By delulugirliesunite

12.6K 315 594

ON HOLD! โ๐™‡๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™จ ๐™–๐™จ ๐™– ๐™›๐™š๐™š๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ, ๐™—๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ช๐™š ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™– ๐™˜๐™๐™ค๐™ž๐™˜๐™š. ๐˜ผ... More

โœง W E L C O M E โœง
PR ~ a friend
PR ~ hogwarts
Y3 ~ dancing together
Y3 ~ together
Y3 ~ layra
Y3 ~ sisters
Y3 ~ magical
Y3 ~ flirty much?
Y3 ~ edith
Y3 ~ detention with diggory
Y3 ~ sirius black
Y3 ~ quidditch
Y3 ~ father?
Y3 ~ christmas
Y3 ~ jealousy
Y3 ~ kissing a grandma
Y3 ~ prophecy
Y3 ~ truth
Y3 ~ love, dad
Y4 ~ reunion

PR ~ betrayed

983 26 65
By delulugirliesunite

"I'm sorry Clara, that's my last word."

Let Her Go - Passenger
Wordcount - 2573


31 October, 1981 - With Sirius & Clara

"How's she?" Clara asked Sirius who held the one year old Y/n gently in his embrace.

"Just wonderful" He smiled and placed a soft kiss on the top of Y/n's head.

Clara sighed. "You know, I really wished we could've went over to James' and Lily's today, you remember last time Y/n and Harry met? They love playing with each other!" She zoomed out for just a bit, the corner of her lips twitching upwards at a memory of Y/n and Harry building Kapla.

Sirius smiled sadly and put Y/n down in her cradle. "I know, but you've got to stay hidden. You know that, Voldemort's after you because of your powers and-"

Clara cut him off with a soft kiss, "-and if I die Y/n will get my powers and responsibility which would practically kill her since she's just a baby."

Sirius took a deep breath. It had hit him hard the day when Clara told him about her powers. About how they, according to Dumbledore might be the thing that could stop Voldemort. He could see it in her eyes, her body wasn't showing it but he knew, that deep down she was beyond anxious and it was overwhelming with the responsibilities and the trust Dumbledore had put in her.

He hated the fact that Dumbledore seemed to see Clara as more of a weapon than a human being. He occasionally came over to talk to Clara about everything he knew about her powers, about her training and about how she is the one to stop Voldemort. She didn't let Dumbledore know about the times she'd collapsed out of pure tiredness after a training, she wanted to show him that she was strong enough to take Voldemort down. The only one who knew about all of this was Sirius. He'd talked to Dumbledore about it, telling him that it was much for Clara-- especially with a baby. But he didn't seem to listen, he said she was doing well in her practices and her strengths was slowly coming back after her pregnancy.

Sirius and Clara were kept hidden under a Fidelius charm as well as James and Lily, Voldemort was after them all and Clara was yet too weak to take him down. She desperately wanted to end him, but her attempts of doing so was stopped by either Sirius or Dumbledore. Sirius because he was worried for her, and Dumbledore because he wanted her to be as strong as possible while facing the darkest wizard of all time.

Clara felt guilty sitting hidden in the safety while other innocent people were murdered because of a cold-hearted man. Scratch that, the dude had no heart, judging by the way he acted. And Clara, being the one who could stop all this wasn't allowed to just yet, it broke her heart-- thinking about all those people that could be killed in this exact moment.

With James & Lily

James and Lily were looking through an album of baby pictures they, along with Sirius and Clara, had made for Harry and Y/n when they got older, both of them longing to embarrass them with the funny pictures-- yet not wanting them to grow up so fast.

"It's so sad Clara and Sirius couldn't make it here tonight, Harry loves playing with Y/n and I really miss my girl."

"And I miss Pads" James said, but lightened up when he saw a picture of Harry and Y/n's head sticking out of his invisibility cloak. "Look!" He said, pointing at the picture whit a sly grin on his face. "That's from when me and Paddy threw my invisibility cloak over Harry and Y/n and they destroyed Mrs. Black's vase."

Lily sighed dramatically at the memory. "It was horrible."

James smirk grew wider. "Oh it was extremely funny too!"

Lily rolled her eyes and turned to the next page which showed Harry and Y/n kissing, well-- not kissing exactly.  Lily and Clara had arranged their babies a playdate and had given them spaghetti and meatballs.

Sirius said that it wouldn't be a real 'date' if they didn't kiss. Lily and Clara wasn't a fan of the idea, but both James and Sirius insisted and the plan, (which had come from James who had gotten inspiration from Lady and The Tramp) was set in motion.

James put one end of a spaghetti in Harry's mouth and Sirius put the other end in Y/n 's mouth. It took a few tries since Y/n had spit out her spaghetti during the first attempts.

But finally, it seemed to work. Harry and Y/n had just eaten their spaghetti string with no idea what was actually going on. Sirius and James had watched excitedly and their eyes had grown wider the closer their babies got. Clara and Lily just shook their heads with amused smiles on their faces as Y/n and Harry's lips touched.

James and Sirius had jumped up and down, squealing like small girls during the moment and of course James was fast to the camera and managed to snap a picture of the 'kiss'.

Y/n and Harry were both quite oblivious of what was going on the whole time, so when their lips touched they had just jumped backwards a little bit, looking at the other confusedly.

"The best moment of my life..." James sighed dreamily and drew one of his fingers gingerly over the picture.

Lily cleared her throat loudly which made James jump a bit. "No-- the best moment was probably when me, Moony and Pads pranked Snivellus while Wormtail was in detention with McGonagall, you should've seen the look on-"

Lily cut him off by clearing her throat again, louder. James widened his eyes as he realized what she meant.

"I-I mean the best moment of my life was obviously marrying you, Mrs. Potter." He said, god damnit, he never stammered.

"That's my husband." Her face broke into a smile and pulled him into a lustful kiss.


They broke apart with wide eyes, the door had been broken.

James ran over to the window, he was able to catch a glimpse of the man who brutally entered their house; Voldemort.

"Fuck, I've got to alert Lynx and Pads-- I can't believe it!"

James grabbed his wand and produced his patronus, his usual stag appeared and he quickly told it to warn his dear friends.

The stag nodded and disappeared. James pulled Lily into one last kiss. It was quick, probably the quickest kiss they'd ever shared, yet, every emotion they both were feeling was shared and put into it.

"I'll go fight him off," James said. "Stay here, protect yourself and Harry, I love you."

Lily watched in terror as James disappeared out of the room to face his destiny. "I love you too" She whispered with shaky voice as her eyes watered.

She looked to the side where Harry sat in his cradle, she spoke to him softly, "Be brave Harry, I won't let him get to you..."

She looked a little to the left, James wand lied there. He must've dropped it.



James ran down the stairs, he knew that he'd protect Harry and Lily until his death. But reaching for his wand, he wasn't able to find it.

Shit, he must've dropped it upstairs.

He looked up to meet the burning, yet cold eyes of Lord Voldemort. He made a quick decision. If he was gonna die, he was gonna do it with pride.

"I may not have a wand, but I have these," He nodded at his fists. "And I'll just punch you in the fucking nose-- oh.. wait"

Voldemort raised his wand furiously.

"I'll just kick you in the balls ins-"

"Avada Kedavra"

Lord Voldemort made his way up the stairs, not even taking a moment for James' body. He slowly opened the door to the room where Harry and Lily was. Lily talked to Harry, told him everything was going to be okay. She turned to meet the dark eyes of Lord Voldemort, to meet the same destiny as her husband.

"Please- please just don't hurt Harry" She begged, tears falling down her eyes as she stood up in front of the cradle Harry was in.

"Foolish girl!" Voldemort showed no mercy, he raised his wand. The baby needed to die and if it took him to kill the mother too- even better.

"Avada Kedavra"

Lily screamed, falling to the floor, her screamed died out and silence fell over the Potter's household in Godric's Hollow. Harry watched the scene, tears falling down his oblivious green eyes as he watched his mother laying on the floor.

With Sirius & Clara

A patronus appeared in the room they were in.

"A stag," Sirius said. "It's James!"

The Stag spoke, but as it spoke Sirius body went numb. His eyesight became foggy and his eyes watered. Clara stared at the Stag in horror, her eyes watering as well.

"I've got to go to them." Sirius said numbly.

"If you go, I go. I can stop him, I know I can!" Clara protested.

"No, Clara, Dumbledore made himself clear, you're yet too weak and you've got to watch over Y/n."


"No love, I'll see you later. I love you" He pulled Clara into a quick, yet meaningful kiss. Their lips parted and Sirius gave her one last, sad smile before he apparated to the Potter's with a crack.

"I love you too." Clara mumbled when he was gone.


Sirius entered the silent and destroyed household. He was holding back tears by just the sight of it. He told himself that Prongs and Lily were okay. Over and over he repeated the words in his head; 'they're safe'.

Then he saw James' body on the floor.

"Fucking boggart" He cursed under his breath and raised his wand at James' lifeless body. It was not the time for this bullshit.

"Riddikulus" He said confidently. His mind had already persuaded itself that Lily and James were alive. But as he said 'Riddikulus for the seventh time it started go down for him.

"Fuck.. no.. no.. no..." Sirius dropped down beside James dead body. He shook it violently.

"PRONGS FUCKING WAKE UP! DON'T DO THIS TO ME! PRONGS- Prongs..." He sobbed over his best friends body. The best friend who had been with him through wet and dry, comforted him when his family had turned against him, pranked with him, laughed with him, longed after girls they never thought they would get... "Prongs..- I- I can't.."

He broke down completely.

After his desperate tries to get James back to life he shakily made his way upstairs. The chance was minor, but maybe Lily was alive and if not Lily at least his godson, Harry.

He looked through every room until he found the room Lily and Harry was in. Well, now it was only Harry.

Lily were laying on the floor, lifeless as well. Sirius kneeled beside her, still with tears gleaming in his eyes. His hands were trembling as he shook Lily's body. His voice was shaky as he whispered; "Lily.. please.. wake up.." Nothing.

Lastly, he turned to Harry who was sitting in his cage. Tears were falling down his cheeks as he watched everything in front of him.

"Harry" Sirius whispered shakily. "Oh Harry.."

With Clara

"Did- did they..?" Clara asked shakily as Dumbledore came over.

Dumbledore nodded shortly and Clara gasped. She put a hand over her mouth as tears fell from her eyes.

"You're not safe here, not if he knows where you're staying too," Dumbledore said. "You need to disappear completely."

"But you said Voldemort was gone..?" said Clara worriedly.

"For now, yes," Dumbledore said. "But I'm sure that he'll come back eventually and when that happens, you need to be prepared. You are his target, as well as Y/n since she's the only one you can pass on your power too. If he takes you both, the power are gone and probably also the chances of get rid of him for good." Dumbledore said.

Clara nodded, her eyesight was foggy due to her watery eyes. She was still in shock and beyond mad at herself. If she'd only gave it a few more tries. Maybe she'd managed to destroy Voldemort before this day and James and Lily would still be alive. She took the blame for it. And she took it hard.

"I've decided to put Y/n in a muggle household where she's safer. Then you'll get a better chance to increase your powers and a better chance to hide."

"No.., no you can't do that!" Clara was now sobbing. "Y-you can't take her..- please don't take her!"

"I'm sorry Clara, that's my last word."

"W- wait just.. let me."

She took off her golden necklace and clasped the thin, golden chain in place around Y/n's neck.

The necklace was shaped as a small golden roll, the inside consisted of a rolled up parchment that Clara had received right before her mother passed away. Everything about her powers was described on the parchment. Everything from how they worked and how she had received them.

The Golden roll was charmed, only the current owner was able to open it and the roll was only able to open once.

"Just in case" Clara whispered, and Dumbledore nodded understandably. If Clara somehow passed before Voldemort was defeated, Y/n was the one the powers would be passed on to. And if Clara died, there was a high chance Voldemort would steal the necklace in the process. Therefor, it was safer with Y/n.

"Make sure she always has it on" Clara said. "Promise me to keep her safe."

Dumbledore nodded, but that wasn't enough for Clara. She wanted his word on it. She had her wand at his throat when she hissed. "Promise me."

"Yes, Clara, I promise to keep her safe." Clara let her wand slip back into her pocket. Then she grabbed Y/n. She kissed the oblivious baby on the head and whispered; "Be safe... be strong Y/n, I love you.."

She hesitantly handed over Y/n to Dumbledore as tears flooded her eyes. She took one last look at the little Y/n before Dumbledore and Y/n disappeared with a crack. Little did he know, she didn't plan to disappear completely from Y/n's life. She would always be by her side no matter what, and if Dumbledore thought she'd leave her baby to him just like that, he was so wrong.


A/N: Wooh introduction done! I'm actually pretty pleased with my plot! I think this will make quite a story, don't you think? :D

Hope you enjoyed this, and thank you once again for reading!

Please vote, and above all comment. I love reading comments, I really do and I would love to get your opinions on each chapter! Please also leave suggestions of what I could do further into the book? Who knows, I might add some of your ideas if they fit in the plot!

QOTD: Have someone ever betrayed you?

Me: Wish I could say no, but yes.

See y'all next week my fellow Harold P. simps 🤺

- Clair Potter (married into the family of course) <3

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