
By RachelAnn97

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It's like Wonderland. Except I'm not Alice, I'm Aston. And that's all I can remember. More



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By RachelAnn97

I couldn't handle the tension as I walked through the castle, even with Max at my side. I was waiting to hear her voice, or to see her and I felt like I would just shatter on the spot. Luckily, we made it all the way to my room and I collapsed on the chaise. I faintly heard Dru and Max whispering and then I heard the door open and close. Soon enough, Max was kneeling in front of me, gently tucking my hair behind my ear.

"What the hell happened?"

"Well, to start at the beginning, I talked to Arya about the letter."


"She said it was her mother's, but I didn't want her confirmation to be the nail in the coffin, you know? So I asked about Captain Hall and she told me he was still around, so I went and talked to him."

"You did what? Why? Without me? Do you know how dangerous that was?"

"It was fine, Max. I think he's been waiting for someone to ask about it. He told me everything. He even lost his son because of what he did. And yes, he did confirm that he sunk the ship on the orders of the Queen. He feels horrible."

"My mother... hold on. You've suspected my mother of this the whole time?"

"Not the whole time... Okay, maybe the whole time. I just haven't trusted her since the moment I met her. Something felt off."

"So, you suspected my mother killed my father and you're just now telling me?"

"Maybe I should've told you, but–"

"No, there isn't a but."

"Max, just listen to me for a second."

He huffed and stood up, crossing his arms. "Fine."

"I should've told you, and I would've, but how could I put that on you when you just found out your father didn't die in an accident? You wouldn't have listened to me, and you know it. It'd be like losing another parent."

"How can you even be sure Hall is telling you the truth?"

"There isn't a reason to lie. He incriminated himself."

"Maybe he just wanted a scapegoat. Wanted someone else to take the bigger fall."

"And wrote a letter to himself? In the exact handwriting of your mother? Then hid it in the castle's library where anyone could've found it?"

"Exactly! Why hide it here?"

"He probably wanted to distance himself as much as he could, so he left it here. And the only people that have enough power to take down the Queen are also in the castle, so..."

"Why kill my... my father?"

"She wants to rule."

"Then why would she offer to step down once I got married?"

"Please, she knew you wouldn't get married. Not to Karina anyway."

"None of this makes any sense. I need to go talk to her."

I jumped up and grabbed his hand. "No, don't. Look, when she arrested me, I was coming back to warn you about her. She'll do anything to hang on to the power she has, and if you go now she could do something to hurt you."

"She wouldn't hurt me."

"She would, Max. She would. Look at what she did to your father, and that hasn't affected her in the slightest. You need to stay away from her. We need to get out of here."

"What about Arya?"

"She can come with us."

He sighed and placed his hand over mine. "The first ball of the season is tonight. We'll go and show my mother that she can't intimidate us, then in the morning, we'll make our way back to Zena."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yes. She arrested you because she suspects you're up to something, we'll go and act normal and convince her that there's nothing she needs to be worried about."

I nodded.

"I'll come back in two hours and we'll walk down together."


He leaned in and kissed my temple, squeezed my hand then left. I stood there for a minute, worried and tense, then the door was opening again. I nearly ran and hid, but Arya appeared before I could.

"How are you doing?" she asked.

"I've definitely been better."

"I'm sure."

"Did he ask you to come babysit me?"

"Not in those exact words," she said, smiling slightly and taking my place on the chaise. "He's worried about you."

"He thinks I'm crazy, doesn't he?"

"No, not at all!"

"He doesn't believe me."

"He does, I know it. I think he's just processing everything. It's a lot to take in and the day is far from over."

I sat on my bed and crossed my legs, my hands running over the beautiful, soft fabric. "I told him that we should get out of here as soon as we can. You know, head home to New York... I suggested that you come with us."


I didn't need to look at her to hear the absolute shock in her voice. "Is that even something you would want?"

"To be honest, no. It's not that I don't love New York. I thought it was wonderful when I was there, but my friends and Maddox are here. I could never leave them behind and it's much too late to take them out of this world and put them in yours. It's so different, and I don't think they'd adjust the way Grant did. He really made that world his own."

"You must've missed him a lot."

"Oh yes," she laughed. "It took me a long time to get used to him being gone, but I knew he was making the right choice. This life wasn't meant for him. That's not to say he isn't amazing at it, because he is, but he's always needed something more. He's needed to follow his own path and be free. With everything going on, I feel so guilty. I should've never forced him to come back. He was happy and now..."

"No, you were right. He deserves to know the truth."

She sighed and stood. "Come on, let's find you a dress that will make you the center of attention."

"Um, I'm not sure that's the best idea."

"Everyone will be there tonight, and they need to know your name and recognize you."

"So the Queen won't be able to get rid of me without people asking questions," I realized.

"Exactly. I know how awful that sounds–"

"No, it's okay. I think it's smart."

She held her hand out to me and we went in the closet. She helped me pick out a dress that was jaw-dropping and helped me do my hair. I worried about the amount of time she'd have, but she assured me that she'd have help too, and she already knew what she was wearing.

I waited on the balcony for Max, which was a lot longer than I was expecting. I could hear the orchestra already playing. It was beautiful and I loved the way it sort of floated up to me. I just closed my eyes and listened, letting it calm me.

I heard footsteps behind me, and I took a deep breath. I knew it was Max and I could tell by his steps that he was nervous about something. I turned, watching as his eyes looked me up and down. When they finally landed on mine, he smiled and stepped closer.

"Where have you been?" I quietly asked. I could barely handle the way he was looking at me. It was intense and full of love.

"I had some business I needed to take care of."


He laughed and pulled me closer, my very full ball gown doing the most to keep us apart. "Everything's going to be fine, don't worry. You look absolutely gorgeous by the way."

"Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself, Your Highness," I teased, tilting his gold crown.

He playfully rolled his eyes. "Please don't ever call me that again."

"I still can't believe that this is all... real. You're a prince. I would've been a princess had we actually gotten married."

He lost his smile, his eyes turning sad. "I never should've let you leave."

"Max, it's okay. Really. If I hadn't, we never would've discovered the truth."

"Yeah, and you wouldn't be stuck here, away from all of your friends and family."

"I have you, and it's not like this is going to last forever. We'll have Zena send us back home, and then we can finally get married and start the life we both have always wanted."

He only slightly smiled, so it wasn't very reassuring. "There's something I want to ask you."

"Are you proposing again, because that's really not necessary."

"Not exactly." He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a ring. My ring. "I was hoping you'd wear this tonight."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm really sure. I want my mother to know that there will be no separating us."

"Oh..." Kind of disappointing.

"But it also belongs to you. Nothing would make me happier than seeing you wear this again. I love you, Aston. I'm in love with you, and I want nothing more than to be married to you."

I grinned and happily watched him slide the ring on my finger again. It felt just as amazing as the first time. "I love you."

His smile matched mine as I eagerly threw my arms around him. We stood there for the longest time, just holding each other and savoring this moment. It was the most peaceful I have felt since arriving here. I needed this.

"That's my grandmother's ring," I heard him whisper. "On my dad's side."

"It is?"

I felt him nod. "My mother has always wanted it, but my dad was determined to pass it in to me. He said it was good luck, because my grandparents had been married for over sixty years."

I leaned back so I could look at him. "And you chose me?"

"You're the only one I've ever wanted to give it to. Even when I was younger and knew I was probably going to marry Karina, I knew I was going to buy her a new one."

"I'm... so honored to be the one wearing it. Thank you."

"Come on, we should probably go join everyone."

I nodded and kept his hand laced with mine as he led the way from my room. As soon as we walked inside the lavishly decorated ballroom, I felt everyone's eyes focus on us. I tensed slightly as I looked around the room for Faye. Max soothing rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand, but it didn't help as much as it usually does.

I found her in the crowd and my heart pounded. Her eyes burned with anger as she looked at us (mainly me). Arya was there with Maddox, a good distance from Faye, as was Dru. Jasper and Sienna were there too, looking blissfully unaware of the surrounding tension.

I was impressed with how Max was handling everything. We slowly moved around the room as he greeted everyone by name. For having been gone for as long as he was, I can't believe he still knows and recognizes the people. I don't want to admit it, but I could see him being King of Matin. This comes so naturally to him. He could really do this. He could rule. And that terrifies me, because it means there wouldn't be an us anymore. We'd live our separate lives in our separate worlds.


I looked up at him, his voice breaking my intrusive thoughts.

"Would you mind waiting here for just a moment?"

"Oh, well..."

"I'll be very fast, but there's someone I need to talk to urgently. I'll have Dru come keep you company."


He nodded and quickly walked away, leaving me standing against the wall with a drink in my hand. I kept scanning the room, waiting for Dru to appear, but it seemed to be taking way too long, and just when I thought I should go looking for him, the last person I hoped to see showed up at my side.

"I see you've managed to find a way out of jail," Faye said.

"What did you expect? It was yourself that mentioned the feelings your son supposedly has for me."

"I'm quite aware, and I think it's gone beyond speculation now that his grandmother's ring adorns your finger. Or did you perhaps get that from someone else?"

"You mean, did I steal it?"

Her grin was smug and I hated it. "I know you're not capable of thievery."

"Having me arrested was all a big misunderstanding then?"

"Of course not."

"You had to have known Grant would get me out."

"I did."

"Then why bother?"

"As a warning to you."

"A warning," I repeated.

She nodded. "You seem to have forgotten your place, and I wanted to remind you. You're a guest, Aston, and regardless of whatever my son may feel for you, I won't hesitate to remove you."

I clenched my jaw as I chose my words. "From the castle or your life?"

Her sideways glance before she strolled away was answer enough.

Was it a shock that she would kill me? No. Is it a bit sobering to hear her say it in so many words? Yes. Part of me wants to beat her to the punch, but that wouldn't make me any better than her. If I want to get rid of her, I need to be smart about it. We need to do this the right way.

I was terrified of her, now I'm pissed. She's hurt so many people and she doesn't care about any of them. There's no remorse. I care though, and I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure she pays for what she's done.

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