We Need Fire Covering!! - A P...

By ChasexSkye1

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# 6 of Skase stories on 15/12/21! # 7 of Skase stories on 20/12/21 # 12 of Skase stories on 24/12/21 #11 of... More

A Skase Introduction!
Rest of the Pups Introduced!
Chap 2: Chase Leaving His Home and His Parents To Go Fight In The War Part: 2!
Chapter 3: Chase Leaving His Community To Go Fight In The War Part: 3!
Chapter 4: Chase Leaving His Community To Go Fight In The War Part: 4!

Chapter 1: Chase Leaving His Home and His Parents To Go Fight In The War!

361 8 31
By ChasexSkye1

At Chase's home in Las Angeles, California, United State:

Chase's mom is a Cockapoo while Chase's dad is a German Shepard. Chase is a 14 years old German Shepard and in grade 7 while his younger sister is 10 years old Cockapoo and in grade 4. Chase was playing a board game with his little sister in her bedroom until he heard his dad call him. His younger sister's name Bella. It is Thursday night.

Chase's Dad: Hey Chase, you got a mail from someone.

Chase heard his dad, but his not sure and continued to play with his sister.

Chase's Mom: Who is it from?

Chase's Dad: I don't know. It doesn't say from who, but it looks professional.

Chase's Mom: Then call him.

Chase's Dad: Will do! Chase! You got a mail from someone!

Chase heard his dad and stop playing with his sister and heads to the door, but his sister stopped him.

Bella: Hey Chase, where you going?

Chase: Dad called me, I have to go. Do you want to come with me?

Bella: Yes!

Chase: Ok, then follow me!

Bella: I wonder what could it be!!

Chase: I am also questioning the same thing too Bella.

Chase and Bella went down the stairs together and met with their parents in the living room sitting on the couch.

Chase's Dad: Hey, Chase. Here's a mail for you.

Chase's Mom: Hey Bella, you can come and sit beside me.

Bella: Ok mom.

Chase's Dad: Chase, you can sit beside me.

Chase: Ok, dad.

Bella and Chase went to sit beside her mom and dad on the couch.

Chase's Dad: Take this Chase.

Chase: Ok? Who's this from?

Chase's Dad: It doesn't say.

Chase: Oh-ok.

Chase opens the envelope and saw that it was from a military.

Chase: This envelope is from a military mom and dad. They request me to join their military to fight in wars and help protect Canada and U.S.

Chase's Mom: Really?? That's nice and scary at the same time.

Chase's Dad: Let me take that please.

Chase: Ok.

Chase's dad read and said that it's true that their asking Chase to join the military.

Chase's Dad: Yup it's true that he is going to the military to fight for Canada and the U.S!

Letter reads:

Dear Chase.

Hey. We have recently seen you as one of the greatest athletic young teenage boy that will be perfect for the military to fight for the U.S and Canada. Also, you have the perfect education of geography, math, science, gym and English to help with location, timing, communicating and speed. As a result, we invite you to come to Canada to meet with the two military leaders of U.S and Canada. We want you to join our military. We also have many other participants coming to try to get into the military. There are 16 spots left. So, if you want to join, please contact us via this email or phone number.


Email doesn't paste but its U.S/CanadaMilitary@gmail.com (Fake email not real)


Phone number:

647 442 4286. (Fake phone number not real)

Hope to see you there, Chase!

Sincerely. President of U.S/Canada

Chase: Am I allowed to go?

Chase's Mom: I will allow you to go if you dad says yes, but what about your studies and your poor sister? Also, please don't die in the war!

Chase: What do you say mom? How about you dad?

Chase's Mom: Nothing.

Chase's Dad: Well, I say its fine by me. Also ask your sister?

Chase: What do you think, Bella?

Bella: I don't mind Chase going it's just I will have no one to play with.

Chase: When I go to the military, I'll make some friends there and one of them might live close by and I can ask them if they have sister or brother and they could come play with you? Is that alright?

Bella: Sure!

Chase: So, I guess all you guys say yes?

Chase's Mom: Yup

Chase's Dad: Yup

Bella: Yup.

Chase: Thank guys!

Chase's Family: No problem, Chase!!

Chase: Hey, dad, can you send them an email saying that I'll would love to join and when they want me to come??

Chase's Dad: Ok and I'll get right on that!

Chase's dad takes this mail and see that there is an email and sent them a message saying that Chase would loves to join the military and when he should start get ready.

Chase's Mom: You two should get ready for bed now cause you two have school tomorrow!

Chase and Bella: Ok mom!

Chase: Let's go Bella, I'll tuck you in bed.

Chase's Mom: Thanks Chase! Being a responsible son for your younger sister!

Chase: Quiet mom!

Chase's mom and dad laugh when Chase said that.

Chase goes upstairs with his sister to her bedroom and tucks her in bed.

Chase: Have a good sleep and sweet dreams Bella!

Then Chase kisses his sister on the head.

Bella: Thanks Chase! Hope you have a good sleep too.

Chase: Thanks.

Chase goes out of Bella's bedroom while closing the door behind him. Then Chase goes to his bedroom, closes the door and tucks himself in bed for school tomorrow. Later his parents go to bed together.

Time past to the morning.

Chase's mom and dad wakes up and get ready for the day. Chase's mom is a pilot while Chase's dad is a police officer/Spy officer. Chase's mom makes Chase and Bella's breakfast, then makes themselves breakfast and sits at the table. Chase wakes up as he saw the sun is passing through the bedroom window at 7:30 Am. Then he goes downstairs and sees his mom and dad sitting in the table eating their breakfast.

Chase's Dad: I got an email back from the military.

Chase's Mom: Really?!?

Chase's Dad: Yup, here I'll show you.

Chase's Dad shows the email that he received from the U.S and Canada military. As Chase sees his parents talking about Chase going to the military.

Chase: Hey mom and dad. How are you guys?

Chase's Mom: Hey, Chase. We are great. Guess what?

Chase: What?

Chase's Dad: You got a spot on the Military! They want you to come in 1 to 2 weeks to this address.

Chase: Letssss Goooo!!!!

Chase's Dad shows the email from the military with the address.

Address: 55 Bay St.

Chase's Mom: Eat your breakfast, then you need to wake up Bella.

Chase: Ok. Also, that means I'll be gone from school for unlimited time!

Chase's Dad: Yup!

Chase: I am done with breakfast. I'll go call Bella now.

Chase's Mom: Ok. I'll get her breakfast ready.

The time is 8:00 Am on Friday. Chase goes up to Bella's bedroom and sees her asleep.

Chase: Good morning, Bella. It's time to get up and get ready for school.

Bella: Good morning, Chase. Ok, I am up.

Chase: Great, I'll get ready and you should too, also your breakfast is waiting downstairs.

Bella: Ok, thanks Chase!

Chase: No problem.

Chase walks out of her bedroom and walks towards his room to get changed for school. Chase gets ready in 10 minutes. Later Chase goes to see if Bella is ready.

Chase: Bella, you ready?

Bella: Yup, I am ready.

Chase: Ok, let's go downstairs.

So, the two of them go down the stairs to see their mother and father waiting at the table.

Bella: Hey mom and dad!

Chase's Mom: Hey, Bella. Your breakfast is ready. Also Chase, me and your dad will go to talk to your school principle about the military today.

Chase: Ok!

Bella goes to eat her breakfast and finishes it in 10 minutes while Bella questions military. The time is 8:30 Am.

Bella: Military?

Chase's Dad: Yup, Chase got a spot on the military. We just hope he stays there because there are other participants trying to get in the military too.

Bella: Already?!?

Chase: Yup.

Bella: I got to tell my friends about this!!!!

Chase: Not so fast Bella, I'll be leaving in the next 1 to 2 weeks. Maybe next week you can tell them that I am in the military.

Bella: Ok.

Chase's Dad: Let's go otherwise you two will be late for school.

Chase and Bella instantly responded by grabbing their backpacks and coats and shoes.

Chase's parents get in the front of a white Lamborghini Urus while Chase and Bella get in the back. It takes 30 minutes to go to Chase and Bella's School.

Chase's Dad: We're here!

Chase: Dad, park on the left side where there are parking spots for visitors as the right side is for pick & Dropoff area.

Chase's Dad: Ok!

Chase's Dad follows his son's order and they all get off while Chase and Bella go running to meet their friends. One of Chase's friends sees Chase happy while his other friends come to join. Also, all of Chase's friends are super serious but Chase is the most serious and they are all super good at gym. Chase and Jacob are also one of the rare students that's super good at karate.

Chase's Friend # 1 Oliver (Oliver's brother) : Hey Chase!

Chase's Friend # 2 Max: Hi Chase.

Chase's Friend # 3 Jacob (Ava's brother) : Hi Chase.

Chase's Friend # 4 Noah: Hi Chase. What's up? You sound excited.

Chase: Hey Guys! Yup, I am excited, but you will know next week because I am not allowed to tell that yet.

Max: Oh, ok. Well, I hope I know soon!

Chase: Of, course you will know. Let's go to class now, I don't want to be late for class.

Max: Right!

Jacob: Right!

Noah: Right!

Oliver: Right!

Bella sees her friend waiting for her in the front. All of Bella's friends including Bella herself is mostly serious but not that much.

Bella: Hey guys!

Bella's Friend # 1 Olivia (Oliver's Sister) : Hey Bella!

Bella's Friend # 2 Ava (Jacob's sister) : Hey Bella! You sound happy! Why's that?

Bella's Friend # 3 Emma: Hey Bella!

Bella's Friend # 4 Charlotte: Hey Bella!

Bella: Yup, I am happy cause it's something to do with my brother.

Ava: I see. Can you tell us?

Bella: Sorry, I can't, he told me that I cannot share anything until next week.

Ava: I guess we will wait until next week.

Bella: Yup! Let's go to class, shall we?

Ava: Yup!

Olivia: Yup!

Emma: Yup!

Charlotte: Yup!

So, Chase and his friends go to their classes while Bella and her friends go to their classes. While Chase and Bella's parent has just entered the school and goes to the office and talks to the front desk.

Front desk Fatima: Hey, you must be Chase and Bella's parents right?

Chase's Dad: Yes, we need to talk about my son to the principle.

Fatima: Ok, I'll tell him and he will call, just sit in the couch that is outside in the hallway.

Chase's Mom: Ok.

Chase's parents go and sit on the couch while the front desk goes to go talk to the principle.

Fatima: Hey Mr. James. Chase's parents need to talk to you about Chase.

Mr. James (School principle) : Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll get them.

Fatima goes to the front desk and does her work while Mr. James goes and calls Chase's parents.

James: Hey Paul (Chase's dad) and Mary (Chase's mom). Please come in.

Chase's parents follow Mr. James o his principle's office.

Paul and Mary: Hey Mr. James. How are you?

Mr. James: I am great. What about you guys?

Paul: We are ok. Also, we are sorry about this unexpected visit, it's just we need to talk about Chase in an emergency.

Mr. James: Why is something wrong with him?

Mary: No, it's just Chase won't be able to come to the school from 2 weeks from now.

Mr. James: Why.

Paul: Well 2 days ago Chase got a mail from U.S/Canada President.

Mr. James: Wow, did he really?

Mary: Yup.

Scene changes to Chase's class.

Chase's teacher: Hey everyone! How are you guys doing?

Chase: I am ok.

Chase's classmate (15 boys and 9 girls) : We are good!

Chase's teacher: Well, that's good, because your first class is P.E aka gym!! Go get your gym bags.

Chase :Yes!

Chase and the other classmates go and get their gym bags. After they got their gym bags the teacher leads them to the gym. While Chase follows the teacher, Chase passes by Bella's class and smiles and waves to Bella. Bella sees Chase in the corner of her eyes in the hallway and puts a thumbs up and waves back. Chase sees and sighs that she hasn't told her friends that he is in the military. Chase continues to the gym behind the teacher and sees his parents talking to the principle and sighs louder this time. His great friends see Chase feeling a bit sad and decides to ask him what's wrong while in the change room after they enter the gym.

Jacob: What's wrong Chase? Are you ok?

Chase: Yup.

Noah: You sure.

Max: I feel bad for you Chase. Please tell us a bit at least.

Oliver: Yeah, please tell us.

Chase: Ok, I'll tell you a bit why I am feeling sad. It's just that I won't see you guys after 2 weeks.

Noah: Is this the reason why your sad.

Chase: Yup, and I won't see you for a long time.

Oliver: I see, is your family moving?

Chase: No, my family is staying, but I am moving.

Max: Aww... You will be hardly missed!

Chase: I know, but you guys will have me for 2 more weeks. I'll also ask my parents to keep in touch with your family so that you guys know about my status.

Noah, Max, Oliver: Ok!

Noah: Ready for gyms guys?

Chase, Max and Oliver: Yup!

The students are playing basketball and soccer as the gym teacher instructed.

Scene changes to Chase's parents again.

Paul: Here Mr. James. This is the physical mail that I got 2 days ago and I just sent the email about Chase.

Mr. James took the physical mails and reads it and sees it's from the military.

Mr. James: Oh, wow the mail says that they want Chase to join the military and sees that they want him in 2 weeks.

Mary: Yup.

Mr. James: Since this is an unexpected event, I'll call the whole school to come to the gym for an assembly later today about this.

Paul: Ok.

Mr. James: Ok, can you guys wait a little because I need to scan this physical mail?

Mary: Sure.

Mr. James takes the mail and scans it. After he scans its he hands it back to them.

Mr. James: Done.

Mary: Can we see Chase and Bella before we leave??

Mr. James: Of course! I'll call them!

Paul: Thanks.

Mr. James: No problem.

Mr. James calls Bella from art class to meet at the front through the speaker.

Bella's teacher: Bella can you go to the front of the school to meet Mr. James.

Bella: Ok.

Bella starts to head to the front of the school while Mr. James calls Chase from gym class to meet at the front through the speaker.

Gym teacher: Chase can you meet Mr. James at the front please.

Chase: Sure.

Chase heads towards the front of the school.

Bella: Hey mom and dad.

Paul and Mary: Hey Bella. We are waiting for you two.

Bella: Two? You mean Chase?

Paul: Yup.

Chase sees Bella, mom and dad waiting for him.

Chase: Hey guys. What do you need guys? Bella, I thought you were in class?

Bella: Well, I was until Mr. James called me to the front.

Chase: Oh.

Mary: Ok, guys the reason Mr. James called you is because we had discussed about Chase going to the military in 2 weeks.

Bella and Chase: Oh.

Bella: Does that means I can tell my friends?

Mr. James comes out of the office to meet Chase's family and says.

Mr. James: If you want to Bella, also Chase you can tell your friends!

Paul and Mary: I guess our job here done. Bye Chase and Bella.

Bella and Chase: Bye mom and dad.

Mr. James: Bella you could go back to class and Chase follow me to the gym please.

Chase: Yes Mr. James.

Bella goes back to the class and continue her works while Chase and Mr. James go to the gym.

Mr. James: Chase no need to do gym, you can take a break because I know you'll be disappointed about missing your friends.

Chase: Ok.

Mr. James: Gym teacher!

Gym teachers: Yes, Mr. James?

Mr. James: I need to talk to you.

Gym teacher: Ok, students continue with your basketball and soccer drills!

Students: Ok!

Gym teacher: Ok, so what you need?

Mr. James: You know Chase over here, right?

Gym teacher: Yes, he is one of my favourite students in my gym class along with 3 others. What about him?

Mr. James: Well, his parents told me that he is going to the military soon. So, we will use the gym in unexpected times throughout the next 1 week. So please be prepared. Also, we need the gym right now.

Gym teacher: Oh-ok, I'll get the students off. Also, ok I'll be prepared.

The gym teacher blowed on the whistle to call the other students to gather up.

Gym teacher: Students, please gather around Mr. James.

Students gather around Mr. James.

Mr. James: Well, you guys might be wondering why I am here and Chase isn't joining you guys right now. Well, its about Chase. Chase, want to tell them?

Chase: Sure. Ok well, I will be leaving in a week because I am going to a military.

Chase's best friends: Wow that's great Chase!

Chase's classmate: Wow that's amazing Chase.

Mr. James: Yeah, so you guys will be sitting off to the side as I gather the other students in 1 hour. By this time, you guys can get changed.

Chase and his classmates: Ok.

Mr. James: Is it ok if I call the school through the gym?

Gym teacher: Sure.

Mr. James calls the teachers that are need to help fix the gym.

Mr. James (through speaker) : Attention all students and teachers, I am asking you to take your hands off anything you're doing and put them in the air and listen attentively to these procedures. This whole day and the following week will be full of unexpected announcements to come to the gym for an assembly because of one of the students named Chase. All classes, please procced to the gym in 1 hour. Also, I need the following teachers in the gym: Michael, Robert, Richard, David, Mark, Steven, John, Eric, Patrick, Elizabeth, Sandra, Melissa, Amy and Anna. The rest of the teacher please proceed with what you're doing and I'll make another announcement it 1 hour.

In Bella's class.

Ava: Wait Bella, isn't that your brother Chase?

Bella: Yes, and now I can finally tell you guys why.

Olivia: Yeah, tell us!

Charlotte: Yes!

Emma: Oh yeah!

Bella: Ok, so the thing is that Chase is going to a military.

Ava: Wow! That's super amazing. I wish my brother could join the military.

Bella: Not everyone is lucky, but can I ask you guys a favour?

Ava, Emma, Charlotte, Olivia: Sure, what's that?

Bella: Since Chase is going to the military, I'll have no one to have fun with, so can you guys come to my house?

Ava: Aww... You have us. We'll come to your house if you feel sad.

Bella: Also, my parents are very busy every day and that I will be home alone.

Ava: It's ok, I'll ask my brother Jacob if he can babysit us when we are at your house. Also, I know that Jacob is a close friend with Chase, Noah, Oliver, Max.

Olivia: Also, Oliver is my brother. So, all of his friends might be able to babysit us when we are at your house.

Bella: Ok, thanks so much for helping!

Ava, Olivia, Emma and Charlotte: No problem. We also got each other's back and always want to help a friend in need!

Bella: I'll talk to my family about it! Now let's go back to work!

Ava: I got an idea!!

Emma: What is it!

Ava: Well, how about making Chase a poster?

Bella: Yeah, good idea.

Charlotte: Ok.

Ava: Well since Olivia and i have brothers in this school but Emma and Charlotte doesn't have one, we could make half and half.

Bella: Ok, I'll ask the teacher. Art teacher?

Art teacher: Yes Bella?

Bella: I need one big poster for my brother cause his leaving in a week to the military!

Art teacher: Ok, and good job for him and here.

Bella: Thanks.

Bella goes back to her friends and they start drawing with blue and pink.

It's something like this:

This is written on the poster above:

Hey Chase. Congratulation in going to the military. Stay Safe my friend! – Ava

Hey Chase. I am so happy for you Chase. Please remember us and your school, your friends and your family!! – Your Sister Bella.

You will be hardly missed by your close friend! - Charlotte

Have fun! - Emma

Stay Safe and hope you'll remember all of us!!

Bella and her friends are writing things that they will miss Chase and stay safe Chase. They also signed it with their names.

Ava: Done! Now we just need to give it to Chase.

Bella: I got the perfect idea.

Charlotte: Great!

Scene changes to the teachers in the gym

All the teachers that were called came to the gym and met Mr. James.

Mr. James: Ok. Let's the benches set up because we have 1 hour left.

Teachers: Ok.

Gym teacher: Mr. James the students are changed.

Mr. James: Alright students, let's get the benches set up and Chase you can take a break.

Students: Ok.

Chase: Ok.

Chase sits on the bench and starts crying and feeling sad. Mr. James notices Chase feeling sad and crying decides to call his friends.

Mr. James: Jacob, Max, Noah, Oliver! Please come here.

The 4 students come to Mr. James.

Jacob, Max, Noah, Oliver: Yes, Mr. James?

Mr. James: I just saw Chase crying and feeling sad, please go support him. Also, Jacob can you go to Chase's sister classroom # 204 and call her and her friends please.

Jacob: Sure!

Max: Hey Chase? How are you feeling?

Chase: Hey guys. I feel super sorry that you're doing this all for me just because I won't be coming here in 1 week!

Oliver: It's Ok Chase. Everyone feels that way when someone leaves.

Noah: I have changed school twice and I really felt that way when I switched.

Max: Yeah, but one thing is that you're still a community to this school and won't be moving!

Chase: Yeah, I guess that a benefit and I won't switch schools.

Noah: There you go.

Oliver: You're getting the spirt now.

Jacob head to room # 204 and knocks the door. The Art teacher comes and open the door.

Art teacher: Hey Jacob. Do you need something from me?

Jacob: No, I just need Bella and her friends quickly because Chase is crying.

Bella: Whaaaa! Chase is crying!!!!

Jacob: Yes, Bella, he needs you, come quick!

Bella: Come on Ava, Charlotte and Emma!! Chase needs us!

Charlotte: What about our drawing!

Bella: Ask the teacher to take care of it!

Art teacher: It's ok! You guys go!! I'll take care of it and make sure no one touches it!!

Ava: Thanks!

Jacob: Let's go!

Bella, Ava, Emma, Charlotte: Ok!

The 5 of them start running to the gym and Bella sees Chase crying while his are trying to support him.

Jacob: Max, Oliver, Noah get out of the way, because Bella is running right now towards Chase!

The 3 friends supporting Chase, moves back a bit.

Bella: Chase!!!!! Chase!!! Chase!!!!!!!!!!!

When Bella starts screaming Chase's name then the whole gymnasium stated looking at Bella like what's going on. Then realized that its Bella and go back to work.

Chase: Bella? Is that you?

Bella: Yes, Chase. Are you ok?

Chase: I am fine.

Bella: No, you're not, you were crying and sad.

Chase: Oh, how do you know?

At this point Jacob speaks.

Jacob: I told her and her friends.

Chase: Oh, ok.

Max: Noah, Jacob and Ava, let's get some stuff to help Chase.

Noah, Jacob and Ava: Ok.

Olivia goes to her brother and ask what happened.

Olivia: What happened Oliver?

Oliver: Tell your friend Emma and Charlotte to come with me and then I'll explain.

Olivia: Charlotte and Emma follow my brother.

Charlotte and Emma: Ok.

The three go outside the gym and Oliver explains everything.

Oliver: So, Mr. James saw that Chase was crying and that he called us to support him.

Charlotte, Emma and Olivia: Oh ok.

Then they go back to Chase.

Ava: Jacob can I tell you guys something outside?

Jacob: Sure.

They go out of the gym and get the supplies while Ava explains something.

Ava: Ok so, what I wanted to say is that me, Bella, Emma, and Charlotte made something for Chase and we want to ask you guys to sign it too.

Max, Noah and Jacob: Wow, that nice.

Max: I think you should ask Bella first though because it's her brother.

Ava: Yup your right and let's get the stuff.

Noah: Here it is!

Ava: Great let's get it to Chase!

So, the three get the supplies and go back to Chase.

Ava: Hey Bella we got supplies for Chase.

Bella: Thanks guys!

Max, Noah and Jacob: No problem! We want to help Chase feel better from sadness.

Chase: Thanks guys.

Ava: Bella, I need to talk to you.

Bella: Ok, can you guys' support Chase until I am back?

Max, Noah, Jacob: Sure Bella.

Jacob: How are you feeling now, Chase?

Chase: A bit better.

Noah: That's good.

Ava and Bella go a bit far from Chase and the others to talk about something.

Ava: Ok, so I want the boys to sign the poster too, so that they don't have to make another one for him.

Bella: You mean only Max, Jacob, Noah and Oliver?

Ava: Yup.

Bella: Great idea!

Ava: So, I'll call them while you can stay with Chase.

Bella: Sure.

Ava: Ok.

Bella starts heading back to Chase to support him while Ava calls the other.

Ava: Jacob, Noah, Max, Oliver, Emma and Charlotte follow me.

Jacob, Noah, Max, Oliver, Emma, Charlotte: Ok.

Ava leads them back to room # 204 where Ava's art room is.

Ava: Hey Art teacher, where the drawing that me and my friends made?

Art teacher: It's over here and untouched by the other students.

Ava thanks the teacher and leads the boys!

Ava shows the boys the poster they had finished for them, but the boys still need to sign it.

Ava: Here's the drawing. We finished it with our signature and we drew the whole thing. You guys just need to sign it.

Noah, Max, Oliver, Jacob: Ok.

They take the pink and blue pencils and start drawing on the poster!!

Here is the updated poster with the boys' signature:

Hey Chase. Congratulation Chase for going to the military. Stay Safe my friend! – Ava

Hey Chase. I am so happy for you Chase. Please remember us and your school, your friends and your family!! – Bella you sister.

You will be hardly missed by your close friend! - Charlotte

Have fun! - Emma

Stay healthy and fit Chase! – Max

Hope you won't forget to update about yourself Chase once in a while! – Oliver

Hope you visit us soon! – Noah

We'll always remember you Chase forever, in this school, community, our family, even the whole country even!  - Jacob!

Stay Safe and hope you'll remember alll of us!!

Noah, Max, Oliver, Jacob: Ok. We are done with our signatures. How is it?

Ava: Great! Now I'll put away for next week.

Ava puts the drawing in a safe place where no one can touch and told the art teacher where it is and she said ok, and we'll take it out next week.

Ava: Let's go see how Chase is doing!

Noah, Max, Oliver, Jacob, Charelotte and Emma: Yeah.

They go back to the gym and sees Chase feeling much better.

Ava, Jacob, Noah, Max, Oliver, Emma and Charlotte: Hey Chase, how are you feeling?

Chase: Much better actually. Thanks to Bella.

Ava: Great job Bella.

Bella (while blushing) : Thanks.

Mr. James: Hey guys. It's almost time for the assembly. I'll arrange you guys and Chase's classmate here. Gym teacher can you call the students here.

Gym teacher: Ok

Gym teacher blows the whistle and all the students gather around.

Mr. James: Ok students, I am ordering you for this assembly.

Students (15 boys and 9 girls) : Ok.

Mr. James: This is the order from left to right. 5 boys on the left, then 4 girls then Max, Emma, Bella, Chase in the middle, Charlotte, Ava, Jacob, 4 girls, then 5 boys. Then we have Noah, Olivia, Oliver and 1 more-tall girl.

Noah, Olivia, Oliver and 1 more-tall girl: Yup.

Mr. James: Perfect, we will have Noah and the tall girl  in front of Chase at all times and Oliver can go right beside her in front Bella while Olivia can go in front of Charlotte.

Noah, Olivia, Oliver and 1 more-tall girl: Ok.

Mr. James: Also, after you guys go there in front of the school look straight at the audience and walk forward to form a V shape and Oliver, Olivia, Noah and the tall girl will branch off to the side at the end of the V Shape to reveal Chase in the center of the V Shape.

All the students: Ok!

Mr. James: Great, the set-up is done and I'll call the whole school to come now and just for now all you guys look straight towards the stage and I'll give a signal to the first boy to come and the you just follow him.

First video posted is just for some fun and entertainment.

Mr. James (through school speaker) : Hello, everyone! Please stop with whatever you're doing and pay close attention to this. All teachers please guide your class to the gymnasium with grade 1 in the front and grade 8 in the back. Thank you.

All the grades from 1 to 8 starts to enter the gymnasium with their teachers in front and take their seats while half of the students starts looking at the right side looking at why 29 students are seating on the side bench.

Mr. James: Thank you for all coming here. I really appreciate you guys coming here! It is a pleasure to make an assembly for one of our students, who is not going to be here in a week.

During this time while Mr. James is talking to the school the first boy in the line on the side of the gym stands up and motions the next boy behind to get up and it continues until all of them are standing up.

Mr. James: We are pleased to announce most of the grade 7s and their brother or sister coming to the stage. Please welcome them!

Mr. James signals the first boy and he got the signal and starts toward to the stage along with the others following him close behind while Mr. James gets off the stage and goes to the side. They enter the stage in the line that they were organized in and later the line starts to form a V Shape with Oliver covering Bella, Chase is the middle and covered by tall girl and Noah and Olivia covering Charlotte in the front of the V Shape. Later Noah and Oliver move to the right while the tall girl and Olivia move to the left, revealing Chase at the top of the V Shape in the middle.


It's not about the song, but look at the formation of the kids which is at 2:20 and it's similar to the formation described above!

Everyone (other than Chase) : The special student is this grade 7 student named Chase!

While everyone says this Bella notices Chase feeling sad and his head down decides to inform Oliver.

Bella (whisper to Oliver) : Oliver, Chase is feeling down again, pass this to Noah please.

Oliver (whisper to Bella) : Oh, ok. Will do.

Oliver (whisper to Noah) : Noah, Chase is feeling down again, tell him you got this Chase and we are here for you!

Noah (whisper to Oliver) : Oh, ok. Will do.

Noah (whisper to Chase) : You got this Chase and we are here for you when you need it!! You can do this!

Chase (whisper to Noah) : Ok, Noah, but I am not ready yet!

Noah (whisper to Chase) : Struggling?

Chase (whisper to Noah) : Yes. Please help me.

Noah (whisper to Noah) : Will do Chase!

Noah signals Bella to signal the last boy on the right to signal to play the three songs of Hold-On by Chord Overstreet, Hey Brother by Avicii and We Are Soldiers by Otherwise. So, Bella read Noah's sign and signals the last boy. Luckily the last boy was looking towards Chase and feeling sorry and saw Bella signaling him. Bella signals him the songs for Mr. James to play and signals back saying he read it. Later he signals Mr. James on the side to play the three songs and Mr. James read it and nodded towards him.

The boy signals Bella that Mr. James read the signal and it clear! Bella reads the signals and understands it and signals to Noah, saying that Mr. James read it and that you can tell Chase. Noah read the signal and tells Chase.

Noah (whispers to Chase): Don't worry Chase, we got your back! We'll play a few songs for you to get into the spirit, so you feel comfortable telling the others.

Chase (whispers to Noah) : Thanks! Really appreciated.

Then, he runs towards the back of the gym and connects the songs to the gym speaker. Then plays the 3 songs.

Mr. James: Hey everyone, please take the time to listen to these songs that I am going to play right now.

Hold on:

Hey Brother:

We Are Soldiers:

Chase starts to feel emotional as he hears the three songs along with the rest of the school.

Chase (says while crying) : Hey everyone. I am here to announce that the U.S and Canada has selected me to be a part of their military and fight to help serve our country along with the country up north.  

Hope you liked this chaper, part 2 will be a countinuation of this Part 1! 

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