S@D [N@A Season 2]

By samadhishwetha

328 74 19

Hi! I'm Amelia. Everyone has a past. That past can destroy the present and destroy hope for the future. Drugs... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's note

Chapter 4

14 4 4
By samadhishwetha

"Mom, I'm leaving" Soren shouted from the couch.

"Okay, sweetheart, be careful" Aurora greeted with him a flying kiss.

"No alcohol, no drugs, no sex" Nicolo shouted.

"You know about me, dad" Soren shouted back.

"That's why we are afraid" Sarah chuckled.

"Are you jealous Babygirl?" I asked Sarah as I entered the house.

"No" She pouted and looked away. Soren went with his friend by that friend's car. They followed the location which Diego had sent them.

"Wow, Diego's house is amazing," said Soren who got off of the car.

"Ya, you know, he is rich. His father is a businessman" Zen wrapped his arm around Soren's shoulder.

"Hey, Soren, welcome" Diego gave him a bro hug.

"Hey. This is a nice place" Soren shrugged his shoulders while he was staring at that place.

"Have fun boys, alcohol, drugs, and anything you want" said Diego with a strange grin. Soren smiled slightly although he didn't reply. Diego was a fierce player. Shawn understood it but Soren did not. Because he was accustomed to seeing only the good in people and not the bad. That was his weakness.

"Wow, that's what I wanted" Zen smirked terribly. It was normal for boys that age to do such things, but if those things get out of control, it could be dangerous. Soren wasn't a nerd, but he had some control over those things.

"Hey hottie" A drunken blonde girl approached him and tried to seduce him. Soren barely got rid of her because he didn't like those types of girls.

"Yo, boys" They were approached by a man who looked quite strong and was in his forties.

"Dad!" Diego hugged him.

"Who is this handsome boy?" Dexter, I mean Diego's dad pointed at Soren.

"Oh! He is one of my friends, Soren Johnes" Diego introduced Soren to his dad.

"Nice to meet you, sir!" They shook hands.

"You are as handsome as your dad" Dexter threw down the cigarette he was smoking and stepped on it.

"Sir, do you know him?" Soren raised his eyebrows in amazement.

"Ya, I know him. Your dad has may forget me, but I know him well. He is a very successful man" Dexter said dryly.

"Are you like business partners?" Soren asked politely.

"Ya, you can think so if you like" There was a smirk on Dexter's face. Soren couldn't understand that expression and he was confused.

"Did you invite Diana?" Soren asked, looking around for her.

"Nope, we don't invite fucking nerds, man" Zen smirked.

"Why are you looking for her?" Diego placed his arm on Soren's shoulder and raised his eyebrow.

"Nothing, I just wanted to bully her, you know" Soren rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.

"Let's chill boys" Diego dragged them to the dance floor.

"This is amazing" Soren shouted.

"You guys only can have fun if you have friends like us. But we still haven't had the real fun" Diego shouted back as he danced with a drunken girl.

"What's that?" Zen shrugged.

"You may find out" Diego chuckled. Tired of dancing, they came to a rather comfortable room in his large house. They fell into a big bed in the living room in one pack.

"Now, it's time to go" Soren tried to stand up from the bed.

"No dude, Let's drink something" Diego winked.

"But I have eaten a lot of things so there is no more space in my stomach" Soren rubbed his stomach.

"Even for a Jack Daniel shot," Diego asked as he poured some Jack Daniels into a shot glass.

"Woah" One of the boys lying in bed woken up as if shocked by a current.

"Yeah" Diego offered the shot glass to Soren.

"No, I don't want" Soren rejected it with disgust.

"Why? Just chill up" Diego was trying hard to feed it to Soren. By then, Diego had leaned Soren against the wall.

"Just drink this" Diego shouted.

"No, I can't" Soren looked away because he wanted to escape.

"Why? Dude" Zen asked as he laughed frantically.

"I promised dad, I wouldn't use alcohol" Soren crossed his arms over his chest.

"Wtf, you are so childish," said a boy with an annoying voice.

"Do you want to be a good son or enjoy your life? Just don't be an idiot. Listen, no one will know about this. Your shitty friend isn't even here. The other is that you are no longer a child. There is a limit to how much your parents can interfere with your life. You also want to be free. The decision is yours?" Soren looked at the shot glass and looked at the boys again as if Diego's words had made some change in Soren's mind.

"I can't do this" Soren pushed Diego's hand away.

"Look, guys, College's hottie is even afraid of alcohol" Diego burst out with a laugh. The other boys also laughed at him mockingly. Soren never wanted to be ridiculed or repulsed. It was a weakness that Nicolo also had before. Soren's eyes were burning with a strong reluctance to be second and a young stubbornness. Soren snatched the shot glass from Diego's hand and drank it in one gulp. Soren could feel an immediate burning sensation as it went into his mouth and down the delicate lining of his esophagus. It was a burn that could eventually kill his body's living tissues. He let out a sigh of relief from his mouth, which was dry from alcohol, and took the shot glass away from his lips.

"Damn!" Diego's eyes widened.

"Now is the real party" Zen shouted as he wrapped his arms around Soren's neck. Everyone except Diego started drinking, everyone was intoxicated and swaying around enjoying the cruelty and temporary pleasure of being drunk.

"Here you go" Diego placed a white powder on the table.

"What's that?" asked a drunken boy.

"Just another pleasure" there was a grin on Diego's face. "Inhale this" He made Soren inhale that. Soren was so unconscious that he did what Diego said without any second thought. Soren inhaled it through his nostrils and that powder was absorbed into the bloodstream through the nasal tissues. If Shawn had been there, he would never have allowed that. We trusted Soren because he wasn't a bad guy but we forgot to found about his surroundings. That was a big mistake we made. If he got out of control the situation would be much worse because was a bit weak in self-control. That night was a prelude to a catastrophe. Soren broke the promise.

.... Soren's home...

"It's too late for him to come home now" Nicolo looked at his phone.

"Don't be rash. His friends may have invited him to a sleepover" Aurora tried to calm him down.

"But he must inform about that" Nicolo was a little bit angry.

"Don't worry" That was Luc.

"I have told you not to trust him so much. Who knows what he might be doing now. If I had gone, I would have been a little more careful about him. Shawn didn't go either" Sara said as she pouted and looked away.

"Do you trust Shawn more than Soren?" Nicolo sat next to her.

"No" Sarah looked at the ground to hide her expression. During all this time I was in my room and kept calling him but he did not answer a single call. Then I texted him but there were no replies. I was shocked.

"Babe, why are you so stressed?" Luc entered the room and sat next to me on the bed.

"You know, why is he so late?" I rested my head on his shoulder.

"He is a boy. It's possible" Luc said as he rubbed my hair.

"But" I felt like he was in trouble for something.

"Relax," he said very calmly.

"He has never ignored my phone calls," I said annoyingly.

"Alright" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"My head hurts a little" I rested my head on his lap and he started rubbing my head.

"Why?" He placed his index finger on my forehead and pressed so gently.

"I don't know" I felt very uncomfortable. I got a call from Soren as Luc rubbed my forehead.

.... Diego's house...

"Who's Amelia?" Diego picked up Soren's phone on the table. Diego looked back because he felt a touch on his shoulder.

"Another bitch responsible for your grandpa's death," Dexter said terribly.

"May I answer this?" asked Diego.

"Yeah, tell her that he's staying here tonight" Dexter suggested.

...Soren's home...

"He answered" I suddenly stood up.

"Hello! Where are you? We are looking for you" I said quickly but there was no answer.

"Soren," I asked curiously.

"Um sorry, I'm Diego" I was answered in an unfamiliar voice.

"Where is Soren?" I asked directly.

"He's here," said Diego without any politeness.

"Isn't he coming home?" I asked.

"Nope, He's staying here tonight," Diego said so dryly.

"Oh! Is he okay?" I asked because I wanted to know whether he was okay.

"Yeah, he is" I hated that voice.

"Can I talk to him?" I wanted to hear Soren's voice.

"Oops, he has fallen asleep. He'll come home tomorrow morning" Diego said.

"Alright, tell him that I missed him" I hung up. I thanked God because I was able to hear that he was okay. But actually, he wasn't.

"Hey" I ran to the living room. Luc also followed me.

"Soren informed me that he was invited for a sleepover," I said happily.

"Oh really?" Nicolo raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Thank God" Aurora let out a sigh of relief.

"Now, I want to go to sleep," Sarah said as she went upstairs.

"Sweet dreams Babygirl" Aurora shouted.

"Without Shawn, right?" Nicolo said strangely.

"I told you not to be rushed," said Luc as he left the living room. Nicolo nodded. I also went to our room because that day I was suffering from something which I couldn't even explain. I felt like my head was going to explode.

"Are you still suffering from that headache?" asked Luc who was able to recognize my expressions.

"Yeah, a little bit" I rubbed my forehead.

"Do you want some medicine?" He placed his palm on my forehead as if checking whether I had a fever.

"I had some. This will go away after a good night's sleep" I said in a low voice.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded. "So, sleep" I cuddled into him and closed my eyes.

...Diego's house...

"This is just the beginning. I'll make their lives a living hell" Dexter said terribly as he stared at the Soren who was intoxicated and getting addicted to drugs. That was so horrible to see Soren like that. 

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