More than just a friend || Ro...

By scarlett-kate

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'I didn't know it then, but that moment changed almost everything for me. It was the start of a long journey... More

Prologue- The man of my past
1- I know you
2- Answer when it rings
3- I don't know much about you
4- A proper date
6- You can't deny
7- He was just like cigarettes
8- The boy in green
9- I wanna see you
10- It's just me and you
11- How it's gonna stay
12- I'll be your plus one
13- I like you too
14- since the second I saw you
15- this is it now
16- It's all just a dream
17- why did i agree ?
18- every unmatched piece of him
19- you always lead
20- this isn't my home
21- you'll always love them
22- you're my angel
23- the last time
24- As a free man
25- the last goodbyes
26- All too long ago
27- I should follow the path
28- He doesn't know
29- my first love
30- the man of my past
31- We'll see about that one
32- just trust me
33- of course i waited
34- never missed anyone more
35- don't try and charm me
36- this reminds me of old times
37- finding myself falling
38- watch another girl fall
39- every part of my future
40- I love him sometimes
41- you know we can
42- the person he loved
43- it took years to unlove you
44- the end of it all
45- life moved slow without him
46- I love you lynn
47- im no good at goodbyes
48- why have you stayed ?
49- not the man you think he was
50- the beginning of his end
51- don't doubt yourself for a minute
52- completley and utterly true
53- our entire lives together
54- my one and only
55- when they wanna be apart
56- how it's ending
57- gonna treat you right
58- is this even real ?
59- can't believe it
60- i told you
61- the end
62- final authors note

5- Desperate for you

250 10 60
By scarlett-kate

Continuation from the previous chapter

An- Everyone's favourite warning.... smut warning

It was soon late, later than it should've of been for a model and drummer who were supposedly friends, and we'd both drunk enough to feel slightly lighter yet still sober enough to think straight.

There had been a tension building all night, one that needed to burst soon. It could've been the alcohol that made me feel like I finally needed to feel his arms around me again, butI had been gazing into Roger's eyes with the feeling for a while now.

"What do you think we should do for the rest of the evening then Lynn ? We're five drinks in, I would say a fair amount, and we've run out of conversation." Roger smirked, eating the final chip from the basket we'd ordered to share not too long ago, the alcohol only giving his confidence a boost some would deem unnecessary.

"Well I think you might have an idea in mind Roger..."

"Well, how drunk exactly are you ? Cause it really depends on how sober you are before I ask the next question..." he asked almost too quickly, waiting for a response as laughed a little.

"I've had five drinks, and half a portion of chips, I'd say I'm partly sober, not hugely drunk. Well... sober enough to not do anything ridiculously stupid." I replied with a small confidence behind each word, a smile pulling at my lips that he told himself meant he was gonna get what he wanted.

"So if I ask you to come back to my place... what are you gonna say ?"

"I'll come back to yours Roger... but if you dare let this boost your ego even higher than it already is i can leave your address just as quick." He smiled, almost too brightly, nodding as he quickly wrapped his jacket around himself. He knew he'd gotten what he'd be looking for, which I immediately gave to him happily, which meant that his smugness wasn't gonna have any intention of dropping.

"I wouldn't dare. I'll pay Charlie whilst you go and find us a taxi..." I nodded quickly, grabbing my own jacket as I smiled and waved at the familiar face behind the bar before making my way out into the cold street.

I was only by myself for a short while, but it gave me time to think about how smart this move I was making was gonna be. There wasn't anything telling me I shouldn't go to the drummers, and of course I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to him, but there was a slight tug trying to pull me away from doing something I felt I would regret. I didn't think I was gonna regret it the following morning, I had a feeling it was something that would come back to haunt me much later on. But that feeling was quite strong enough.

The alcohol was what made me consider his offer with more freedom, but I hardly had a staggering amount. It was really an excuse. I didn't like to think I was sober enough to agree to the offer as quickly as I did, but for hours now I'd been sat opposite him, my mind curious about how his lips would feel against mine. That was the tension, and it needed to burst.

"Fuck it's cold." Roger chucked, shivering slightly as he stepped out the door. "Did you get us a cab ?"

"There's a rank just around the corner. You're staring to sound a little desperate to get home you know Taylor..." I chuckled, my breath clouding in the air between us as he nodded and took my hand in his again with little hesitation.

Every time I felt my hand in wrapped in his, even though that was only the second time they'd been wrapped in each other, I always still thought about how oddly soft they were for a man who had a career drumming. It didn't make sense, but then again I knew nothing about him did.

He stayed quiet, a little nervous as we walked closer together in the cold. The rank was only a mere minute a way, but besides him it felt like it was a far longer walk, which was mostly due to my mind deciding to focus on what our plans for the rest of the night were.

We stayed silent, slightly tense, as we got into the back of a cab. Roger told the driver his address, turning to face me as I smiled slightly. He was nervous, unfamiliar with the feeling as he pretend not to tap his fingers again his jeans. It was only a brief and somehow perfectly welcome silence we fell into, but I didn't have a chance to settle into it when Roger suddenly turned to face me with a confession on the end of his tongue.

"Adelynn... you know I like you don't you..." he paused and chuckled slightly as my smile turned brighter, the shock and surprise of the statement only managing to turn my lips upwards. "You're fucking stunning... you're a nice girl... and you ain't afraid of anything really- in a good way that is."

"I don't think your half bad either. Your confidence might need knocking down a few pegs though." I smirked. He definitely was far too proud, far too smug, but he knew he wore it better than most other men. And he knew it was pretty valuable when it came to getting his next lay, which was only a point I helped prove.

After the journey ended, one that stayed in a slightly tense silence throughput it's remainder, we arrived at the drummer's house. It was hardly a house, more like a palace from the outside, but I couldn't guarantee I would be focused on his home much. Roger payed the driver, tipping him a hefty amount as the two of us stepped out onto the curb.

The next few minutes were slightly robotic, like a routine we somehow both knew how to follow. He opened his door, tossing his keys onto a small table with a picture of him and another women (who looked like she could be his sister) before switching on the lights.

I followed closely behind him, hanging my jacket on the coat rack as he lead me through to the kitchen, one I was secretly jealous of. His house was nice, not as messy as I imagined it to be and decorated not too harshly. He opened the fridge, smirking as he found an unopened bottle of wine, taking the bottle with a pleased expression.

"Wine ? What makes you think I want to drink that." I laughed slightly, grabbing two glasses from the cupboard to his left as he cracked the bottle open.

"I doubt you'll be doing an awful lot of drinking tonight. Don't worry." Roger reassured me, pouring the two of us a glass a glass of wine neither of us were really planning on drinking, a cheek in his tone I somehow adored.

"Really... so what am I going to be doing tonight ?" I teased, looking up at his blue doe eyes as he stepped slightly closer towards me. There was a very short distance between us, I was stood in front of him against the counter, and he was just by the fridge putting the bottle back in it's original spot.

But there was just enough distance between us for his eyes to soak up every small twinkle against my dress or every slightly miss placed piece of hair framing my face, satisfaction beaming across each of his features. Then he suddenly focused on my lips, not taking his pupils of the slightly rosey pair as they craved to feel his against them. And he knew that.

Now nothing about what we were about to do was logical. He was a famous drummer, still supposedly dating a french girl who wasn't even currently in the country, and I was a model who'd only just broken free from her past relationship. But we felt like we needed each other, desperately, and that craving managed to drown anything that made sense.

"I had a couple of ideas in mind..." He replied quietly, slowly letting his hands fall gently against my waist as I nodded. He didn't have to say what he was thinking, of course he didn't, why would he need to when our thoughts were almost identical. We both had a want for something we both were certain about getting. "What do you think ?"

"Why do you think it's been so tense all night ?"
I whispered, smiling until my lips were stolen by the shock of being pressed against his. They were soft, extremely, and I could just about taste the alcohol and cigs against them as we feel deeper against one another.

He kissed me like I could guarantee he had any other girl, that I knew from how he pressed his lips against mine so effortlessly and easily. But in that minute I told myself he's never dared kiss anyone else like he did me, which was a perfect excuse for the way the butterflies in my stomach wouldn't stop fluttering.

My fingers became tangled in his blonde hair, his mop just long enough to pull. The kiss started gentle, something simple we'd both wanted to feel, allowing the tension to drop and our bodies flood with satisfaction, but the two of us soon let it turn hungry as his hands subtly slid subtly to my ass and mine pulled harder against him.

Without much warning, he propped me up against the counter, letting my mouth fall open in a silent gasp. He took the opportunity to let his tongue take it's toll with mine, the touch of his lips turned more desperate and hungry than the last.

We stayed in that position for only a few moments, until he subtly pulled me against his waist, letting my legs wrap round him before he carried me to the sofa. It wasn't where he'd plan to let us fall, but it was as far as he could get with the desperation building between the both of us.

It was only a short distance from the counter, but somehow Roger still managed to knock over a wine glass and lamp shade before we crashed down onto the soft leather. I ended up beneath him, a pillow placed behind my head as he trailed kisses from my cheek, to my neck, and then against my torso until he found the elastic to my tights underneath my dress. I giggled a little, laughing as he smirked, slowly unzipping my boots and tossing them behind him before hungrily pulling off my tights and letting his body fall between my thighs.

My legs wrapped around him tightly, almost trapping him between them. Roger kissed me again, each peck of his lips becoming more eager and distressed than the last. He lifted his frame up, only to quickly remove his shirt and kick of his trainers.

I slowly lifted my dress off, pausing for a moment as the drummer took in every detail of my now exposed torso. He bit down on his bottom lip, his eyes frantically scanning each part of me that was suddenly visible until he heard the familiar click of his lighter as I held it close to my lips and lit a cigarette I'd stolen from the packet he had rested on the table besides the couch.

We held a small stare for only a second, him watching in awe as the smoke slowly leaked from my lips that already missed the touch of his. He softy parted my legs, slowly kissing the inside of each thigh until he met my entrance. He carefully slid my knickers down, watching with a smugness as he saw how a simple touch from him could make me skin tingle with goosebumps.

I shuddered slightly, feeling his breathe against me as I took another slow drag. Roger smirked, slowly trailing kisses down my torso, watching with amusement as my breathe quickened.

I reached my arm out to my left, dropping the cigarette into the ash tray once I felt my craving had been relieved, only to watch Roger pick it up and take a slow inhale, blowing a satisfying pool of grey in the air between us.

"Why are you being such a tease..?" I whispered, watching him slowly hover above my lips to allow me to feel his breath against mine as the cig sat peacefully between his lips. I hadn't realised how desperate I'd become for him in such a short amount of time, but the drummer was one I felt like I needed to have.

"Look Lynn... for starters." He paused to stub the cigarette in the ashtray before subtly nipping at my neck. "If you get to relive your craving for a cig- I get to relive mine." He let his lips trace my body until he reached my chest, peppering each of my breasts with the touch of his lips until he let his fingers unclasp my bra.

"And... and I like to see how desperate you get." Roger smirked, tossing my bra behind him. I shook my head, laughing a little as my hands wrapped in his hair.

"Well stop it." I replied, my hands becoming tighter in his hair as he left a few marks against my neck. "Please... you know I want this."

"Wallet... the fucks my wallet ?" Roger suddenly mumbled, leaning over me to try and find his wallet that must've fallen from his pockets since leaving the kitchen with my wrapped around his waist. He'd used his patience cleverly, getting me to where he wanted me to be before he knew it couldn't last.

"Really ?" I panted. "You're wallet ? That's where you keep your condoms."

"Yes. My wallet." Roger chuckled, grabbing some protection from his wallet before almost tearing down his jeans and boxers and sliding it on. He sat upright, rested against the back of the sofa as he quickly fumbled with the latex.

I kissed his neck slowly, soon feeling his hands take no hesitation when they pulled me into his lap. He smirked, chuckling slightly as my legs fell either side of him. I kissed him softly, falling against his lips as he subtly pushed himself into me, both of our breathes quickening as I moved my hips at a pace he clearly enjoyed.

Roger slapped my arse playfully, slightly grasping each cheek as his hands left and returned to their tough grasp against my waist as our hungry kisses became continuously broken by the gasps slipping past our lips.

My hands cupped his face softly, gasping as each movement of my hips somehow became more amusing than the last. He didn't take any reluctancy as he thrusted upwards into me, sending my body into a tremble as a load moan escaped my lips. He started panting, mouth loosely open as a small sweat began to build up.

"Fuck you feel good." He whispered, breaking his grasp against my waist to gently brush a long strand of my hair out of my face. I threw my head back again, feeling him grasp the back of my hair to to hold me close to him, letting me feel his hot and heavy breath brush past my ear.

He soon grew too tired of the position we were in, deciding to swiftly pull me down underneath him so he was on top of me. I let my arms wrap tightly around his back, scratching him slightly as his pace didn't slow.

"You dare-" I was suddenly cut off by another loud gasp coming from my lips as he moving his hips quicker than he had before. "God if you dare stop Roger." I mumbled, desperately clinging onto him, sending him almost crazy knowing I was aching for him.

My mouth dropped open as I felt him lazily kiss my neck, still pounding into me with zero hesitation. I felt my high become nearer, grasping onto him as he became slightly weaker. He knew I was close purely from the I was loosing it, and I knew he couldn't last too much longer, but he couldn't stop even if he tried.

"Fuck I'm gonna-"

"I know..." Roger stuttered, panting heavily as he felt me come undone beneath him. My head fell back, mouth wide open as he didn't stop- giving me no time to catch my breathe as I rode out my high. His breathe shuddered slightly as I closed around him, his hand grasping onto the side of the sofa to support himself.

I let my hands grasp his hair again, breathing heavily as his pace quickened for the last time. I kissed him lazily, only to feel his lips trail down to the familiar spot on neck and his hand grab my chest as he edged closer towards his own high.

"Fuck..." he groaned, his breathe shaky as he came. He didn't stop, or even slow down, not until he'd fully ridden out his orgasm and made sure I'd gotten over mine.

Roger crashed down besides me, sweaty and hot with messy hair, chucking to himself when he glanced at the mess I'd become. I laid beside him, completely out of breathe, my makeup slightly smudged and hair knotted, but he liked to argue I looked even better in that state.

"Fuck... that was good. That was really good." He chuckled, lighting two cigarettes between his lips before passing me one. It was good, it was probably undeniably the best sex of my entire twenty odd years of living, but he knew that.

"You can't tell a soul."

"Oh I won't. But we're doing that again sometime- that was fucking hot."

An- smut is really not my thing 😭😭

out of nothing but pure curiosity because there's definitely not one coming anytime soon in this fic... but how do you guys feel about kids ? I know some people like it when the character has a baby and some don't...

Anyways, like always thank you so much for reading :)

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