look at her. 

Her bright hair rested on his chest. He picked up a chunk, feeling how soft it was. A subtle contentedness clouded his mind. He felt on top of the world. No substance or person had made him feel this way before. He could feel the beginning stages of love start to bud in himself. Maybe it was too soon, maybe it was infatuation. But he could feel something in himself start to turn. 

"Do you know your zodiac sign?" He asked. He was weary asking this because some people found it silly. "Yeah, of course. I'm a Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Virgo rising." His eyes widened at each interval. She was perfect in every way. Confusion showed on her face. "Your chart is nearly perfect in conjunction with mine," He excitedly began, "I'm a Capricorn sun, Cancer moon, and Scorpio rising." She was now wearing the same wonderous expression. "We are totally meant to be!"

This joyous agreement nearly brought tears to Jimmy's eyes. He had been dreaming of connecting with her for years. And when he didn't find her, he was afraid it would never come to fruition. But now, here they are. They were sharing a meal and looking into one another's souls. He didn't want to leave this moment. She just was, and that was enough for him.

While Gwen wasn't too keen on astrology, she had the wherewithal to know her big three. And she was happy to because it seemed to satisfy the curiosity of their compatibility. And it brought a beautiful smile to Jimmy's face.

She was skeptical if he was the man she had been manifesting for years. But now that she knew his chart, she was certain. A mysterious man with a kind heart and thoughtful eyes. Those were the keywords she had been using all these years. And Jimmy fit the bill exactly. With the addition of the star's approval, she was ready to dive in headfirst. All doubt of him had left her mind. And perhaps this time it wouldn't end so sourly.

After the exchange of their signs, they sat in quiet harmony. Their hands were intertwined and their breaths aligned. The two were unaware, but something was turning for the both of them. A new light had shone on them. Their luck had begun to change and the trajectory of their lives would never be the same. 

After some time of enjoying each other's company, Jimmy asked if she'd like to be serenaded. When she said yes, he quickly sat up and grabbed his guitar. Feeling the cool wood in his hands was magical. He hadn't played in a couple of days, due to his preoccupation with preparing for today. He began to strum aimlessly. The most beautiful song poured from him without a thought. She hummed along to the sound, harmonizing perfectly.

Together, they played for hours. They shared laughs and secret glances. They felt like small children playing under the summer sun. They were unburdened by the pressures of anyone but themselves. All they had were each other at this moment. And they didn't care to think what they looked like or what they should be doing. They were not adults of the earth, they were souls entwined. Ones who were meant to cross and perhaps had met many times before.

Their symphony ended as the day dragged on. They couldn't play forever, because Jimmy was growing tired. His fingers were numb and his hand was cramping. He shook the pain out, sitting his guitar in the grass. She turned to him after a quiet moment. She quickly stood from the blanket and darted away, laughing like a giddy child.

He was confused for a moment but caught on swiftly. He began to chase after her, following the sound of her chortling. He was quick to catch up to her. Her laugh burst into an excited scream as he wrapped his arms around her, sending them to the ground. Before she could recoup, he was off. She leapt from the ground and trailed after him. They spent the next hour playing in the grass this way; hiding behind trees and running from each other.

When the sun began to sink lower into the sky, they made their way back to the picnic blanket. Their hands were entwined as they trekked to their spot. The familiar sight of the guitar and basket entered their view.

Jimmy sighed, leaning down to collect everything. He packed it away and looked to her. "Are you ready to go back?" While she was not eager to leave this perfect day behind, she could feel there was something better awaiting her at the house. She nodded.

When they entered the house, the warm air cradled their tired bodies. While they played together like children, their bones were very much matured. Especially Jimmy, who suffered from poor posture due to the heavy guitar.

Jimmy disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a dessert. It was a sweet roll baked with cinnamon and topped with butter and brown sugar. Her mouth watered as she looked at the dish. "That looks and smells amazing!" A proud glint shone in his eyes. His hard work was paying off. She was thoroughly impressed by all of his efforts.

They sat at his table, looking at one another as they shared the dessert. She was humming in pleasure as she chewed. It tasted as good as it looked. 

"So you said you were new in town, do you have any friends?" He asked as he chewed. 

"Not really," she laughed, "just me and my cat, most nights." 

"You have a kitty cat?" 

"Yes, I do I have a kitty cat. Her name is Lucy. She's a British shorthair, a little grey thing." 

"Very sweet! I love cats. I've always wanted one." 

"I did too. As soon as I moved out I got one." After her plate was cleared, she sat back in her chair. She looked into the white ceiling and pondered the day.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked. She looked over at him, "I want to hear you play a song from tour." Her eyes were wild with excitement once more. He stood from the table and lead her to the music room.

The door swung open, revealing the shelves of vinyl and books. She looked from the shelves to him, in awe. "You have a nice collection here! I'm impressed." He sheepishly smiled at the compliment. "Records and books are kind of my souvenirs from tour. I have to pack an entire new suitcase of just what I pick up."

He picked up his guitar and placed his hands on the strings. His mind hesitated for a moment. "I could play you something on this, which you've already heard. Or," He stood from his chair and grabbed an electric guitar off the wall. He plugged it into the amp sitting next to the chair and switched it on, "I could play you something on this beauty." He sat with the brown guitar on his lap. "Play me whatever you want. It'll sound amazing either way." He was again flushed with pride. He enjoyed the endless praise she brought to him.

He began to play Black Mountainside, then transitioned into White Summer. He hadn't played it for her yet. This was on account of using the acoustic Gibson J-200. This was a long-term loner from his friend. But it played so nicely that he didn't want to return it just yet. And he was happy he hadn't. The buttery smooth playing seemed to satisfy Gwen deeply.

When the song was over, he looked up at her. She had a wide grin on her face and her eyes were lit up like a Christmas tree. She was utterly enamored by him. He wore a heavy face of concentration when he played. And the sound that came from the amp was unlike anything she had ever heard before. She began to clap for him. "That was wonderful! You are the most talented person I've ever met. Maybe in the whole world!" He was beaming from her words once again.

He played her two more songs. One of them didn't have a name or lyrics yet. He thought he could propose it to the guys for the next album. She seemed to particularly like this one. He peered up at her from his guitar. Her eyes were closed and she was humming along with the melody. She looked so peaceful this way; enmeshed with the music. This made him even more in love with her; she was just as obsessed with music as he was.

He clicked his amp off and sat his guitar back on the stand. "Okay, music time is over." He said. She frowned, begging him with her eyes to continue. "Okay, okay, we can still play some music. But I'm tired of the guitar for now. How about I play you a song on this?" He pulled a mandolin from a small stand in the corner. It was John's but was borrowed for songwriting purposes. 

He began to play a Joni Mitchell song. It was instrumental at first but Gwen recognized the tune and began to sing along. His heart nearly leapt from his chest and into her hands at that moment. Her voice was so delicate and light. She sounded almost identical to Joni. He eventually trailed off and stopped. She looked at him, puzzled. "Why did you stop?" He was silent for a moment, then laughed. "I can't remember the bloody chords." She joined him in his laughter. They looked at each other, giggling like children once again. This turned into a fit that lasted what seemed like hours.

When he finally shut the lights off and closed the music room door, they retired to the living room. The sun was setting and pink, golden light filled the room. Gwen looked out the windows and admired the sight. Jimmy was in the kitchen retrieving drinks for them. She stood from her seat and sat on the floor in front of the window. She watched the orange clouds drift past her view. She laid her head on the windowsill and closed her eyes. She was taking in all of the energy around her; drinking it up like a flower in the sun. Her breathing was shallow but still fulfilling. He walked up behind her, admiring her from behind. The sunlight was reflecting off her bright hair. She looked so peaceful.

He sat next to her, draping a soft blanket over their shoulders. She opened her eyes and turned to him. Her only response was a content smile. She closed her eyes once again and rested her head on his shoulder. This made Jimmy's chest ache. His heart began to race as he pulled her closer. He rested his arm around her and breathed in her scent. She smelled like grass and flowers but to him it was the perfect smell. They stayed like this until the sun sunk low into the sky and the moon began to rise.

"This has been the perfect day." She said.

Jimmy looked over at her. She was sprawled on the floor with the blanket wrapped around her. He reached into the fireplace, placing wood and fire starters. "Are you ready for dinner?" He asked as he worked. Her eyes fluttered open at the sound. His lithe hands were working the vents to ensure the logs would light. He lit a match and threw it in, creating a small fire. The heat was immediate and warming.

"If you're making something, of course I'll eat it. You're like a little housewife." She said. This made him laugh. "Oh yeah? Should I put on my little apron and do a dance for you?" The corners of her mouth upturned and her cheeks wrinkled as she giggled. The most beautiful sound Jimmy had ever heard. "Yes, please!"

Gwen joined him in the kitchen as he gathered ingredients. They made small talk as he cooked. She watched him as he worked. He had an intense face of concentration. His lips were pursed and his eyes were focused. She thought the precision he put into everything was admirable. Adorable that he tried so hard, even cooking a small meal. 

They sat in front of the fireplace with their plates. The heat from the fire and the plate was soothing. They ate in comfortable silence. She looked at him, pouring over every lovely detail of his face. He was a beautiful man, something she didn't think often. 

After their meal was finished, they washed the dishes together. Gwen sat on the counter, drying the ornate plates he had cleaned. They worked in perfect accordance. She shoved herself off the surface after they were finished, "Well, it's getting late. I guess I should get going."

These words were troubling to them both. This day had been so idyllic it would be a tragedy to end it. "If you'd like to go, that's alright. But I would like it if you would stay." He grabbed her hands, pulling her into him. Their faces were close for the first time. She looked down his rosebud lips. They looked plush and soft. "Yeah, that would be nice." 

He was so close to her, his head began to spin and he felt dizzy. His face was burning hot and he could feel reality slipping away. All he could feel was her hands on his. His vision went cloudy as he leaned in. A gentle rain of sparks shot down his spine as their lips made contact. Endorphins immediately flooded his brain. A hot feeling ran down to his feet. They were numb, but he was still standing firm on solid ground. He felt an other worldly happiness. The one you get as you die and enter the gates of heaven. He could fall to his knees now and begin praying to her as if she were god. The feeling she gave him was all he ever needed.

Gwen leaned into him for support. Her legs felt wobbly and her breath was stuck in her throat. She had only known him for a short time, but he was the best thing to happen to her. The feeling he gave her was unlike anything she had experienced. She felt an immediate liking for him. They had known each other long before they met. The memories of them together stretched farther than the road behind or in front of them.

No words had been exchanged in minutes, but they perfectly understood each other. Without another word or glance, they two walked together up the stairs. The white wood creaked and moaned as they made their way to Jimmy's room.

She hadn't seen it, or the rest of the upstairs yet. He only showed her the downstairs earlier on his tour. The walls of his bedroom were barren but covered in a lovely floral wallpaper. He had an ornate bed, complete with a canopy. He was like a little princess in his tower.

There was a table next to the large picture window. It was covered in a long cloth adorned with stars and clouds. There was a circle of salt surrounded with candles . In the middle sat three green crystals and a hand full of cypress. This is an altar.  Excitement filled her body. She turned to him, a smile wide on her face. "You're a witch too!"

It was his turn to be excited. Too? Oh, this is going to be a joyous union. "Yes, I am! This is my success and happiness altar. I've been using it for about a week." The two shared a glee in their spirituality. "I have a love altar at home." She was giddy, knowing she had been asking her altar to summon him. She smiled sharply at its success. Clearly her magic was working. 

Jimmy told her about his fascination with Crowley. He rambled for almost 15 minutes. She learned about his ceremonial robes, manuscripts, and the lore of a home in Lochness that Crowley once occupied. Gwen didn't mind his manic infatuation. She found it cute when he got on his knees and began taking books for the shelf in his room to show her. They were old and fashioned with sigils and different markings. She felt an energy enter the room when he opened these books to show her. It unsettled her because she knew Crowley was into baneful magic. This was not her style. Her magic was based more on good intentions and bringing herself and her loved ones goodwill. 

He had been going on about a certain book of sigils, one not written by Crowley. He looked at her, seeing her interest. "I'm sorry if I'm boring you. I get really into these things and sometimes I don't when to shut up." He laughed and closed the book. She took note of how he spoke with his hands, especially when he was excited. 

"No, no, it's cute. Really, I love it. I also think it's interesting." His ears perked up when she said this. "Really? I think it is too. I admire the way he was able to harness his energy. I want to be able to do that. Have you ever wanted something so badly, that you willed it with your power? I think that's magical." Gwen wore a sly smirk on her face. She couldn't help but laugh, really. It was ironic that he was so oblivious.

"What? Why are you laughing?" He asked. This made her laugh even more. He was so adorable when he was this clueless. "Nothing, nothing. I'm just really glad that you're telling me about this." He was appeased by her flattery and prodded at her reaction no more.

After a few more minutes of magic talk, they retired to bed. Gwen had plucked a few books from his personal shelves and brought them to the large bed. One of them was the book of sigils Jimmy was holding earlier. It was written by a man named Rudolph Koch. She had never heard of him but felt a connection to the text. She flipped the book open and saw the array of sigils. The symbols were laid out with explanations of them underneath.

"Ooo, I really like this one. I think I'm going to steal it to use in my practice." She pointed to a circular symbol with three rings and a diamond on the inside. "That one symbolizes a person who is fully connected with their mind, body, and spirit. I reckon that would be good to use in a success spell." He said. She nodded, "I've never really used sigils. But I think this book would really help me get a good start." She said. 

"You can borrow if you want. I don't really use it that much. I usually stick to my Crowley manuscripts." She smiled an appreciative grin and sat the book down.

They went over the other two books she picked out. One was a guide on green witchery and the other was a Crowley book. They were fascinating and gave her a lot of insight on how to use herbs.  After about an hour, they were finished reading. Gwen was growing tired after the long day of activities. She leaned back into the plush pillows and pondered their time together. 

She looked over at him. He turned on his side and cuddled into her. She smiled small and reached an arm around him, pulling him closer. He wasn't asleep but she could tell he was ready to be. She moved lower in the blankets and drifted off. She hoped she would dream of today and the activities they indulged in. 


When Gwen woke she rolled over and was immediately startled by Jimmy leering over her. He was sitting on his knees, looking intently at her. "Well, good morning."

He smiled and wished her a good morning. "I had a most wondrous sleep. I hope you did as well." He said in his buttery smooth accent. This made her heart flutter. His words were dipped in gold. Even when he spoke the simplest of words it made her knees wobble.

"I would have made us breakfast already, but I didn't feel right leaving your side. I didn't want you to be confused when you awoke. And I reckoned making breakfast together would be a nice way to start the day." She sat up and wrapped her arms around him. They fell back into the mattress and she squealed in excitement. 

She pulled away from their embrace and looked into his eyes. He was grinning ear to ear. This is the perfect way to start the day. With her in my arms and in my bed, he thought. 

The pair slunk down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sunbeams burst through the window and painted the walls a bright shade of canary yellow. He put a record on in the living room and set it loud enough to trickle throughout the house. They started their breakfast and made small talk as they worked.

When they finally sat at the table, Jimmy had a pensive look on his face. He was deep in thought about Gwen and had been silent for minutes. She was puzzled by his silence because her mouth never stopped moving. She looked at his face in an attempt to gain access to his thoughts. When this didn't work she resolved to ask him. "What are you thinking about? You're always in that head of yours."

He looked at her, seemingly as if he'd forgotten she was there. "I'm thinking of you, of course," He started, "And how for some reason, I can't get you off my mind. You've been on it for some time now." His soft voice paired with the kind words made her head spin. She could feel herself falling so willingly and so fully for him.

"To think of it, I've been dreaming of you for years." He continued, "I remember you began to visit me when I turned 15. It was like clockwork, the way you came." He warmed her with his musings. She was surprised by this information. 

I thought my love spells came to no avail. I thought I was stupid for attempting to manifest a person. But it worked! It worked! 

She began to laugh. "Isn't that funny?" Was all she said.

The topic was dropped and they finished their breakfast in a comfortable quiet. Gwen sat back and enjoyed the last two tracks off the record spinning while he washed up. She wanted to go back to the water and play more music. Yesterday was so perfect, I wish we could do it again and again. If every day were like that one, I'd have no more worries. Just to spend all my time with him would be heaven. 


She spent the next two days at Jimmy's Pangbourne home. They shared intimate details of their lives, played music, and spent many hours by the water. He even taught her a couple of songs on the guitar. The two had never felt happier or more at home with anyone before. Especially Jimmy, who had a habit of keeping few around. 

When it came time for her to leave, they were distraught. "I don't want to go, but I've got to. I have two shoots today and I can't miss them." She stood from the couch, where they had been watching movies for the last couple of hours. He grabbed her hand, trying to pull her back down. "Can't you just stay for a little longer? You don't have to make the shoots." He pouted. She laughed at how pathetic he was being. "I can come back soon. I have to go to work, though. You know that, Jimmy." He frowned cartoonishly. This made her giggle. 

That's all I needed to hear, he thought. 

He lead her out to the driveway where her car was parked. "I promise, I will see you soon. I'll give you a call when I get back to my apartment. Then we can set up a time for me to come back." This brought a smile to his face once more, "I'll be waiting." She leaned in and gave him a long hug.

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