Destiny Across Time: Book I ~...

Por bac0npizza

3.9K 253 38

NOTE: This is a fem reader story Book I: Young Y/N and her mother are two Irish immigrants who travel to Eng... Más

A New Beginning
First Meeting
Seven Years Later
A New Guest?/The Damsel in Distress
Enter Dio
Dio the Invader/First Kiss
Panic Attack
Another Seven Years Later
Have You Ever Done This Before?
The Fortune-Teller
Jojo & Dio's Return
This Is The End
The Dawn is Your Enemy
Bitter Sweet Symphony
La Luna
Whisper Words of Wisdom
Close Encounters
Return of the Butterflies
The Calm Before the Storm
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Cry Little Sister
Walk in Silence

Birthday Blues

190 14 0
Por bac0npizza

Word count: 2,652

A/N: There will be a trigger warning regarding rape at some point in this chapter. I will mark where it starts and ends. ⚠️


A month had gone by since Dio came to live with us. The relationship between him and Jojo was still nonexistent. Dio still got a kick out of seeing Jojo miserable and Jojo still resented him for it.

The same week of Dio's arrival, the two had a boxing match around all the other lads. I wasn't present, I was home helping Mother and the other women prepare dinner, but Jojo came home bloody and beaten. He didn't even let me see him afterwards. Dio came home shortly after without a scratch on him. It was then that I had figured out what had happened. I knew Jojo was going out to box with the lads.

Dio beat him, right? That's the only reason why he'd be upset. Poor Jojo, he must be in a lot of pain. If only he'd let me see him. It's not like I intend to make him feel worse. I thought to myself.

Over the following weeks, Jojo had been acting cold and distant. Every day I was seeing him less and less. I tried many times to spend time with him, but he'd blown me off every time. He'd say that he was busy and shut his room door on me or leave the manor. Sometimes Danny would follow me to my room and lie with me in bed. We hadn't even discussed the kiss since it happened, which is something I really wanted to talk about with him.

I've always intended to break up their friendship and take Y/N for myself, but it seemed Jojo was doing a fine job at ruining it on his own. He was pushing away his only real friend. I could tell it's starting to get to her. She won't be able to hold in her feelings for much longer.

Jojo, you're the only imbecile I know who could be so moronic. Soon, I'll be her shoulder to cry on and she'll forget everything she ever felt for you.

Today is March 28th. It's a perfect spring day. It was even more perfect because today, is my 11th birthday!

Mother wished me a happy birthday this morning and surprised me with a pretty scarf she knitted herself.

All the caregivers in the house surprised me with homemade sponge cake. I thanked them and gave them all the biggest hugs. Master Joestar gifted me a pair of gorgeous emerald/diamond earrings. He knew emeralds were my favorite stone.

I heard Jojo enter the mansion and immediately felt excited. I just really missed my friend.. I ran halfway across the stairs to meet him.

Maybe he'll finally spend some time with me today! He has to, right? On this day of all days.

"Jojo, I'm so glad you're here!" I smiled

"I won't be here for long, I just came back for a change." he said, running passed me and into his room.

I waited for him to get out of his room to talk to him.

What does he mean he won't be here for long? He just came back to change and leave again?

Jojo finally opened his door, but before I could say anything he was already dashing down the stairs again. He was wearing his same attire from earlier.

Whatever he changed into, he must be wearing it under his clothes.

Before he could run out the door I was able to stop him.

"Wait, Jojo!" I yelled.

"Yes, Y/N?" he asked, looking back at me.

"Where are you going? I was hoping to spend some time with you today." I exclaimed.

"I'm afraid I can't today, Y/N. I've already made plans. I'll see you at dinner, okay?" And with that, he was gone. He also took Danny with him.

Did he forget my birthday? He never forgets. Jojo always surprised me with something.

I stood at the doorway not really knowing what to do. I felt this aching in my heart. Like the butterflies I feel in my stomach but in my heart this time. It didn't feel the same though. It felt mean. I sat on the doorsteps on the verge of tears. Suddenly, I thought back to when Jojo surprised me for my 7th birthday. I remember opening my door to him holding a bullfrog in his hands.

"I caught it for you, Y/N! I know how much you love frogs, but you can never seem to catch one. So, I caught one for you."

Thinking back to the memory began to make me cry. I started fiddling with my thumbs to help calm me down, but it was too late. The tears were already coming down.

I don't even care that he forgot my birthday. I just miss him. Why has he been so distant. I thought the kiss we shared would bring us closer together, but we've only grown apart.

I sniffled and suddenly, I heard the door open behind me. Whoever it was they were walking down the steps now.

It's probably just Mother coming to check on me.

"Are you alright, Y/N?"

My eyes widened. The voice belonged to Dio. He then sat beside me on the steps.

"Oh, it's you." I said as I wiped my tears. "Hello, Dio."

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

I was a sniffling mess. "Well, Jojo has been so distant with me lately. I miss him a lot. And on top of that, he forgot my birthday today. He just ran off."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Lady Rosemary mentioned your birthday to me the other day. That's why I got you gift. I hope you don't mind." he gave me a small grin.

"Oh, Dio, you shouldn't have. You really didn't have to." I said looking into his amber eyes. He really did have beautiful eyes. They were mesmerizing.

"It's nothing big." He pulled a book out of his back pocket. "Its just one of my favorite novels. I noticed you reading Dracula and figured you enjoyed reading."

I giggled and cried even more. There's no doubt in my mind my cry face looked awful, but I couldn't help it. "You noticed." I said grabbing the book from him.

It was Pride And Prejudice.

"Pride And Prejudice? What's it about?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Truthfully, it's one of the most romantic novels I've ever read. I just felt that you'd like it."

I smiled. "I'm sure I will. Thank you, Dio. I'll start it right away."

He chuckled. "Now, what exactly were you going to do today?"

"Well, I wanted to spend the day with Jojo, but he's gone."

There was a moment of silence before Dio spoke.

"I can spend the day with you. If that's alright with you of course."

He wants to spend time with me? But he's done so much to hurt Jojo...
No, Y/N, forget about Jojo for the day. He forgot your birthday.

"O-okay. That sounds like fun."

Don't even think about Jojo today. It's just me and Dio.

"So, what did you have in mind?" He asked.

"Hmm.... we can walk around town or by the creek. Any place where we can talk and get to know each other." I smiled at him.

"Alright let's walk to the creek then." He stood up and held his hand out to me, waiting for me to grab ahold.
(Trigger warning starts here ⚠️)

On our way to the creek, we asked each other questions in attempt to get to know one another.

I knew nothing about Dio's father except for that he was there when Jojo's mother died. I thought he'd be a good man. But when Dio talked about Dario, it seemed he was anything but.

"I'm ashamed to be related to him. He was an abusive drunkard. He never cared about Mother and me." he explained. "I blame him for my mother's death. He sent her to an early grave." My attention turned to him. Dio appeared to be sorrowful. "Once, he made me pawn my Mother's clothing for booze money. It was all that I had left to remind me of her. She was young and beautiful, and she deserved better than Dario. That's why I felt no remorse when he died."
I decided to hold his hand. It was clear that he was feeling hurt. "I'm sorry, Dio." was all I could think to say.

I'm glad he's here and away from that environment.

He looked at me briefly and held my hand tighter.

"I don't have a father." I said, holding his hand. "It's always been my mother and me."

"Why is that? I hope you don't mind me asking." he said to me.

I stopped in my tracks, causing him to stop as well. "If I tell you, you promise to never tell anyone. Not even Jojo can know about this." I turned to him and looked directly into his eyes.

Dio nodded in return. "You have my word."

I faced forward and began walking again, Dio following.

"I once overheard a conversation my mother and Master Joestar were having in his study once. So, I decided to eavesdrop outside the door because the subject of my father came up." I inhaled a deep breath and exhaled. "She's never mentioned my father in all these years, so I'm naturally curious because I don't know anything about the man."

I paused for a moment before continuing. "I guess it's too painful for my mum to discuss with me. She still doesn't know that I'm aware of what happened. "

Dio waited patiently for me to continue.

"My mother had nothing in Ireland. She had no support, no family, no money. Personally, I believe that she ran away from home." I explained.

"At the age of 15 she was practically homeless. One night she was found on the streets by an older man. He took advantage of her."

Dio's eyes had widened at my words.

"And as a result, I was conceived. She was already a mother by the time she had reached 16 years of age."

I looked straight ahead and began to think about Ireland, before coming to England.

"When I was born, Mother was able to obtain a small job and a home. It was more of a shanty than a house. We lived there until I was 4."

"She had heard about the Joestar's through a friend and it was that same acquaintance who arranged for us to travel to England and work for the Joestars."

"And that's why you're here." said Dio.

"Yes, it was this reason that my mother is so thankful to be here. Although Ireland had it's problems at the time, I believe my mother was desperate to leave that life behind. I can't say I blame her."

Tears began to form in my eyes. "I'm afraid that I'm a constant reminder of her previous life. She must find it repulsive to look at me sometimes."

Dio grabbed my hand and stopped me. "No, don't say that."

I turned and looked into his amber eyes as he talked. "I may have only been here for a short time, but it is very apparent that your mother cares deeply about you. Be grateful that she's in your life still and has brought you here with her."

Now the tears were coming down.

Thank you, Dio.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face against his chest as I wept. And then, I felt his arms tightly around my waist, his head rested against mine.

(Trigger warning over! ⚠️)


As Y/N wept against me, I was feeling terrible for her. I didn't want her feeling this way. She should be happy on her birthday.

She's not like most of the girls I've met. Y/N is delicate and beautiful. She's patient, intelligent, open-minded, and gentle. I can relate to the pain she hides from the world.

I began to feel angry with Jojo.

She deserves better than that fool, Jojo. He couldn't even remember her birthday. He's been distant from her. How could anyone want to get away from Y/N.

I, Dio Brando, promise to protect you, Y/N. I'll always do my best to be there for you. When I take this world for all it's worth, I'll take you with me


After our talk together and our long embrace, we continued our walk together. We talked about happier things like hobbies and interests.

Dio told me that he enjoyed reading and loved art. He was interested in the more sophisticated things in life. I also found out that he does want to attend college and become a lawyer.

He asked what I wanted to do with my life, but I told him I wasn't sure yet. All I knew is that I enjoyed reading and writing, and studying history.

Dio suggested that I consider teaching literature or history which made me laugh.

Perhaps I will, Dio.

We made it to mine and Jojo's tree by the creek.

"This is where Jojo and I come to play. We've been coming to this very same tree with Danny since we were little."

"It is nice and quiet here." He replied. "And the sound of the water from the creek nearby is not so bad."

I walked up to the tree ready to sit against it when something caught my attention. The tree had been carved into.

Jojo? Erina?

Erina, that girl that was being picked on by those two older boys. It all makes sense now. He's been spending time with her this entire time.

I guess that means our kiss no longer means anything for us.

"Is something wrong, Y/N?" asked Dio.

I looked down at the ground, my heart aching.

"No. Let's just go home." I said, walking in the direction of the mansion.


I looked at the tree and saw what was carved into its trunk.

I see.

Hmph, what a fool. Things just get easier every day.

I need to show Y/N that there's no need to waste time moping over Jojo. I'll make her forget that he even exists.

But soon, I'll need to find this girl, Erina.

An idea suddenly came to me. I took my switchblade out of my pocket and began carving on the other side of the tree.


Pretty quickly I noticed that I wasn't being followed by Dio. I turned around to see that he was still by the tree.


Great, now he's writing something on the tree as well.

I turned around and made my way back to the tree which I didn't want to do. The last thing I wanted was to be reminded of Jojo and Erina.

He was still scratching into the poor tree. "Dio, what are you doing!?" I yelled, walking towards him. He ignored me and proceeded to carve into the tree.

When I got to him, I felt the butterflies in my stomach as I looked at what he had carved.


Around our names, a big heart with an arrow through it. 💘

My face flushed as he put his switchblade back into his pocket.
I looked into his golden eyes at a loss for words.


He softly chuckled and grabbed one of my hands.

"C'mon, let's go."

Our fingers intertwined. We made our way back home. The whole time I was a nervous wreck. I kept looking at him in the corner of my eye as we held hands. I'm sure he could feel that my palm was sweaty. He began rubbing his thumb in circles around my hand


He must have noticed because after that thought I heard a chuckle out of him.


Hello readers! So, what did you think of this chapter?

Dio and Y/N will definitely be growing a lot closer as the story goes on.
How will Jojo feel about it?
Find out next time on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

Jk 😂 Honestly, I have a lot of fun writing this story. I always think about the different directions I can take the story in, in the future. There's always different plot points that come to mind and I'm excited to keep it going.

Thank you, for reading.

Till next time! 💖💖💖


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